HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCOTT, JOHN NOTICE Police Dept~ - Bay Constable Town of Southold Peconic, New York 11958 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Date: .................... , t9-~-- John %cott To: ~(qwner o~ authorized agent of owner) Address: .............................................................. (Address of owner or authorized agent of owner) Please take notice .there exists a2iolation of the Code of the Town of Southold, Chapter ~Article---~--~- ...... Section~-~--~-'~-~-- at premises hereinafter described in town Cods You are therefore directed and ordered to co~ply with the Re~oYs ~h~ Picoting Ho~e S~Pga ~'~m-~oqn waYers~ce..s~ ail following: ................................................ = ............ on or before ........... day of ................ , 19 ....... The premises to which this Notice of Violation refers are '~ '~ ~'"' ~ '~ ak C~ ~ ..... ~ ......................... ~_ ..................... 2Pown situated at: of Southold, Suffolk County, N:}'. (surf. County Tax Map Designation: Dist. Sect ion: .... '-~--/-~--- B lock: ---'-~ .... Lot: -/_Z .... ~ Failure to comply with the applicable provisions of the law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or lmprison~,ent or both. NOTTCE: You'have the right to apply for a hearing before the Board ~tees of the Town of Southold, provide~ that you file a written requesn w:i~h the Clerk of the Trustees within 10 days after service-of the Notice of Violation. Such request shall have annexed thereto a copy of the Notice of Violation upon which a Hearing is requested and sh~ll set forth the reasons why such ~bice of violation should be modified or rescinded.. /~z d~/'.// ~ , ~ Bay Cg~stable, T~ of Southold, NY Linda Fletcher, Pres. New Suffolk Civic .~,ssoc. P. 0. Box 642 New SuYfolk, N. Y. 1t956 June 12, i989 C~.i Schultheis Jerry & ~ F% O. Box 299 Ne~ Suffolk, N. Y. 11956 We would like to voice our concern over the houseboat tied up in School House Creek whose purported~e,'~ ~.~ to establish, a maricu!ture operation,~ Tt~e laws o~ Souti]old Town prohibit houseboats Yrom being moored zn marinas, yet nothing has been about thls houseboat. Ti~e vessel has no means o.~ propulsien ko power itself. There '~s a common misconception that Schoolhouse C, .~e,. is ~ Of the 150 bo~t~ in 'Ibm creek there is one vessel used te sow and recover clams taken ~:r~m po).luted water's nearer N.Y.C. All other boats in the creek are registered as pleasure vessels. At oresent School House Creek is not considered sa~m ~or shell~is~ing Yet th~s houseboat will use the water~'~ ...... ~,~.~ the creek to raise the clams,, The vast expa~se o~ windows in th~ ,]~,.~-b~-~ will be used to ,,-a~ the water used to raise the ~-' ~- , ~,~.~ thing a creek in such a cor]ditien as School House Creek needs is ~Od~.tional heated water put into ~. This e'~'~=ct will be the same as ~h~ Reverse Osmos:~s w.~._-.m~-=~ treatment proposed ~or the Marina Bay Club~ '~',,~ere has been no environmental impact study as to wha'k th~ oossible negative e~6ects o~ the-,~.oe~'a+~o-,_, ~. , may be on the creek. At the present time there is~ much dust raised b) vehicles o~ten travellinq at high speed on t.l~e dirt road running parallel to Orchard Street.. -' commercial ~. -~+~ ~,~ Article XI of ~e~ ...... will aggravate the situation. ti~e Zoning Ordinance o~ Southold Town for a Marine I (Mt) distric:t in which the houseboat is moored Joes not allow for a mariculture eperation unless by seeciai e>ception by t.~,~ Board o~ subject to site plan approval by the Planning Bo~.t ~.. A recent =u,mo~k Times seems to suggest the newspaper article in the c- ~- .,c~,.r.~em~..,,u ~, this concept by ~" Bay Constable and 'l'owm Trustees. Why do we have zoning laws i~: they can be circumvented? The vessel itseI¥ is unsightly and does not con~erm to the pleasure boat population o~ School ~iiouse Creek. The large area the vessel presented to wind loads could cause it to break loose in a storm and ¥~reak havoc and destruction in the creeks, There have been no engineering calculations performed to verify the holding capability o¥ the rickity pilings the vessel is tied to. We are against t~:is unauthorized use o~ a prohibited houseboat in School ~.ouse Creek ~or a pupose not allwed under the zon~ng laws under the ¥own of Southold and ask ~or the suppport the New Su~¥o!k Civic Association against this project. Jerry and Cali Schulthei~ Sup er vi sor Town Attorney '¥o~,~n Co~,~n~-i ] Board of Appeals Planning Board Town Trustees Suffolk Times FRANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR., President ALBERT J. KRUPSK1. JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, III JOHN L. BEDNOSKI, JR. HENRY P. SMITH TO: FROM: DATE: RE: BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 Frank A. Kujawski, Jr., Pres. Board of Trustees James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney May 31, 1989 Shellfish nursery in floating barge TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Please be advised that I have consulted with Judge Tedeschi on this matter and we have concurred that it is a policy determination for the Trustees as to Whether or not to allow their land to be used for this purpose. You can grant this particular application for growing shellfish and deny future applications, if someone is conducting a business you do not agree with, or is not mariculture. This is discretionary with your Board. Site plan approval is required for businesses which seek to build on buildable lots under Town Code. Hence, my opinion is that Mr. Scott does not need site plan approval, assuming he is on a barge which is capable of floating in and out of the creek. JAS:jas USAm~Coms of ~En~neers 26 Federal Plaza Public Notice In replying refer to: Public Notice No. 13675-89-0098-L2 Published: 8 PlAY 8g JUN 89 To WhOm It ~y Concern: .elved a= application for a Department of the Army Imrsuant to Section 40~ of the Clean Water Act (33 U.$oC. 1344). IPPLIiCA~: John g. Scott Box 545 Cutchogue. ~e~ York 11~35 Section lO of the River and liarbor Act of 1899 (33 UoS.C. 403); ACTIVITY: Emplace shellfish nurser,y floating raft ~ATERWA¥: Great Peconic Bay LOCATION: New Suffolk, Suffolk County, New York A detailed description and plans of the applicant's activity are inclosed to assist in your review. The d the p publl prote ~gain; effec ~clston whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of rohable impact including cumulative Impacts of the activity on the : interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both :tion and utilization of Important resources. The benefit which ~ably may be expected to p~.crue from the acttvlty must be balanced ~t its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be ant co the activity will be considered including the cumulative :s thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values, land use, navigation, wa=er quality~ energy needs, safety, food production and, ia general, the needsiand welfare of the people. ALL CQMHENTS REGARDING THE PERHITAPPLICATION HUST BE PREPARED ZN WRITING AND ~ILED TO REACH THIS OFFICE BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE OF THIS NOTICE~ otherwise it will be presumed that there are no objections to the activity. Any p~rson may request, in writing to the district engineer, before this publi~ notice expires, that a public-hearing be held to collect information necessary to consider ~his application. Requests for public hearings shall state~ ~rlth particularity, the reasons why a public hearing should be held. It s~uld be noted that information submitted by mail is considered just as carefully in the permit decision process and bears the same weight as that furnished at a p~blic hearing. NANY FL-129 based upon e review of the latest published version nf the threatened and Baaed upon a review of the latest published version of the National Register of ~iltoric Places, there are no known sites eligible for ~r archeologlcal, scientific, prehistorical ur historical data may be lost by ~ork accomplished nnaer the raqnired permit, include applica~ion of the guidelines promulgated by =he adminlscra~or~ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency~ tuader authority of Sectln~ ~04(b} of the Clean Water Act and the applicant will obtain a wa[er quali~y ~Q~e~tificate or waiver from the ~pproprlate ~tate agency in accordance ~i~h ~S~c%~0~ of the Clean Water Act prior to a permit decision. Pursuant to Section 307(c) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 as a~an~ed (16 ~o$.C. 1456(c)), for activities under consf~eration ~hat are coastal zone ~anagement program~ the applicant has certified l~ the permit application ~ha~ ~he activity complie~ with and ~ill be conducted in a with, objection to~ or waiver of the applicant~$ certification. No psrmt~ decision will be made un, il one of these actions occur. For activities ~lthin the coastal zone of New York State, the applicant~s certification and eccompanyln~ information is available from, and any co.eats on, should be addressed to the New York State Department of State, Division of Local Government and Community Services, Coastal Management Pro~ram~ t62 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12231 Telephone (518) 4?4-5063. In addition to any requi~ed water quality certifica~e and coastal zone mana§ement program concurrence,' the applicant has obtained o~ requested lhe followin~ govera~ental, authorizations for the activity under consideration: TOWn of Southo]d Permit New York State Deoartment of Environmental Conservation Shellfish Permit It is requested that you communicate the foregoing information concerning the activity ;o any persons known by you :o be interested and ~ho did not receive a copy of this notice. If you have ao~ questions a~ncernlng this application, you may contact this office a~ t 'ephone (212) 264- 391~ and ask for Mr. Michael Infurna. 2 In¢ls: 1. Description of Work 2. Drawing(s) Marion L. Caldwell, Jr. Colonel, Corps of gnglneera District Engineer NANY FL-129-1 l~ay 83 CENAN~OP-I~E ~..~LLICATION NO. 89-0098-L2 IC NOTICE BO. 13675-89-0098-[2 32 J DESCRIPTION OF WORK John,Scott, requests Department of t3ae Army 'y floating rafts in Great Suffolk, Suffolk County, New York for t~e stated cultivating bivalve shellfish. of a each 3 feet wide. Each f feet of water and would be e~t off the bottom at mean low water. The entire consisting of nine individual floats, would be 500 pound anchors at its corners and two (2) 300 ~ middle of the structure. Each anchor would be Light a~d a 3 foot yellow center marking, buoy would of th~ platfoTM. ~ P~LATFOEM~.~ SCALE(FEET} Ali :depths fro~ MLW PLAN MAP Purpose: To suspend and grow shellfish PLATFORM SCALES(FEET) mC - ~(ORIZONTAL NEW~ ~ 1(~)0 SUFFOLK VERTICAL ~ NECK To suspend and grow ~hell¢ish SECTION MAP 'All depths from MLW COMPONENT OF OYSTER PLATFORM N[b(E MOO~EO IN A LINE COMPRISE ENTII~E ~tJkTFORM ( J ~ 'r~FLOTATION (FLOATING ~CK ~SIGN) ~ I ~ t SUSPENSI~~ ~ ~ ~ SECTION ~ SCALE (FEET) ~roose: TO 5USg~d and grow shellfish PROPOSED AQUACULTURE NDRSERY IN CUTCHOGUE HARBOR OFF ~EW SUFFOLK N.Y.; STATE OF N.Y.; TO~i OF SOUT~OLO. APPLICATION DY: MR. JOHN SCOTT MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUEo NEW YORK SNEET 1 OF2. UPLAND PROPERTY OWNERS: I-MOHRING INC. Z-E. Whelan Puroose: To suspend amd grow shellfish