HomeMy WebLinkAboutSAMBACH, WARREN & LANITown Trustees Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11791 April 15, 1994 In Gardiner's Bay Estates, in East Marion there are 2 pier and floats in Spring Pond that do not have permits. The one belongs to Dick DiBlasi and the other belongs to Warren Sambach. Dick DiBlasi's p~ar and float is in front of his house at 360 Bayview Dr. Warren Sambach's pier and float is zn front of his house at 460 Bayview Dr. These two people are in violation of the law and something should be done about this. It is up to the Trustees to protect our waterfronts and inland ponds and creeks. Thank you, A disgruntled taxpayer To SAMBACH ASSOCIATES Architects ~ 11 Halter Lane LEVI"ii'OWN. NEW YORK 117.~ Phone 731-5506 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Att: John M. LETTER Da~e 11/3/93 Subject Richard & Judy DeBlasi Warren & Lani Sambach SCTM1000-37-5-1 Grandfather application for non-conforming dock Bredemeyer III As per your letter of Jan. 22, 1992 please keep the above 2 applications for Noncomforning Docks pending. Even though, at this time the Gardiner's Bay Homeowners Association is reluctant to issue written permission should they give approval sometime mn the future I would be able to request that these applications %already filed) be processed. Thanking you in advance. Please reply ~ No rep~y necessary Warren SIGNED mbach Jr.A.I.A. April 18, 1993 Mr. John M. Bredmeyer, III President, Board of Trustees Southold Town Hall P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971 GARDINERS BAY ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. East Marion, New York 11939 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Re: Sambach and DiBlasi Applications Dear Mr. Bredmeyer: The Gardiners Bay Estates Directors has reviewed your Mr. Sambach. Homeowners Association, Inc. Board of letter of January 22, 1993 addressed to As noted in your letter, the property involved is owned by the Association and is subject to our dominion. The particular marine facilities involved in these applications are the responsibility of the Marine Committee~ one of the Associations's standing committees. Under their auspices the docking facility is leased on an annual basis and is renewable at the discretion of that Committee. As a result of the terms of the agreement, the applicants have no vested right to perpetual usage of the dock. They enjoy the privilege of usage at the pleasure of the Marine Committee who can terminate the agreement on any renewal date. At the April 17, 1993 meeting of the G.B.E.H.O.A. Board of Directors, at which a quorum was Present and voting, the following motion was passed by a vote of 10 to 0 with 2 abstaining. "Resolved, that the applications to Southold Town by Sambach, and DiBlasi for grandfathering docking rights in perpetuity on Association property be denied." Based on the above, the Association has decided to withhold its consent to the proposed grandfather applications. We respectfully request that the applications be denied on the basis that the applicants do not have authority to seek same without benefit of ~he Association's authorization. If you have any further questions on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Gardiners Bay Estates Homeowners Assoc. Inc. Edward Birdie, President GARDINERS BAY ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. East Marion, New York 11939 March 20, 1993 John M. Bredemeyer, III Presidentr Board of Trustees -~P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Sambach & DiBlasi SCTM ~1000-37-5-i iDear Mr. Bredemeyer: As I previously advised, Agenda for the Special .Homeowner Association, i20,t993. the above referenced subject was on the meeting of the Gardiners Bay Estates Inc., Board of Directors, held on March After a short discussion, the matter was tabled until the regular ~meeting of the Board, April 17, 1993. !Sincerely, !B. Doris Secretary, GBEHOA cc: EB February 26, GAROINERS BAY ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, iNC. East Marion, New York 11939 TOWN OF SOUTHO[D Mr. Warren Sambach~ Sr. P.O. Box 791 East Marion, N.Y. 11939 Dear Warren: I just received a copy of the memo dated 2/25/93, addressed to you from your son, Warren, wherein he asked you for authorization allowing him and Richard DiBlassi to file for nonconforming permits of their piers and docks on Association property. I spoke with our attorney, Jim Fischer, and he advised this must be handled by the Board because it involves Association property. I am in the process of calling a special meeting of the Board and will include this matter on the Agenda. Sincerely, B. Doris Matzen Secretary, GBEHOA, cc: John M. Bredeyere, III President~ Board of Trustees TRUSTEES John M. Bredemever. III. President Albert J. Krupski. Jr.. Vice President Henry E Smith John B. Tuthill William G; Albenson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF' TOwN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road EO. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 January 22, i992 Warren Sambach 11 Halter Lane Levittown, NY 11756 RE: Warren &Lani Sambach SCTM ~1000-37-5-1 Dear Mr. Sambach: The Southold Town Trustees inspected the'site of your proposed grandfather application on January 22, 1993 and are concerned that if we approve your request we will be approving a structure on property other than your own. Although the Trustees have not formally taken a position that Spring Pond is Trustee land (even ponds are Patent lands), your proposed structures would appear to cross property of the Gardiners Bay Association. Absent the written permission of the Gardiners Bay Estates governing body which regulates this land, we will not be able to process your application further. If we can be of further assistances, please do not hesitate to Call. Very truly yours, · Bredemeyer, III President, Board of Trustees JMB: j md P, O. BOX 36 d arion ariae, EAST MARION, L, I,. N, Y, 11939 Phone 477-1356 Mr. Harold Screbe East Marl on, New York September 19, 1970 76 L' wooden retaining wall @ $11.00 per L' l°aid, to date. Balance. $836.00 500.00 $336.00 1015 Bedford Hills Dr. Earlysville, VA 22936 12/23/92 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southol~ Town:Hall 53095 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1179 Sout~old, NY 11971 We, Harold and Lynn Schebe were the previous owners of 560 Bayview Dr. East'Marion which is also known as tax map =1000-37-5-1. We built the pier and flga~ on the Right of Way which was directly in front of our ~roperty. The Right of Way property was then owned by Gardiner's Bay Club. The individual owne~ were Mrs. Frank Thorp and Gladys Hicks. We built this pier and float in 1967 with Mrs. Frank Thorp's permission. Also~ in addition to our pier and float the former owner and builder of the house adjacent to ours, Mr. Colly on this Right of Way approximately in floats have been in owne~ of this Right be~me the owner in became the owners. Brown also built a pier and float 1968 or 1969. These two pier and existence since the dates mentioned. The present of Way, Gardiners Bay Estates Homeowner's Association, 1974; the piers and floats were in existence when they HaroLd Schebe also served ~s the 3rd President of the Gardiner's Bay Dstates Homeowner's Association. Sworn of )efore this 23rd day ~'/~Sincerely'~' ~~~ Harold & Lynn Schebe HAROLD ~BH~R~ No~'ar¥ Public, Stale o~ NeW ~¢~ No. 52-5476120 Qualified in Su{{olk Coun~ Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 5i3095 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 SUBJECT: P.O. Box 283 East Marion, NY 11939 December 23, 1992 Affidavit fo~ Grandfather: Application for pier and Float Ii, Reverend Henry Ressmeyer reside at Parsons Blvd., P.O. Box 283 ih Gardiner's Bay Estates and have had my sail boat moored in Spring Pond since 1954. The location of my mooring of my sailboat iS such that I have to walk past the two docks in question in order use my boat. To the best of my knowledge I can remember that these two docks were built in the late 1960's by the owner's of t~e property abutting the Right of Way. The dock to the East was b~ilt by Mr. Harold Schebe and the dock to the'West by Mr. Cully Brown who were the owner's at that time. I can also remember a third pier and float which now does not exist. Trusting that this affidavit helps date the origination of the piers and floats. Sincerely, Rev. Henry/Ressmever ~S~o rn to 23rd day State of New ,York ~0 ~uaJified in Su.~fo~k Coun~ ~ 376 Newbridge Rd. HickS[~ille, NY 11801 January 4, 1993 Boaud of Town Trustees Tow~ of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Rd. P.Oi. Box 1179 Sou~hold, NY 11971 I, ~arren Breuer, am the son of Charlotte Breuer, who is the owner of the house diagonally across the road from the Dogwood Right of Way, also known as lot 104, located on the northwest corner of Bayview Dr. and!Dogwood Lane, East Marion, NY. My parents bought the house in 1951 and I grew up in this house as a child and now my children enjoy this house also. My family had at one time a pier and dock on the Dogwood Right of Way which was constructed in the early 1960's./!Iican remember 2 additional pie[s and floats to either side of ours being constructed in the mid- 1960'~. Although our pier and float is no longer in existence the twolother piers and floats still remain where they have been for the pas~ 25 or 26 years. The one pier and float is in front of Warren Smabach's house and the other pier and float is in front of Dick DiBlasi's. 'I t~ust that this letter helps date the time of construction of the 2 e~isting piers and floats currently located on the Dogwood Right of Way. Si~nce/e ly, Warren Breuer Sworn to before me this 4th Day of !anuary, 1993 ~ A]LE?~ A, MANTON [Notary PuBlic, State e~ New York Ne. 4644666 Qi~alified ~n Nassau County Commission E~pires October 3 l, ! ~ 1000 ~lver ~:each D~ #104 Ft. Lauderdale, FLA 33355 12/23/92 Board of ~own Trustees Town of Southold ToWn Hall 53095 Main Rd. P.Q. Box 1179 So~thold, NY 11971 I, iDorothy S. Longworth have lived in the house at 610 Bayview Dr. Easit Marion, New York 11939 since J~m~y 1969 I have personal knowledge that the two present piers and floats on the Association's Riglht of Way Property at the foot of Dogwood Lane have been in exi stance since the late 1960'st when I moved into the house. Mr. Harold Schebe, the former owner of 560 Bayview Dr., who lived directly next to us, built his pier and float while the other pier and float on the right of way was built by the former owner of 360 BayView Dr., Mr. Colby Brown. TruSting that this letter will suffice. Dorothy S. Longworth Swo~n to of 23rd day 16418 Jersey Dr. Houston, Texas 77040 January 4, 1993 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Rd. P.O.Box 1179 Sou!thold, NY 11971 Bruce Schaller am 46 years old and the son of the former owners of i5 Dogwood Lane, East Marion. My parents bought their home in 196i7 and sold the house in 1978. I spent a good deal of time at this house and in this community. My father and I launched our boat at the Dogwood Right of Way for many summers. In 1967 there were two piers and floats and a third "semi pier and float'' on the Dogwood Right of Way. The two piers and floats that arelpresently existing in front of Warren Sambach's house and Dick DiB[asi's house have been there since my father bought the house on DogWood Lane. We visit East Marion once or twice a year since my wife's parents live in Ridge and we have friends in Gardiner's Bay Est tes. Sincerely, Bruce H. Schaller Swo~n to before me this 4th day of J ~nuary, 1993 AILKSN A. MANT©N NO. Qualified m Nassau County Commission Expkes October 3!, 19 ~ TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Kmpski, Jr. John L. Bednoski. Jr. lohn B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P~O- Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 GP3~NDFA2WrIERAPPLICATION to Nam~ of Applicant: Warren & Lani Sambach 2. Mailing address: 11 Halter Lane Levittown, NY 11756 Address of Property: Right of way adjacent to Telo No: 579-7516 460 Bayview Dr. East Marion, NY 11939 460 Bayview Dr. {previously 560 Bayview Dr.] Tax Map Nuraber: 1000-37-5-1 Approx.yr.of construct:1967 Prior owner if known: Harold & Lynn Schebe Diagram of existing structures, including all dimensions, must be included with this application: See attached copy of survey by Van Tuyl dated Jan. 5, 1992. For location of landward catwalks; added pier and float sizes and locations as shown. o Indicate on attached map: pole number, adjacent prope[ty owner~ signature of applicant: _ Please note, there is a one time fee application. Location, ie; reference point, telephone etc o if $50.00 for filing this n.~:~_e of Submitted items Enclosed 2 copies of surveys dated August 16, 1966 and May 25, i988; 5 pictures - Pictures i and 2 taken before 1970 and Picture 3 taken in~1992; a copy of a bill for 76' lineal feet of wooden retaining wall dated 1970; affidavits from previous owner who is also the builder of the pier and float; survey of R.O.W. showing piers and floats; affidavits from Rev H.Ressmeyer~ Mr,W.Breuer~ Mfs. D. Lomgworth and Mr.B:Schaller, -The i966 survey shows the property WITHOUT a wooden retaining wall on the southern irregular curved property llne. SEE PICTURES i and 2 -September 19, 1970~ former owner Harold Schebe had a 76'-0" lin.ft. w~oden retaining wall installed, Ccopy of bill enclosed) -_~e 1988 survey shows a retaining wall along the southern lrregu±ar c~rved property line. Thls wooden r~taining ~] wa~ has existed to the p~esent time~ SEE PICTURE 3 : We know the wooden retaining ]~ wa~ was built in i970, We know ~I~JR~ I and 2 are prZor to this dale because they do not show the woqden retaining wall~ NOTE: In these picnures we see the pier and float which means that my Diet and float existed PRiO~ to 1970, ~ I trust that these pictures, surveys, bill for the retaining wail along with the affidavits from various neighbors familiar with th{s property show the Board that my pier and float in its present lo~ation have existed prior to the ordinance and that a Non- Co~forming C~randfather) permit be issued, ! Should the Board need any further clarification or if ~ can be oflheip in any way, please contact me. Warren~V~ ~ ~bach Jr. O @ ITl $. B,4.' 46' BO"W. - II'7 IZS. 0