HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1867 GFAL MOORINGS AND S~AKE~ MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE BORING NUMBERS ALL DOCKS AND BULKHEADS M~ DISPLAY vISiBLE ~EP~IT NuMBERs Board Of $Outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Mooring ~ N/A Pursuen~' to fhe fe of New w York PLACIN~ IN AND ON TOWN WATERS ~dND PUBLIC LANDS and fha REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVE[ OR OTH.ER M~TERI~LS ?.ROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS" and n i~¢]Cordanc.e-wi~h 'I'Ve: Resolution of The Board ad0pfed afa m%e~ring held on .~gg~g.~.~..;.3.0, in conslderafion~of the SUmrOf ~ 5.00 pai~ by Mansfield Seaman of .._..G.~.~-q~.g..q~..e. .................................................. N. Y. and subjec~ fo fhe Terms and CondH'i~ns J~s~'ed ~on ~rhe reverse side hereof, of Sou{hoJd Town Trusfees aufhorizes and permifs {'he foJJo-w~ng: ' Application approved under the Grandfather C~ause to~ secure a permit for a bulkhead and dock in Mud Creek as per application submitted. all in_accordance wlfh fhe defa~ed specifications as presenfed in · [-he oHginaflng appJicafion. =~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trusfees here- by causes ifs Corporafe. Seal fo be affixed, aj~d fhese .presents fo .b~ subscribed by a malorlfy of fha sa~d as of fJ~is daf,e. /</~ TERMS end CONDITIONS The Permktee Mansfield Seaman residing at Cutchoque lq. Y~ a~ par~ of ~he consideration for the issuance of the Permit do~.undetstand and proscribe to the. fol- lo.~og: l.' That the Seuthotcl Trustees Permit must be promxnently dxsplayed on the premises effected thereby during the period of ·-", ', ., That the said Board of Trm'tees and the Town of Southold are released from any and werk~ · ' %,.) aR damages, or da;ms for damages, of suits arising dlrecdy or indirectly as a re. It of any oper- ,unc~ez~ ....... w e ~rle · ; {~aon ~rformed po-rsuant to t~s ~ and the nd P~n~ wR~ a~ bis ~ her o ~ ~ , ~'~' de£end ~ny and ~! tach ~m ;-~t~ by ~d p~d~, and the ~d Pcm~m~ ~nes fu~ 5zb~ permit with respect thereto, to the complete exdnsion of the Bo~rd of Trustees of the Town of Southold 3% That this Permit is valid for a period of ] 2 , mos. which is considered to be the sufficient rime required to complete the work involved, but should circumstances wasrant, request for an extension may be made to the Board at a later date. 4-2 That this Permit should be retained indefinkely, or as long as the said Permittee wishes to maintain the structure or project involved, to provide evidence re anyone concerned that anth- otization was originally ohiained. §~ That .the work invo14ed will be subject to the inspeCtion and approval of the Board or its agents, and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating application% may be cause for ~wocarion of this Permit by resolution of the said Boa~d. - 6. That there will be no unxeasonable ioterfexe~ce with navigation as a result of the work, herein authorized. -~ _ 7.. That there shall he no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass alo~ the beach benveen high and low water marks. 8 · That i~ future ope~atinns of the Town of 5o~thold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized, or if, ~a the opinion of the Boaxd of Tsus~ees, the . ; work shall cause unreasonable obstruc~on to free navigation, the said Petmi~ee will be requlre~ upon due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated without expemes to the Town of Southold. 9. That the said Board will be notified by the Pe~mktee et the completion of the work anth- orked. (See tear off sheet.) 10. That the Permktee will obtain all other permits and ¢onsent~ that ma7 b* required ~ - plemental' to this petmk which ma7 be su~blect~ to revoke upon failure to obtain ~ame. . T~LEP~ONE '~ROARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TO~ OF SO.HOLD Town Hall 5~095 Main ~oad P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1 t971 Dear Mr. Mansfield:/ Transmitted h~rewith is your permit which was granted nnder the Grandfather Clause, for your structure. Please post your permit number on your structure, so that it can be seen from th~ water. Thank you for your co-operation, in regard to this matter. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling Clerk to Trustees Attachment Mud Name of Creek: ...... / "~ TELEPHONE (516~ Y65o1892 BOAI{D OF TOWN TIII~$TEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 GRANDFATHER APPLICATION dock/ bu Ikhe~d, 1. Name of Applicant. Address of Applicant: 2. Telephone N~ber:{l ~-~ 4. Year of Construction: 5. Sketch of the work including sizes: 6. Mark off on the map attached, where your proper~y is located using an X. Please no~e tha~there is a $5.00 filing fee, which is a one time fee, for this application. Mooring Applications- $5.00 Application Fee and a $5.00 annual renewal fee each .year. TELEPHONE (516) 765-18~2 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Soathold. New York 11971 CREEK STRUCTURES INVENTORY Current; Owner's Name: ,~ (~.~q/~!/~,~,.~ ,t.- ~'5j ~ -,~/~.>,~ ~ Index No. ~ Address: ,~'?~>~ ,~']~ ? ~YC Creek: Purchase Date: Telephone No.: Date of Field Work: Previous Owners: Permit Applicant: Permit No.: Permit Specifications: Condition: Commen~ S: crOOdwcter. cove TELEPHONrE (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York l1971 July 16, 1984 Dear Mr. Seaman: The Trustees are surveying the marine s~ructu~es of Cutchogue's creeks for the purpose of establishing the accuracy of the town records. Now in our third season, we have completed the inventories of Laurel and Mattituck creeks. We would greatly appreciate your help in this endeavor. Please, check your files for a permit for the dock/ bulkhegd which appears to be on your property. If you have a permit, simply post the permi% number on the structure. If you do not have a permit, please complete the enclosed application. Respond to the Trustee's office in the Town Hall with questions and/or completed applications. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Lori E. Brooks Deborah A. Shalvey Creek Surveyors for Southold Town Trustees Henry P. Smith, Pres.