HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-71 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN PERMIT NO.. ,7..~ ............. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of 1893 of the State of New York and Chapter 404 of the La~,s of 1952 of the State of New York and in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Town of SouthoJd adopted at a meeting of said Board on ..~...~.?.,.....,.&.,.9.~.~. ......................... and in consideration of the sum of S ...... ..~..5...,.Q~. .............. lawful money of the United States, paid by the said Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereby ~n ~atti%~ak C~eek, alZ in ~ccor~nce ~i~h the plans The said .... .~.¢..o.~.e.,..~..Q]~.]¢'~.i.~,..~..?~'~ ........ , as part of the consideration for the issuance of this permit does hereby release the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southol6 from any and ali damages c~a[ms for damages or suits that may arise or occur directly or Jndirect]¥ es a result of any operation carried on under and pursuant to this permit, and will at his own expense, defend any and aH suits which may be brought by third parties as a result of qmy operation carried on pursuant to or in accordance with the terms of this peri-nit, and assume fuji liability with respect thereto to the complete exclusion of said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold T~IS PERMIT is subject to the following terms and conditians~ there shah be no unreasonable interference with n~vigation as a result of the Vf0r~ herein authorized. ~fh%~t thbre shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass ¢!o~g that portion of the beach between iow and high water mark, That the work shah be subject to the supervision and approvai of the said Beard of Trustees or its agents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board of Trustees, the day and year above written, seal S.) STATE OF NEW YORK SS: COUN%Pr' OF SUFFOLK ON THIS....~,~,Z.-.m'..dav of .............................. .9.,. ................. , 19-5..9. ....... , before me personaJiyappeared ~on~ D~an, of Gr~npo~t~oY.~ Philip Weil~r~ ~ person~ Hykno~m to me, who, being bY me du)y sworn, severa{ly said %hat they each resided in the Town of Southold, Coun~ of Suffolk, StYe of New York, and were members of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold and c~stituted a majority of the same; that they knew the co~orate ~al of said Town of Sauthold; that the seat affixed to the faregoin~ instrument was such corporate seal; that it wes so affixed thereunto by order of Board o~ Trustees of sa~d Town of Southold and that each one signed his n~me thereto c Trustee and by like order. ~{o~ Publi~, ~te e~ Ne~ Ne. 52-D3~963, ~uifolk C~untv . . TOWN BOARD OF PERMIT NO ......... ~ .......... 2 Stakes Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6![5 of the Laws of 1893 of the State of rqew York and Chapter 404 of the Lav. s of ~952 of the State of New York and in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Town of SouthoM adopted at a meeting of said Board ~n ........... ..~.a.~.....2.~z...~..9..~..O.. .................... and 'n consioerot'on of the sum of $....~.~...%?..0. ................. lawful money of the United S~ates, pald by ..... .G...e.?.........~..~.~.~. ..... t? Carman ~d.,~,u. ntington S~ation, L, !~ New York, residing at ~a"~'f~]~';'"~'~; ....................... .................................... ' the said Board of Trustees of.the Town of $outJ~Id, Suffolk County, New York, hereby · , '. George. $ch~dt~ creek~ al~ c ' ~ce with the application ~p~licat ioa The said George 8chmi~t for the issuance of ~hJs permit does hereby reJease the sa;d 8oard of Trust. s and the Town of Soufhold from any and aH damages c~aims for damages or suits that mw arise or occur directly or indirectly as a result of ~ny operado~ carried on under and pursuant to this permff, and wilt at his own e~gense, defend any and all suits which may be brought by third parries as a resul~ of any opera~ion carded on pursuan~ to or in accordance with the terms of this permi% and assume full liability w/th respect thereto to the complete exclusion of ~ Boa¢¢ of Zrustees o~ the Town o~ SouthoM. au~ori~y eo~f~re~ by ~i~ per~ ~y be ~inate~ by the ~rd of ~ustees for a faille on the p~t of t~e said ~eorge S~idt to c~apiy wi~h the terms and c~ditions [~ard of ~ustees shall ~li to ~he said George Schmid% ~he ad.ess given In his application, a certified copy of resol~tion of ~e ~d of T~stees dire~g ~ch THIS PERMIT is subject to the following terms and conditions: · :!That there shall be no unreasonable interfer, ence with navigation as a result of the work herein authorized. 2~ That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass · along that portion of the beach between }ow and high water mark. 3. That the work shall be subject to the supervision and approval of the said Board of Trustees or its agents. 4, That &f future o_perat&ons of ~e Town of ~outhol~ require the r~at ~ ~teration ~n ~e 1~ation h~e~ au~l~, or if. ~ t~ ~inion o~ of ~ ~n of Southol~, ~ w~k ~all S=h~dt will be re~ir~, ~ ¢h~ ~id ~ 05 ~u~t~s~ to r~ ~ alter the location caused frs co~orcte seal ~o be hereunto affixed and thee presents a majority of the said Board of Trustees, the day and year above written. sea, .~~Z:~;~ ........... (L. S.) ..... ....... ............................. STATE OF NEW YORK )SS: COUN~ OF SUFFOLK ) ................ ............................ ........ " ~ ~ei~ ~ ~d ~v~ Gol~s~th, Of $OUthold oil personally known of Southold, Counm, of Su talk, State of New York, o~ were members of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold end con¢ituted a majori~ of the same; that they knew the corporate seat of said Town of SouthoM; thct the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument wes such corporate seal; that it was so affixed thereunto by or~r of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold and that each ~e signed his name thereto as a Trustee and by Hke order, ........... ~otdry Comm~ssio. ~9ires March 30, ~? ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD f/~ .~ BOARD 0F TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N, Y. Examined ~....~.~. ............. 19..~... Application No .............................................. Approved~~ ~~~ ............................ ~e~t No .... [/ [ ~ .................. ~isapproved a c Board of Trustees APPLICATION FOR PERMIT INSTrUCTiONS A. ~s appEcat~on to be completely fi~ed in by type~iter o~ ~ i~ an~ submitted tc the Tow~ Trustees ~ca~ e. B. Ple~ plan showing location of l~t and B~ngs on pre~ses, ~la~ion to adjoini~ premises, ~u~c s~reets. p~ks~ e~cL. a~d ~vin& detailed description of proposed laYOn~ of pyo~ect must be ~a~ ou diagram which ~ ~a~t of O. The work covered by tMs ~pplication may not be commenced before the issuance of ~ ~er~t. ~. Upon spprov~ of tk~ app~catien. Town Trustees w~ issue a permit to applicant. ~uch permB shaB be kept on the pre~ses and available fe~ inspection at a~ E. App~csmi sh~ nolify the Bea~d of Trustees upo,n completion of the work covered by pe~it. APPLIOATI02~ IS HEREBY ~ADE ~o the Board of ~tees of the Town of ~ouShold, ~folk Oo~ty, New ~ork, fo* ~he issuance of a petit pt~sua~t to the laws Ordnances a~d reg~ations ~ove~in~ construction o~: docks, piers, bu~eads, ~ettys and ~edE~ in; under, and over the waters of To~ of South61d. ~e applicant mgrees to comply ~h ~ a~pHcable laws. ordnances, red.orions and con~tions specified by s~id tr~tees, ~nd to hold the Town of ~outhold, ~nd aR Tov~ o~ci~s free from ~iabi~,{y and damages of ~y k~nd. ~sme of ~e,~ o~ ~r~m!s~s ......... 2~;..~.~_~........~.....~.~.~.~;...~ ..................... ~.A~..;..J.~ ............................................................................... ~=~ ~r~ U O~ ~ ~o~io~ ~Z._..~.~ ....... .~.~ ............ ~.~.~.~.....~-~,..~,..-....2.~...~ ................ C~e~, ~' ~ H~o~ F~o~U~ ~o~-~S ...... ~;~.C ~ ................ ~..~.~...~..~ ..................................................................................................................... Permi~ Requested To: .~ ..~.~ ........... ~ ............... ~.[.~.~ ............. ~.~_..._~...~.~_e.~_.._..~. ~/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~..~. .......... Size of ~oposed Work: Len~h .................................... Wi~h .................................... Heighth Above ~h Water ................................. Depth ~elbw Low Water ........................... Average Rise In Tide .............................. Yards to Be Excavated ................................. Width of Oa~al, Creek or Bay Fron{ing Property .................................................. Depth at Low Tide ................................................... z~ ~i~ Fo~ ~i~a~ o~ ~i~ U~? ......... ~_~.~_.~ .......................... A~ Zon~ ._.~.~.~.~:~_{.~ .............................. Complete plot plan to be dra~ on reverse side of tMs app~cation. STATE OF NEW YORK) i ~ )s.s. s~ri~ed ~rmlt, a~d that a~l statements contained herein are true to the best of his kno.wle~e ~d be~ef; that the ~k ~be done ~ the manner set forth in the appllca~ion and as approved by the Bo~d of Trustees o.f the To~wn of So~d, a~d the app~cant agrees ~o bom the Town cf Southold and said trustees h~mless and free from any a~d ~ damages a~d claims a~sing under or by vi~ue of s~d permit. ~ ( ~ca , ~ Sworn to ,before m~ t~s ......~.-.~. .......... day of ~~. 19~.~.. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. ~an~ned . .... ~. ........... 19.~..~7 Applicatio~ No .............................................. - ..................... ................. ................................................... ~s~p~vove~ s/c ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ...................................... ~ APPLICATION FOR PER~IT INST~U~TIO~ A. ~is app~c~tion to be co~pl~ fi~d ~ by .type~i~e~ ~r in ~ ~ submitted to the, To~ Trustees ~ dup~ li~at~ B. PI~ ~lan showin~ lccatic2 o,[ l~t a~ b~ng~on presses re~tion t~ a~o~ing presses pubic s~eets parks, elcj, t~s ~pplic~t~on. C. The work covered b~ this app~cat[on may nGt be commenced before the issu~c~ of a ~e~t. D. Upon approv~ of ~s app~ca~0~, ~o~n T~stee~ ~ ~sue a permit to app~cant. Such pe~ s~ be kept on the pr~i~s E. Appelant sha~ notify th~ ~oa~d ~f Trustees upon c~mpletio~ o~ the work cov~ed by pe~t. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADe. to ,the Be,ar~l of Trustees of the Town of So~thold, Suffolk County, New Yo~k, for the issuance cf a permit pursuant to tBe ia~s, Ordinances a~d reg~atlons gove~i~ const~c~ion of: docks, piers, bu~eads, jettys and d~edg~g ~; U~d~; and over the v~ters of To~ of So~hold. ~e applican~ agrees to comply ~h all app~c~ble laws erd~ances reg~at~ns an~ cond~tmns spewed by smd trustees and to hold the Town of Seuthe~d, and an To~ 6moils free from l~abi~ and damages of any ~d. ~ o.f o~ of ~ ...:..._.~_~ ..~.~_..~_ ~. ~,.~ .............. .~..~..~..,.~ .............................................. ~eet ,Afl.ess of ~vope~y ....... ~.g~.~.~i.~_~..~ L~3.ff.~ .................................................................................................................... ~ome ~e,, I~ Other ~sn Lecmtion .L~_-~.~.~_..~6-~.~.......~.~i..~.~m....._.~.,.._....~.,....~ ........................... ~, ~ ~ ~o~ ~o~ ~o~ ..__~.~.~ ........... .~.~_~..~..,~ ..................................................................... ~ovmi~ ~oaue~e~ ~o: ......... ~.~. ............. ~.~.~ ........................... .......... ~ .......... ~. ...... ~bove ~g~ 8i~ o~ ~3~o~e~ Wove: ~h _._...~. .................... ~ ~ig'h$~ ................................ .................... Wi~h o~ ~anal, ~r~ok o~ Bay ~o~ing Pvop~y ....._~.~...~.~.._. ~p~h ~ ~ow ~l~e ................................................... ~ ~ ~ P~w~ o~ ~ ~ .......... ~.~.~ .............................. ~a gong ........ ~ ............................................................. ~om~l~ ~1o~ ~l~n $o b~ ~r~wn on ~s~ ~ o~ $hi8 STATE 0F NE~YORK) ~ /~ )s.s. ~/c~bed per. t, a~d that ~ statements contained here~ ~e ~ue to the best of' his knowledge and be~ef; that the w~k ~ be do. in th~ manner set forth in the application ~d as ~pproved by the Boa~d of ~stees of the T~wn of Southold, ~d ~e appelant agrees ~o hold the To~, ~f Southold snd s~d trustees hs~ess ~ free from any and a~ damages ~d c~iMs a~s~g ~der or by vi~ue of s~d petit. FOP~ ~0. ! TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined ................................................... 19 ............ Application No .............................................. Approved ...................................................................................................... Permit No .............................................................................. Disapproved a c ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. chairman, Boar8 of Trustees APPLICATION FOR PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS A. This application to lie completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the T'o~ TTustees in dvp- licate. B. Pio~ plan showing loca%ien of let and' b%illdings on pren~ises, relation to adjoining premises, public streets, pa~ks, etci., and giving detaiIe{l des~'ipti6n of proposed I~'ont of pro3eet must be drawn on diagram which is psat of this application. C. ' The work covered by this application may~not be commenced before the issuance of a permit. D. uponl approval of ~his ~pp]ication~ Town Trnstees will issue a permit to applicant. S~li perln~ shall be kept on the pr~mises and available for inspection at all times. E. AppliCant shall notify the Beard of T~stees upo~ completion of the work cove~ed by permit. APPLICATION IS HERE~Y MADE to the !Bo~rd of Trustees of the T~)v~a of Sonthold, Suffolk County, New Y~rk, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to ~be taws, Ordinances aacl regulations governing constrnc~ion ur: (locks, piers, bulkheads, jettys and dredging hi; %mder~ and over the w~aters of Tovv]l of Sol/tho~(l. ~he applicant agrees to, complyl~%h all applicable laws~ ordinances, .r~ations ~nd conditions specified by said trnstees, an(l to hold the Town ,of Sontlield, and all To,hi o~fieials free ~rom li~'bil%%y and (lamages of any hind. ~t2e of ,~w~e,~ o~ premises '.___ ~:[~e..._.&_. ~i.~'~1:)..~_..a.._~ ............................................................................................. S~reet Ad 'ess of Prnpe~y If Othe Than ,ooation .................................................................... Oreek, Bay er ~ar~o~ ~o~in~ ~o~e~7 .~..~ ................................................................................................................................................................ 8~e of ~op*se~ Work: ~e~g~ ..._.~¢~*. .................. Width .................................... ~eigh~h ~bove ~h ~er ....~ ....................... Dep~ Below ~ow Wa~er .............................. ~ve~age gi~e !n ~ide ................................. Yard~ ~o Be ~e~*~e~ ................................. Wi~h of ~g~al, ~rnek o~ B~7 ~ronting Pg~pe~7 -----~.--~ .................. Depth a~ ~ow Ii~o ................................................... I~ ~ ~cr. P~v~e or ~us~es~ ~e~ ..__~ ...................................... ~rea, gong ....~ ................................................................... ~omplege plo~ pl~n ~o be-dr~m oa rever~e si~e of ~s applie~io~. STATE OF NEW YORK) )S.S. COUNTY ~0F ) ................................................................................. being duly sworn, deposes and says ~hat he is the applicant for the above de- scribed permit, and that all statements contained herein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the wo~k will be done in the manner set forth in the, application and as approved by the Boar(l of Trustees of the Tov*n of Sonthold, and the applicant agrees %o hold the Town Of Sonthold and said trustees harmless an(l free from any and 'all 4amages and claims arising under or by virtue of said permit. Sworn to !before me this ............................. day of .............................. lg ............. Notary p~blic .................................... county of ...................................