HomeMy WebLinkAboutSALZMAN, JEFFREY TRUSTEES - -: Johv. M. Bredemeyer, III. Pres/dent Albert J. Krupski, .Ir., Vice President Henry E Smith John B. Tuthill ~llliam G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 September 21~ 1992 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L HARRIS Town Hal! 53095 Main i:toad RO. Box 1179 Southold_ New York 11971 Inter-Science Research Associates, !nc~ P.O~ Box 120t 3~ Nu~ent Street Southa~pton~ ~f 11969-1201 Waiver SCTM Dear ~r. Collins: The following action was taken by the Southold ~own Board of Trustees on Thursday~ September 17~ i992: RESOLVED that the Southold Towm Board of Trustees grants a waiver to construct a tennis court~ s~ia~in9 pool and pool house as per revised survey 8ate~ June ~992 SQ~JECT to DEC atYprovalo If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. John t~. Bredemeyer~ !II President~ Board of Trustees JMB: jd cc: BIdgo Dept~ INTER CIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS RICHARD ERIK WARREN, AICP President Mr. John Bredemeyer, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE= Property of Jeffrey S&lzman, East End Road, Fisher~s Island, Tow~ of Southold. Dear Mr. Bredemeyer: Inter-Science Research Associates, Inc., is acting as the &uthorized agents in obtaining the necessary permits to construct a tennis court, swimming pool and pool house on the above men- tioned property. The project site is a 5.9 acre parcel of land situated on the south side of East End Road on Fisher's Island (see attached iocation maps). The property is presently improved with a two ~tory, single family dwelling, driveway and associated improve- ments. The project site is bordered on the south by a freshwater pond (name unknown) which lies between the property and Block Island Sound to the south. In addition to the freshwater wet- lands associated with this pond, within the central portion of ~he site (north of the dwelling) is an additional freshwater wetlands system. ! The proposed project includes the construction of a tennis qourt, a 12'x40' swimming pool, a 20'x20' pool house and associated patio/decking. I am enclosing two (2) prints of the Site plan, prepared bY this office, on which we have shown the ~ocation of the proposed improvements. As you will note, the proposed tennis court and other im- provements are all located 75 feet or more from the freshwater Wetlands found on the project site. In fact, a significant portion of the improvements are actually greater than 100 feet ~rom the wetlands and only a small corner of the tennis court is l~cated at the 75 foot setback line. Under Chapter 97, Wetlands, of the Town of Southold Code of O~dlnances, a wetlands permit is required for any "operation" wDich takes place within 75 feet of any wetlands. As demonstrated above, the proposed tennis court and other POST OFFICE BOX ~201 · 36 NUGENT STREET · SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11969-1201 · 516-283-5958 · FAX: 516-283-5974 improvements are all located beyond this 75 foot jurisdiction line. Consequently, I believe that a wetlands permit is not required under Chapter 97. Therefore, kindly review the attached ~roposal and, if you agree, it is respectfully requested that a non-jurisdiction letter be issued at your earliest convenience. I am enclosing a check in the amount of $35.00 as the application fee. If you require any further information or would like to discuss this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, Principal Planner TC:mjb Enclosures copy: Jeffrey Salzman Fred Stelle SOUTHOLD ISLAND S ?rojec~ ?K ISL'A % Location ND SOUND ~OURCE: Hagstrom Inc. Project Location Map for Property of Jeffrey Salzman Not to Scale Belo ntzh~r4 'Po SALZMAN ) Town Of Southold Suffolk County, New York 5.9 Acres or ~57,005 s.f. [~['e peri'ed [?or: Mr. Frederick Stelie, Architect One Main Str'ee[ East Hampton, New York 11937 (5~6) 33,4 883J Pr(~pd Fed ~J~' Ill[CF ~t'it'I]tC [~e~e,~Ft'h ,,X~()~ ld[C~, iht' Land Pl,~nrNrl~ ,~RI [)ev('lopn~cltt ('onsult,ml~ ;tO Nuaenl Fitter, PD Sox 1.J0l South,tnq~tou, New York 119t;~ l~t)l (516)48J 595a D¢,l.e PR'pared [)att, Ncvised' April 1994 ,hmc 1992 NoLc,~ 'f'opogr,~phy, lac, ich and [~O1Hlds, site fe~luFe~ wcPc taken froth ~l NUI'VCV pr¢'pdvcd by ('liandh:q', Pahner, ('onneeticuL Date surveyed February 6, ~99] Table 0f Site Elements Zoning District R-120 (3 Acres) Min. Lot Area: 120,000 s.f. Min Lot Width: 200' Mm Lot Depth' 300' Front Yard: 60' Side Yard: 30' Side Yard, Total: 60' Rear Yard' 85' Max Coverage' 307o Max Height: 35' or 2.5 Storms Accessory ,~de Yard betbaek. Accessory Rear Yard Setback' 20' tiRAPHiC · t,\l,E N/F Victor B Strauss, 42 End Road s as'eczO'': ~ Property Ltne Front Property Line 20- , ~. .~ %--- .~... _ _~ .. John N h'wm [II (Pond) John N [rwm II1 (Pond) 99 66' ~ Natural Buffer Area ( IN FEET ) Tclx Mctp Nll[nboF 1000 4 {~ -| 'Z t inch = 50 ft Tlus is not a survey