HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeeting Hall Sound System *AfFOL� ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC �O� C Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER ,�.. ® ®�. Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID OPENING Meeting Hall AV_Proiect Bid Opening 6/21/18 2:00 PM l Two(2) Bids PBXstore Inc. $69, 516.54 130 Knickerbocker Ave Suite 1 Bohemia,NY 11716 (631)567-2300 Adwar Video $51,650.70 125 Gazza Blvd. Farmingdale,NY 11735 (631) 777-7011 ` J IF AV Equipment Sales &Service System Design & Installation ID, Programming Services Repair & Rental . ,,. Consulting 125 Gazza Blvd.•Farmingdale,NY 11735•Phone:631-777-7070•Fax:631-777-7011 •www.adwarvideo.com•sales@adwarvideo.com June 19,2018 Southold Town Clerk's Office Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Dear Sir/Madam: Submitted herewith is Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a Adwar Video's bid for Bid Solicitation Title: Town of Southold: Meeting Hall AV Proiect. Enclosed with this bid,please find the following documentation as requested: • Two sets of bid documents • Non-Collusive Bid Certificate • Copy of Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a Adwar Video Board Resolution • Sections 1 —4 • Quote#AAAQ41819-07 • Statement of Confirmation with Prevailing Wage Agreement This letter is Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a Adwar Video's official submittal and confirmation of documents submitted for the Meeting Hall AV Project. If any additional information or documentation may be required,please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Pamela Dandic Office Manager BID PROPOSAL Town of Southold Request for Bids: Meeting Hall AV Project Opening Date: June 21, 2018 Opening Time: 2:00 PM Submitted By: Video Hi-Tech Corporation d/b/a Adwar Video 125 Gazza Blvd., Farmingdale, NY 11735 631 777-7070, ext. 120 Pam@AdwarVideo.com STATEMENT OF NON-COLLUSION (To be completed by each Bidder) In accordance with Section 103-d General Municipal Law, effective September 1, 1966, every bid or proposal hereafter made to a political subdivision of the State of any public department, agency, or official thereof or to a fore district or any agency or official thereof for work or services performed or to be performed or goods sold or to be sold, shall contain the following statement subscribed to by the bidder and affirmed by such bidder as true under the penalties of perjury; non-collusive bidding certification. A. By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury,that to the best of knowledge and belief: (1) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or any competitor. (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly,to any other bidder or to any competitor. (3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership, or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. B. The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, and under the statements contained in this certification, and under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder, as well as the person signing in its behalf. C. That attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certified copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate by the signature of this bid or proposal on behalf of the corporate bidder. RESOLUTION Resolved that Pamela Dandic of the (Name of signatory) Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a Adwar Video Be authorized to sign and submit the bid (Name of Corporation) Or proposal of this corporation for the following Project: Town of Southold: Meeting Hall AV Project and to include in such bid or proposal the certificate as to non-collusion required by section one-hundred-three- d (103-d) of the General Municipal Law as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or miss-statements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury. Video Hi-Tech Corp. The foregoing is true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by d/b/a Adwar Video _corporation at a meeting of the Board of Directors,held on the 9th day of May , 20 16 (SEAL OF THE CORPORATION) Laws of New York, 1965 Ch. 751, Sec. 103-d, as amended & effective on September 1, 1965. Signature 1 AAV Equipment Sales & Service 1 #�_ System Design & Installation Programming Services f ® Repair & Rental -- Consulting 125 Gazza Blvd.•Farmingdale,NY 11735•Phone:631-777-7070•Fax:631-777-7011 •www.adwarvideo.com•sales@adwarvideo.com Board Resolution Of Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a Adwar Video The undersigned,being of Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a Adwar Video, organized and existing under the laws of New York, and having its principal place of business at 125 Gazza Blvd, Farmingdale,NY 11735 (the"Corporation"),hereby certify that Pamela Dandic, Office Manager is authorized to sign and submit the bid or proposal of this corporation for the following project Town of Southold: Meeting Hall AV Project (PROJECT) and to include with such bid or proposal the certificate as to non-collusion required by section one hundred three-d of the General Municipal Law as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury. The foregoing is true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a Adwar Video corporation at a meeting of its board of directors held on the 9th day of May, 2016. President (Seal of Corporation) s ID= Town Of Southold REQUEST FOR BIDS: Meeting Hall e4V Project SECTION 1: Proposer's Financial Stability Adwar Video is located at 125 Gazza Blvd, Farmingdale, NY 11735. With a staff of 25 employees, we provide a complete audio and video solution to meet the needs of our customers. Adwar Video is a leading supplier of Professional AV Equipment and Services, offering design, installation, and full support. Since 1984, with over 33 years of experience in the industry, we are well versed in the Educational, Government, and Corporate markets. Our trained salespeople and engineering department work together to manage any project from inception providing detailed drawings and advice, through to installation by our continually trained technicians through successful completion. We are authorized dealers for over 300 major product lines including Sony, Extron, Creston, Eiki, Panasonic, JVC, Sharp, Peerless, Chief, NEC, Smart, Polycom, Shure, Epson, Optoma, Mackie, Da- Lite, Yamaha, Lectrosonics, Draper, Samsung, Middle Atlantic, Califone, and Infocus. We specialize in "design-build", "build-to-spec", and "equipment only" sales. Recent projects include broadcast TV studios, AV lecture halls, auditorium PA systems, Smart classrooms, digital signage, houses of worship, content distribution, video conferencing systems, and emergency notification. We hold several NYS OGS and GSA contracts along with BOCES statewide and local school districts, law enforcement and fire district contracts for AV equipment, installation and repair services. Adwar Video is currently engaged in several projects. If awarded this contract we will plan accordingly to have staff available to perform the work required to complete your project. We look forward to providing you with all your audio/visual solutions. For the Town of Islip—Town Board Room project, key contacts are: Paul Armato ................. Account Executive ................. (631) 777-7070 xt. 134 John Schappert ............ Director of Operations ............. (631) 777-7070 xt. 122 Larry Ferraro ................ Sr. Design Engineer ................ (631) 777-7070 xt. 127 Our Mission Statement To make a direct contribution to our customer's business and success by providing innovative and valuable products and services. ID Town Of Southold REQUEST FOR BIDS: Meeting Hall AV Project SECTION 2: Proposer's Qualification / References Adwar Video has successfully completed many projects with similar scope and requirements and provides the following references: Baruch College Various AV equipment sales and installations for Classroom upgrades Contract Date: September 2016 — December 2016 - on going projects 2017 Contact: Christian Keck, Deputy CIO Phone: 917-846-4475 Email: Crhistian.Keck(a)_baruch.cuny.edu Contracted Value: $1 million Borough of Manhattan Community College Various AV equipment sales and installations for Lobby and Deans Office Contract Date: May-June 2015 Contact: Vinton Melbourne, Director of Media Center Phone: 212-220-1392 Email: vmelbourne(a-)-bmcc.cuny.edu Contracted Value: $1 million SUNY Farmingdale College Various AV equipment sales and installations for Campus Multi-Rooms Contract Date: Novemeber 2016 —January 2017 Contact: Erica Wachter, Purchasing Manager Phone: 631-420-2019 Email: wachtee(aD-farmingdale.edu Contracted Value: $1.2 million Hunter College Equipment and installation of AV equipment for Lecture Halls Contract Date: February—June 2017 Contact: Stephen Sukhra, AV Director Phone: 212-772-4946 Email: tsukhra _huner.cuny.edu Contracted Value: $1.1 million IDS Town Of Southold REQUEST FOR BIDS: Meeting Hall AV Project SECTION 3: Proposed Solution Adwar Video is submitting Quote #AAAQ41819-07 which includes: Page 1-2: Detailed Project Plan Page 5: Estimated Hours for the Project Town Of Southold REQUEST FOR BIDS: Meeting Hall AV Project SECTION 4: Cost Proposal Adwar Video is submitting Quote #AAAQ41819-07 which includes: Page 3-5: Inclusive pricing for a turnkey solution Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a kWA _ Adwar Video QUOTE 125 Gazza Blvd e • - A,gAQ41819-07 Farmingdale, NY 11735 1 D.9. 06/12/18 631 777-7070 631 777-7011 Fax - ' • Paul Armato Town of Southold Town of Southold Lloyd Reisenberg Lloyd Reisenberg Cust Phone (631)765-1891 53095 Main Road 53095 Main Road Cust Fax (631)765-5178 Box 1179 Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Southold, NY 11971 Page 1 of 6 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL - AUDIO AND VIDEO UPGRADES The Southold Town Hall is a space that is currently used for several different types of events including town hall meetings, work sessions, court sessions, and more. While various components of the audio and video systems have been gradually upgraded over the years, they would now like to upgrade the remaining system components in order to better optimize the space for its intended uses, and provide a more simplified user experience. Accordingly, we propose the following: Microphones The microphone upgrade shall include (8)wired gooseneck microphones with desktop style bases for the dais, (2)wired flange mounted gooseneck microphones for the side lecterns, and (4)wireless gooseneck microphones which can be used on the longer tables as required. New cabling should be run from all wired microphones to the equipment rack. Since the existing ceiling mic located above the square work session table has been performing well, it will be reused; however, new cabling must be run in order to integrate it with the newer system. Loudspeakers The 6 in-ceiling speakers in the main area, as well as the 4 in-ceiling speakers in the lobby area, are to be replaced with new higher powered ceiling speakers that will match the look and size of the existing speakers. This should allow the existing speakers to be replaced without having to recut or replace any of the tiles within the spline ceiling. New cabling should be run for all speakers. Audio Zoning, Amplification, and Processing The ceiling speakers shall be separated into the following four distinct zones: Zone 1: Dais Zone 2: Main Seating, Front Zone 3: Main Seating, Rear Zone 4: Lobby The first three zones are primarily for the purpose of setting delays and providing mix minus functionality, while the lobby zone will have separate volume control from the other zones allowing it to be used as an overflow space as needed. The four discrete speaker zones shall be powered by a new 4 channel 70V amplifier. Audio routing, mixing, level balancing, equalization, delays, acoustic echo cancellation and overall system optimization shall be provided by new digital audio processors. The outputs of these processors will include the four speaker zones as well as the following additional required outputs: Audio Recorder: A dual XLR output plate shall be provided at the front of the dais for convenient connectivity to an owner furnished portable audio recorder. Additionally, a dual XLR input plate should also be provided for possible audio playback from the portable audio recorder. Since there is a possibility that this portable audio recorder could have only unbalanced RCA inputs and outputs, a standalone unbalanced to balanced audio converter shall be provided as well. Cabling should be run from these plates back to the equipment rack. Camera Operator Location: Since there is often a camera operator setting up to record certain events, a mono 1 of 6 XLR`audio output plate should be installed along the wall allowing them to receive a direct feed from the audio system to integrate with their recording. Cabling should be run from this plate back to the equipment rack. Basement Equipment: A surface mounted audio output plate should be installed on a column in the basement for connection to an owner furnished PC. Cabling should be run from this plate back to the equipment rack. Video Recorder To simplify the recording of various sessions, a rack mounted hard disk video recorder shall be provided. The video to be recorded will come from the existing wall mounted composite camera currently located at the back of the room, while the audio will come from the new digital audio processor. Video can be recorded to either the built-in solid state drive within the unit, a USB storage device, or a defined network storage directory. The process of initiating a recording will be made simple through the use of a keypad style control panel with dedicated buttons to start, stop, and pause the recording. To ensure the operator and others in the room know when recording is occurring, a recording warning light should be provided which will illuminate the word "RECORDING" in bright red lettering any time a recording is started and should remain lit until the recording is stopped or paused. Cabling should be run from this recording light back to the equipment rack. Video Camera Preview Display In order to easily see the current view of the video camera, a 32"wall mounted video display shall be provided and installed just to the right of the AV closet. New cabling should be run from the video distribution amplifier within the AV equipment rack to this preview display. A corresponding recessed electrical outlet shall be provided by others. USB AV Bridge Since there are times that not everyone can attend an event in person, it's occasionally necessary for a participant to join a meeting or session through web conferencing. In order to better accommodate this, a USB AV bridge shall be provided. This bridge should take the video from the existing rear wall mounted composite camera, along with audio from the new digital audio processor, and transmit both via USB to a laptop for use with soft codec video conferencing applications. The connection to this AV bridge will be a wall mounted USB plate located at the front of the dais for convenient connectivity to any laptop. Cabling should be run from this USB wall plate back to the equipment rack. Control Control of the primary system functionality shall be accomplished via a simple keypad style wall mounted control panel. This control panel should have dedicated buttons for turning the system'on and off, selecting an audio preset for the desired room configuration, adjusting the overall volume in both the main area as well as the lobby area, and starting/stopping/pausing a video recording as previously described. Multiple cables should be run from this keypad control panel back to the equipment rack as required. Equipment Rack All head end equipment to be installed within a new 27 space equipment rack located in the closet in place of the existing equipment rack. Add Alternate 1 (Video Camera Replacement) Since the current existing camera is a fixed standard definition camera designed more for CCTV use, an add alternate should be provided to replace this camera with a high definition PTZ camera. The new camera should be mounted along the rear wall and the HDMI signal extended over category cable back to the equipment rack. The signal should then feed into both the video recorder and the AV bridge. Additionally, the video signal should also be converted to a composite signal and fed to the broadcast equipment located with the basement equipment rack. New cabling should be provided for this video feed between the two equipment racks. Add Alternate 2 (Video Server Replacement) Since the current video server is standard definition, and only supports MPEG-2 format video files, another add alternate should be included to replace this video server with the latest model. Additionally, the HDMI output of the HDMI distribution amplifier should-be converted to HD-SDI and run to the basement rack where this new video server will be located. Please note that Add Alternate 2 is in addition to Add Alternate 1, and cannot be implemented without Add Alternate 1 also being accepted. All electrical provisions and network connections to be provided by others as required. D-s cri p fi o n - - - SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL - NEW SOUND 2of6 - • . SYSTEM 10 Atlas Sound C803AT167 8"Coaxial Loudspeaker with 70.7V-16W $76.45 $764.50 Transformer 10 Atlas Sound CS95-8 8"Recessed Round Stacking Enclosure $8.45 $84.50 10 Atlas Sound 62-8 General Purpose 8"Steel Baffle White $9.87 $98.70 10 Atlas Sound 81-8R 8" Round Hole T-Bar Bridge $8.49 $84.90 1 Lab Gruppen E5:4 500 Watt Amplifier with 4 Flexible Output $732.43 $732.43 Channels for Installation Applications 4 Shure MX415/C 15"Shock-Mounted Gooseneck, Cardioid, $243.90 $975.60 includes surface mount Preamplifier 4 Shure MX890=-G5 Wireless Desktop Base with Integrated $346.34 $1,385.36 Wireless Transmitter, Programmable Mute for use with MX405/MX410 Gooseneck Microphones. Requires SLX4 or SLX4L Reciever 4 Shure SLX4L=-G5 Diversity Receiver with TTL Logic Output, $300.00 $1,200.00 PS21 US Power Supply, 1/4 Wave Antenna, and Rack Mounting Hardware. For use with - MX690 and MX890 1 Shure UA844+SWB Five-way active antenna splitter and power $439.02 $439.02 distribution system 2 Shure UA8-470-530 1/2 Wave Omnidirectional Antenna $25.61 $51.22 8 Shure MX418D/C Cardioid-18"Desktop Gooseneck Condenser $243.29 $1,946.32 Microphone,Attached 10'XLR Cable, Logic Functions, Programmable Switch and LED Indicator,Attached Desktop Base 2 Shure MX418/C Cardioid-18"Gooseneck Condenser $191.16 $382.32 Microphone,Attached Preamp with XLR, Shock Mount, Flange Mount, Snap-Fit Foam Windscreen 2 Extron 60-1512-01 DMP 128 Plus C;12x8 ProDSP Digital Matrix $1,817.65 $3,635.30 Processor w/AEC 2 Extron 22-158-03 STP22P/1000;Serial Control/Audio Cable $229.41 $458.82 Plenum 1 Extron 22-153-03 SPK18P/1000;18 AWG Speaker Cable $294.12 $294.12 Plenum 1000'(300 m)spool 2 Extron 26-641-06 A RCA/6;RCA Male to Male Stereo Audio $5.88 $11.76 Cable 6'(1.8 m) 1 Extron 26-642-06 TRSM-RCAM 6;3.5 mm Stereo Audio Male to $9.41 $9.41 2 RCA Male Stereo Audio Adapter 1 Extron 60-1324-11 SMP 351 Standard Version-400 GB SSD $4,229.41 $4,229.41 ;H.264 Streaming Media Processor- Standard Version-400 GB SSD 1 Extron 60-446-01 MDA 5V;Five Output Composite Video MDA- $155.29 $155.29 Mini Distribution Amplifier 1x5 Composite Video 1 Extron 60-1473-13 USB Extender Plus D T;Twisted Pair $500.00 $500.00 Extender fMLor USB Peripherals- Transmitter-Decora Version-White 1 Extron 60-1471-13 USB Extender Plus R;Twisted Pair Extender $405.88 $405.88 for USB Peripherals-Receiver 1 Extron 60-1378-01 PC 101;AC Power Controller $229.41 $229.41 1 Extron 60-1470-02 MLC PLUS 200;MediaLink Plus Controller- $852.94 $852.94 White and Black Faceplates, 3-Gang 1 Vaddio 999-8215-000 AV Bridge Conference System $2,049.76 $2,049.76 1 Samsung DM32E 32 Commercial LED LCD Display-TAA; $551.76 $551.76 Contrast Ratio:5000:1; Response Time: 8ms; Brightness:400nit; Display Resolution: 1920x1080(16:9);Viewing Angle: 178:178; Input:Analog D-SUB, DVI-D(HDMI Common), HDMI1 Component(CUBS Common), Stereo mini Jack, USB 2.0 x 1; 3of6 - • . Pixel Pitch: 0.12125(H)x 0.36375(V); Warranty: 3 Years On-Site 1 Chief FSR100 Small Flat Panel Fixed Wall Display Mount $46.07 $46.07 1 Chief FSB4041 Small Flat Panel Interface Bracket $39.82 $39.82 1 Conquest RSCXM 6' XLR-M to Blunt End Patch Cable $11.23 $11.23 1 Conquest RSCXF 6' XLR-F to Blunt End Patch Cable $11.23 $11.23 1 Comprehensive BB-C-6HR Pro AWITSeries BNC Plug to Plug Video $9.59 $9.59 Cable 6ft 1 RDL EZ-AFC2 Audio Format Converter-Stereo Balanced $232.38 $232.38 To Unbalanced 1 RDL D-A2 Line Output Assembly-RCA jacks,Terminal $64.04 $64.04 block 1 RDL D-XLR2M Dual XLR 3-pin Male Jacks on D Plate- $20.81 $20.81 Terminal block connections 1 RDL D-XLR2F Dual XLR 3-pin Female Jacks on D Plate- $22.00 $22.00 Terminal block connections 1 RDL SMB-1W Surface Mount Box $44.77 $44.77 2 RDL D-XLR3F XLR 3-Pin Female Jack on Decora Wall Plate $17.36 $34.72 1 RDL D-XLR3M XLR 3-Pin Male Jack on Decora Wall Plate $1736 $17.36 5 RDL CP-1 Single Cover Plate-White $13.43 $67.15 1 RDL CP-2 Double Cover Plate-White $15.12 $15.12 1 RDL TX-J2 Unbalanced Input Transformer $66.37 $66.37 1 Sandies 340-REC-12 Recording Light 12VDC $109.83 $109.83 1 Sandies 65-356 12VDC Power Supply $28.68 $28.68 1 Cisco SG300-1OPP 10-Port Gigabit PoE+Managed Switch $227.18 $227.18 1 West Penn 258191VO500 RG/59 20G SHL P/Video PLN $310.33 $310.33 1 West Penn 254246EZGY1000 4P 23G SLD CAT 6 Plenum $37574 $375.74 1 Middle Atlantic ERK-2725 27 SPACE(47 1/4"), 25"DEEP STAND $512.20 $512.20 ALONE RACK WITH REAR DOOR, BLACK FINISH 1 Middle Atlantic CBS-ERK-25 SKIRTED WHEELBASE, FITS 25"DEEP $155.63 $155.63 ERK'S, INCLUDES CASTERS 2 Middle Atlantic QFAN 4 1/2"QUIET FAN WITH GUARD, 50 CFM $68.00 $136.00 (120 VAC)CORD AND HARDWARE INCLUDED 1 Middle Atlantic PD-915R 9 OUTLET, SINGLE 15 AMP CIRCUIT, $100.67 $100.67 SURGE/SPIKE PROTECTED RACKMOUNT POWER DISTRIBUTION W/9'CORD, BLACK POWDERCOAT FINISH 1 Middle Atlantic PDT-1015C-RN 10 OUTLET, SINGLE 15A CIRCUIT, $13267 $132.67 2-STAGE SURGE/SPIKE, REMOTE NOTIFY, THIN POWER STRIP W/9'CORD, FITS RACKS THAT ACCEPT 'G' POWER 1 Middle Atlantic UFA-8-F1 1 SPACE UNIVERSAL FACE AFTER SHELF, $43.33 $43.33 8"DEEP WITH 1 SPACE FLANGED BLANK PANEL, POWDER-COAT FINISH 1 Middle Atlantic UD4 4 SPACE(7")UTILITY DRAWER, BLACK $139.33 $139.33 POWDER COAT FINISH 1 Middle Atlantic BR1 1 SPACE(1 3/4")BRUSH GROMMET PANEL $44.00 $44.00 6 Middle Atlantic EB1 1 SPACE(1 3/4")FLANGED $8.00 $48.00 ECONO-BLANK, BLACK POWDER COAT FINISH 2 Middle Atlantic EB2 2 SPACE(3 1/2")FLANGED $10.67 $21.34 ECONO-BLANK, BLACK POWDER COAT FINISH 4of6 1 Misc CCH Miscellaneous cables connectors, hardware $500.00 $500.00 and shipping cost 1 Adwar Labor 1 -Lead AV Tech/ 1 -AV Tech, Estimated $11,200.00 $11,200.00 completion time 2 Technicians 4 to 5 day's SubTotal $36,316.32 Add Alternate 1 (Replace Camera) 1 ClearOne 910-2100-003 Unite 200 PTZ camera with 12x optical $1,650.89 $1,650.89 Zoom, 1080P60 Full HD, USB, HDMI, and IP connections 1 ClearOne 910-2100-103 Wall Mount for UNITE 200 camera $115.18 $115.18 1 Extron 60-1421-13 DTP T HWP 4K 231 D-white ;HDMI Decora $347.06 $347.06 Transmitter-White, 230 feet(70 m) 1 Extron 60-1271-13 DTP HDMI 4K 230 Rx;HDMI Twisted Pair $276.47 $276.47 Extender-Receiver 1 Extron 60-1481-01 DA4 HD 4K ;Four Output HDMI Distribution $582.35 $582.35 Amplifier 1 Extron 26-650-35 HDMI M-M Pro/35;High Performance HDMI $158.82 $158.82 Male to Male Cables 1 Extron 26-663-02 HDMI Ultra/1.5;Ultra Flexible High Speed $23.53 $23.53 HDMI Cables-1.5' 4 Extron 26-663-06 HDMI Ultra/6;Ultra Flexible High Speed HDMI_ $41.18 $164.72 Cables-6' 0.2 Extron 22-235-03 XTP DTP 24P/1000;Shielded Twisted Pair $1,405.88 $281.18 Cable for XTP Systems and DTP Series Products-plenum rated cable, 1000' (305m) 1 Atlona AT-HD530 HDMI to Composite/S-Video Down-Converter $262.50 $262.50 -1 Extron 60-446-01 MDA 5V;Five Output Composite Video MDA- $160.98 -$160.98 Mini Distribution Amplifier 1x5 Composite Video 1 Add Alternate 1 Labor 1 -Lead AV Tech/1 -AV Tech, Estimated $1,250.00 $1,250.00 completion time 2 Technicians 1 day SubTotal $4,951.72 Add Alternate 2(Replace Video Server) 1 Leightronix UltraNexus-HD Flex .. HD/SD Digital Video Server $8,320.38 $8,320.38 1 West Penn 256350IV500 RG/6 18G BC DIG VID PLEN $386.63 $386.63 0.5 Extron 22-158-03 STP22P/1000;Serial Control/Audio Cable $229.41 $114.71 Plenum 1 AJA HA5 HDMI to SD/HD-SDI Video and Audio $323.44 $323.44 Converter 1 Atlona AT-HD530 HDMI to Composite/S-Video Down-Converter $262.50 $262.50 1 Add Alternate 2 Labor 1 -Lead AV Tech/ 1 -AV Tech, Estimated $975.00 $975.00 completion time 2 Technicians 1 day SubTotal $10,382.66 SubTotal $51,650.70 Shipping $0.00 Sales Tax $0.00 Total $51,650.70 5of6 Please call me if there are any further requests. Paul Armato I Account Manager 631 777-7070 ext.134 Fax 631-777-7011 Paul@adwarvideo.com Please reference quote#on all PO's. We are not responsible for manufacturer price and product changes. After customer approval, all cancellations are subject to restocking fees. Freight is not included unless otherwise noted.This quote is valid for 30 days unless otherwise noted. No returns or cancellations on special orders. 6of6 AV Equipment Sales & Service System Design & Installation Programming Services ' D Repair& Rental Consulting 125 Gazza Blvd..Farmingdale,NY 11735 a Phone:631-777-7070o Fax:631-777-7011 a www.adwarvideo.com esales@adwarvideo.com Town of Southold REQUEST FOR BIDS: Meeting Hall AV Project Bid Due Date: 6/21/18 State of Conformance with Prevailing Wage and Collective Bargaining Agreement Job Site: Town of Southold Meeting Hall 53095 Main Road Southold,NY AV Contractor: ADWAR VIDEO Adwar Video will comply with all Prevailing Wage laws and/or collective Bargaining Agreements in effect at the Project Jobiste. _ * COPY sem. AV Equipment Sales &Service ' - System Design & Installation Programming Services Repair& Rental Consulting 125 Gazza Blvd.•Farmingdale,NY 11735•Phone:631-777=7070•Fax:631-777-7011 •www.adwarvideo.com•sales@adwarvideo.com June 19,2018 Southold Town Clerk's Office Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Dear Sir/Madam: Submitted herewith is Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a Adwar Video's bid for Bid Solicitation Title:Town of Southold: Meeting Hall AV Project. Enclosed with this bid,please find the following documentation as requested: • Two sets of bid documents • Non-Collusive Bid Certificate • Copy of Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a Adwar Video Board Resolution • Sections 1—4 • Quote#AAAQ41819-07 • Statement of Confirmation with Prevailing Wage Agreement This letter is Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a Adwar Video's official submittal and confirmation of documents submitted for the Meeting Hall AV Project. If any additional information or documentation may be required,please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Pamela Dandic Office Manager COFY BID PROPOSAL Town of Southold Request for Bids: Meeting Hall AV Project Opening Date: June 21, 2018 Opening Time: 2:00 PM Submitted By: Video Hi-Tech Corporation d/b/a Adwar Video 125 Gazza Blvd., Farmingdale, NY 11735 631 777-7070, ext. 120 Pam@AdwarVideo.com ID STATEMENT OF NON-COLLUSION (To be completed by each Bidder) In accordance with Section 103-d General Municipal Law, effective September 1, 1966, every bid or proposal hereafter made to a political subdivision of the State of any public department, agency, or official thereof or to a fore district or any agency or official thereof for work or services performed or to be performed or goods sold or to be sold, shall contain the following statement subscribed to by the bidder and affirmed by such bidder as true under the penalties of perjury;non-collusive bidding certification. A. By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury,that to the best of knowledge and belief: (1) The prices in this bid have been arrived at 'independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or any competitor. (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly,to any other bidder or to any competitor. (3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership, or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. B. The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, and under the statements contained in this certification, and under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder, as well as the person signing in its behalf. C. That attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certified copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate by the signature of this bid or proposal on behalf of the corporate bidder. RESOLUTION r Resolved that Pamela Dandic of the (Name of signatory) Video Hi-Tech Corp.d/b/a Adwar Video Be authorized to sign and submit the bid (Name of Corporation) Or proposal of this corporation for the following Project: Town of Southold: Meeting Hall AV Project and to include in such bid or proposal the certificate as to non-collusion required by section one-hundred-three- d (103-d) of the General Municipal Law as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or miss-statements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury. Video Hi-Tech Corp. The foregoing is true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by d/b/a Adwar Video _corporation at a meeting of the Board of Directors,held on the 9th day of May , 2016 (SEAL OF THE CORPORATION) Laws of New York, 1965 Ch. 751, Sec. 103-d, as amended& effective on September 1, 1965. Signature 1 AV Equipment Sales &Service - System Design & Installation Programming Services Repair& Rental Consulting 125 Gazza Blvd.•Farmingdale,NY 11735•Phone:631-777-7070•Fax:631-777-7011 •www.adwarvideo.com•sales@adwarvideo.com Board Resolution Of Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a Adwar Video The undersigned,being of Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a Adwar Video, organized and existing under the laws of New York, and having its principal place of business at 125 Gazza Blvd,Farmingdale,NY 11735 (the"Corporation"),hereby certify that Pamela Dandic, Office Manager is authorized-to sign and submit the bid or proposal of this corporation for the following project Town of Southold: Meeting Hall AV Project (PROJECT) and to include with such bid or proposal the certificate as to non-collusion required by section one hundred three-d of the General Municipal Law as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury. The foregoing is true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a Adwar Video corporation at a meeting of its board of directors held on the 9h day of May, 2016. President (Seal of Corporation) Town Of Southold REQUEST FOR BIDS: Meeting Hall AV Project SECTION 1: Proposer's Financial Stability Adwar Video is located at 125 Gazza Blvd, Farmingdale, NY 11735. With a staff of 25 employees, we provide a complete audio and video solution to meet the needs of our customers. Adwar Video is a leading supplier of Professional AV Equipment and Services, offering design, installation, and full support. Since 1984, with over 33 years of experience in the industry, we are well versed in the Educational, Government, and Corporate markets. Our trained salespeople and engineering department work together to manage any project from inception providing detailed drawings and advice, through to installation by our continually trained technicians through successful completion. We are authorized dealers for over 300 major product lines including Sony, Extron, Creston, Eiki, Panasonic, JVC, Sharp, Peerless, Chief, NEC, Smart, Polycom, Shure, Epson, Optoma, Mackie, Da- Lite, Yamaha, Lectrosonics, Draper, Samsung, Middle Atlantic, Califone, and Infocus. We specialize in "design-build", "build-to-spec", and "equipment only,sales. Recent projects include broadcast TV studios, AV lecture halls, auditorium PA systems, Smart classrooms, digital signage, houses of worship, content distribution, video conferencing systems, and emergency notification. We hold several NYS OGS and GSA contracts along with BOCES statewide and local school districts, law enforcement and fire district contracts for AV equipment, installation and repair services. Adwar Video is currently engaged in several projects. If awarded this contract we will plan accordingly to have staff available to perform the work required to complete your project. We look forward to providing you with all your audio/visual solutions. For the Town of Islip—Town Board Room project, key contacts are: Paul Armato ................. Account Executive ................. (631) 777-7070 xt. 134 John Schappert ............ Director of Operations ............. (631) 777-7070 xt. 122 Larry Ferraro ................ Sr. Design Engineer ................ (631) 777-7070 xt. 127 Our Mission Statement To make a direct contribution to our customer's business and success by providing innovative and valuable products and services. Town Of Southold REQUEST FOR BIDS: Meeting Hall AV Project SECTION 2: Proposer's Qualification / References Adwar Video has successfully completed many projects with similar scope and requirements and provides the following references: Baruch College Various AV equipment sales and installations for Classroom upgrades Contract Date: September 2016 — December 2016 - on going projects 2017 Contact: Christian Keck, Deputy CIO Phone: 917-846-4475 Email: Crhistian.Keck(aD-baruch.cuny.edu Contracted Value: $1 million Borough of Manhattan Community College Various AV equipment sales and installations for Lobby and Deans Office Contract Date: May-June 2015 Contact: Vinton Melbourne, Director of Media Center Phone: 212-220-1392 Email: vmelbourne@bmcc.cuny.edu Contracted Value: $1 million SUNY Farmingdale College Various AV equipment sales and installations for Campus Multi-Rooms Contract Date: Novemeber 2016 —January 2017 Contact: Erica Wachter, Purchasing Manager Phone: 631-420-2019 Email: wachtee(aD-farmingdale.edu Contracted Value: $1.2 million Bunter College Equipment and installation of AV equipment for Lecture Halls Contract Date: February—June 2017 Contact: Stephen Sukhra, AV Director Phone: 212-772-4946 Email: tsukhra(a)huner.cuny.edu Contracted Value: $1.1 million 1D Town Of Southold REQUEST FOR BIDS: Meeting Hall AV Project SECTION 3: Proposed Solution Adwar Video is submitting Quote #AAAQ41819-07 which includes: Page 1-2: Detailed Project Plan Page 5: Estimated Hours for the Project Town Of Southold REQUEST FOR BIDS: Meeting Hall AV Project SECTION 4: Cost Proposal Adwar Video is submitting Quote #AAAQ41819-07 which includes: Page 3-5: Inclusive pricing for a turnkey solution Video Hi-Tech Corp. d/b/a QUOTE Adwar Video 125 Gazza Blvd • • Farmingdale, NY 11735 AAAQ41819-07 06/12/18 631777-7070 631 777-7011 Fax - " `"• Paul Armato Town of Southold Town of Southold Lloyd Reisenberg Lloyd Reisenberg Cust Phone (631)765-1891 53095 Main Road 53095 Main Road Cust Fax (631)765-5178 Box 1179 Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Southold, NY 11971 Page 1 of 6 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL - AUDIO AND VIDEO UPGRADES The Southold Town Hall is a space that is currently used for several different types of events including town hall meetings, work sessions, court sessions, and more. While various components of the audio and video systems have been gradually upgraded over the years, they would now like to upgrade the remaining system components in order to better optimize the space for its intended uses, and provide a more simplified user experience. Accordingly, we propose the following: Microphones The microphone upgrade shall include (8)wired gooseneck microphones with desktop style bases for the dais, (2)wired flange mounted gooseneck microphones for the side lecterns, and (4)wireless gooseneck microphones which can be used on the longer tables as required. New cabling should be run from all wired microphones to the equipment rack. Since the existing ceiling mic located above the square work session table has been performing well, it will be reused; however, new cabling must be run in order to integrate it with the newer system. Loudspeakers The 6 in-ceiling speakers in the main area, as well as the 4 in-ceiling speakers in the lobby area, are to be replaced with new higher powered ceiling speakers that will match the look and size of the existing speakers. This should allow the existing speakers to be replaced without having to recut or replace any of the tiles within the spline ceiling. New cabling should be run for all speakers. Audio Zoning, Amplification, and Processing The ceiling speakers shall be separated into the following four distinct zones: Zone 1: Dais Zone 2: Main Seating, Front Zone 3: Main Seating, Rear Zone 4: Lobby The first three zones are primarily for the purpose of setting delays and providing mix minus functionality, while the lobby zone will have separate volume control from the other zones allowing it to be used as an overflow space as needed. The four discrete speaker zones shall be powered by a new 4 channel 70V amplifier. Audio routing, mixing, level balancing, equalization, delays, acoustic echo cancellation and overall system optimization shall be provided by new digital audio processors. The outputs of these processors will include the four speaker zones as well as the following additional required outputs: Audio Recorder: A dual XLR output plate shall be provided at the front of the dais for convenient connectivity to an owner furnished portable audio recorder. Additionally, a dual XLR input plate should also be provided for possible audio playback from the portable audio recorder. Since there is a possibility that this portable audio recorder could have only unbalanced RCA inputs and outputs, a standalone unbalanced to balanced audio converter shall be provided as well. Cabling should be run from these plates back to the equipment rack. Camera Operator Location: Since there is often a camera operator setting up to record certain events, a mono 1 of 6 XLft audio output plate should be installed along the wall allowing them to receive a direct feed from the audio system to integrate with their recording. Cabling should be run from this plate back to the equipment rack. Basement Equipment: A surface mounted audio output plate should be installed on a column in the basement for connection to an owner furnished PC. Cabling should be run from this plate back to the equipment rack. Video Recorder To simplify the recording of various sessions, a rack mounted hard disk video recorder shall be provided. The video to be recorded will come from the existing wall mounted composite camera currently located at the back of the room, while the audio will come from the new digital audio processor. Video can be recorded to either the built-in solid state drive within the unit, a USB storage device, or a defined network storage directory. The process of initiating a recording will be made simple through the use of a keypad style control panel with dedicated buttons to start, stop, and pause the recording. To ensure the operator and others in the room know when recording is occurring, a recording warning light should be provided which will illuminate the word "RECORDING" in bright red lettering any time a recording is started and should remain lit until the recording is stopped or paused. Cabling should be run from this recording light back to the equipment rack. Video Camera Preview Display In order to easily see the current view of the video camera, a 32"wall mounted video display shall be provided and installed just to the right of the AV closet. New cabling should be run from the video distribution amplifier within the AV equipment rack to this preview display. A corresponding recessed electrical outlet shall be provided by others. USB AV Bridge Since there are times that not everyone can attend an event in person, Ws occasionally necessary for a participant to join a meeting or session through web conferencing. In order to better accommodate this, a USB AV bridge shall be provided. This bridge should take the video from the existing rear wall mounted composite camera, along with audio from the new digital audio processor, and transmit both via USB to a laptop for use with soft codec video conferencing applications. The connection to this AV bridge will be a wall mounted USB plate located at the front of the dais for convenient connectivity to any laptop. Cabling should be run from this USB wall plate back to the equipment rack. Control Control of the primary system functionality shall be accomplished via a simple keypad style wall mounted control panel. This control panel should have dedicated buttons for turning the system on and off, selecting an audio preset for the desired room configuration, adjusting the overall-volume in both the main area as well as the lobby area, and starting/stopping/pausing a video recording as previously described. Multiple cables should be run from this keypad control panel back to the equipment rack as required. Equipment Rack All head end equipment to be installed within a new 27 space equipment rack located in the closet in place of the existing equipment rack. Add Alternate 1 (Video Camera Replacement) Since the current existing camera is a fixed standard definition camera designed more for CCTV use, an add alternate should be provided to replace this camera with a high definition PTZ camera. The new camera should be mounted along the rear wall and the HDMI signal extended over category cable back to the equipment rack. The signal should then feed into both the video recorder and the AV bridge. Additionally, the video signal should also be converted to a composite signal and fed to the broadcast equipment located with the basement equipment rack. New cabling should be provided for this video feed between the two equipment racks. Add Alternate 2 (Video Server Replacement) Since the current video server is standard definition, and only supports MPEG-2 format video files, another add alternate should be included to replace this video server with the latest model. Additionally, the HDMI output of the HDMI distribution amplifier should be converted to HD-SDI and run to the basement rack where this new video server will be located. Please note that Add Alternate 2 is in addition to Add Alternate 1, and cannot be implemented without Add Alternate 1 also being accepted. All electrical provisions and network connections to be provided by others as required. SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL - NEW SOUND 2of6 Description - - SYSTEM 10 Atlas Sound C803AT167 8"Coaxial Loudspeaker with 70.7V-16W $76.45 $764.50 Transformer 10 Atlas Sound CS95-8 8"Recessed Round Stacking Enclosure $8.45 $84.50 10 Atlas Sound 62-8 General Purpose 8"Steel Baffle White $9.87 $98.70 10 Atlas Sound 81-8R 8"Round Hole T-Bar Bridge $8.49 $84.90 1 Lab Gruppen E5:4 500 Watt Amplifier with 4 Flexible Output $732.43 $732.43 Channels for Installation Applications 4 Shure MX415/C 15"Shock-Mounted Gooseneck, Cardioid, $243.90 $975.60 includes surface mount Preamplifier 4 Shure MX890=-G5 Wireless Desktop Base with Integrated $346.34 $1,385.36 Wireless Transmitter, Programmable Mute for use with MX4051MX410 Gooseneck Microphones. Requires SLX4 or SLX4L Reciever 4 Shure SLX4L=-G5 Diversity Receiver with TTL Logic Output, $300.00 $1,200.00 PS21 US Power Supply, 1/4 Wave Antenna, and Rack Mounting Hardware. For use with MX690 and MX890 1 Shure UA844+SWB Five-way active antenna splitter and power $439.02 $439.02 distribution system 2 Shure UA8-470-530 1/2 Wave Omnidirectional Antenna $25.61 $51.22 8 Shure MX418D/C Cardioid-18"Desktop Gooseneck Condenser $243.29 $1,946.32 Microphone,Attached 10"XLR Cable, Logic Functions, Programmable Switch and LED Indicator,Attached Desktop Base 2 Shure MX418/C Cardioid-18"Gooseneck Condenser $191.16 $382.32 Microphone,Attached Preamp with XLR, Shock Mount, Flange Mount, Snap-Fit Foam Windscreen 2 Extron 60-1512-01 DMP 128 Plus C ;12x8 ProDSP Digital Matrix $1,817.65 $3,635.30 Processor w/AEC 2 Extron 22-158-03 STP22P/1000;Serial Control/Audio Cable $229.41 $458.82 Plenum 1 Extron 22-153-03 SPK18P/1000;18 AWG Speaker Cable $294.12 $294.12 Plenum 1000'(300 m)spool 2 Extron 26-641-06 A RCA/6;RCA Male to Male Stereo Audio $5.88 $11.76 Cable 6'(1.8 m) 1 Extron 26-642-06 TRSM-RCAM 6;3.5 mm Stereo Audio Male to $9.41 $9.41 2 RCA Male Stereo Audio Adapter 1 Extron 60-1324-11 SMP 351 Standard Version-400 GB SSD $4,229.41 $4,229.41 ;H.264 Streaming Media Processor- Standard Version-400 GB SSD 1 Extron 60-446-01 MDA 5V;Five Output Composite Video MDA- $155.29 $155.29 Mini Distribution Amplifier 1x5 Composite Video 1 Extron 60-1473-13 USB Extender Plus D T;Twisted Pair $500.00 $500.00 Extender fMLor USB Peripherals- Transmitter-Decora Version-White 1 Extron 60-1471-13 USB Extender Plus R;Twisted Pair Extender $405.88 $405.88 for USB Peripherals-Receiver 1 Extron 60-1378-01 PC 101;AC Power Controller $229.41 $229.41 1 Extron 60-1470-02 MLC PLUS 200;MediaLink Plus Controller- $852.94 $852.94 White and Black Faceplates, 3-Gang 1 Vaddio 999-8215-000 AV Bridge Conference System $2,049.76 $2,049.76 1 Samsung DM32E 32 Commercial LED LCD Display-TAA; $551.76 $551.76 Contrast Ratio: 5000:1; Response Time:8ms; Brightness:400nit; Display Resolution: 1920x1080(16:9);Viewing Angle: 178:178; Input:Analog D-SUB, DVI-D(HDMI Common), HDMI1 Component(CVBS Common), Stereo mini Jack, USB 2.0 x 1; 3of6 Description Pixel Pitch: 0.12125(H)x 0.36375(V); Warranty: 3 Years On-Site 1 Chief FSR100 Small Flat Panel Fixed Wall Display Mount $46.07 $46.07 1 Chief FSB4041 Small Flat Panel Interface Bracket $39.82 $39.82 1 Conquest RSCXM 6' XLR-M to Blunt End Patch Cable $11.23 $11.23 1 Conquest RSCXF 6' XLR-F to Blunt End Patch Cable $11.23 $11.23 1 Comprehensive BB-C-6HR Pro AV/ITSeries BNC Plug to Plug Video $9.59 $9.59 Cable Eft 1 RDL EZ-AFC2 Audio Format Converter-Stereo Balanced $232.38 $232.38 To Unbalanced 1 RDL D-A2 Line Output Assembly-RCA jacks,Terminal $64.04 $64.04 block 1 RDL D-XLR2M Dual XLR 3-pin Male Jacks on D Plate- $20.81 $20.81 Terminal block connections 1 RDL D-XLR2F Dual XLR 3-pin Female Jacks on D Plate- $22.00 $22.00 Terminal block connections 1 RDL SMB-1W Surface Mount Box $44.77 $44.77 2 RDL D-XLR3F XLR 3-Pin Female Jack on Decora Wall Plate $17.36 $34.72 1 RDL D-XLR3M XLR 3-Pin Male Jack on Decora Wall Plate $17.36 $17.36 5 RDL CPA Single Cover Plate-White $13.43 $67.15 1 RDL CP-2 Double Cover Plate-White $15.12 $15.12 1 RDL TX-J2 Unbalanced Input Transformer $66.37 $66.37 1 Sandies 340-REC-12 Recording Light 12VDC $109.83 $109.83 1 Sandies 65-356 12VDC Power Supply $28.68 $28.68 1 Cisco SG300-10PP 10-Port Gigabit PoE+Managed Switch $227.18 $227.18 1 West Penn 258191V0500 RG/59 20G SHL P/Video PLN $310.33 $310.33 1 West Penn 254246EZGY1000 4P 23G SLD CAT 6 Plenum $375.74 $375.74 1 Middle Atlantic ERK-2725 27 SPACE(47 1/4"), 25"DEEP STAND $512.20 $512.20 ALONE RACK WITH REAR DOOR, BLACK FINISH 1 Middle Atlantic CBS-ERK-25 SKIRTED WHEELBASE, FITS 25"DEEP $155.63 $155.63 ERK'S, INCLUDES CASTERS 2 Middle Atlantic QFAN 4 1/2"QUIET FAN WITH GUARD, 50 CFM $68.00 $136.00 (120 VAC)CORD AND HARDWARE INCLUDED 1 Middle Atlantic PD-915R 9 OUTLET, SINGLE 15 AMP CIRCUIT, $100.67 $100.67 SURGE/SPIKE PROTECTED RACKMOUNT POWER DISTRIBUTION W/9'CORD, BLACK POWDERCOAT FINISH 1 Middle Atlantic PDT-1015C-RN 10 OUTLET, SINGLE 15A CIRCUIT, $132.67 $132.67 2-STAGE SURGE/SPIKE, REMOTE NOTIFY, THIN POWER STRIP W/9'CORD, FITS RACKS THAT ACCEPT 'G' POWER 1 Middle Atlantic UFA-8-F1 1 SPACE UNIVERSAL FACE AFTER SHELF, $43.33 $43.33 8"DEEP WITH 1 SPACE FLANGED BLANK PANEL, POWDER-COAT FINISH 1 Middle Atlantic UD4 4 SPACE(7")UTILITY DRAWER, BLACK $139.33 $139.33 POWDER COAT FINISH 1 Middle Atlantic BR1 1 SPACE(1,3/4")BRUSH GROMMET PANEL $44.00 $44.00 6 Middle Atlantic EB1 1 SPACE(1 3/4")FLANGED $8.00 $48.00 ECONO-BLANK, BLACK POWDER COAT FINISH 2 Middle Atlantic EB2 2 SPACE(3 1/2")FLANGED $10:67 $21.34 ECONO-BLANK, BLACK POWDER COAT FINISH s 4 of 6 Description 1 Misc CCH Miscellaneous cables connectors, hardware $500.00 $500.00 and shipping cost 1 Adwar Labor 1 -Lead AV Tech/1 -AV Tech, Estimated $11,200.00 $11,200.00 completion time 2 Technicians 4 to 5 day's SubTotal $36,316.32 Add Alternate 1 (Replace Camera) 1 ClearOne 910-2100-003 Unite 200 PTZ camera with 12x optical $1,650.89 $1,650.89 Zoom, 1080P60 Full HD, USB, HDMI, and IP connections 1 ClearOne 910-2100-103 Wall Mount for UNITE 200 camera $115.18 $115.18 1 Extron 60-1421-13 DTP T HWP 4K 231 D-white;HDMI Decora $347.06 $347.06 Transmitter-White, 230 feet(70 m) 1 Extron 60-1271-13 DTP HDMI 4K 230 Rx;HDMI Twisted Pair $276.47 $276.47 Extender-Receiver 1 Extron 60-1481-01 DA4 HD 4K ;Four Output HDMI Distribution $582.35 $582.35 Amplifier 1 Extron 26-650-35 HDMI M-M Pro/35;High Performance HDMI $158.82 $158.82 Male to Male Cables 1 Extron 26-663-02 HDMI Ultra/1.5;Ultra Flexible High Speed $23.53 $23.53 HDMI Cables-1.5' 4 Extron 26-663-06 HDMI Ultra/6;Ultra Flexible High Speed HDMI $41.18 $164.72 Cables-6' 0.2 Extron 22-235-03 XTP DTP 24P/1000;Shielded Twisted Pair $1,405.88 $281.18 Cable for XTP Systems and DTP Series Products-plenum rated cable, 1000' (305m) 1 Atlona AT-HD530 HDMI to Composite/S-Video Down-Converter $26250 $262.50 -1 Extron 60-446-01 MDA 5V;Five Output Composite Video MDA- $160.98 -$160.98 Mini Distribution Amplifier 1x5 Composite Video 1 Add Alternate 1 Labor 1 -Lead AV Tech/ 1 -AV Tech, Estimated $1,250.00 $1,250.00 completion time 2 Technicians 1 day SubTotal $4,951.72 Add Alternate 2(Replace Video Server) 1 Leightronix UltraNexus-HD Flex... HD/SD Digital Video Server $8,320.38 $8,320.38 1 West Penn 256350IV500 RG/6 18G BC DIG VID PLEN $386.63 $386.63 0.5 Extron 22-158-03 STP22P/1000;Serial Control/Audio Cable $229.41 $114.71 Plenum 1 AJA HA5 HDMI to SD/HD-SDI Video and Audio $323.44 $323.44 Converter 1 Atlona AT-HD530 HDMI to Composite/S-Video Down-Converter $262.50 $262.50 1 Add Alternate 2 Labor 1 -Lead AV Tech/1 -AV Tech, Estimated $975.00 $975.00 completion time 2 Technicians 1 day SubTotal $10,382.66 SubTotal $51,650.70 Shipping $0.00 Sales Tax $0.00 Total $51,650.70 5 of 6 Please call me if there are any further requests. Paul Armato I Account Manager 631 777-7070 ext.134 Fax 631-777-7011 Paul@adwarvideo.com Please reference quote#on all PO's. We are not responsible for manufacturer price and product changes. After customer approval, all cancellations are subject to restocking fees. Freight is not included unless otherwise noted.This quote is valid for 30 days unless otherwise noted. No returns or cancellations on special orders. J 6of6 AV Equipment Sales &Service System Design & Installation - Programming Services _ ID Repair& Rental Consulting 125 Gana Blvd.•Farmingdale,NY 11735•Phone:631-777-7070•Fax:631-777-7011 •www.adwarvideo.com•sales@adwarvideo.com Town of Southold REQUEST FOR BIDS: Meeting Hall AV Project Bid Due Date: 6/21/18 State of Conformance with Prevailing Wage and Collective Bargaining Agreement Job Site: Town of Southold Meeting Hall 53095 Main Road Southold,NY AV Contractor: ADWAR VIDEO Adwar Video will comply with all Prevailing Wage laws and/or collective Bargaining Agreements in effect at the Project Jobiste. 7 r _ _ l ,j ixpress F ORIGIN ID:ZMVA (631)777-7070 SHIP DATE-19JUN18IF PAM DANDIC ACTWGT:0.50 LB -� VID5 O HZZA BLVD BA ADWAR CAD:8032942IINET3980 O S FARMINGDALE UNITED STATS NUS11735 BILL SENDER ��''9 10 TO SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK cCE`d' ov TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 ROUTE 25 JUN 2 0 2018 BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 INVIMEEnNIGOHALLAVPROJECT REF BID ENCLOSED SOUthold Town Clean PO DUE THU 05-21-18 0 2 00 P M DEPT v III�I�I�III�I�I�III�IIIII ISI�II��I�II II IIII�II�II III SII 1 1 1 Express ! ; p I ; cc W WED - 20 JUN 12:OOP j I U_ TRK" PRIORITY OVERNIGHT 0201 77251574 4621 11971 CD ER WNY-US JFK � c � 0 � cD N O C. 20. E 0 M 111 � 3ZCa M O > Z "n ar n 00 oC � 0 a "R4 -- z � o � /. � m i Insert shipping O _ document here rw � �Qa 4r q ¢`a /g F 1 tip "r g r, r+} Az "K TELEC SOI LITIONS Meeting Hall AV Project Copy • x��a�X Fr���= Town of Southold: REQUEST FOR BIDS: Meeting Hall AV Project Town of Southold ("Southold") is soliciting competitive sealed bids from qualified professional firms to upgrade and install all of the audio and video (AV) equipment in the Town's meeting hall which is located town hall. Vendor bids must comply with all Terms and Conditions described in this document. Written bids are due on 6/21/18 and must be delivered to the Southold Town Clerk's office, Southold Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 by 2:00 PM on that date. Bid proposals must be in sealed envelopes and clearly marked, "Meeting Hall AV Project". Please submit two sets of your proposal. Clearly mark the original copy as "ORIGINAL" on the cover. REQUEST FOR BID OVERVIEW Project Name: Meeting Hall AV Project Bid Issue Date: 5/31/18 Bid Due Date: 6/21/18 @ 2:00 p.m. Vendor Requirements • The Vendor must have performed similar AV project installations and have references. • The Vendor must provide at least 3 references of similar scope. • The Vendor must provide all necessary hardware, training and services for a turnkey solution • The Vendor must comply with the NYS Prevailing Wage Laws and Ordinances. Project Overview The Town of Southold Meeting Hall, located at 53095 Main Road, Southold, N.Y., is a meeting space that is currently used for several different types of events including meetings, work sessions, court sessions, and more. While different components of the audio and video systems have been gradually upgraded over the years, Southold intends to upgrade all of the system components in order to better optimize the space for its uses, and provide a more simplified user experience The project must include the following and shall be based on the following minimal standards. Equipment and Labor must be itemized individually on the proposal. Design and Configuration (See attached drawings for additional information): Microphones The microphone upgrade shall include (8) wired gooseneck microphones with desktop style bases for the dais, (2) wired flange mounted gooseneck microphones for the side lecterns, and (4) wireless' gooseneck microphones which can be used on the longer tables as required: New cabling should be run from all wired microphones to the equipment rack. Since the existing ceiling mic located above the square work session table has been performing well, it will be reused; however, new cabling must be run in order to integrate it with the newer system. Loudspeakers Ten loudspeakers which include 6 in-ceiling speakers in the main area, as well as the 4 in-. ceiling speakers in the lobby area, are to be replaced with new higher powered ceiling speakers that will match the look and size of the existing speakers. This should allow the existing speakers to be replaced without having to recut or replace any of the tiles within the spline ceiling. New cabling should be run for all speakers. Audio Zoning, Amplification, and Processing The ceiling speakers shall be separated into the following four distinct zones: Zone 1: Dais Zone 2: Main Seating, Front Zone 3: Main Seating, Rear Zone 4: Lobby The first three zones are primarily for the purpose of setting delays and providing mix minus functionality, while the lobby zone will have separate volume control from the other zones allowing it to be used as an overflow space as needed. The four discrete speaker zones shall be powered by a new 4 channel 70V amplifier. Audio routing, mixing, level balancing, equalization, delays, acoustic echo cancellation and overall system optimization shall be provided by new digital audio processors. The outputs of these processors will include the four speaker zones as well as the following additional required outputs: Audio Recorder: A dual XLR output plate shall be provided at the front of the dais for convenient connectivity to an"owner furnished portable audio recorder. Additionally, a dual XLR input plate should also be provided for possible audio playback from a portable audio recorder. Since there is a possibility that this portable audio recorder could have only unbalanced RCA inputs and outputs, a standalone unbalanced to balanced audio converter shall be provided as well. Cabling should be run from these plates back to the equipment rack. Camera Operator Location: At times there is a camera operator setting up to record certain events, a mono XLR audio output plate should be installed along the wall allowing them to receive a direct feed from the audio system to integrate with their recording. Cabling should be run from this plate back to the equipment rack. Basement Equipment: A surface mounted AV output plate should be installed in the town hall basement server room near the AV rack for new the AV equipment connectivity. Additional cabling may be required to be run from this plate back to the equipment rack in the meeting hall. AV Recordings (List options 1 and 2 as separate line items on the proposal) To simplify the recording of various meetings, a rack mounted hard disk video recorder shall be provided. Depending on the design the audio could come from either the existing mic in the ceiling above the work session tables or the new digital audio processor. Video can be recorded to either a built-in solid.state drive within the unit, a USB storage device, or a defined network storage device. The process of initiating a recording will be made simple through the use of a keypad stylecontrol panel with dedicated buttons to start, stop, and pause the recording. To ensure the operator and others in the room know when recording is occurring, a recording warning light will be provided which will illuminate the word "RECORDING' any time a recording is started and'should remain lit until the recording is stopped or_paused. In addition a 24" monitor will be mounted on the wall next-to th'd closet in the meeting half showing what the camera is recording. Cabling should be run from this recording light back to the equipment rack and for the monitor. Option 1 - Uses the existing camera: The video to be recorded will come from the existing wall mounted composite camera currently located at'the back of the meeting hall. Option 2 — Replaces the existing camera: The existing camera is a fixed standard definition camera designed more for CCTV use. As an option replace this camera with a high definition PTZ camera. The new camera should be mounted in place of the existing camera along the rear wall of the meeting hall and the HDMI signal extended over category cable back,to the equipment rack. The signal should then feed into both the video recorder and the AV bridge. Additionally, the video signal should also be converted to a composite signal and fed to the broadcast equipment located with the basement equipment rack. New cabling should be provided for this video feed between the two equipment racks. USB AV Bridge Using the existing camera or a replacement camera the Town wants to give individuals the option to join a meeting or session through the use of web conferencing. In order to accommodate this, a USB AV bridge shall be provided. This bridge should take the video from the camera, along with audio from the new digital audio processor, and transmit both via USB to a device for use with soft codec video conferencing applications. The connection to this AV bridge will be a wall mounted USB plate located at the front of the dais for convenient connectivity to any device. Cabling should be run from this USB wall plate back to the equipment rack. Control Control of the primary system functionality shall be accomplished via a simple keypad style wall mounted control panel. This control panel should have dedicated buttons for turning the system on and off, selecting�an audio preset for the desired room configuration, adjusting the overall volume in both the main area as well as the lobby area, and starting/stopping/pausing' a video recording as previously described. Multiple cables should be run from this keypad control panel back to the equipment rack as required. Equipment Rack All head end equipment to be installed within a new 27 space equipment rack to be located in the closet in place of the existing equipment rack. Video Server Replacement (Optional to be listed as a separate line item on the proposal) Since the current video server is standard definition, and only supports MPEG-2 format video files, another add alternate should be included to replace this video server with the latest model. Additionally, the HDMI output of the HDMI distribution amplifier should be converted to HD-SDI and run to the basement rack where this new video server will be located. Note it is the Town's understanding that this option is in addition to AV Recordings Option 2 specified above, and cannot be implemented without AV Recordings Option 2 also being accepted. Hand-off to Southold • Immediately after the installation is complete, the vendor is provide up to four hours of onsite support, training and knowledge transfer to Southold's IT staff. • Tuning — One month after project sign-off the vendor is perform an analysis of the system optimizing, tweaking and tuning settings. Communication/Questions Vendors are expected to raise any questions, or additions they have concerning the BID document-as soon as they become aware of them. Any questions or requests for clarifications must be directed in writing to Lloyd Reisenberg at Iloyd reisenberg(-),town.southold.ny us no later than 6/19/18 @ 4:00 p.m. The subject line of the email must be labeled "BID: Meeting Hall AV Project- Question." The only contact allowed with the Town of Southold IT staff is through email, as stated above. Unauthorized contact of any Town of Southold employee is cause for rejection of the bid. Any additional information or clarifications that are provided to one bidder will be provided to all bidders in the form of an addendum. Calendar of Events The dates set forth below are for informational purposes only. All dates are tentative and subject to change. Milestone Date Issue BID: 5/31/18 Deadline for Submission of Written Questions: 6/19/18 @ 4:00 p.m. Proposal Due Date: 6/21/18 @ 2:00 p.m. Submission of the Response Respondent must submit two sets. Please clearly mark the original copy as'"ORIGINAL" on the cover: Southold Town Clerk PO Box 1179 53095 Route 25, Southold, New York 11971 All responses must be packaged, sealed, show the following information on the outside of the package and include a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate: Respondent's name, address, and the request for proposal number and title. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. Response Requirements: The Town of Southold will evaluate responses based upon the following criteria: Section 1: Proposer's Financial Stability (10%): Provide a description of the Proposer's firm, including history; number of years the Proposer has been in business; type of services provided; and legal status of Proposer's organization, i.e. corporation, partnership, etc. Provide documentation to verify the Proposer possesses adequate financial support, assets, and organization to provide the products and services required in this BID. This may take the form of financial statements, credit ratings, a line of credit, or other financial arrangements sufficient to enable the offer or to be capable of meeting the requirements of this BID. Section 2: Proposer's Qualifications/References (25%) Provide descriptions of like projects Proposer has done in environments comparable to Town of Southold. Provide at least three client references from the above listed project including the names of the individual(s) you would propose Town of Southold contact, together with phone numbers, company names, and addresses. Town of Southold reserves the right to contact or visit any party listed as a reference that has previously used, or is presently using your products or services in a manner similar to those proposed by the vendor. Southold also reserves the right to use other sources to obtain information about the proposed products and services. Section 3: Proposed Solution (40%) Proposed solution must also show the following: • Detailed project plan including estimated hours for each mandatory requirement with start and finish dates. Section 4: Cost Proposal (25%) Vendor's pricing must be all inclusive to provide the Town of Southold a turnkey solution. AV Equipment Specifications or Equivalent (The following list depicts some of the manufacturers and equipment that the Town is considering for this project. It does not include any installation hardware or cabling required to complete the project.) • Atlas Sound C803AT167 Loudspeakers • Lab Gruppen E5A Amplifier • Shure SLX4L=-G5 Receiver • Shure UA844+SWB Distribution System • Shure MX418D/C Microphones - • Shure MX418/C Microphones • Extron 60-1512-01 Matrix Processors • Extron 60-446-01 Matrix Distribution Amplifier • Extron 60-1470-02 Controller • RDL EZ-AFC2 Audio Format Converter • Middle Atlantic ERK-2725 Rack • Samsung SE450 Series S27E450D 24" Monitor • ClearOne 910-2100-003 Camera • Leightronix UltraNexus-HD Video Server Prevailing Wage - Laws and Ordinances Compliance In'the execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall comply and obey all federal, state, county and local laws, ordinances, codes and regulations relating'to the performance of the-Contract, including but not limited to, labor employed thereon, materials supplied, obstructing streets and highways, maintaining signals, storing, handling and use of explosives and all other general ordinances and state statutes affecting him or his employees or his work hereunder in his relations with the Municipality or any other persons, and also all laws, codes, ordinances controlling or limiting the Contractor while engaged in executing the work under the Contract. As a condition of the Contract, the Contractor shall and does hereby agree to comply with all requirements of the labor laws of the State of New York. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sections 291-299 of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law, shall furnish all information and reports deemed necessary by the State Commission for Human Rights, the Attorney General and the Industrial Commissioner for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such sections of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law. The Contract may be forthwith cancelled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in part, by the contracting agency upon the basis of a finding made by the State Commission for Human Rights that the Contractor has not complied with these laws. The Contractor hereby expressly agrees to comply with all the provisions of the Labor Law and any and all amendments thereto, insofar as the same are applicable to this Contract. The Labor Law, as amended, provides that no laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by this Contract, shall be permitted or required to work more than eight (8) hours in any one (1) calendar day,' except in cases of extraordinary emergency caused by fire, flood or danger to life or property; that no such person shall be employed more than eight (8) hours in any day or more than five (5) days in any week expect in such emergency; that the wages to be paid for a legal day's work as herein before defined, to laborers,workmen or mechanics upon the work called for under this Contract or upon any material used upon, or in connection therewith, shall not be less than the prevailing rate for a day's work in the same trade or occupation in the locality within the state where such work is to be done and each laborer, workman or mechanic employed by the Contractor, subcontractor or other person about or upon the work shall be paid the wages herein provided; that employees engaged in the construction, maintenance, and repair of highways and in water works construction outside the limits of cities and villages are no longer exempt from the provisions of the Labor Law which require the payment of the prevailing rate of wages and the eight (8) hour day. Section 222 of the Labor Law, as amended by Chapters 556 and 557 of the Laws of 1933, provides that preference in employment shall be given to citizens of the State of New York who have been residents of Suffolk County for at least six (6) consecutive months immediately prior to the commencement of their employment. Each person so employed shall furnish satisfactory proof of residence in accordance with rules adopted by the Industrial Commissioner. Persons other than citizens of the State of New York shall be employed only when such citizens are not available. Section 222 further provides that upon the demand of the State Industrial Commissioner, the Contractor shall furnish a list of names and addresses of all his subcontractors and further provides that a violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars($50.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not less than thirty nor more than ninety days, or both fine and imprisonment. Section 220-A of the Labor Law, as amended by Chapter 472 of the Laws of 1932, provides that before payment is made by or on behalf of,the State of any city, county, town or village or other civil division of the state of any sums due on account of a contract for a public improvement, it is the duty of the Comptroller or the financial officer of the Municipal Corporation to require the Contractor and each and every subcontractor to file a certified statement in writing, in satisfactoryform, certifying to the amounts then due and owing to any and all laborers for daily or weekly wages on account of labor performed upon the work of the Contractor, setting forth therein the names of the persons whose wages are unpaid and the amount due each respectively. Section 220-B of the Labor Law, as so amended, provides that any interested person who shall have previously filed a protest in writing objecting to the amounts due or to become due to him for daily or weekly wages for labor performed on the public improvement for which the Contract was entered into, or if for any reason, it may be deemed advisable, the Comptroller of the State or financial officer of the Municipal Corporation may deduct from the whole amount of any payment on account thereof of the sums or sum admitted by any contractor or subcontractor in such statement or statements so filed to be due and owing by him on account of labor performed and may withhold the amount so deducted for the benefit of the laborers for daily or weekly wages, whose wages are unpaid as shown by the verified statements filed by any contractor or subcontractor and may pay directly to any person the amount or amounts so shown to be due for such wages. Section 220-C of the Labor Law, as so amended, provides the penalty for making of a false oath or verification. Section 220-D of the Labor Law provides that the advertised Specifications for every contract for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and/or repair of highways to which the State, county, town and/or village is a party shall contain a provision stating the minimum rate of hourly wage that can be paid, as shall be designated by the Industrial Commissioner, to the laborers employed in the performance of the Contract either by the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or part of the work contemplated by the Contract, and the Contract shall contain a stipulation that such laborers shall be paid not less than such hourly minimum rate of wage. Any person or corporation that willfully pays, after entering into such Contract, less than such stipulated minimum hourly wage scale shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be punished for a first offense by a fine of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days, or both by fine and imprisonment;for a second offense by a fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and in addition thereto, the Contract on which the violation has occurred shall be forfeited, and no such person or corporation shall be entitled to receive any sum nor shall any officer, agent or employee of the State pay the same or authorize its payment from the funds under his charge or control to any person or corporation for work done upon any contract, on which the Contractor has been convicted of second offense in violation of the provisions of this section. The minimum wage rates established by the Industrial Commissioner, State of New York, for this Contract are set forth herein above as part of"Instructions to Bidders". • e m a e • PBX - TdFPr TCLS,COMMUNICATIONS SOLUTIONS About PBXstore PBXstore is a privately held, full service telecommunication company. We specialize in business telephone system sales and installations, VoIP solutions, Video Conferencing and Audio Visual services, call accounting packages, digital recording solutions, on- going maintenance services, call center applications, voice and Internet services and all related voice, data, and fiber cabling. We have built a staff of professionals who have been supporting Long Island, New York City, and the tri-state area since 1990 and remain committed to providing state-of-the-art solutions at competitive prices. With the acquisition of Sonatel Plus, we now have a National Presence. PBX Store has earned its reputation over the past 19 years as a company that focuses on customer service along with attention to detail. We strive to provide the proper system solution to each business we work with. We understand that every business has different needs when it comes to their communication and conferencing systems. As a fully managed service provider and carrier broker, we are also able to properly pair you with a phone system and teleconference service that will be tailored to your specific business needs. PBXstore's business objective is to offer quality and reliability in all facets of our operations. This is evident in our selection of highly reliable products and a commitment to the highest standards of service. The Company's principals and employees know the definition and importance of quality and service. This comes as a result of years of focus on telecom manufacturing quality control and assurance programs, engineering product designs and development and technical field support. The PBXstore staff is continually educated via manufacturer's certified training, industry, and in-house programs. Keeping abreast of industry developments enables PBXstore, as a company, to offer the latest.technologies and professional services. r 130 Knickerbocker Ave., Suite I, Bohemia, NY 11716 t: 631.567.2300 f: 631.567.6426 PBX E;7,.d FR I- TE[.ECONITAUNICATIONS Southold Town Clerk SOLUTIONS Meeting Hall AV Proposal June 18"',2018 PBXstore,Inc. Quote 5064 Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Attn: Mr. Lloyd Reisenberg The following is a proposal for the requested Town of Southold Meeting Room AV Project. This proposal was created based on the specifications provided by Lloyd Reisenberg and the Town of Southold. Scope of Work: Microphones: Total Estimated Man Hours 20 (Phase 1) We will wire and install 8 wired gooseneck microphones with desktop bases at the dais table location, 2 wired gooseneck microphones for the lectern locations, and 4 wireless gooseneck microphones for the longer table locations. We will provide new wiring back to the equipment location from all wired microphones.Additionally we will install a wireless distribution system for all wireless microphones on a channel to be determined. We will ensure that we find a proper frequency that if FCC approved and will not cause nor receive interference on any restricted frequencies. All microphone wiring will be run to ensure integration with the new AV system. Loudspeakers: Total Estimated Man Hours 20 (Phase 1) We will wire and install 10 new speakers at the pre-existing locations. 6 speakers will be installed in the main meeting room and 4 speakers will be installed in the lobby area. We will use speakers of the same size and diameter to avoid any cutting of new holes and retro fit these new speakers into the same locations as the existing speakers. The wiring will be run back to the equipment location for integration into the matrix amplifier. Audio zoning, amplification, and processing: Total Estimated Man Hours 18 (Phase 2) We will create 4 separate zones of audio utilizing the matrix amplifier we are providing. Zone 1 will be the dais location, zone 2 Main seating front, zone 3 main seating rear, zone 4 lobby. The system will allow for independent control of each zone. For audio recording purposes a dual XLR output plate will be installed at the front of the dais for connection by an owner furnished audio recorder. A second XLR plate will provided for input and be available for the purpose of playback. We will also provide unbalanced RCA audio converter in the event the recorder only handles unbalanced RCA. A mono XLR output plate will be provided on the back wall to provide audio to camera operator location. In the basement a surface mounted AV output plate will be installed for connection to the basement server room. All items in this section will be wired back to the main equipment rack location for connectivity. 130 Knickerbocker Ave., Suite I, Bohemia, NY 11716 t: 631.567.2300 f: 631.567.6426 Pm � c� BX SS-F©iR(= TELRCOMMUNICATIONS SOLUTIONS AV Recordings: (Phase 2) Option I-10 Hours-Using the pre-existing camera we will include the camera into the system and have it feed to the video server as it does in its current configuration as well as including an AV bridge that will be usb accessible and mounted to the front of the dais for easy access. Option 2-16 Hours-We will install and wire a new HD PTZ controllable camera that will feed to the server and AV Bridge. We will wire from the new camera to both locations. PTZ allows for pan,tilt, and zoom control via remote to change the angle and location of the camera shot. The camera will be controllable via mobile app and on site remote control. TV monitor and recording light installation- 16 Hours (Phase 2)-We will install a lab vault recording device that will be integrated to provide control of the recording and ending of recordings to the onsite control panel. We will install a 24 inch monitor stage right of the dais for monitored recording view. There will be a new"recording" light installed at the back of the room and will illuminate when recording and turn off when recording is not active. The wiring for this recording light will be run to the control panel and a relay back to the main equipment rack will be run. PBX is not responsible for providing electric connection at the fixture that will be the responsibility of the Town of Southold. Video Server Installation and Wiring- 10 Hours (Phase 2)-Installation and Wiring of New Nexus HD Video Server Control System: Total Estimated 31 Man Hours (Phase 3) We will install a new on wall control panel at the specified location in the main meeting room. Additionally the"brain" of the control panel will be installed into the new equipment rack location. The control panel will have the requested dedicated controls for audio selection, volume control, start and stop recording, and powering the system on and off. Addition controls can be added post installation if new functionality is needed. Estimated hours include programming hours for system programming. Equipment Rack: 14 Man Hours (Phase 3) We will install a new 27 space equipment rack.The rack will house all new audio visual and control equipment.All equipment will be built in and `laced' neatly into the rack. The main wire harness will be brought in through the back of the rack with a service umbilicus for ease of movement and service of the rack accessories in the future. Included in the rack will be networked power conditioners for all power hookups. Testing,Training and Education: 10 Hours Available (Phase 4) We will provide training for all necessary employees to ensure proper function and use of the new system. We will also conduct a test meeting to ensure proper execution and function across the entire platform. 130 Knickerbocker Ave., Suite I, Bohemia, NY 11716 t: 631.567.2300 f: 631.567.6426 m PBX E3 FC>i R TELECO:WIUNIGATION$ $OWTIONS Phase 1: 2 Technicians, 2.5 Days to install microphones and speakers at location and wire back to rack location without hookup. (40 Man Hours) Phase 2: 2 Technicians 3 or 4 Days depending on the scope of work from selected options. (44-60 Man Hours) Phase 3: 2 Technicians and 1 Programmer 3 Days (45 Man Hours) Phase 4: 1 Programmer available for training to any users for up to 10 total hours, which will include a fully functional test run of the system as it will be used moving forward. The scope of work for this project will require roughly 2 weeks from start to finish. PBXstore will coordinate with your facilities and IT team in order to create a reasonable schedule. We can begin phases without disrupting the existing standard operating procedure for room usage and keep the functionality up through phase 3. Phase 3 will require the room to be out of commission for 3-5 business days. We will make every effort to work around the schedule as this building has multifunction's and may need to be in use during the duration of this project. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, 1&��,, za Brian Hallahan Systems Engineer PBXstore Inc. 130 Knickerbocker Ave., Suite I Bohemia,NY 11716 bhallahan@pbxstore.com 130 Knickerbocker Ave., Suite I, Bohemia, NY 11716 t: 631.567.2300 f: 631.567.6426 PBX -FC )FRE TF(,F,COh'.PotF* CAXIONS SC7:!ITICT:S References: 1. TFCU-Full room Collusion system with soft codec video conferencing system. Contact Person: Mim Stevenson-Vaiana Contact Info: (631)698-7000 2. Brightpoint Health-Full Room Conference and Automation System Contact Person: Sheila Maita Contact Info: (917)399-1149 3. Metro Service Solutions-Full Conference AV and Automation as well as included Phone System Contact Person:Neil Trout Contact Info: (631)382-3600 130 Knickerbocker Ave., Suite I, Bohemia, NY 11716 t: 631.567.2300 f: 631.567.6426 Mstore, Inc Quote Phone: 631-567-2300 Fax: 631-567-6426 N0.: 5064 130 Knickerbcker Ave., Suite I Date: 6/11/2018 Ohemia, NY 11716 Prepared for: Prepared by: Brian M. Hallahan Account No.: 7506 Southold Town Phone: (631) 765-1800 53095 Main road Sothold, NY 11971 U.S.A. • U0M Sell Total 4 2020 Shure SLX4L Receiver Frequency:TBD EA $405.60 $1,622.40 8 2020 Microphones-Shure MX418D/C Desktop Mic 18" EA $358.40 $2,867.20 Cardioid 2 2020 Microphones-Shure MX418/C Gooseneck Mic 18" EA $266.50 $533.00 Cardioid XLR 1 2020 Microphones-Shure UA844+SWB Antenna Distribution EA $688.50 $688.50 System 10 2020 Atlas-In-Ceiling Speakers EA $109.20 $1,092.00 1 2020 Audio- Lab Grupen E5-4 EA $1,064.00 $1,064.00 1 C4-8AMP1-B Audio-Control 4-4-Zone Matrix Amplifier EA $1,362.30 $1,362.30 2 2020 Audio- DBX Zone Pro Processor EA $1,118.60 $2,237.20 1 2020 Audio- RDL EZAFC2X Audio Format Converter EA $315.00 $315.00 1 2020 Video-Clearone Unite 200 PTZ Camera EA $2,634.00 $2,634.00 1 C4 6X6 AV Matrix Video-AV HDMI Distribution Matrix EA $4,158.00 $4,158.00 Switch Kit 1 2020 Video- HD to Composite Converter EA $158.65 $158.65 1 2020 Video Monitor-Samsung S27E4501)Monitor EA $368.00 $368.00 1 2020 Video-Recording Light EA $360.20 $360.20 1 2020 Video-Vaddio AV Bridge HD Video Encoder/Ethernet EA $2,800.00 $2,800.00 and USB 1 C4 EA5 Control-C4 Controller- EA5 EA $2,280.00 $2,280.00 1 C4-TW7C0-WH Control 4- 7"In-Wall Touch Screen -White EA $1,078.92 $1,078.92 1 2020 Rack- Mid Atlantic ERK27-25 EA $627.20 $627.20 3 2020 Rack Power- Panamax 8 Outlet Power Conditioner EA $176.70 $530.10 1 2020 Recording- Leightronix LabVault-HD EA $4,996.60 $4,996.60 1 2020 Recording- Leightronix UltraNexusHD-X2 Video Server EA $14,293.50 $14,293.50 1 2020 Connection- Dual XLR Input Plate EA $60.72 $60.72 1 2020 Connection- Dual XLR Output Plate EA $60.72 $60.72 1 2020 Connection- USB Wall Plate EA $17.03 $17.03 • 1 2020 Connections- Misc. AV Patch Cables and Connectors EA $250.00 $250.00 3 2020 Cat 6 Cable- 1000ft Box EA $180.00 $540.00 4 2020 16/4 Cable-500ft Box EA $140.00 $560.00 quote-no discount column.rpt Printed: 6/21/2018 9:35:03AM Page 1 Quote No.: 5064 Date: 6/11/2018 —�uantity Item ID Description UoM1 Sell Total 1 2020 USB Cable- 100ft unterminated USB Cable EA $45.64 $45.64 2 2020 Microphone Cable-Sheilded XLR Cable w/o EA $137.33 $274.66 Terminations-500ft Roll 20 2020 Labor For Wiring and Installation of Microphones EA $125.00 $2,500.00 20 2020 Labor for Speaker Wiring and Installation EA $125.00 $2,500.00 18 2020 Labor for Audio Zoning,Amplification and Processing EA $125.00 $2,250.00 10 2020 Camera Option 1- Labor for video recording installation EA $125.00 $1,250.00 utilizing existing camera 16 2020 Camera Option 2- Labor for Video Recording Installation EA $125.00 $2,000.00 utilizing new PTZ Camera 16 2020 Labor for Monitor, Lab Vault Recording Device,and EA $125.00 $2,000.00 Recording Light 10 2020 "Optional' Labor For Installation and Wiring of new EA $125.00 $1,250.00 Leightronix Video Server 15 2020 Labor Control System Installation, including touch EA $125.00 $1,875.00 screen and main control unit 16 2020 Labor for Control4 and System Programming EA $182.25 $2,916.00 14 2020 Labor for Rack Build, lacing and installation of accessory EA $125.00 $1,750.00 items 10 2020 Training and Education EA $99.00 $990.00 8.00 2021 Travel HR $45.00 $360.00 Your Price: $69,516.54 Total: $69,516.54 Prices are firm until 7/11/2018 Terms: Prepared by: Brian-M. Hallahan, bhallahan@pbxstore.com Date: 6/11/2018 Upon Approval a deposit of 50% will be required for purchase of special order items. wn of Southold Is Responsible for providing adequate power at all locations. PBXstore will provide standard scope for cessary power requirement. Accepted by: Date: quote-no discount column.rpt Printed: 6/21/2018 9:35:03AM Page 2 FTS Form Statement of Non-Collusion in Bids or Proposals [General Municipal Law 4- 103-d] By submission of this bid; each Bidder/Proposer and each person signing on behalf of any Bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of their knowledge and belief: 1. The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other. Bidder/Proposer or with any competitor; 2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in the bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the Bidder/Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by the Bidder/Proposer prior to opening directly or indirectly to any other Bidder/Proposer or to any competitor; and 3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Bidder/Proposer to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. No bid/proposal will be considered for award nor shall any award be made where paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above have not been complied with; provided however, that if in any case the bidder/proposer cannot make the foregoing certification, the bidder/proposer shall so state and shall furnish with the bid/proposal a signed statement which sets forth in detail the reasons therefor. Where paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above have not been complied with, the bid/proposal shall not be considered for award nor shall any award be made unless the County determines that such disclosure was not made for the purpose of restricting competition. The fact that a Bidder/Proposer: a) has published price lists, rates, or tariffs covering items being procured, b) has informed prospective customers of proposed or pending publication of new or revised price lists for such items, or c) has sold the same items to other customers at the same, prices being bid/proposed does not constitute, without more, a disclosure hereunder. I, �jP}elf) �-�� 1�-I, hereby affirm under penalty of perjury under the Laws of the State of New York that I am authorized to provide this certification and that the above is true and correct. pe) 5-to cc (I C. Name of Entity gnature of Authorized Representative Date Rev 7/9/13 PBX8688 04/04/2018 10 38 AM Form 11205 OMB No 1545-0123 U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation 2®17 ► Do not file this form unless the corporation has sled or is Department of the Treasury attaching Form 2553 to elect to be an S corporation. Internal Revenue Service ►Go to wwwJrs.-t7o0Forrn1120S for instructions and the latest information. For calendar year 2017 or tax ear beqinninq ending A S electron effective date Name D Employer identification number 01/01/02 TYPE PBXSTORE, INC. B Business activity code 11-3598688 number(see Instructions) OR Number,street,and room or suite no If a P O box see Instructions E Date incorporated 541990 130 KNICKERBOCKER AVE SUITE 1 03/01/2000 C Check If Sch M-3 PRINT City or town,state or province,country,and ZIP or foreign postal code F Total assets(see Instructions) attached ❑ BOHEMIA NY 11716 $ 141,589 G Is the corporation electing to be an S corporation beginning with this tax years H Yes JXJ No If"Yes,"attach Form 2553 If not already filed H Check if (1) ❑ Final return (2) ❑ Name change (3) ❑ Address change (4) ❑ Amended return (5) ❑ S election termination or revocation I Enter the number of shareholders who were shareholders during any part of the tax year ► 2 Caution. Include only trade or business income and expenses on lines 1a through 21 See the Instructions for more Information 1a Gross receipts or sales 228 100b Returns and allowances �iaj�l, b 2,676 _ c Balance.Subtract line 1b from line 1a 1c 1,225,424 °' 2 579 336 E 2 Cost of goods sold (attach Form 1125-A) 5 3 Gross profit Subtract line 2 from line 1c 3 646,088 4 Net gain(loss)from Form 4797,line 17(attach Form 4797) 4 5 Other Income (loss) (see Instructions—attach statement) 5 6 Total income (loss).Add lines 3 through 5 ► 6 646,088 7 Compensation of officers (see instructions-attach Form 1125-E) 7 183 r 187 8 Salaries and wages (less employment c its) , ry ® 8 17,591 9 Repairs and maintenance (9 11 pl I)f� d e n ct� a � 9 713 10 Bad debts U [1 U uu u 10 11 Rents , 11 20r344 0 12 Taxes and licenses 12 25 861 F- 13 Interest 13 2,608 14 Depreciation not claimed on Form 1125-A or elsewhere on return (attach Form 4562) 14 3 175 A 15 Depletion (Do not deduct oil and gas depletion.) 15 In 16 Advertising 16 2,781 O 17 Pension, profit-sharing, etc, plans 17 o 18 Employee benefit programs 18 19 Other deductions (attach statement) See Stmt 1 19 169,841 ❑ 20 Total deductions.Add Imes 7 through 19 ► 20 426,101 21 Ordinary business income (loss).Subtract line 20 from line 6 21 219,987 22a Excess net passive income or LIFO recapture tax(see instructions) 22a b Tax from Schedule D(Form 1120S) 22b = c Add Imes 22a and 22b(see Instructions for additional taxes) 22c 23a 2017 estimated tax payments and 2016 overpayment credited to 2017 23a b Tax deposited with Form 7004 23b a c Credit for federal tax paid on fuels(attach Form 4136) 23c c (�-� 23d d Add lines 23a through 23c X 24 Estimated tax penalty(see Instructions). Check if Form 2220 Is attached ► L l 24 W 25 Amount owed. If line 23d Is smaller than the total of Innes 22c and 24,enter amount owed 25 H 26 Overpayment If line 23d Is larger than the total of Imes 22c and 24,enter amount overpaid 26 27 Enter amount from line 26 Credited to 2018 estimated tax► Refunded ► 27 Under penalties of penury,I declare that I have examined this return,Including accompanying schedules and statements, May the IRS discuss this return with the preparer and to the best of my knowledge and belief,It Is true,correct,and complete Declaration of preparer(other than taxpayer) Is based on all Information of which preparer has any knowledge shown below see Instructors X Yes 11 No Sign , President Here ' Signature of officer Antonio Marcel Date Title Pnnt/rype preparers name Preparer's signature Date Check X If PTIN Paid RAYMOND B BORSELLA RAYMOND B BORSELLA 04/04/18 self-employed I P00531649 Preparer Firm's name ► RAYMOND B. BORSELLA & CO. , CPA Firm's EIN► 11-2581057 Use Only Firm's address ► 263 SMITHTOWN BLVD NESCONSET, NY 11767 Phone no 631-467-3378 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Form 11205(2017) DAA PBX8688 0410412018 10 38 AM Form 1120S (2017) PBXSTORE, INC. 11-3598688 Page 2 Schedule B, Other Information see instructions 1 Check accounting method. aX Cash b Accrual Yes No C Other (specify)110- 2 2 See the Instructions and enter the a Business activity► TELEPHONE SYSTEMS b Product or service► Service & Install 3 At any time during the tax year,was any shareholder of the corporation a disregarded entity,a trust, an estate, or a nominee or similar person? If"Yes,"attach Schedule B-1, Information on Certain Shareholders of an S Corporation X 4 At the end of the tax year,did the corporation a Own directly 20%or more,or own,directly or indirectly, 50%or more of the total stock issued and outstanding of any foreign or domestic corporation? For rules of constructive ownership,see instructions If"Yes,"complete(i)through (v) below X (d)Employer (e)Country of (v)Percentage of (v)If Percentage in(v)is 100%, (i)Name of Corporation Idertificahon Incorporation Stock Owned Enter the Date(if any) Number(I any) a Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary Election Was Made b Own directly an Interest of 20%or more,or own,directly or Indirectly,an interest of 50%or more In the profit,loss,or capital In any foreign or domestic partnership(including an entity treated as a partnership)or in the beneficial interest of a trust?For rules of constructive ownership, see instructions. If"Yes,"comptete I through v below X III)Employer (iv)Country of (v)Mawmum Percentage (i)Name of Entity Idertificabon (iii)Type of Entity Organ¢ahon Owned in Profit, NUrErj(d any), n ® Loss,or Capital 4— i u u u t3 - U KUTV 5a At the end of the tax year,did the corporation have any outstanding shares of restricted stock? X If"Yes,"complete lines(i)and(it)below. (i) Total shares of restricted stock ► (i)) Total shares of non-restricted stock ► b At the end of the tax year,did the corporation have any outstanding stock options,warrants, or similar instruments? X If"Yes,"complete lines(I)and(u)below. (i) Total shares of stock outstanding at the end of the tax year ► (ii) Total shares of stock outstanding If all instruments were executed ► 6 Has this corporation filed,or Is it required to file,Form 8918,Material Advisor Disclosure Statement, to provide information on any reportable transaction? X 7 Check this box if the corporation issued publicly offered debt Instruments with original issue discount ► ❑ If checked,the corporation may have to file Form 8281, Information Return for Publicly Offered Original Issue Discount Instruments 8 If the corporation,(a)was a C corporation before it elected to be an S corporation or the corporation acquired an asset with a basis determined by reference to the basis of the asset(or the basis of any other property)in the hands of a C corporation and(b) has net unrealized built-in gain In excess of the net recognized built-in gain from prior years,enter the net unrealized built-in gain reduced by net recognized built-in gain from prior years (see Instructions) ► $ 9 Enter the accumulated earnings and profits of the corporation at the end of the tax year $ 10 Does the corporation satisfy both of the following conditions? a The corporation's total receipts(see instructions)for the tax year were less than$250,000 b The corporation's total assets at the end of the tax year were less than$250,000 X If"Yes,"the corporation is not required to complete Schedules L and M-1. 11 During the tax year,did the corporation have any non-shareholder debt that was canceled,was forgiven,or had the terms modified so as to reduce the principal amount of the debt? X If"Yes,"enter the amount of principal reduction $ 12 During the tax year,was a qualified subchapter S subsidiary election terminated or revoked?If"Yes,"see instructions X 13a Did the corporation make any payments in 2017 that would require it to file Form(s) 1099? b If"Yes"did the corporation file or will it file required Forms 1099? Form 1120S(2017) DAA PBx8688 04/04/2018 1038 AM Form 1120S 2017 PBXSTORE INC. 11-3598688 Page ;Schedule K, Shareholders' Pro Rata Share Items Total amount 1 Ordinary business income(loss) (page 1, line 21) 1 219,987 2 Net rental real estate income(loss)(attach Form 8825) 2 3a Other gross rental income(loss) 3a b Expenses from other rental activities (attach statement) 3b rn c Other net rental income(loss) Subtract line 3b from line 3a 3c 0 4 Interest income 4 d 5 Dividends a Ordinary dividends 5a E b Qualified dividends 5b 0 c 6 Royalties 6 7 Net short-term capital gain (loss) (attach Schedule D(Form 1120S)) 7 8a Net long-term capital gain (loss) (attach Schedule D(Form 1120S)) 8a b Collectibles (28%) gain (loss) 8b c Unrecaptured section 1250 gain (attach statement) 8c 9 Net section 1231 gain (loss)(attach Form 4797) 9 10 Other income loss see instructions Type ► 10 m 11 Section 179 deduction (attach Form 4562) 11 0 0 12a Charitable contributions 12a b Investment interest expense 12b oc Section 59(e)(2) expenditures (1)Type► (2)Amount ► 12c(2) d Other deductions see instructions Type► 12d 13a Low-income housing credit (section 42())(5)) 13a b Low-income housing credit (other) 13b c Qualified rehabilitation expenditureCin ta ea estat fatt Form 3468 f a13c d Other rental real estate credits (seWcti t1 �plicabl�) 13d U a Other rental credits (see instructions) Type 13e f Biofuel producer credit(attach Form 6478) 13f Other credits see instructions Type► 119- 14a Name of country or U S. possession► b Gross income from all sources 14b c Gross income sourced at shareholder level 14c Foreign gross income sourced at corporate level d Passive category 14d oe General category 14e f Other (attach statement) 14f m c Deductions allocated and apportioned at shareholder level F. g Interest expense 14 c h Other 14h m Deductions allocated and apportioned at corporate level to foreign source income W 1 Passive category 141 J General category 14i k Other (attach statement) 14k Other information Total foreign taxes (check one) ► ❑ Paid ❑ Accrued 141 m Reduction in taxes available for credit(attach statement) 14m in Other foreign tax information attach statement X 15a Post-1986 depreciation adjustment 15a £ b Adjusted gain or loss 15b EE^22 c,c Depletion (other than oil and gas) 15c e� d Oil,gas, and geothermal properties—gross income 15d Q�ga a Oil, gas, and geothermal properties—deductions 15e f Other AMT items attach statement 15f 0), 16a Tax-exempt interest income 16a m c N b Other tax-exempt income 16b Q Lm c Nondeductible expenses 16c 4 909 EN d Distributions (attach statement if required) (see instructions) 16d 171,365 °= a Repayment of loans from shareholders 16e F.. 11205(2017) DAA PBX8688 04/04/2018 1038 AM Form 1120S 2017 PBXSTORE r INC. 11-3598688 Page 4 Schedule K Shareholders' Pro Rata Share Items(continued) Total amount c 17a Investment income 17a rb Investment expenses 17b S€ c Dividend distributions paid from accumulated earnings and profits 17c w 5 d Other items and amounts attach statement 8 m 18 Income/loss reconciliation.Combine the amounts on Imes 1 through 10 in the far right E5 column.From the result,subtract the sum of the amounts on lines 11 through 12d and 141 18 219,987 Schedule L Balance Sheets per Books Beginning of tax year End of tax year Assets a b c d 1 Cash __, _ ___, 40,751 _" —1 591 2a Trade notes and accounts receivable b Less allowance for bad debts 3 Inventories 4 U S. government obligations 5 Tax-exempt securities (see instructions) 6 Other current assets(attach statement) Stmt 2 3,500 7 Loans to shareholders 70,140 70,140 8 Mortgage and real estate loans " 9 Other investments(attach statement) 10a Buildings and other depreciable assets 234,622 234,622 b Less accumulated depreciation 165,662, 68 960 168,837', 65,785 11a Depletable assets b Less accumulated depletion o 0 12 Land (net of any amortization) OU - u 13a Intangible assets (amortizable only) b Less accumulated amortization 14 Other assets(attach statement) Stmt 3 3,755 3,755 15 Total assets 183,606 141 589 Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity 16 Accounts payable 17 Mortgages,notes,bonds payable in less than 1 year 104,548 25,828 18 Other current liabilities(attach statement) S tmt 4 1,669 2 135 19 Loans from shareholders 33,700 33,700 20 Mortgages,notes,bonds payable In 1 year or more 30,876 23,400 21 Other liabilities (attach statement) 22 Capital stock 500 500 23 Additional paid-in capital 24 Retained earnings 12 313 56 026 25 Adjustments to shareholders' _ equity(attach statement) " 26 Less cost of treasury stock 27 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 183_,606 141,589 Form 1120S(2017) DAA PBXB688 04/04/2018 10 38 AM Form 1120S (2017) PBXSTORE, INC 11-3598688 Page 5 Schedule I_N_=1_' Reconciliation of Income (Loss) per Books With Income (Loss) per Return Note: The corporation maybe required to file Schedule M-3 see instructions 1 Net Income(loss)per books 215,078 5 Income recorded on books this year not Included 2 Income Included on Schedule K,lines 1,2,3c,4, on Schedule K,lines 1 through 10(Itemize). 5a,6,7,8a,9,and 10,not recorded on books this a Tax-exempt interest $ year (itemize) 3 Expenses recorded on books this year not 6 Deductions Included on Schedule K, Included on Schedule K,lines 1 through 12 lines 1 through 12 and 141, not charged and 141(Itemize), against book Income this year(Itemize) a Depredation $ a Depreciation $ b Travel and4 909 entertainment $ / 4,90917 Add Imes 5 and 6 4 Add lines 1 through 3 219 987 8 Income loss Schedule K line 18 Line 4 less line 7 219 987 ;Schedule 1111-2; Analysis of Accumulated Adjustments Account, Other Adjustments Account, and Shareholders' Undistributed Taxable Income Previous) Taxed see instructions (a)Accumulated (b)Other adjustments (c) Shareholders'undistributed adjustments account account taxable income previously laxed 1 Balance at beginning of tax year 12,313 2 Ordinary Income from page 1,line 21 219,987 3 Other additions 4 Loss from page 1,line 21 5 Other reductionsStmt 5 4,909w 6 Combine lines 1 through 5 227,391 7 Distributions other than dividend distnbutio © 1 1 365 n © (9 8 Balance at end of tax year Subtract line 7 from lin;6 ) 11 IN( 6 H 11 �' ° Form I I 20(2017) DAA aAil . $• """ a ry a ITLECOWN1UNICATIONS SOLL)i IONS Meeting Hall AV Project Original Copy Town of Southold: REQUEST FOR BIDS: Meeting Hall AV Project Town of Southold ("Southold") is soliciting competitive sealed bids from qualified professional firms to upgrade and install all of the audio and video (AV) equipment in the Town's meeting hall which is located town hall. Vendor bids must comply with all Terms and Conditions described in this document. Written bids are due on 6/21/18 and must be delivered to the Southold Town Clerk's office, Southold Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 by 2:00 PM on that date. Bid proposals must be in sealed envelopes and clearly marked, "Meeting Hall AV Project". Please submit two sets of your proposal. Clearly mark the original copy as "ORIGINAL" on the cover. REQUEST FOR BID OVERVIEW Project Name: Meeting Hall AV Project Bid Issue Date: 5/31/18 Bid Due Date: 6/21/18 @ 2:00 p.m. Vendor Requirements • The Vendor must have performed similar AV project installations and have references. • The Vendor must provide at least 3 references of similar scope. • The Vendor must provide all necessary hardware, training and services for a turnkey solution. • The Vendor must comply with the NYS Prevailing Wage Laws and Ordinances. Project Overview The Town of Southold Meeting Hall, located at 53095 Main Road, Southold, N.Y., is a meeting space that is currently used for several different types of events including meetings, work sessions, court sessions, and more. While different components of the audio and video systems have been gradually upgraded over the years, Southold intends to upgrade all of the system components in order to better optimize the space for its uses, and provide a more simplified user experience. The project must include the following and shall be based on the following minimal standards. Equipment and Labor must be itemized individually on the proposal. _ Design and Configuration (See attached drawings for additional information): Microphones The microphone upgrade shall include (8) wired gooseneck microphones with desktop style bases for the dais, (2) wired flange mounted gooseneck microphones for the side lecterns, and (4) wireless gooseneck microphones which can be used on the longer tables as required. New cabling should be run from all wired microphones to the equipment rack. Since the existing ceiling mic located above the square work session table has been performing well, it will be reused; however, new cabling must be run in order to integrate it with the newer system. Loudspeakers Ten loudspeakers which include 6 in-ceiling speakers in the main area, as well as the 4 in- ceiling speakers in the lobby area, are to be replaced with new higher powered ceiling speakers that will match the look and size of the existing speakers. This should allow the existing speakers to be replaced without having to recut or replace any of the tiles within the spline ceiling. New cabling should be run for all speakers. Audio Zoning, Amplification, and Processing The ceiling speakers shall be separated into the following four distinct zones: Zone 1: Dais Zone 2: Main Seating, Front Zone 3: Main Seating, Rear Zone 4: Lobby The first three zones are primarily for the purpose of setting delays and providing mix minus functionality, while the lobby zone will have separate volume control from the other zones allowing it to be used as an overflow space as needed. The four discrete speaker zones shall be powered by a new 4 channel 70V amplifier. Audio routing, mixing, level balancing, equalization, delays, acoustic echo cancellation and overall system optimization shall be provided by new digital audio processors. The outputs of these processors will include the four speaker zones as well as the following additional required outputs: Audio Recorder: A dual XLR output plate shall be provided at the front of the dais for convenient connectivity to an owner furnished portable audio recorder. Additionally, a dual XLR input plate should also be provided for possible audio playback from a portable audio recorder. Since there is a possibility that this portable audio recorder could have only unbalanced RCA inputs and outputs, a standalone unbalanced to balanced audio converter shall be provided as well. Cabling should be run from these plates back to the equipment rack. Camera Operator Location: At times there is a camera operator setting up to record certain events, a mono XLR audio output plate should be installed along the wall allowing them to receive a direct feed from the audio system to integrate with their recording. Cabling should be run from this plate back to the equipment rack. Basement Equipment: A surface mounted AV output plate should be installed in the town hall basement server room near the AV rack for new the AV equipment connectivity. Additional cabling may be required to be run from this plate back to the equipment rack in the meeting hall. AV Recordings (List options 1 and 2 as separate line items on the proposal) To simplify the recording of various meetings, a rack mounted hard disk video recorder shall be provided. Depending on the design the audio could come from either the existing mic in the ceiling above the work session tables or the new digital audio processor. Video can be recorded to either a built-in solid state drive within the unit, a USB storage device, or a defined network storage device. The process of initiating a recording will be made simple through the use of a keypad style control panel with dedicated buttons to start, stop, and pause the recording. To ensure the operator and others in the room know when recording is occurring, a recording warning light will be provided which will illuminate the word "RECORDING" any time a recording is started and should remain lit until the recording is stopped or paused. In addition a 24" monitor will be mounted on the wall next to the closet in the meeting hall showing what the camera is recording. Cabling should be run from this recording light back to the equipment rack and for the monitor. Option 1 - Uses the existing camera: The video to be recorded will come from the existing wall mounted composite camera currently located at the back of the meeting hall. Option 2— Replaces the existing camera: The existing camera is a fixed standard definition camera designed more for CCTV use. As an option replace this camera with a high definition PTZ camera. The new camera should be mounted in place of the existing camera along the rear wall of the meeting hall and the HDMI signal extended over category cable back to the equipment rack. The signal should then feed into both the video recorder and the AV bridge. Additionally, the video signal should also be converted to a composite signal and fed to the broadcast equipment located with the basement equipment rack. New cabling should be provided for this video feed between the two equipment racks. USB AV Bridge Using the existing camera or a replacement camera the Town wants to give individuals the option to join a meeting or session through the use of web conferencing. In order to accommodate this, a USB AV bridge shall be provided. This bridge should take the video from the camera, along with audio from the new digital audio processor, and transmit both via USB to a device for use with soft codec video conferencing applications. The connection to this AV bridge will be a wall mounted USB plate located at the front of the dais for convenient connectivity to any device. Cabling should be run from this USB wall plate back to the equipment rack. Control Control of the primary system functionality shall be accomplished via a simple keypad style wall mounted control panel. This control panel should have dedicated buttons for turning the system on and off, selecting an audio preset for the desired room configuration, adjusting the overall volume in both the main area as well as the lobby area, and starting/stopping/pausing a video recording as previously described. Multiple cables should be run from this keypad control panel back to the equipment rack as required. Equipment Rack All head end equipment to be installed within a new 27 space equipment rack to be located in the closet in place of the existing equipment rack. Video Server Replacement (Optional to be listed as a separate line item on the proposal) Since the current video server is standard definition, and only supports MPEG-2 format video files, another add alternate should be included to replace this video server with the latest model. Additionally, the HDMI output of the HDMI distribution amplifier should be converted to HD-SDI and run to the basement rack where this new video server will be located. Note it is the Town's understanding that this option is in addition to AV Recordings Option 2 specified above, and cannot be implemented without AV Recordings Option 2 also being accepted. Hand-off to Southold • Immediately after the installation is complete, the vendor is provide up to four hours of onsite support, training and knowledge transfer to Southold's IT staff. • Tuning — One month after project sign-off the vendor is perform an analysis of the system optimizing, tweaking and tuning settings. Communication/Questions Vendors are expected to raise any questions, or additions they have concerning the BID document as soon as they become aware of them. Any questions or requests for clarifications must be directed in writing to Lloyd Reisenberg at Iloyd reisenberg(a�town southold.ny.us no later than 6/19/18 @ 4:00 p.m. The subject line of the email must be labeled "BID: Meeting Hall AV Project-Question." The only contact allowed with the Town of Southold IT staff is through email, as stated above. Unauthorized contact of any Town of Southold employee is cause for rejection of the bid. Any additional information or clarifications that are provided to one bidder will be provided to all bidders in the form of an addendum. Calendar of Events The dates set forth below are for informational purposes only. All dates are tentative and subject to change. Milestone Date Issue BID: 5/31/18 Deadline for Submission of Written Questions: - 6/19/18 @ 4:00 p.m. Proposal Due Date: 6/21/18 @ 2:00 p.m. Submission of the Response Respondent must submit two sets. Please clearly mark the original copy as "ORIGINAL" on the cover: Southold Town Clerk PO Box 1179 53095 Route 25, Southold, New York 11971 All responses must be packaged, sealed, show the following information on the outside of the package and include a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate: Respondent's name, address, and the request for proposal number and title. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. Response Requirements: The Town of Southold will evaluate responses based upon the following criteria: Section 1: Proposer's Financial Stability (10%): Provide a description of the Proposer's firm, including history; number of years the Proposer has been in business; type of services provided; and legal status of Proposer's organization, i.e. corporation, partnership, etc. Provide documentation to verify the Proposer possesses adequate financial support, assets, and organization to provide the products and services required in this BID. This may take the form of financial statements, credit ratings, a line of credit, or other financial arrangements sufficient to enable the offer or to be capable of meeting the requirements of this BID. Section 2: Proposer's Qualifications/References (25%) a Provide descriptions of like projects Proposer has done in environments comparable to Town of Southold. Provide at least three client references from the above listed project including the names of the individual(s) you would propose Town of Southold contact, together with phone numbers, company names, and addresses. Town of Southold reserves the right to contact or visit any party listed as a reference that has previously used, or is presently using your products or services in a manner similar to those proposed by the vendor. Southold also reserves the right to use other sources to obtain information about the proposed products and services. Section 3: Proposed Solution (40%) Proposed solution must also show the following: • Detailed project plan including estimated hours for each mandatory requirement with start and finish dates. Section 4: Cost Proposal (25%) Vendor's pricing must be all inclusive to provide the Town of Southold a turnkey solution. AV Equipment Specifications or Equivalent (The following list depicts some of the manufacturers and equipment that the Town is considering for this project. It does not include any installation hardware or cabling required to complete the project.) • Atlas Sound C803AT167 Loudspeakers • Lab Gruppen E5A Amplifier • Shure SLX4L=-G5 Receiver • Shure UA844+SWB Distribution System • Shure MX418D/C Microphones • Shure MX418/C Microphones • Extron 60-1512-01 Matrix Processors • Extron 60-446-01 Matrix Distribution Amplifier • Extron 60-1470-02 Controller • RDL EZ-AFC2 Audio Format Converter • Middle Atlantic ERK-2725 Rack • Samsung SE450 Series S27E450D 24" Monitor • ClearOne 910-2100-003 Camera • Leightronix UltraNexus-HD Video Server Prevailing Wage - Laws and Ordinances Compliance In the execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall comply and obey all federal, state, county and local laws, ordinances, codes and regulations relating to the performance of the Contract, including but not limited to, labor employed thereon, materials supplied, obstructing streets and highways, maintaining signals, storing, handling and use of explosives and all other general ordinances and state statutes affecting him or his employees or his work hereunder in his relations with the Municipality or any other persons, and also all laws, codes, ordinances controlling or limiting the Contractor while engaged in executing the work under the Contract. As a condition of the Contract, the Contractor shall and does hereby agree to comply with all requirements of the labor laws of the State of New York. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sections 291-299 of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law, shall furnish all information and reports deemed necessary by the State Commission for Human Rights, the Attorney General and the Industrial Commissioner for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such sections of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law. The Contract may be forthwith cancelled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in part, by the contracting agency upon the basis of a finding made by the State Commission for Human Rights that the Contractor has not complied with these laws. The Contractor hereby expressly agrees to comply with all the provisions of the Labor Law and any and all amendments thereto, insofar as the same are applicable to this Contract. The Labor Law, as amended; provides that no laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by this Contract, shall be permitted or required to work more than eight (8) hours in any one (1) calendar day, except in cases of extraordinary emergency caused by fire, flood or danger to life or property; that no such person shall be employed more than eight (8) hours in any day or more than five (5) days in any week expect in such emergency;that the wages to be paid for a legal day's work as herein before defined, to laborers,workmen or mechanics upon the work called for under this Contract or upon any material used upon, or in connection therewith, shall not be less than the prevailing rate for a day's work in the same trade or occupation in the locality within the state where such work is to be done and each laborer, workman or mechanic employed by the Contractor, subcontractor or other person about or upon the work shall be paid the wages herein provided; that employees engaged in the construction, maintenance, and repair of highways and in water works construction outside the limits of cities and villages are no longer exempt from the provisions of the Labor Law which require the payment of the prevailing rate of wages and the eight(8) hour day. Section 222 of the Labor Law, as amended by Chapters 556 and 557 of the Laws of 1933, provides that preference in employment shall be given to citizens of the State of New York who have been residents of Suffolk County for at least six (6) consecutive months immediately prior to the commencement of their employment. Each person so employed shall furnish satisfactory proof of residence in accordance with rules adopted by the Industrial Commissioner. Persons other than citizens of the State of New York shall be employed only when such citizens are not available. Section 222 further provides that upon the demand of the State Industrial Commissioner, the Contractor shall furnish a list of names and addresses of all his subcontractors and further provides that a violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars($50.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not less than thirty nor more than ninety days, or both fine and imprisonment. Section 220-A of the Labor Law, as amended by Chapter 472 of the Laws of 1932, provides that before payment is made by or on behalf of the State of any city, county, town or village or other civil division of the state of any sums due on account of a contract for a public improvement, it is the duty of the Comptroller or the financial officer of the Municipal Corporation to require the Contractor and each and every subcontractor to file a certified statement in writing, in satisfactory form, certifying to the amounts then due and owing to any and all laborers for daily or weekly wages on account of labor performed upon the work of the Contractor, setting,forth therein the names of the persons whose wages are unpaid and the amount due each respectively. Section 220-B of the Labor Law, as so amended, provides that any interested person who shall have previously filed a protest in writing objecting to the amounts due or to become due to him for daily or weekly wages for labor performed on the public improvement for which the Contract was entered into, or if for any reason, it may be deemed advisable, the Comptroller of the State or financial officer of the Municipal Corporation may deduct from the whole amount of any payment on account thereof of the sums or sum admitted by any contractor or subcontractor in such statement or statements so filed to be due and owing by him on account of labor performed and may withhold the amount so deducted for the benefit of the laborers for daily or weekly wages, whose wages are unpaid as shown by the verified statements filed by any contractor or subcontractor and may pay directly to any person the amount or amounts so shown to be due for such wages. Section 220-C of the Labor Law, as so amended, provides the penalty for making of a false oath or verification. Section 220-D of the Labor Law provides that the advertised Specifications for every contract for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and/or repair of highways to which the State, county, town and/or village is a party shall contain a provision stating the minimum rate of hourly wage that can be paid, as shall be designated by the Industrial Commissioner, to the laborers employed in the performance of the Contract either by the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or part of the work contemplated by the Contract, and the Contract shall contain a stipulation that such laborers shall be paid not less than such hourly minimum rate of wage. Any person or corporation that willfully pays, after entering into such Contract, less than such stipulated minimum hourly wage scale shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be punished for a first offense by a fine of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days, or both by fine and imprisonment; for a second offense by a fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and in addition thereto, the Contract on which the violation has occurred shall be forfeited, and no such person or corporation shall be entitled to receive any sum nor shall any officer, agent or employee of the State pay the same or authorize its payment from the funds under his charge or control to any person or corporation for work done upon any contract, on which the Contractor has been convicted of second offense in violation of the provisions of this section. The minimum wage rates established by the Industrial Commissioner, State of New York, for this Contract are set forth herein above as part of"Instructions to Bidders". e S3T©iRP= i, TFLECOMM UNICATIONS SOLUTIONS About PBXstore PBXstore is a privately held, full service telecommunication company. We specialize in business telephone system sales and installations, VoIP solutions, Video Conferencing and Audio Visual services, call accounting packages, digital recording solutions, on- going maintenance services, call center applications, voice and Internet services and all related voice, data, and fiber cabling. We have built a staff of professionals who have been supporting Long Island, New York City, and the tri-state area since 1990 and remain committed to providing state-of-the-art solutions at competitive prices. With the acquisition of Sonatel Plus, we now have a National Presence. PBX Store has earned its reputation over the past 19 years as a company that focuses on customer service along with attention to detail. We strive to provide the proper system solution to each business we work with. We understand that every business has different needs when it comes to their communication and conferencing systems. As a fully managed service provider and carrier broker, we are also able to properly pair you with a phone system and teleconference service that will be tailored to your specific business needs. PBXstore's business objective is to offer quality and reliability in all facets of our operations. This is evident in our selection of highly reliable products and a commitment to the highest standards of service. The Company's principals and employees know the definition and importance of quality and service. This comes as a result of years of focus on telecom manufacturing quality control and assurance programs, engineering product designs and development and technical field support. The PBXstore staff is continually educated via manufacturer's certified training, industry, and in-house programs. Keeping abreast of industry developments enables PBXstore, as a company, to offer the latest technologies and professional services. 130 Knickerbocker Ave., Suite I, Bohemia, NY 11716 t: 631.567.2300 f: 631.567.6426 0 ace e PBX �—=T"Cp FZ2 FEE T ELF CC%WUNMATIONS Southold Town Clerk $011UTIQtIM Meeting Hall AV Proposal June 18th,2018 PBXstore,Inc. Quote 5064 Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Attn: Mr.Lloyd Reisenberg The following is a proposal for the requested Town of Southold Meeting Room AV Project. This proposal was created based on the specifications provided by Lloyd Reisenberg and the Town of Southold. Scope of Work: Microphones: Total Estimated Man Hours 20 (Phase 1) We will wire and install 8 wired gooseneck microphones with desktop bases at the dais table location, 2 wired gooseneck microphones for the lectern locations,,and 4 wireless gooseneck microphones for the longer table locations. We will provide new wiring back to the equipment location'from all wired microphones. Additionally we will install a wireless distribution system for all wireless microphones on a channel to be determined.We will ensure that we find a proper frequency that if FCC approved and will not cause nor receive interference on any restricted frequencies. All microphone wiring will be run to ensure integration with the new AV system. Loudspeakers: Total Estimated Man Hours 20 (Phase 1) We will wire and install 10 new speakers at the pre-existing locations. 6 speakers will be installed in the main meeting room and 4 speakers will be installed in the lobby area. We will use speakers of the same size and diameter to avoid any cutting of new holes and retro fit these new speakers into the same locations as the existing speakers. The wiring will be run back to the equipment location for integration into the matrix amplifier. Audio zoning, amplification, and processing: Total Estimated Man Hours 18 (Phase 2) We will create 4 separate zones of audio utilizing the matrix amplifier we are providing. Zone I will be the dais location,zone 2 Main seating front,zone 3 main seating rear,zone 4 lobby. The system will allow for independent control of each zone.For audio recording purposes a dual XLR output plate will be installed at the front of the dais for connection by an owner furnished audio recorder. A second XLR plate will provided for input and be available for the purpose of playback. We will also provide unbalanced RCA audio converter in the event the recorder only handles unbalanced RCA. A mono XLR output plate will be'provided on the back wall to provide audio to camera operator location. In the basement a surface mounted AV output plate will be installed for connection to the basement server room. All items in this section will be wired back to the main equipment rack location for connectivity. 130 Knickerbocker Ave., Suite I, Bohemia, NY 11716 t: 631.567.2300 f: 631.567.6426 0 4 � � w P- BX r C)FR = TEGErOMM"ICATIONS OLUTIONS AV Recordings: (Phase 2) Option 1-10 Hours-Using the pre-existing camera we will include the camera into the system and have it feed to the video server as it does in its current configuration as well as including an AV bridge that will be usb accessible and mounted to the front of the dais for easy access. Option 2-16 Hours-We will install and wire a new HD PTZ controllable camera that will feed to the server and AV Bridge. We will wire from the new camera to both locations. PTZ allows for pan,tilt, and zoom control via remote to change the angle and location of the camera shot. The camera will be controllable via mobile app and on site remote control. TV monitor and recording light installation- 16 Hours (Phase 2)- We will install a lab vault recording device that will be integrated to provide control of the recording and ending of recordings to the onsite control panel. We will install a 24 inch monitor stage right of the dais for monitored recording view. There will be a new"recording" light installed at the back of the room and will illuminate when recording and turn off when recording is not active. The wiring for this recording light will be run to the control panel and a relay back to the main equipment rack will be run. PBX is not responsible for providing electric connection at the fixture that will be the responsibility of the Town of Southold. Video Server Installation and Wiring- 10 Hours (Phase 2)-Installation and Wiring of New Nexus HD Video Server Control System: Total Estimated 31 Man Hours (Phase 3) We will install a new on wall control panel at the specified location in the main meeting room. Additionally the"brain" of the control panel will be installed into the new equipment rack location. The control panel will have the requested dedicated controls for audio selection, volume control, start and stop recording,and powering the system on and off.Addition controls can be added post installation if new functionality is needed. Estimated hours include programming hours for system programming. Equipment Rack: 14 Man Hours (Phase 3) We will install a new 27 space equipment rack.The rack will house all new audio visual and control equipment. All equipment will be built in and `laced' neatly into the rack. The main wire harness will be brought in through the back of the rack with a service umbilicus for ease of movement and service of the rack accessories in the future. Included in the rack will be networked power conditioners for all power hookups. Testing,Training and Education: 10 Hours Available(Phase 4) We will provide training for all necessary employees to ensure proper function and use of the new system. We will also conduct a test meeting to ensure proper execution and function across the entire platform. 130 Knickerbocker Ave., Suite I, Bohemia, NY 11716 t: 631.567.2300 f: 631.567.6426 � Q w PBX S=--FC>IRE-- TEL EC O'AMUN ICATI ONS 5M UTIONS Phase 1: 2 Technicians, 2.5 Days to install microphones and speakers at location and wire back to rack location without hookup. (40 Man Hours) Phase 2: 2 Technicians 3 or 4 Days depending on the scope of work from selected options. (44-60 Man Hours) Phase 3: 2 Technicians and 1 Programmer 3 Days(45 Man Hours) Phase 4: 1 Programmer available for training to any users for up to 10 total hours, which will include a fully functional test run of the system as it will be used moving forward. The scope of work for this project will require roughly 2 weeks from start to finish. PBXstore will coordinate with your facilities and IT team in order to create a reasonable schedule. We can begin phases without disrupting the existing standard operating procedure for room usage and keep the functionality up through phase 3.Phase 3 will require the room to be out of commission for 3-5 business days. We will make every effort to work around the schedule as this building has multifunction's and may need to be in use during the duration of this project. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, ,&u 6411,1 Brian Hallahan Systems Engineer PBXstore Inc. 130 Knickerbocker Ave., Suite I Bohemia,NY 11716 bhallahan@pbxstore.com 130 Knickerbocker Ave., Suite I, Bohemia, NY 11716 t: 631.567.2300 f: 631.567.6426 PBX =TFCSE-FaRF--- TF L F COMM UNI CATIONS SOLUTIONS References: 1. TFCU-Full room Collusion system with soft codec video conferencing system. Contact Person: Mim Stevenson-Vaiana Contact Info: (631)698-7000 2. Brightpoint Health-Full Room Conference and Automation System Contact Person: Sheila Maita Contact Info: (917)399-1149 3. Metro Service Solutions-Full Conference AV and Automation as well as included Phone System Contact Person:Neil Trout Contact Info: (631)382-3600 130 Knickerbocker Ave., Suite I, Bohemia, NY 11716 t: 631.567.2300 f: 631.567.6426 Mstore, Inc Quote Phone: 631-567-2300 Fax: 631-567=6426 N0.: 5064 0 Knickerbcker Ave.; Suite I Date: 6/11/2018 emia, NY 11716 Prepared for: Prepared by: Brian M. Hallahan Account No.: 7506 Southold Town Phone: (631) 765-1800 53095 Main road Sothold, NY 11971 U.S.A. jLmantity Item ID Description • . . 4 2020 Shure SLX4L Receiver Frequency: TBD EA $405.60 $1,622.40 8 2020 Microphones-Shure MX418D/C Desktop Mic 18" EA $358.40 $2,867.20 Cardioid 2 2020 Microphones-Shure MX418/C Gooseneck Mic 18" EA $266.50 $533.00 Cardioid XLR 1 2020 Microphones-Shure UA844+SWB Antenna Distribution EA $688.50 $688.50 System 10 2020 Atlas-In-Ceiling Speakers EA $109.20 $1,092.00 1 2020 Audio- Lab Grupen E5-4 EA $1,064.00 $1,064.00 1 C4-8AM131-B Audio-Control 4-4-Zone Matrix Amplifier EA $1,362.30 $1,362.30 2 2020 Audio- DBX Zone Pro Processor EA $1,118.60 $2,237.20 1 2020 Audio-RDL EZAFC2X Audio Format Converter EA $315.00 $315.00 1 2020 Video-Clearone Unite 200 PTZ Camera EA $2,634.00 $2,634.00 1 C4 6X6 AV Matrix Video-AV HDMI Distribution Matrix EA $4,158.00 $4,158.00 Switch Kit 1 2020 Video- HD to Composite Converter EA $158.65 $158.65 1 2020 Video Monitor-Samsung S27E450D Monitor EA $368.00 $368.00 1 2020 Video- Recording Light EA $360.20 $360.20 1 2020 Video-Vaddio AV Bridge HD Video Encoder/Ethernet EA $2,800.00 $2,800.00 and USB 1 C4 EA5 Control-C4 Controller- EA5 EA $2,280.00 $2,280.00 1 C4-TW7C0-WH Control 4-7"In-Wall Touch Screen -White EA $1,078.92 $1,078.92 1 2020 Rack- Mid Atlantic ERK27-25 EA $627.20 $627.20 3 2020 Rack Power- Panamax 8 Outlet Power Conditioner EA $176.70 $530.10 1 2020 Recording- Leightronix LabVault-HD EA $4,996.60 $4,996.60 1 2020 Recording- Leightronix UltraNexusHD-X2 Video Server EA $14,293.50 $14,293.50 1 2020 Connection- Dual XLR Input Plate EA $60.72 $60.72 1 2020 Connection- Dual XLR Output Plate EA $60.72 $60.72 1 2020 Connection- USB Wall Plate EA $17.03 $17.03 • 1 2020 Connections- Misc.AV Patch Cables and Connectors EA $250.00 $250.00 3 2020 Cat 6 Cable- 1000ft Box EA $180.00 $540.00 4 2020 16/4 Cable- 500ft Box EA $140.00 $560.00 quote-no discount column.rpt Printed: 6/21/2018 9:56:49AM Page 1 Quote No.: 5064 Date: 6/11/2018 �-.'2'uantity Item ID Description Uom Sell Total 1 2020 USB Cable- 100ft unterminated USB Cable EA $45.64 $45.64 2 2020 Microphone Cable-Sheilded XLR Cable w/o EA $137.33 $274.66 Terminations-500ft Roll 20 2020 Labor For Wiring and Installation of Microphones EA $125.00 $2,500.00 20 2020 Labor for Speaker Wiring and Installation EA $125.00 $2,500.00 18 2020 Labor for Audio Zoning,Amplification and Processing EA $125.00 $2,250.00 10 2020 Camera Option 1- Labor for video recording installation EA $125.00 $1,250.00 utilizing existing camera 16 2020 Camera Option 2- Labor for Video Recording Installation EA $125.00 $2,000.00 utilizing new PTZ Camera 16 2020 Labor for Monitor, Lab Vault Recording Device, and EA $125.00 $2,000.00 Recording Light 10 2020 "Optional' Labor For Installation and Wiring of new EA $125.00 $1,250.00 Leightronix Video Server 15 2020 Labor Control System Installation, including touch EA $125.00 $1,875.00 screen and main control unit 16 2020 Labor for Control4 and System Programming EA $182.25 $2,916.00 14 2020 Labor for Rack Build, lacing and installation of accessory EA $125.00 $1,750.00 items 10 2020 Training and Education EA $99.00 $990.00 • 8.00 2021 Travel HR $45.00 $360.00 Your Price: $69,516.54 Total: $69,516.54 Prices are firm until 7/11/2018 Terms: Prepared by: Brian M. Hallahan, bhallahan@pbxstore.com Date: 6/11/2018 Upon Approval a deposit of 50% will be required for purchase of special order items. n of Southold Is Responsible for providing adequate power at all locations. PBXstore will provide standard scope for essary power requirement. Accepted by: Date: quote-no discount column.rpt Printed: 6/21/2018 9:56:49AM Page 2 FTS Form Statement of Non-Collusion in Bids or Proposals FGeneral Municipal Law §103-d1 By,submission of this bid, each Bidder/Proposer and each person signing on behalf of any Bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of their knowledge and belief: 1. The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other Bidder/Proposer or with any competitor; 2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in the bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the Bidder/Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by the Bidder/Proposer prior to opening directly or indirectly to any other Bidder/Proposer or to any competitor; and 3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Bidder/Proposer to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. No bid/proposal will be considered for award nor shall any award be made where paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above have not been complied with; provided however, that if in any case the bidder/proposer cannot make the foregoing certification, the bidder/proposer shall so,state and shall furnish with the bid/proposal a signed statement which sets forth in detail the reasons therefor. Where paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above have not been complied with, the bid/proposal shall not be considered for award nor shall any award be made unless the County determines that such disclosure was not made for the purpose of restricting competition. The fact that a Bidder/Proposer: a) has published price lists, rates, or tariffs covering items being procured, b) has informed prospective customers of proposed or pending publication of new or revised price lists for such items, or c) has sold the same items to other customers at the same prices being bid/proposed does not constitute, without more, a disclosure hereunder. I, 81,11c, n hereby affirm under penalty of perjury under the Laws of the State of New York that I am authorized to provide this certification and that the above is true and correct. P6 to cc o C. Naine of g l�' gnature of Authorized Representative Date Rev 7/9/13 r ' PBX8688 04/04/2018 10 338C8 AM Form 11205 OMB No 1545-0123 U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation 2®�7 ► Do not file this form unless the corporation has fled or is Department of the Treasury attaching Form 2553 to elect to be an S corporation. Internal Revenue Seance ►Go to wwwJrs. ov/Form1120S for instructions and the latest information. For calendar year 2017 or tax ear beqmninq ending A S election effective date Name D Employer identification number 01/01/02 TYPE PBXSTORE, INC. B Business activity code 11-3598688 number(see instructions) OR Number,street,and room or suite no If a P 0 boX see Instructions E Date incorporated 541990 130 KNICKERBOCKER AVE SUITE 1 03/01/2000 C Check if Sch M-3 PRINT City or town,state or province,country,and ZIP or foreign postal code F Total assets(see instructions) attached ❑ BOHEMIA NY 11716 $ 141,589 G Is the corporation electing to be an S corporation beginning with this tax year? L Yes JXJ No If"Yes,"attach Form 2553 if not already filed H Check if (1) ❑ Final return (2) ❑ Name change (3) ❑ Address change (4) ❑ Amended return (5) ❑ S election termination or revocation I Enter the number of shareholders who were shareholders during any part of the tax year ► 2 Caution. Include only trade or business income and expenses on lines 1a through 21 See the instructions for more Information 1a Gross receipts or sales is 1 228 100 b Returns and allowances 1b 2,676 _ ry c Balance Subtract line 1b from line 1a 1c 1,225,424 E 2 Cost of goods sold (attach Form 1125-A) 2 579,336 3 Gross profit Subtract line 2 from line 1c 3 646,088 4 Net gain (loss)from Form 4797,line 17(attach Form 4797) 4 5 Other income (loss) (see instructions—attach statement) 5 6 Total income (loss).Add lines 3 through 5 ► 6 646,088 7 Compensation of officers (see instructions-attach Form 1125-E) 7 183,187 8 Salaries and wages (less employment credits) y © 0 8 17,591 9 Repairs and maintenancejl 9 713 E 10 n t Bad debts (t ���111 10 11 Rents 11 20,344 0 12 Taxes and licenses 12 25,861 P- 13 Interest 13 2 f 608 14 Depreciation not claimed on Form 1125-A or elsewhere on return (attach Form 4562) 14 3 175 N15 Depletion (Do not deduct oil and gas depletion.) 15 fn 16 Advertising 16 2,781 0 17 Pension, profit-sharing, etc, plans 17 0 18 Employee benefit programs 18 19 Other deductions (attach statement) See Stmt 1 19 169f841 0 20 Total deductions.Add lines 7 through 19 ► 20 426,101 21 OrdInarV business income (loss).Subtract line 20 from line 6 21 219,987 22a Excess net passive income or LIFO recapture tax(see instructions) 22a b Tax from Schedule D(Form 1120S) 22b U) c c Add lines 22a and 22b(see instructions for additional taxes) 22c E 23a 2017 estimated tax payments and 2016 overpayment credited to 2017 23a b Tax deposited with Form 7004 23b IL c Credit for federal tax paid on fuels(attach Form 4136) 23c d Add lines 23a through 23c 23d x 24 Estimated tax penalty(see instructions). Check if Form 2220 is attached ► 24 tc 25 Amount owed. If line 23d Is smaller than the total of lines 22c and 24,enter amount owed 25 H 26 Overpayment If line 23d is larger than the total of lines 22c and 24,enter amount overpaid 26 27 Enter amount from line 26 Credited to 2018 estimated tax► Refunded ► 27 Under penalties of pequry,I declare that I have examined this return,including accompanying schedules and slatemerts, May the IRS discuss this return with the preparer and to the best of my knowledge and belief,it is true,correct,and complete Declaration of preparer(other than taxpayer) is based on all information of winch preparer has any knowledge shown below see instructions X Yes No Sign ' President Here Signature of officer Antonio Marcel Date Title Pnnt/rype preparer's name Preparer's signature Date Check X if PTIN Paid RAYMOND B BORSELLA I RAYMOND B BORSELLA 04/04/18 1 self-employed I P00531649 Preparer Firm's name ► RAYMOND B. BORSELLA & CO. , CPA Fum's EIN► 11-2581057 Use Only Firm's address ► 263 SMITHTOWN BLVD NESCONSET, NY 11767 Phoneno 631-467-3378 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Form 11205(2017) DAA { PBX6688 04/04/2019 1038 AM Form 1120S (2017) PBXSTORE, INC 11-3598688 Page 2 Schedule B Other Informationsee instructions 1 Check accounting method' a X Cash b Accrual Yes No C Other (specify)► 2 See the instructions and enter the a Business activity► TELEPHONE SYSTEMS b Product or service 00, Service & Install 3 At any time during the tax year,was any shareholder of the corporation a disregarded entity,a trust, an estate, or a nominee or similar person If"Yes,"attach Schedule B-1, Information on Certain Shareholders of an S Corporation X 4 At the end of the tax year,did the corporation: a Own directly 20%or more, or own, directly or Indirectly, 50%or more of the total stock issued and outstanding of any foreign or domestic corporation For rules of constructive ownership,see instructions If"Yes,"complete(I)through (v) X below (u)Employer (m)Country of ({v)Percentage of (v)If Percentage in(w)is 100%, (i)Name of Corporation Idertfcation Incorporation Stock Owned Enter the Date(if any) Number(if any) a Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary Election Was Made b Own directly an Interest of 20%or more,or own,directly or Indirectly,an interest of 50%or more In the profit, loss, or capital in any foreign or domestic partnership(Including an entity treated as a partnership)or In the beneficial interest of a trust9 For rules of constructive ownership, see Instructions If"Yes,"comptete I throu h v below X (ii)Employer (iv)Country of (v)Maiamun Percentage (r)Name of Entity Identification (iii)Type of Entity Organization Owned in Profit, �(I l) D Loss,or Capital 5a At the end of the tax year,did the corporation have any outstanding shares of restricted stocky X If"Yes,"complete lines(t)and(ii)below. (i) Total shares of restricted stock ► (ii) Total shares of non-restricted stock ► b At the end of the tax year,did the corporation have any outstanding stock options,warrants, or similar Instruments? X If"Yes,"complete lines(I)and(ii)below. (i) Total shares of stock outstanding at the end of the tax year ► (ii) Total shares of stock outstanding if all instruments were executed ► 6 Has this corporation filed,or is it required to file,Form 8918,Material Advisor Disclosure Statement, to provide X Information on any reportable transaction 7 Check this box if the corporation Issued publicly offered debt instruments with original issue discount ► ❑ If checked,the corporation may have to file Form 8281, Information Return for Publicly Offered Original Issue Discount Instruments 8 If the corporation'(a)was a C corporation before it elected to be an S corporation or the corporation acquired an asset with a basis determined by reference to the basis of the asset(or the basis of any other property)In the hands of a C corporation and(b) has net unrealized built-In gain in excess of the net recognized built-in gain from prior years,enter the net unrealized built-In gain reduced by net recognized built-In gain from prior years(see Instructions) ► $ 9 Enter the accumulated earnings and profits of the corporation at the end of the tax year. $ 10 Does the corporation satisfy both of the following conditions? a The corporation's total receipts(see instructions)for the tax year were less than$250,000 b The corporation's total assets at the end of the tax year were less than$250,000 X If"Yes,"the corporation Is not required to complete Schedules L and M-1 11 During the tax year,did the corporation have any non-shareholder debt that was canceled,was forgiven,or had the X terms modified so as to reduce the principal amount of the debt? If"Yes,"enter the amount of principal reduction $ 12 During the tax year,was a qualified subchapter S subsidiary election terminated or revoked9 If"Yes,"see Instructions X 13a Did the corporation make any payments in 2017 that would require it to file Form(s) 1099? b If"Yes"did the corporation file or will it file required Forms 1099 -- Form 1120S(2017) DAA PBX8688 04/04/2018 1038 AM Form ll20S 2017 PBXSTORE INC. 11-3598688 Page 3 Schedule,K, Shareholders' Pro Rata Share Items Total amount 1 Ordinary business income(loss) (page 1, line 21) 1 219,987 2 Net rental real estate income (loss) (attach Form 8825) 2 3a Other gross rental income(loss) 3a b Expenses from other rental activities (attach statement) 3b c Other net rental income(loss) Subtract line 3b from line 3a 3c 0 4 Interest income 4 Q 5 Dividends. a Ordinary dividends 5a B b Qualified dividends 5b 0 c 6 Royalties 6 7 Net short-term capital gain (loss) (attach Schedule D (Form 1120S)) 7 8a Net long-term capital gain(loss) (attach Schedule D (Form 1120S)) 8a b Collectibles (28%) gain (loss) 8b c Unrecaptured section 1250 gain (attach statement) 8c 9 Net section 1231 gain(loss)(attach Form 4797) 9 10 Other income loss see instructions Type► 10 N 11 Section 179 deduction (attach Form 4562) 11 0 12a Charitable contributions 12a b Investment interest expense 12b o c Section 59(e)(2) expenditures (1)Type► (2)Amount ► 12c(2) d Other deductions see instructions T ► 12d 13a Low-income housing credit (section 420)(5)) 13a b Low-income housing credit (other) 13b c Qualified rehabilitation ex enddures re to eaI(�esta tt Fo 3�4^6�8, a hccaabl 13c `0 d Other rental real estate credit., (seins cti §� I��Tbl II II �pl 13d 01 u u tout It '�S�1 tl U a Other rental credits (see instructions) Type 13e f Biofuel producer credit(attach Form 6478) 13f Other credits see instructions Type► 13 14a Name of country or U S. possession lo- b b Gross income from all sources 14b c Gross income sourced at shareholder level 14c Foreign gross income sourced at corporate level d Passive category 14d ce General category 14e f Other (attach statement) 14f U) Deductions allocated and apportioned at shareholder level Eg Interest expense 14 c h Other 14h ar Deductions allocated and apportioned at corporate level to foreign source income LL i Passive category 14i j General category 14' k Other (attach statement) 14k Other information I Total foreign taxes (check one) ► ❑ Paid ❑ Accrued 141 m Reduction in taxes available for credit(attach statement) Urn n Other foreign tax information attach statement X 15a Post-1986 depreciation adjustment 15a �i1-E b Adjusted gain or loss 15b c EA c Depletion (other than oil and gas) 15c E�- d Oct,gas, and geothermal properties-gross income 15d Rg! a Oct, gas, and geothermal properties-deductions 15e f Other AMT items attach statement 15f C 16a Tax-exempt interest income 16a m o H b Other tax-exempt income 16b a d m c Nondeductible expenses 16c 4 909 �m E� d Distributions (attach statement if required) (see instructions) 16d 171,365 a Repayment of loans from shareholders 16e Form 1120S(2017) DAA PBX8688 04104/2018 10 38 AM Form 1120S 2017 PBXSTORE INC. 11-3598688 Pae 4 Schedule K- Shareholders' Pro Rata Share Items(continued) Total amount 0 17a Investment income 17a r b Investment expenses 17b p c Dividend distributions paid from accumulated earnings and profits 17c d Other items and amounts attach statement io 18 Income/loss reconciliation. Combine the amounts on lines 1 through 10 in the far right column From the result,subtract the sum of the amounts on lines 11 through 12d and 141 18 219,987 'Schedule L, Balance Sheets per Books Beginning of tax year End of tax year Assets a b c d 1 Cash _ , _. 40,751 —1,591 2a Trade notes and accounts receivable b Less allowance for bad debts 3 Inventories 4 US government obligations 5 Tax-exempt securities (see instructions) 6 Other current assets(attach statement) Stmt 2 3,500 7 Loans to shareholders 70,140 70,140 8 Mortgage and real estate loans 9 Other investments(attach statement) _ 10a Buildings and other depreciable assets 234 622 234,622 b Less accumulated depredation 165,662, 68,960 168 837 65,785 11a Depletable assets ____ b Less accumulated depletion ° n ° 12 Land (net of any amortization) 3 A) u u 13a Intangible assets (amortizable only) b Less accumulated amortization 14 Other assets(attach statement) Stmt 3 3,755 3 755 15 Total assets 183,606 141,589 Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity - 16 Accounts payable 17 Mortgages,notes,bonds payable in less than 1 year 104,548 25,828 18 Other current liabilities(attach statement) Stmt 4 1,669 2 135 19 Loans from shareholders 33,700 33,700 20 Mortgages,notes,bonds payable in 1 year or more 30,876 23,400 21 Other liabilities (attach statement) 22 Capital stock 500 500 23 Additional paid-in capital 24 Retained earnings 12,313 56,026 25 Adustments to shareholders' - .. equity(attach statement) 26 Less cost of treasury stock 27 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 183,60761 141,558899 Form 1120S(2017) DAA PBX8688 04/04/2018 10 38 AM Form 1120S (2017) PBXSTORE, INC. 11-3598688 Page 5 Schedule M-1; Reconciliation of Income (Loss) per Books With Income (Loss) per Return ~ Note: The corporation ma be required to file Schedule M-3 see instructions 1 Net income(foss)per books 215,078 5 Income recorded on books this year not included 2 Income included on Schedule K,lines 1,2,3c,4, on Schedule K,Imes 1 through 10(itemize)- 5a,6,7,8a,9,and 10,not recorded on books this a Tax-exempt interest $ year (itemize) 3 Expenses recorded on books this year not 6 Deductions included on Schedule K, Included on Schedule K,lines 1 through 12 lines 1 through 12 and 141, not charged and 141(itemize). against book income this year(Itemize)* a Depreciation $ a Depreciation $ b Travel and4 909 entertainment $ /, - 4,909 7 Add lines 5 and 6 4 Add lines 1 through 3 1 219,987 8 Income loss Schedule K line 18).Line 4 less line 7 219,987 'Schedule M-2 Analysis of Accumulated Adjustments Account, Other Adjustments Account, and Shareholders' Undistributed Taxable Income Previous) Taxed see instructions), (a)Accumdated (b)Other adjustments (c)Shareholders'undistributed adjustments account account taxable income previously taxed 1 Balance at beginning of tax year 12,313 2 Ordinary income from page 1,line 21 219,987 _ 3 'Other additions 4 Loss from page 1,line 21 5 Other reductions Stmt 5 4 909 A �` 6 Combine lines 1 through 5 227,391 7 Distributions other than dividend chstnbuho%Fzj Co 171,365 8 Balance at end of tax year.Subtract line 7 from lin 6 261 Form 1120S(2017) c DAA I I I , 'Y" O i0 ry ` I Quo TFLECOMINAUNICATIONS (D SOUHIONS I Meeting Hall AV Project �J i P BXSto re INC. contact Person : Brian Hallahan 130 Knickerbocker Ave. Suite I Bohemia, NY 11716 i JUN 21 2018 Southold Town Clerk I i I I! I i LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 10:3 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought by the Town of Southold for the upgrade and installation of all Audio and Video equipment in the Town Hall Meeting Room, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York. Specifications may be { obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York 11971. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 2:00 P.M., Thursday, June 21, 2018, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so, All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Meeting Hall AV Project", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: May 22, 2018 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON MAY 31, 2016 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NE8ILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD,NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle's Information Services Town Clerk's Bulleting Board STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Lynda M. Rudder, Deputy Town Clerk of the Town of Southold,New York being duly sworn, says that on the 31St day of May , 2018, a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy was affixed, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York,to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York. Bid on AudioNideo System—Town Hall ynda M. Rudder Southold Deputy Town Clerk Sworn before me this 3e day of May , 2018. v &- Notareblic ` . BONNIEJ.DOROSKI Notary Public,State Of New York No 0ID06095328,Suffolk County Term Expires July 7,20 __� _ j.,,�^'d�' � so FDL,��t? CZ rig Town of Southold: REQUEST FOR BIDS: Meeting Hall AV Project Town of Southold ("Southold") is soliciting competitive sealed bids from qualified professional firms to upgrade and install all of the audio and video (AV) equipment in the Town's meeting hall which is located town hall. Vendor bids must comply with all Terms and Conditions described in this document. Written bids are due on 6/21/18 and must be delivered to the Southold Town Clerk's office, Southold Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 by 2:00 PM on that date. Bid proposals must be in sealed envelopes and clearly marked, "Meeting Hall AV Project". Please submit two sets of your proposal. Clearly mark the original copy as "ORIGINAL" on the cover. REQUEST FOR BID OVERVIEW Project Name: Meeting Hall AV Project Bid Issue Date: 5/31/18 Bid Due Date: 6/21/18 @ 2:00 p.m. Vendor Requirements • The Vendor must have performed similar AV project installations and have references. • The Vendor must provide at least 3 references of similar scope. • The Vendor must provide all necessary hardware, training and services for a turnkey solution. • The Vendor must comply with the NYS Prevailing Wage Laws and Ordinances. Project Overview The Town of Southold Meeting Hall, located at 53095 Main Road, Southold, N.Y., is a meeting space that is currently used for several different types of events including meetings, work sessions, court sessions, and more. While different components of the audio and video systems have been gradually upgraded over the years, Southold intends to upgrade all of the system components in order to better optimize the space for its uses, and provide a more simplified user experience. The project must include the following and shall be based on the following minimal standards. Equipment and Labor must be itemized individually on the proposal. Design and Configuration (See attached drawings for additional information): Microphones The microphone upgrade shall include (8) wired gooseneck microphones with desktop style bases for the dais, (2) wired flange mounted gooseneck microphones for the side lecterns, and (4) wireless gooseneck microphones which can be used on the longer tables as required: New cabling should be run from all wired microphones to the equipment rack. Since the existing ceiling mic located above the square work session table has been performing well, it will be reused; however, new cabling must be run in order to integrate it with the newer system. Loudspeakers Ten loudspeakers which include 6 in-ceiling speakers in the main area, as well as the 4 in- ceiling speakers in the lobby area, are to be replaced with new higher powered ceiling speakers that will match the look and size of the existing speakers. This should allow the existing speakers to be replaced without having to recut or replace any of the tiles within the spline ceiling. New cabling should be run for all speakers. Audio Zoning, Amplification, and Processing The ceiling speakers shall be separated into the following four distinct zones: Zone 1: Dais Zone 2: Main Seating, Front Zone 3: Main Seating, Rear Zone 4: Lobby The first three zones are primarily for the purpose of setting delays and providing mix minus functionality, while the lobby zone will have separate volume control from the other zones allowing it to be used as an overflow space as needed. The four discrete speaker zones shall be powered by a new 4 channel 70V amplifier. Audio routing, mixing, level balancing, equalization, delays, acoustic echo cancellation and overall system optimization shall be provided by new digital audio processors. The outputs of these processors will include the four speaker zones as well as the following additional required outputs: Audio Recorder: A dual XLR output plate shall be provided at the front of the dais for convenient connectivity to an owner furnished portable audio recorder. Additionally, a dual XLR input plate should also be provided for possible audio playback from a portable audio recorder. Since there is a possibility that this portable audio recorder could have only unbalanced RCA inputs and outputs, a standalone unbalanced to balanced audio converter shall be provided as well. Cabling should be run from these plates back to the equipment rack. Camera Operator Location: At times there is a camera operator setting up to record certain events, a mono,XLR audio output plate should be installed along the wall allowing them to receive a direct feed from the audio system to integrate with their recording. Cabling should be run from this plate back to the equipment rack. Basement Equipment: A surface mounted AV output plate should be installed in the town hall basement server room near the AV rack for new the AV equipment connectivity. Additional cabling may be required to be run from this plate back to the equipment rack in the meeting hall. AV Recordings (List options 1 and 2 as separate line items on the proposal) To simplify the recording of various meetings, a rack mounted hard disk video recorder shall be provided. Depending on the design the audio could come from either the existing mic in the ceiling above the work 'session tables or the new digital audio processor. Video can be recorded to either a built-in solid state drive within the unit, a USB storage device, or a defined network storage device. The process of initiating a recording will be made simple through the use of a keypad style control panel with dedicated buttons to start, stop, and pause the recording. To ensure the operator and others in the room know when recording is occurring, a recording warning light will be provided which will illuminate the word "RECORDING" any time a recording is started and should remain lit until the recording is stopped or paused. In addition a 24" monitor will be mounted on the wall next to the closet in the meeting hall showing what the camera is recording. Cabling should be run from this recording light back to the equipment rack and for the monitor. Option 1 - Uses the existing camera: The video to be recorded will come from the existing wall mounted composite camera currently located at the back of the meeting hall. Option 2 — Replaces the existing camera: The existing camera is a fixed standard definition camera designed more for CCTV use. As an option replace this camera with a high definition PTZ camera. The new camera should be mounted in place of the existing camera along the rear wall of the meeting hall and the HDMI signal extended over category cable back to the equipment rack. The signal should then feed into both the video recorder and the AV bridge. Additionally, the video signal should also be converted to a composite signal and fed to the broadcast equipment located with the basement equipment rack. New cabling should be provided for this video feed between the two equipment racks. USB AV Bridge Using the existing camera or a replacement camera the Town wants to.give individuals the option to join a meeting or session through the use of web conferencing. In order to accommodate this, a USB AV bridge shall be provided. This bridge should take the video from the camera, along with audio from the new digital audio processor, and transmit both via USB to a device for use with soft codec video conferencing applications. The connection to this AV bridge will be a wall mounted USB plate located at the front of the dais for convenient connectivity to any device. Cabling should be run from this USB wall plate back to the equipment rack. Control Control of the primary system functionality shall be accomplished via a simple keypad style wall mounted control panel. This control panel should have dedicated buttons for turning the system on and off, selecting an audio preset for the desired room configuration, adjusting the overall volume in both the main area as well as the lobby area, and starting/stopping/pausing a video recording as previously described. Multiple cables should be run from this keypad control panel back to the equipment rack as required. Equipment Rack All head end equipment to be installed within a new 27 space equipment rack to be located in the closet in place of the existing equipment rack. Video Server Replacement (Optional to be listed as a separate line item on the proposal) Since the current video server is standard definition, and only supports MPEG-2 format video files, another add alternate should be included to replace this video server with the latest model. Additionally, the HDMI output of the HDMI distribution amplifier should be converted to HD-S'DI and run to the basement rack where this new video server will be located. Note it is the Town's understanding that this option is in addition to AV Recordings Option 2 specified above, and cannot be implemented without AV Recordings Option 2 also being accepted. Hand-off to Southold • Immediately after the installation is complete, the vendor is provide up to four hours of onsite support, training and knowledge transfer to Southold's IT staff. • Tuning — One month after project sign-off the vendor is perform an analysis of the system optimizing, tweaking and tuning settings. Communication/Questions Vendors are expected to raise any questions, or additions they have concerning the BID document as soon as they become aware of them. Any questions or requests for clarifications must be directed in writing to Lloyd Reisenberg at Iloyd.reisenberq(-a)-town.southold.ny.us no later than 6/19/18 @ 4:00 p.m. The subject line of the email must be labeled "BID: Meeting Hall AV Project - Question." The only contact allowed with the Town of Southold IT staff is through email, as stated above. Unauthorized contact of any Town of Southold employee is cause for rejection of the bid. Any additional information or clarifications that are provided to one bidder will be provided to all bidders in the form of an addendum. Calendar of Events The dates set forth below are for informational purposes only. All dates are tentative and subject to change. Milestone Date Issue BID: 5/31/18 Deadline for Submission of Written Questions: 6/19/18 @ 4:00 p.m. Proposal Due Date: 6/21/18 @ 2:00 p.m. Submission of the Response Respondent must submit two sets. Please clearly mark the original copy as "ORIGINAL" on the cover: Southold Town Clerk PO Box 1179 53095 Route 25, Southold, New York 11971 All responses must be packaged, sealed, show the following information on the outside of the package and include a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate: Respondent's name, address, and the request for proposal number and title. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. Response Requirements: The Town of Southold will evaluate responses based upon the following criteria: Section 1: Proposer's Financial Stability (10%): Provide a description of the Proposer's firm, including history; number of years the Proposer has been in business; type of services provided; and legal status of Proposer's organization, i.e. corporation, partnership, etc. Provide documentation to verify the Proposer possesses adequate financial support, assets, and organization to provide the products and services required in this BID. This may take the form of financial statements, credit ratings, a line of credit, or other financial arrangements sufficient to enable the offer or to be capable of meeting the requirements of this BID. Section 2: Proposer's Qualifications/References (25%) Provide descriptions of like projects Proposer has done in environments comparable to Town of Southold. Provide at least three client references from the above listed project including the names of the individual(s) you would propose Town of Southold contact, together with phone numbers, company names, and addresses. Town of Southold reserves the right to contact or visit any party listed as a reference that has previously used, or is presently using your products or services in a manner similar to those proposed by the vendor. Southold also reserves the right to use other sources to obtain information about the proposed products and services. Section 3: Proposed Solution (40%) Proposed solution must also show the following: • Detailed project plan including estimated hours for each mandatory requirement with start and finish dates. Section 4: Cost Proposal (25%) Vendor's pricing must be all inclusive to provide the Town of Southold a turnkey solution. AV Equipment Specifications or Equivalent (The following list depicts some of the manufacturers and equipment that the Town is considering for this project. It does not include any installation hardware or cabling required to complete the project) • Atlas Sound C803AT167 Loudspeakers • Lab Gruppen E5A Amplifier • Shure SLX4L=-G5 Receiver • Shure UA844+SWB Distribution System • Shure MX418D/C Microphones • Shure MX418/C Microphones • Extron 60-1512-01 Matrix Processors • Extron 60-446-01 Matrix Distribution Amplifier • Extron 60-1470-02 Controller • RDL EZ-AFC2 Audio Format Converter • Middle Atlantic ERK-2725 Rack • Samsung SE450 Series S27E450D 24" Monitor • ClearOne 910-2100-003 Camera • Leightronix UltraNexus-HD Video Server Prevailing Wage - Laws and Ordinances Compliance In the execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall comply and obey all federal, state, county and local laws, ordinances, codes and regulations relating to the performance of the Contract, including but not limited to, labor employed thereon, materials supplied, obstructing streets and highways, maintaining signals, storing, handling and use of explosives and all other general ordinances and state statutes affecting him or his employees or his work hereunder in his relations with the Municipality or any other persons, and also all laws, codes, ordinances controlling or limiting the Contractor while engaged in executing the work under the Contract. As a condition of the Contract, the Contractor shall and does hereby agree to comply with all requirements of the labor laws of the State of New York. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sections 291-299 of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law, shall furnish all information and reports deemed necessary by the State Commission for Human Rights, the Attorney General and the Industrial Commissioner for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such sections of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law. The Contract may be forthwith cancelled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in part, by the contracting agency upon the basis of a finding made by the State Commission for Human Rights that the Contractor has not complied with these laws. The Contractor hereby expressly agrees to comply with all the provisions of the Labor Law and any and all amendments thereto, insofar as the same are applicable to this Contract. The Labor Law, as amended, provides that no laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by this Contract, shall be permitted or required to work more than eight (8) hours in any one (1) calendar day, except in cases of extraordinary emergency caused by fire, flood or danger to life or property; that no such person shall be employed more than eight (8) hours in any day or more than five (5) days in any week expect in such emergency; that the wages to be paid for a legal day's work as herein before defined, to laborers,workmen or mechanics upon the work called for under this Contract or upon any material used upon, or in connection therewith, shall not be less than the prevailing rate for a day's work in the same trade or occupation in the locality within the state where such work is to be done and each laborer, workman or mechanic employed by the Contractor, subcontractor or other person about or upon the work shall be paid the wages herein provided; that employees engaged in the construction, maintenance, and repair of highways and in water works construction outside the limits of cities and villages are no longer exempt from the provisions of the Labor Law which require the payment of the prevailing rate of wages and the eight (8) hour day. Section 222 of the Labor Law, as amended by Chapters 556 and 557 of the Laws of 1933, provides that preference in employment shall be given to citizens of the State of New York who have been residents of Suffolk County for at least six (6) consecutive months immediately prior to the commencement of their employment. Each person so employed shall furnish satisfactory proof of residence in accordance with rules adopted by the Industrial Commissioner. Persons other than citizens of the State of New York shall be employed only when such citizens are not available. Section 222 further provides that upon the demand of the State Industrial Commissioner, the Contractor shall furnish a list of names and addresses of all his subcontractors and further provides that a violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not less than thirty nor more than ninety days, or both fine and imprisonment. Section 220-A of the Labor Law, as amended by Chapter 472 of the Laws of 1932, provides that before payment is made by or on behalf of the State of any city, county, town or village or other civil division of the state of any sums due on account of a contract for a public improvement, it is the duty of the Comptroller or the financial officer of the Municipal Corporation to require the Contractor and each and every subcontractor to file a certified statement in writing, in satisfactory form, certifying to the amounts then due and owing to any and all laborers for daily or weekly wages on account of labor performed upon the work of the Contractor, setting forth therein the names of the persons whose wages are unpaid and the amount due each respectively. Section 220-B of the Labor Law, as so amended, provides that any interested person who shall have previously filed a protest in writing objecting to the amounts due or to become due to him for daily or weekly wages for labor performed on the public improvement for which the Contract was entered into, or if for any reason, it may be deemed advisable, the Comptroller of the State or financial officer of the Municipal Corporation may deduct from the whole amount of any payment on account thereof of the sums or sum admitted by any contractor or subcontractor in such statement or statements so filed to be due and owing by him on account of labor performed and may withhold the amount so deducted for the benefit of the laborers for daily or weekly wages, whose wages are unpaid as shown by the verified statements filed by any contractor or subcontractor and may pay directly to any person the amount or amounts so shown to be due for such wages. Section 220-C of the Labor Law, as so amended, provides the penalty for making of a false oath or verification. Section 220-D of the Labor Law provides that the advertised Specifications for every contract for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and/or repair of highways to which the State, county, town and/or village is a party shall contain a provision stating the minimum rate of hourly wage that can be paid, as shall be designated by the Industrial Commissioner, to the laborers employed in the performance of the Contract either by the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or part of the work contemplated by the Contract, and the Contract shall contain a stipulation that such laborers shall be paid not less than such hourly minimum rate of wage. Any person or corporation that willfully pays, after entering into such Contract, less than such stipulated minimum hourly wage scale shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be punished for a first offense by a fine of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days, or both by fine and imprisonment; for a second offense by a fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and in addition thereto, the Contract on which the violation has occurred shall be forfeited, and no such person or corporation shall be entitled to receive any sum nor shall any officer, agent or employee of the State pay the same or authorize its payment from the funds under his charge or control to any person or corporation for work done upon any contract, on which the Contractor has been convicted of second offense in violation of the provisions of this section. The minimum wage rates established by the Industrial Commissioner, State of New York, for this Contract are set forth herein above as part of"Instructions to Bidders". AUDIO&VIDEO DESIGN DRAWINGS DEVELOPED FOR SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL oa��9wsuuTyo`o TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 DRAWING SHEET INDEX NOTES SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE NOTES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AV-001 SHEET INDEX,NOTES,&SYMBOLS Eo�Px�r�o�nossaw +..seesmso�..oN „mw,ar oaaionaµo.LLnw. .noss.ss ro eewuu�,enoo:NePwos ro�n�r.�,.noN or`�esr"so'a`.rE.saoea.xe MAIN ROAD nww-1W U— vUasEREEER ra IM—SRESRal WaREgEiumn 1 R0a1RERDErnReDE001—U'S SOUTHOLD NY 11971 I WE0llWWaMlTUWl S—SERnDEWRROUrPR1o0.nvRR— AV-101 AV PIANS AV-201 EQUIPMENT AND RACK DETAILS z4u a�M�E°qo �E�oW M� ��Rl��E aRRRE ..,Dawn EOsooEREowRERERrs i«e rsre.scoa,Rrc YORaaRu.aDRR�• a.Duno�w...s�ssoR�s.�mw�+DR Eau RRc„M AV-301 1 SYSTEM DIAGRAM EOR, Rw1E a.area ' AV-301 2 SYSTEM DIAGRAM(ADD ALTERNATE 1) aEasrER aEs,aRER4.m.�mRrR4craR. WRR,D DEhaESAREswaEsrEnwRRRv.,aDts RRDw,EE�RCREDwayswim sanaeu:riRE<Y Ro„RnnwRro.mD.DREERaM RRaR rRE AV-301.3 SYSTEM DIAGRAM(ADD ALTERNATE 2) ,u.AgasrERsww.,w�ara<mRRDRECEoraaEREnD„is,sm.a�aaBOVE riwsREo nooR.,,.4ess o1RERwaE RorED >.a.4�a.sreRs awR,DR sr.RDwoa„1rcHRE�,ns.4�RCR�4awE HwsREDnooa.uwrss orRen,+sERorEn o rRewsR,Raa1�R.u�R,�..RERa.uouwoDE�.wae�aLL�aDDco�,rua eosEs�EOR�E.,aE OE�oE*+riEw,roK 11 u. Ujos»aueErEsreoEORODu,WWlMMTlS REcno.mnv EouS— EQUIPMENT SYMBOLS AUDIONIDEO SYMBOLS ® DRxr aREwRER 4 R�RaRE,RE�rY.�Ra,E � aaRREDr�a„aLLDA,E � aaalRar,�EarE � .a�MEo�,R�aaRrRa�R4Ra �RaD«Eo�aEaa4uERA SHEET INDEX, Wu RD MEDR—RDaa---wH NOTES,&SYMBOLS ® uRDuouxrEDuirnoRRDREnRw1 041819 g EREaR.,D—E El EWH rzn MAY 19 2018 AS NOTED SHEET AV-001 ��e �oy,�OF SOUAyo`O ® +� o�ODUNTI Ngo LJ �_I � anima SOUTHOLDTOWN HALL TOWNOFSOUTHOLD S3M MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD.NY 11971 0 0 R,W 101 0 0 �1 AV EQUIPMENT PLAN AV EQUIPMENT REFLECTED CEILING PLAN s ars s..r ars AV PLANS WTU AV EOUIPREHi SOI®ULE Q41819 PLEASE NOTE EVA1 THE ABOVE PLANS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND DO NOT "01 RELATIVE DIMENSIONS OF 1THE SPACE THESE PLANS ARE INTENDED SOLELY TO PROVIDE A REFERENCE TO THE APPROXIMATEGENERAL LOCATIONS OF THE EXISTING ANDSHEEP PROPOSED AV EQUIPMENT EXACTMOUNTING THE FIELD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION ° uuuuuumimmumumuuuumuumumi ° -t p LOGO PANEL p MIDDLE ATLANTIC PD-915R 1 SPACE BLANK PANEL SHURE UA844FSWB P, SHURE SLX4L SHURE SLX4L �pJ1NOF SOUP, - o�o • SHURE SLX41- SHURE SLX4L {y 1 SPACE BLANK PANEL T ® o CISCO SG300.10PP o�6•roUH»pe, RECORDING MIDDLE ATLANTIC BR1 VADDIO AV BRIDGE CONFERENCE 1 SPACE BLANK PANEL MIDDLE ATLANTIC UFA-&F1 1 SPACE BLANK PANEL FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW SOUTHOW TOWN HALL EXTRON SMP 351 2 RECORDING WARNING LIGHT RECl TOWN OF SOUTHOLD srt��a•�c 53095 MAIN ROAD 1 SPACE BLANK PANEL SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 EXTRON DMP 128 PLUS C(1) EXTRON DMP 128 PLUS C(2) 67 4 3§ X zlls 2 SPACE BLANK PANEL I SYSTEM � I I MIDDLE ATLANTIC UD4 I 6. 3 STOP ON CFF �II...���....JJJ PAUSE MUTE I I VOLUME2 SPACE BLANK PANEL o l i e SCENE BCENE 1 2 LAB GRUPPEN ES 4 t L0B9Y p 1 SPACE BLANK PANEL O I IIIIIIii I]imilum lo MIDDLE ATLANTIC ERK-2725 EQUIPMENT RACK FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW �1 EQUIPMENT RACK LAYOUT n KEYPAD CONTROL PANEL(KPDI) : •1d s.,a r•1c z;<• z z1:• zi:• 4Ye• O O O O O 0 TAND O O 7-7 O /� O ERACK E TAILS RACK DETAILS goo O I O I O O 041819 il [ Ems- EWM i6oM rzn MAY 10 2018 O O O O O O AS NOTED _ _ _ _ SHEEP �1 MIC INPUT PLATE(MIPl) AUDIO OUTPUT PLATE AOPl �1 AUDIO OUTPUT PLATE(BASEMENT) �l U58 CONNECTIONPPLATE(USBl) �1 RECORDER CONNECTION PLATE(ACPl) AV-201 s.,w:1a-1e 5 a.1a.�a sa�.rr.1c s.,krc.lc sat�c.ra TPBLETOP EwPYExT PPIX cENNO 41�� i I I I PB PPG I "m wn ZB T—c I LPB PPEx WT]UL PVpO PaCQ�OP 0) �gCNPxNw PY I I I �andE, c/I --T YlpE T ,WT' >.x CH x d x 1 TM xW I uc/UK] 1PV1 Cx J n—A-a wlw a w.a a s I �pF SO(/rh, ,nCA.E] wmur s a I I is..a mwm I z.0� Oho lull E a .—T e I I Ix-,zu eNSPEPxEPS acnas> wiwr> -/UK a —T B >< ----- UxE6 I L ——————————————————— ® o ur¢iz I r Loeer LErux -- OOUNT(. ,mxc lOLnwxR:E(EmsTdc) I ------- c----------- a PE] .c:o.vm+ iamww®wwr m.Nsom.Ea m mm,m—c(z7 Ew I I PG 1 d BPL lNi v flaw YLL PWB x00 a5-21x I d�II]�C S°EUGIS I We d SY]u MaNO wT aG x d Taw SG]w-TOFF lNl U50 AUcp L-------------J I xwx 3JYusorsaIT sxuaE Yaa,s/ckYmsB I wan suPn.r W m�mvEx I L-------------------J samfOEDTOWN NUE wnDEss (wasEnEola iGaPxaas P µB Wlc wT E I TOWNOFSOUTNOLD UPB 53095 MAN ROAD I/nwPYCNEx� ( wwr rN (rAlmaP—wwGnw7 SOUTHOLD,NV 11971 PBaM r( SwuPE uSYe ———————— ———— 1 CUT AYP w.PE1L55 AE[pVER I I PUO I E�yw O�Tg Nuc 10 wNUT PLATE PM B BI wT PMP IOC wT u mwN.PU oLL55m1(x) I NTB I IT a T DYC - T aAdE T a IT T >_ A] T wdDs�mvx IOC/— TJ " L-------------------J I IT --A- IT /ISE a wiPur a I wT PNr a,Pc IT a Yp/IB�E s wrwT s P: ro — Iam/tdE J-Vo--m swd]J, r1�x_-. Ba wT I .GBGOE pa/dE> w n T> I I Pa„ PYDp roPE T P A E I Fft WN a ySCPOE ��SUIa —/uK B wTPUT w pa u xIA d t IOn wT L IY]i m OUP�>d PWS Cc rnw o,ate uxE e T.umP�xwE IF---T--A - uNE is Na Na d w an IT a nn m ounxa Pws ulc—T PrPiE(U-..W I I UK n I I w P PPG wr P ur¢,z I I faau oYPtm I I PLUS c D7 E� I I �POYFa SUPPLY I _ PS-T]2 L-------------- I mo Ba]Ba Iw N D�Ppp I I I war wNLI I I I EIX"'O��HME I I I L--------------------j a-NAF I ASID Baa,�P I I aD IxwA n A E(n T wPw, I ze PwT xE wm«BA p B.B xENr( P — N M ——EamPYEwi IP-1 m OYnxH PLUS C D] I Aaa I rod,n�Pw 2) I r--------------------7 PIAT J m SYP 351 E> wanwc wzao P®rt a TO Al Lwm�wN,swal¢ Puao wn+rt PurE SiPEAYING h PEw1a9xCSRi0Q550P E T L ro OUP IX TeBI I I i S ..—P I aG wT a P IN1 POIT e m T a 1 PWS C I I NM 1 I POir> R I 1w1 B TO—PLUS zm ,m,n z xwW z LWP IT L I ——————xPw—————— J aEUY, m Pnm I I PIT w .uolo L p LOw IT I (m TxE Plar of Pv nasn7 POW B�]"a IBPP I I PaP TO —T—(BY ..R.) awPa9E I r-------------------� f%mxwl P- 3—Kc- CIO,3 UGTIT I I SITm�B pJLJ6 Povflt CONW�ONEP {aay pyPITB PWS c(z1 Nmla Ida �1 IT I I 1mYl 1 NOEa OISPLhY �—wn I mw nw wnET I_ryr 151p'P� I w u„Jo LdA art I ow d d I xaau YLc Plus zm cwrncr d use z I I a®d L—————————————J I oIaTPL,ro I I IXLN Ezmw ExP JY PY d(cww9TE) I SYSTEM DIAGRAM _ auw wPw rwW YLe nus m as- Pumo d OwCraJJB,T ————— I u•sv TROY saJoo-,LVP LAN I I zu Ix a00T OwE CPUEAP(EpSxxG) I wIIP09TE NOEO ols—T.PYPl51FA I un d I dPUi UIX wT I I I I I w"uT 1 ¢Pow ECNPUEM 1,�cO+fEaapCMc�N£� I I 061819 L-------------� I ouwTx I L------------------- xaNw. OYI d I EWN I a]aN,r] amxv w o 1s mwT I =Tl a m wJZE wlwasm d r———————— PTJI urtwr s maY oYnzB Pws c Pw w(Na)Pw wr Oaa) m oYnTw nus c �Pxn MA iD,zals I u EHAE"n w�".L n i I I as vmnr Em w Bse Ex UmEx nus a Nm d(aGl wa IT(Pub HEET AS NOTED I use LYaerpm az Ps-xn I S AV-301.1 I I I a=a x �w BCJ00_,�P xE,wwx I I L-------------J L--------- -------------------------J --------- -- ----1 mdc 1 SNYPE Y7.,®rc I I I �a>gAEa Inwlxa.Es I I I I ���� I IoAdaWPb4A I I I I amu.Imo 2a P—C D) IxRIr wrouTs I I i LvcM+E, anPur z a w, ICAWE rxlr muxc Y� S CN.S [K J fi l�-�eNSPEL(TAS AME aJ 1 Y¢Ad . w1T T. w a a s ' I OF S°UT�,°`o ul NNE 5 ITPur s I I NE.w muxc I ,nCAdE a ITPUf 6 SPE.Irt16 oCAdE T —1 T a ,nCNNE s ITPUT s L------------- LxEe I L ------------------ UNE �`°m7T' LOBBY CEndC I CEnA1c�Inw�HO�NE(Ea5nx0) I I La1ROE 6-, UME,S r ——————————————————1 W IT iGxStyNOi pIPISB 0.L5 C(S7 Elw I WC w P[A OUT AU 1 d 6AL alt ro ��YLC� 5]m I SPEYRAS I I asNx"I ar ,aw use Auac I I a leN I PG z w uN TAP L-------------J ,z we a5rw s,EPEO wr SNUPE YY.tSA:h nww I PaN]T SwPLY !slrtl�P¢Rf.A I SOUTNDLDTOVJN NALL tWpES 1M 'NSt®NIMS uR 1 sxtmE u.B 1nC M u I TOWN OF )�� )�� i/1`/l( (� AN1F .ORWIRIµBI11I16Y.YP rNe_N+E9TDWSa"fS i PSEmJta f11 " EYTNox wPlze PWs Ni(GUFF .aTSUTI Ioun17 NO LD SONOLD N11971I,R SMAIN ROA ——————— ------ c 11TPUT iT a I.:.IT o rw wao PAaassl(z) I I art Nrt a -Cl- 1 arTIVT, wT YICAME S arNUT 2 I InA I u T wlruTl mw+ umAdEe ouam UT3 a I L-------------------J \ I eo IT _A". z: I ))� ))J I A•OIIT a IIK OUT 71 IrcAME 5 ITPUr s To SUPJeI I r___ ON5 iPalT a•nrr —A-ac TPUTfi zI To smv, 1 1�o-IIAzu ---------------- __ LETr NNL A W` �C�E 7 B —1.iO SEA dPUT PUn — ——— .————— I 9 GlSL.OE SRRn:SUa YICAME a - T Nm0 I NUY1R5 NEmMA o- �Y qp w L 16P T L ro ouFlzn PWS e Y� ONZ I .tR" YlC aR PAOu 0-IIAST UNE,0 I ISA PG d R ,SA QIA —21—1 C 1 nC PSU RAE of .Q IS I I .xT B LxE„ I I L AG L llxE PG w A —TR A Pw I I 1 mI WP,TB I I I I RLS C p7 E� I I POWw SIwPLY i use—I I I 1 -- N.IL ----- I I I I r — w4� ------EwNVExi _ — CFIIML 9 4P*M14;-/I I I I I wus LEn HIRI ®xL 9wEAa s I I :AR w few I I L/9 Ixa1WEN 6A I I I Fxmd w%3B PWS C .aaNXR AYPLLRII nma A IIAL PPo�D) maps a ffi l I I I uIc/lwE, wTwr 1 Ex.: 1 o few�E I urc/uNE; wTwr z a} i wc/ME -AN -20-1ga s ' M . wmur s a A I NpF SOU7 I 4�c/WIE a aLPur e I I I �°3 y��o u Ac 7 aufwr> YIC/—a wiPUi B I L -------------- � ® I 1>� I r————— acP.-wAu —————, I UK1L u I rL ¢wxc -- Mux1T. 1wPwE vdwan -------L — — --------- I LEnmc r,wlrHaE(E4srv+L) I I I I I o wiEiEA¢1pAPfEA uxe.un®wwi'm.xsw.w m wwxe vws I,(27 Em I I s PG XT PG 1 w —.T n iAwl YlC PWS x00 PS-0]] I w iwu Ill wr PG z w rww sclw-foPP LAR use.1uom I I r-�rte ' L-------------J xwc as44s EUT I 9NRE sx. L-------------------J SMS YEAS/C h YIDOo I PoAW S,PPLY YPFlES K.HA wnDL wL4TSaf 4ldmxa+Ers SOUTMOIDTOWRJ HALL "nC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORE Um ART B I 53095 MAIN ROAD If/2 waVE AR1ExNI5 wdT waLL(GM9a CPFR•lw tmwnd) SOUTHOLD.NY 11971 ( SNPE VaeaMSY9 ((( awmaT ofsrweuAMv malxEs IEm�rcP I i o-lwwl umd w%xe RLs c I EunNrt ,E e1 1 —1. -TEwT Dara mao PROEEssw(z) I A2 wr " R ICCIE 1 —1 xfx 93 M MIcANE 2w—2 a I I I uwT wwa sa�m�w+ "C"I3 —Ts L-------------------- \ I BSM 1RC/uNE 4 _T. xx i MIC O,fi v YIC/.E 5 —T S TO SYP351 I _ — • x[ -/1"E 7 —7 m utma xms-xc I I auiwrt v�iw� a.�Io mxvLnim amm a wwr vuiE r--—G1e�E— ------ I eEASCaLE wR�m•� : Pn U RAE �Ee wPUTe � xwwP nP wr L Yn m—2,15 RLs c �®,,�wrnmNaE I -c cuT xu wr R ro L4R3e RLs c I I iBIW L- IME 10 I PG w L PG M L I bE INPUT�RA.TE(tm wLE) I I xwF uNE 13 I I w R RC.wT R Riw DIm128 I I I Now a RLS C(11 FID I PLrfA SIm0.Y L-------------� I RdE�LL,®P w MSamLIL I I I u>_ r__ __ waT sMIxM afe/c—w------, RE I I IIzosxEawalnHaE I L---------------------� RIA 0-feAS I INPUT 20 Phi xEMOwt Swlal Ellma SrP Sef 1LC RAIE(wdT waLL) I I SIPEARINC i ISCOmwC RiLCessai Pati 1 m oY%38 RLS C(1) B•AxENr(I—N NEAR e—PLNPMDIT) xA a I Pa x mLYPixB RKC(]) �1 aadE A I r-------- — --------� —T] is 11 11 I I maid m�iwx7�m I Exmw ne RLs z1mw z Roel 3 1DOP wr Icoma o-mm I I PMT s ww Lw13e Pws c W- - z) auao auam Bmv w RS Ix Ru wr L Cw i m L11P 331 I I —B PL9iE I I RG art R NY 2 II 1xe RLS C I PdT> WM I Pwr e ro ac RLs zao �'" I I I I IAlAYw1 m PCIa I PLPT B L IGP IDailNaaE ULm•NExYS-ICl w1AY 1 I PLRT 10 MM O-T NE K(9Y—ERS) VSB S—C M010 wi I I ON 8—EEaRPMENT Map I AN/PLE mw SGIw-ILPP I I USB 1 WLL LGw w Po�w Po� As use x sw-r¢c-13 I _ d PL101 m mmmGsr R��IBA I I Po��Y I1oV wilET PowPU� � L4 f¢L RLe xw N.T./L I i RiLY WPlxe RK C aWIO w UP PR E6IRISNT I m fww v.. �fTlw BG)w-1O'P W1 �,R f LM�wNP L-------------J I iwwYfLRLB3m Edracrw I IT3 I SYSTEM DIAGRAM IExmd xx]LPx _E.mdL.xL.N I L-------------------J r -----, I Lmw�xoMw NBUT n�nwc4xu I (ADD ALTERNATE 2) aEARaIE uwE xw Exmd Lm T xwP«v1 L xaL ro m canvrnmP wau(ro mE wart a av ansED I PEE cAMERa om mARSLTmP wau RAIE I I mac our HL4I wT: Howw HL/sLl wr I r-------------------� iron aur ..I IN om art I 1mn wr 3 •v I I I Ps-zox I I ro Lug cdrtfaxaxc wlEls�s¢rz I I o ol�ur I 041als Nn I I —1 IN I I mw oAa HE.1 HEN"w I eYVH P(xBry w Dw w mMPo9n:w I I Rd I EVYN L-------------J IN I mw LMvlae Rus c auo w(xlR)AUL wT(uA) ro L4Rxe RVs c aV w rEn NUIY 10,2018 __ ___ Exmd M�E NExLE»RLB P Z2:(Pw XO wT(Rw I I �a w I r exmd U.E%IExVER Rfrs r————, I I�ExTExom I I uul�w I SHEET NOTED use Ex,ExLER n wau Pum p�7 Eu RR I USE 1 w�=L1ao i i i AV-301.3 L-------------� L------------------------------------------J L--------------------J Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of May 22, 2018 RESOLUTION 2018-486 Item 4 5.23 ADOPTED DOC ID: 14149 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2018-486 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 22, 2018: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk's office to advertise for an Audio/Video system for the Town Hall meeting room and lobby. r Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman SECONDER:William P. Ruland, Councilman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Russell ABSENT: Louisa P. Evans Generated May 24, 2018 Page 37