HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCOTT, JOHN G. IIIBOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTItOLD Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 March 30, 1984 TELEP}~ONE {516~ 765-1892 Mrs. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear J~dy: Transmitted herewith is the action taken by the Board of Town Trustees at a regular meeting held on March 29, 1984: RESOLVED to recommend tc the Southold Town Board Approval of the Wetland Application #189 for John G. Scott, III to construct a catwalk and two floating docks in Richmond Creek} with the provision that this permit is for one year as a pilot Rroject. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Henry P. Smith President HPS:ip ALL DOCKS AND BULK- HEADS MUST DISPLAY - - VISIBLE PERMIT NUMBERS. ALL MOORINGS AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS. BOARD OF'TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF ~OUTHOLD Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516-765-1892) PII NOTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PERMIT To . . 1. Your application, dated ........................... has been reviewed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on..g.a,~g,.2.~,. L9.84 ........... and resulting in the action, as indicated below: (.~.~.~) Application approved. ( ..... ) Application denied. ( ..... ) Application tabled. 2. Comments and remarks: Application has been approved for one year, as a p$1ot program. If your application is approved above, a Permit Fee is now due, and should be made payable to the order of the Board of Southold Town Trustees. This fee is computed below according to the Schedule of Rates as set forth in the Instruction Sheet (Form 1/1). This fee must be paid within 90 days or reapplication and additional fee will be necessary. If the Permit Fee is paid in person to the Clerk of the Board, the Permit will be obtainable at the same time. If the fee s paid by mail, the Permit will be mailed in reply. 4. Computation of Permit Fee: 2- 32' x 3' catwalks 96 sq. ft. @ .25 per sq. ft. = $ 24.00- 2- 32' x 6' floats = 384 sq. ft. @ .25 per sq. ft. = 96.00 2- 32' z 8' floats = 512 sq. ft. @ .25 per sq. ft. = 128.00 12 spiles @ $5.00 each 60.00 Total Fee for this application .......................... . .. $......$308.00......,...D.u.e President, Board of Southo]~i' Town Truste.es Clerk, Board of Southol~a~ T~ov/n Trustees/~ ~A,~bc~O----kr~/'C ALL. acKs AND BULKHEADS MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE PERMIT NUMBERS BOARD OF TO~'~' TRUSTEES . ................... S0uthmd ~aw York l~PT1 ~ ~ ~ APPLICA~I0:~ FOR FIXED ~na/or FLOATI>:G DOCKS ..... ........... ...................................................................... .......... 2. Co~troc~or'~ nome cad o~dress: ........... ..9..~_~__....~.....~:~ ........................ i:.....~.Z ..... ............................................................................................................................... 2~.L..2-3...¢.Z ~..~.7:~ docks, 6. 4. After issuance of a Permit, work mt:mu be completed wi~-hln one year. LAP. GE 5. Secure the correct Area ,Mos from ~he Clerk of this Dc:rd. and by using a/X WITHIN A CIRCL~ indicc:e cs closely as ccssib;e the !c:~icn cf this dock. O~ the.reverse side o[ th~s m:~, ~rovide a 5CAL~ DaAWING which will show Ordinary ~igh Water Mark, the cad size of the dock and any supplemental pilings which are needed to hold a f~ccrJn~ dc:k specify location and lenq=h to scale. line or boundcw formed by other similar structures clung the area's shoreJlnc? Y52 or 7. Prcvide the foUowlng documents: ~S ~.~ fa) A Licensed Engineer's Survey oF the urcpe~V involved. (b) A copy o~ the Conrruczsr's Piths sna ~ Short Envirunmenua! Assessmenu Form. ui Wetlands Apg]icati,op . 8. Vw this ccnstruct~cn'rccu,r~ tn= Fdling of any J~md I%' .. a.t.no.c of the Ordina~i;h Mcrk or the Dredging of any meter~aJ ~rarnT~wn L~r'd; under w~:;er?'(5S o~ if it Farm ,A/4 UkppEcot~an for Dredging/'FiiHng) must be cornpiered ;:nd .at:canto 02 parr oi this 9. Inr_Oue. ,¢ , ,-r,ng cugruvGI of this cDP, i;cctir, m, I submit thor: the mtcr~ trion -r. ~..mf..¢.- *~ n.r_~n', -' lO. To expedite finding soeclf~c location for inspection. , ln~ca' ~; · '~ -. ........ by using a temporary murker=, Town Of $outhold Town Clark's Office Southold. N. Y. APPLICATIOB~ FOR WETL~h]DS PEiRMIT Application No. Date of ,Application entlt, of ^ppl, o,t ............ .................................... : ................ ................................ Z .......... INSTRUCTIONS FOR P~RMIT A. This application is to be completely ill[ed in by typewriter or ink ond submitted ro the Town C~erk in quadruoiicate, accompanied by writter' permm.~an from the owner of the prcper,%' if 'not~ the some as the oDolicant. B.i Pilot Plan must be drown to scale on the reverse side of this application showing the location of property, the names and locations of owners of aajoimng ~roaernes, and a detailed cescri~tion of ~rcoosed project. (Note: Copies of the Pilot Plan may De mcca by a copy machine aha attochea Io the Permit Application.) C. No operation shoil be initiated by the applicant until oil permits that are required are issued. D. A detailed statement of the 'ehobilit=tion and proposed condition of the premises after the work is compieted must be given, including a survey if reouired. E. If permit is being sought for a more sizeable excavation ?ban the construction of o private sit,glo dock or jetty, then this application must be accompanied by a survey and topographical mop certified by a registered land survey or Professional Engmeer. The horizontal control of survey shell be b~sed upon an opprovat local coordinate system. The radical control for elevation and sound- in~s shall be based upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geelogical Survey c~otum. : f:. A statement must accompany the application describing thy known prior operations conductea on the premises in question and whether any prior licenses or perm/rs have been issued to erect structures or to dredge or deposit fill on said premises and whether any such permits or licenses were ever revoked or suspended by a governmental agency. : G. A filing fee of $50,00shal[ accompany the aooli'catian. This filing fee inc!udes one inspection. ,~he~e is a $5.00 fee for each additional inspection. H. The Town Board upon request¢~_ t~e applicant For a permit, may waive in whole or .n pan .. ~ .~/ ... ~ the provisions of A~icle II, Section -~, subdms;ons (~ and where it finds that nature of the proposed operations are such that the rec~iremenrs of such provisions are nor necessa~ for a pro,er c?~daration of a permit opphc~tion. I. Upcm c~.Droval of this a;',pl~cohon tn. Town Cl~rk will ssue o permit ro the applicant. ~uch perm,r shail be available ~or inspection ar any time, upon request. Disc~oroved ........................................................... .... ............................... APPLIC~'~,GN iS Hc~v ..... MAD~ to the ~own Board of the Town of Soumoid. [New York. for the issuznce of o Permit oursuant to the Lows, C'dinonces and R~g~to ..... s gzvem- lng the Co~stoI and Interior Wetionds. Fiord Pi~ins and Drainage Areas of the Town of'Scutho[d: ~ ~ ~o ~..~,.~ ...... ~.~ ....................................................................... - ~ .~ ~ - Lo .....n of pr~pe~y for which permit w~nre ............... ~...~ .................. G ~.e~.....m...~xz.k..K~. .................................................................................................. Home edzress of permit cz=Iicznt if mtreren~ rrcm aforesaid Icc .... n .... ~.~.~.~.~. ....... Size of proposed work: "en~,h ............. :...~ .................................................................. .~. ....................................... w,d,~h ...... ..AT..~.a.ZT..'....'~ ...... ~.~.: ....... ~....~..~Z&..~...Z...'..~.~..;~.~.....'..~.:.~. .... :Heign, Above High Water ...... Z../.~...i..~. ............................................................................. i ............... Depth ~aw ~ow Wot~ ............ ~....'..'. ......... ~ ....................................................................................... Yards to be Excavated .............. ..Z~-~....?...~..~ ......................................................................................... Yards to be Filled ........ : ............. ~.?...?[...~.~. ............................................................................................ Width of canal, creek or b~y fr'c~nting properw. ............. -~-..~--'.~..~ ...................... [ ................................ De,th' at Lcw Tide ....................... ./.././~......~..?....~....~ ...................... : ......................................................... Avercg~ Ri.~e in Tide ............. ...~....~. ...................................................................................................... which materiel w/ii be removed cr decoaitecJ .......... ../~....%.~.,,¢.~......~,-~..e?..~.-:~. ............... nten~ed use of preaertv .......... YVrlrren consent cf owner of property,,, if nor the sc~me os the cccilcant ........................................ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) SSi STAT~ OF N£W YORK ) ... _. --: ............. ......................................... swot, s=e:es herein cra true rotne teazel his knowJecge ant belief; mcr the workwil be cone inzne mz~m, erset for?h in znzs aDzticor:cn end as may be cc=roved by the Tc',vn Bczrc of the Town of Scurhc[d. The cz::~ccnr agrees to hoId me Town of Southe~d ~na the Town Eczrd harm!ess cxd free from Sworn to~,~,~-~-= ....... me this ............ dzv Df ................................................ , 19 ........ .................... Fxr~'~;;C"~;;'jfi;' ........................ . ......... RoAD -.,&