HomeMy WebLinkAboutMR. SAYEGHBOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 December 3, 1985 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mrs. Mary Sayegh 515 Shore Drive Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mrs. Sayegh: The Trustees reviewed your request for a waiver of the Wetland Ordinance at their regular meeting held on November 27, 1985. The following is the formal findings and determination recently rendered regarding your request: WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area; and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the documentation submitted concerning this request; and WHEREAS, the Board made the following findings of fact: 1. By this request, appellant requests permission to increase floor space to a deck on an existing dwelling by 19" reducing setback to the bulkhead on the-premises. 2. The property in question is known as Greenport Shores Section I, Subdivision, Lots 20 and 21; more particularly identified as County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-047-02--028. In considering this request, the Board finds and determines: (a) The pro3ect will not adversely affect the wetlands of the Town. (b) Will not cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation. (c) Will not increase the danger of flood and storm tide damage. (d) Will not adversely affect navigation on tidal waters or the tidal flow of the tidal waters of the Town. (e) Will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town. Accordingly, on motion by Trustee Bednoski seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer it Was RESOLVED that permission Be and Hereby is Granted as requested Mary Sayegh subject to the following provisions: for BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southotd, New York 11971 S~ptember 30, 1985 TELEPHONE (516~ 765-1892 M~. Edward Williams 150 Seawood Drive Southold, New York 11971 Re: Mr. Sayegh Shore Drive, Greenport Dear Mr. Williams: Please be advised that the following action was taken by the Town Trustees at a regular meeting held on September 25, 1985: RESOLVED that the Town Trustees of the Town of Southold hereby grant a wai~er on the need of a wetland permit for Mr. Sayegh, ~hore Drive, Greenport for the construction of a deck, addition to a living room and enlargement of a master bedroom on property referenced above subject to the following provisions: During excavation the fill must be contained so that it does not wash into the creek. Care should be taken so as to preclude the entry of any construction material into adjacent waters. Immediately following construction, all areas of exposed soil shall be properly protected with suitable erosion control devices and/or vegetated to prevent entry of eroded soil into the creek. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferli~g, ~ecretary~ HPS:ip cc: Bldg. Dept. RESOLUTION - SEPTEMBER 25, 1985 Mr. Sayegh, Shore Drive, Greenpo~t POSSIBLE RESOLUTION TO WAIVER THE NEED OF A WETLAND PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 22' x 10 DECK AND 5' ADDITION TO A LIVING ROOM AN~ ll' TO ENLARGE A MASTER BEDROOM. THIS IS ON BULKHEADED PROPERTY LOCATED AT SHORE DRIVE IN GREENPORT: If the Board wishes to waiver the following resolution could be offered: 1. During excavation the fill must be contained so that it do~s not wash into the creek. 2.~Care should be taken so as to preclude the entry of an construction material into adjacent waters. Immediately following construction, all areas of exposed soil shall be properly protected with suitable erosion control devices and/or vegetated to prevent entry of eroded soil into the creek. If all of the above is satisfactory to the Board they could be incorporated in the resolution. Contractor: Edward Williams 150 Seawood Drive Southold, NY 11971 765-3821 or 765-3000 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 November 7, 1985 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mrs. Mary Sayegh 515 Shore Drive Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mrs. Sayegh: Pursuant to your request for a determination on the need of a wetland permit to construct an addition to the existing one family dwelling, by enlarging the dwelling structure for additional living floor space and the addition of a deck on premises located at 515 Shore Drive, Greenport please be advised as follows: In considering khis request, the Board determines that the request is not substantial and that no adverse effects to the environment are likely to occur. The Board determines that no new permit will be needed and will amend the original waiver granted on September 25, 1985 at their regular meeting to be held on November 27, 1985 to include the additional 19" of floor space on the deck area, subject to the provisions as follows: 1. During excavation the fill must be contained so that it does not wash into the creek. 2. Care should be taken so as to preclude the entry of any construction material into adjacent waters. 3. Immediately following construction, all areas of exposed soil shall be properly protected with suitable erosion control devices and/or vegetated to prevent entry of eroded soil into the creek. A copy of the resolution adopted by the Board will be forwarded to you after November 27, 1985. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate contacting this office at the number listed above. It is a pleasure to be of service to you. We look forward to serving.you in the future. HPS:ip cc: Board of Appeals, Very truly yours, He~ry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Building Dept., Trustees, File q