HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-2274 ALL MOORINGS AND STAKES MUST DISt~LAY VISIBLE MOORING NUt,BEES ALL DOCKS AND BULKHEADS MUST DISi~LAY VISIBLE PEP~lIT IqUMBERS · , Board Of Southold lownlrustees ~g~'~L~ SO'UTHOLD, NEW YO~K .~,~,.,~ ~,~ ............................ :.. ,. · .. , ~:.~.: ~1 ISSUED To .:..,......~Z~...~,~..~.f,%~,A~.~ .......................................................... Pu~ua.~ ~: %~ p~o~Mon~ ~{ Chap~ 615 · .. ~he S~a~e ~ New Yo~, 1893: ~ad Chap~e~ 404 ~{ :.. S~a~e ~{ New Yo~ 1952: a.d the Sou~hold Tow. Ordman:e e.- ~. ~;~le8 "~5~U~T;N~ AND IHS P[AClN~ OF OBST~UCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATSRS AND PUBLIC LAND5 REMOVAL O~ SAND, ~RAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS :_~;,~,'~ kANDS' UNDER TOWN WATERS:" ..d ;~ a~:o~da~ ..... : Re~olufi~a ~ Th~ Bo~M ~op~ed ~ a me~fing hel8 o. ~k,....Z~.,~... .. ' Salt Lake ~sociation . ., ,, ~ . '- Terms a~ Co.d~flo~ Ii~f~d o~ f~e rever~e : o{ Souf~ol~ Town Trus+ees auf~oHzes en~ permifs f~e {otlowt.g: "' .?~ ~gp~ov~[ ~o maintenance d:ed~e a~ a~ea 80~ ~11 ~. ~cc~r~ce ~it~ f~ ~efalJe~ speci{ic~Hons ' fhe oHg[nafing appl]caHon ..... [ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, T~e sa;~ BoaM o{ Trusfees kere- ~ by Causes ifs Corporafe SeaJ fo be e~?xe~ an~ fhese presenfs fo ~ ~" ..be su~scri~e~ by a :majoHfy o{ f~e sa~ B~ar~ as ~f,e. . .~. Please tear off and return to the Trustees Eoard Of fiou hold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK MOORING NO, P~MII NO. DATE: ISSUED TO ... . I, , certify that the work as authoriaed in ~'..._s sermit has been ccmsle~ed and ~s now ready .c_ your ins~ec- _e~uz_ed on Drofiect is c!earlv visible~ ticn. Also, the number ~ ~, '" this . I further understand this permit is not valid un~il this tear sheet ~ ~ ..... ~ ~o the Trustees. TERMS and CONO~TIONS The Permlrte~ Salt Lake Association ~ Old Salt Road~ Mattituck' ~ residing at -~.. ?~ lowing: 1~ That the Sonthold Trustees Permit renal be prominently dis~!aved on the premises effected '~hereby~n~ = -~_n~. the oeriod :?.'.'r., -': ~at ~e s~d B~d of T~s ~d ~e Town o{ ~u~old ~ ~ed {;o~ ~V ~d defend ~y ~d ~1 va~ ~ ~,~ by ~d. p~ ~ ~e ~ Pe~ ~ 3~ ~,~ sufficient ~e r~ulred to complete ~e work ~volv~ but should ~=c~ w~ for ~ e~e~{on may be ~de to ~e ~d zt ~ 2area dac~ ~' ' ·: ' 4-~ ~at ~ Pe~t sho~ be ret~ m=ef~zety, o= z~ ioag ~ me sm~ P~ ?.~ '-m m~t~ ~e m=e or p~ie~ ~volv~, to provide e~d~ce to ~vone ~=ce~ 5~ ~n~o . ' ["" 5~ ~at ~e work Nvolved ~I be mbi~ to ~ue Nsp~on ~d approv~ of ~e ~ ~ ,im agenn, =d non-=top.ncc ~ ~e pro~.io= of ~e ori0na~g appli=do~ =y ~= ~e ' . '~ ~adcn of ~ Pe~: ~ z=olu~on of ~e ~zld B~& . 6. ~a~ there w~ be no ~son~ble imterf~ence wi~ ma~don ~ z r~t of herein =ud~o~ed. '" 7.. That ~eze shall ~ ~o ~tefference ~ the Jgh~ o~ ~e FbHc to p~s ~d :ep~ ~e ~a~ be~een h{gh ~d Iow water 8. ~at ~ furare operado~ of ~e Town of ~old r~u~e ~e z~oval ~fi/oz , ~ ~e lo~don of ~e work her~ au~o~ or ~, ~ nhe o~ of ~e ~o~d of T~e~, : ' work sh~ ~ u~e~o~ble obs~mon to free navigadon, ~e s~d Pe~mee ~ ~ r~_, *~ : ' u~a due notice, to remove or Mter ~is work or proj~r herein stated ~out ~m~s to ~ of Sou~ot& - 9. ~nat ~e s~d Board wHi ~ no~fi~ by ~n~ Per~mee o: ~c c~pte~on of ~e work o~e~ (Sea tear of~ sheet~) 10 . ~nat ~e Permittee will obt~n ~H o~er p~ amd co~em~ ~t ~y ~ z~ plementM to ~nls pe~ w~& ~y ~ ~bj~ zo revoke upon f~m~ to ob~ .- TOWN OF 8OUTHOLD BOARD Of SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES 8OUTNOLD, NEW YORK WETLANDS PERMIT This Wetlands Permit No..,3.,8.,8. ............. has been granted by the Town Trustees according to information furnished in Application No...,4..7..9. ............ filed by An~l;r~,~ Salt Lake Associat:.~9;. ........................................ on .D...e.c..e..m..b.e.r....2.., ........ 19..8..6. ..... A map of the proposed work will be kept on file in the Trustee Office under the application number given. Permit granted to do the following work ..T°...m..a..i..n..t..e.n..a..n. c_e....d..r..e..d.~.e....a_n...~..~9~..E~J .... x i20' and to fill with iO00 cu. yds.of fill to be placed to the east above mhw Location of property ' Old Salt Road Mattituck on which work to be done ............................ z ..................... ; .............................. ..... Creek, Bay or Harbor frontirig property .... .J_a..m..e..s. Creek ' Size of work: Length ...... .1..2..0.; ................................................................................................................ Width ... 80' Height Above High Water ............................................................................................ Depth Below L~w Water ............................................................................................... . . -' 1000 cu. ds yards to be Excavated ..................... ff...,.: .................................................. ...................... Yards to be Filled ......................................................................................................... Manner in which material is to be removed or deposited ....... ,H.,y.d..r..a..u_l..i_c...,D.,r.e..d..g_e. ............. ~ .................... Private ro eft Intended use of property ........................... £i...~ ...... /. .............................................................................. Conditions if any ......T.T.T.7.%.%J.%.%.%~.J;7~.~.~.~.~.;7;7.~.~.~Z~Z7;~;;~ .................................. ' ........ Expiration Date ~-~"e~u"~-v~.2~`6-"~-Z"`9'~8.~`~`~z~b~`~p~d;~g~k~£~ .............. ; ..... Number of inspections Required 2-Trustees are to be notified ut~on ggr~p.~.~.t~.p.~, q;~ ~;j~ !~ inspection Fees $i0.00 · Liability Policies in the Amount of ......................................................................................................... The validity of this permit is or may be subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal authorities. The Town accepts no responsibility in applying for or obtaining such approval. In the event that such approval is necessary, the holder of this permit shall not commence operations here- under until such approval has been obtained in writing. The failure to obtain such other approval when required shall subject this permit to. immediate revocation by the Trustees upon rece.ipt by the Trustees- of written notice from such other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal or disapproval. '¢" The applicant does by the acceptance of this permit, assume ail responsibility for operet"'.ons un,er- taken pursuant to this permit, and shal[ take ali precautions for the prevention of injuries to persons and property resulting from such operations. By such acceptance, the applicator also egrees tc indemnio ~ and save harmless the Town, ~nd ~ts officers, age,ts and emp oyees f~om any and a:,~ c~a~s ads[~ from operations under this permit and ~ny ~d aQ~ acts o~ omissions of applicant, h~s agent sn~ employees. The applicant and the owner and occupants of the premises upon which the operations authorized by ~is permit are being conducted, do, by the acceptance of this permit, give consent to ~h8 %own, a~d its officers and employees to enter upon the p~emlses where such ope;at~ons 8~8 be~n9 condec'lsd ~o make such inspections as the Town may deem necessaw to ~nsure that such ope~st:,ons 8~e he',rig co~~ ducted ~n conformity w~th this permit. This operation wH~ not substant~a~W A, Adversely affect the wedsnds of the town. , B. Cause damage from e~os~o~, turbidity o~ siltation. C. Cause saltwater ~nt~dsion ~nto the fresh water resources of the town. D. Adversely affect f~sh, shellfish or oth8~ beneficbI marine o~ganlsms, 8qual~c w~MUfe and vege- tation o~ the natural habitat thereof. E. ~ncrease the dsnge~ of flood and sto~m-t~de damage. F. Adversely affect navigation on t~da waters or the tids~ flow of the dda~ waters of the town. G, Change the course of 8ny channel or the natural movement or f~ow of any waters. H. Weaken o~ undermine the ~stera~ sucpo~-: of o:her ]ands ~n the v~c~n~tV. L Otherwise adversely 8ffect the hea~th, safety and general weif~e of the people of the tcwn. FRANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR., President TELEPHONE ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President (516) 765-1592 JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. III JOHN L. BEDNOSKI, JR. HENRY P. SMITH BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 May 27, 1988 Mr. William B. Warner c/o Salt Lake Association Box 626 Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Permit No. 388 Dear Mr. Warner: Your recent request to extend the above referenced permit has been reviewed at the Trustee meeting held ox May 25, 1988. Your request has been approved by resolution, adopted at this meeting, for one year. Your permit will expire on April 23, 1989. This letter is an amendment to the original permit and as such, shall be attached thereto. Ail other terms and conditions remain as written in the original permit. Very truly yours, ! , Frank A. Kuj~wski,Jr. President Board of Town Trustees FAK: ip cc: Bldg. Dept. D.E.C. Army Corps of Engineers file TELEPHON~E (516] 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 February 27, 1987 Hr. Roy L. Haje En-Consultants, Inc. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968 Re: Salt Lake Association - Wetland Application No. 479 Dear Mr. Haje: The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees during their regular meeting held on February 26, 1987 regarding the above referenced matter. WHEREAS, Em-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Salt Lake Association applied to the Southold Town Trustees for s permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated December 2, 1986, and WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on February 26, 1987 at which time ~11 interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS,-the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony amd documentation submitted concerning this application, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the. health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Em-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Salt Lake Association BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Maintenance dredge an area approximately 80' x 120' and to fill with 1000 cu. yds. of fill to be placed to the East above MIIW. Property is located on Old Salt Road, Mattituck. This permit will expire on February 26~ 1988 if work has not commenced by said date° There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk~ the applicant shall file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit in such amount as shall be fixed by the Trustees~ which said policies shall name the Town as a name insured. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project° There is a $t0o00 Inspection fee due at this time° Very truly yours~ President Board of To-~ Trustees HPS:ip cc: Robert A. Greene, DoE.Cu, Stony Brook Commissioner Henry G. Williams: D.E.Co~ Albany Stephen F~rs, Army Corps of Engineers Thomas Hart, Coastal Management Conservation Advisory Councfl Bldg. Dept. Board of Appeals File No. 476 - Paul Ferdenzi ~ Recommend di~isProval. Dredging will destroy the shellfish producing bed and do irreversible damage to the bottom. As an alternative measure the CAC suggests applicant either apply for a mooring elsewhere in the creek or seek docking at Boatman's Harbor. No. 477- Larry and Sandy Stahl - Approve with stipulations. Use haybales to avoid runoff; put in more plantings as used elsewhere on property; have the Bay Constable do frequent inspections., during construction. No. 478 - Elizabeth Yaro - Recommend approval with stipulations. Strict adherance to the DEC regulations; use down spouts; drywetts, etc. Have the Bay Constable check ofter during Construction to be sure guidelines are adhered to. 479 ~ Sat Lake Assocaton, Inc. - Recommend approval. No. 480 - Nunzio and Stephanie Reale - Recommend approval. No. 481 - Howard and Carol Safin - Recommend approval. No. 482 - Floyd King, Pres., Orient Wharf Co., Inc.- Recommend approval Waiver Requests Henry Stasiukiewicz and Deborah Stasiukiewicz - Deny w~iver. John Wickham - CAC inspected the project but would like to meet with Mr. Wickham at the project site?during their next inspection (2/19/87) If you should have any questions please do not hesistate to contact me. Linda J. Cooper, Secretary Southold Town CAC - P/1 P,.ev/6/'YZ BOARD OF TOI~N TRUSTEES Town of Southold Lin Road Southold, New York ]1971 August 29, 1978 has been reviewed b this l, Your applioatlon, dated ........................................................................ Y Board, at a me~.ing of the T~ustees held on ..... .O..~.'~....b..e.['....~.,....~.9.~..~. .............................................. and resulting in the action, ,as indicated below: (.......X~.....) Application approved, ( ............ ) Application denied. ( ............ ) Application tabled. 2. Commen~ and remarks: ' RESOLVED to approve ~he application of the Salt Lake Village Association to mmintenance dredge the boat basin and repair and replace existing bulkheading subject-to a determination of disposal of the fill. President Horton and Trustee Stoutenburgh will meet with the contractor, Dr.~ Thoma~ Samuels, and the ~ president .of the Mattituck Park District to make such determination. 3. If your application is approved above, A Permit Fee is now due, and should be made payable to the order of the Board of Southold Town Trustees. This fee is computed below according to the Schedule of Rates 'os set forth in the Instruction Sheet (Form I/1). If the Permit Fee is paid in person to the Secretary of the Board, The Permit ~vill be obtainable at the same time. If the fee is paid by mail, the permit will be mailed in reply. Computation of Permit Fee: 800 cubic yards @.10 = $80t00 Total Fee for this application ........................................................... $ ..... ...E~._....O..O.. ...................... f$16) 765-1892 BOARD OF .TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN'OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 c/~o William B. ~I.~Lrn,er ADDRESS OF APPUiCANT p. 0. BOX 626, Ma%titucK_~ N.Y. ]]952 T/tX MAP NO._ ~e_Ct_.._]_4_4_t_B__lk_.__5~_L~__t_]k6,]7,2_0,26,27,28 .......... AGENT_____~%_--~Qn~U~_t~__I/I~_Cj. 5] 6--283--6360 PHONE NO. ]329 North Sea Rd., S~uthampton, N.Y. ]]968 ' 2 ' e PERMIT REQUESTED To_Mai~e~nanc~lre~g of 6' bel~ MLW. Approximately ] 000 cu. yds. will be r~moved and placed in intertidal area and above on bea~he~cast. Ten-year-maintenance dredging LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR WHICH PERMIT WANTED__Q]_C~ Sa]% Rd., Y~[t_~j~'~Ltck ..... ___ SI ZE OF PROP. OSED WORK: 1000! DEPTH AT LOW TIDE 0~--4v ~S THIS FOR PRIVATE Or BUSINESS USE? private Residence A Hydraulic dredge I~TENDED USS O~ PROPErtY no charge ~in was ~r_e_vi_0~_ly__~d~r~dg~ ...................................... ............ 2_ See attached DESCrI=E fULLY THE ~=HABILIT~T~ON ^~D P~OPOS=D CO~D~TtO~ O~ t~ PremiSES After THE ~Or~ IS COMPLETED INC~UDE A~ AD~IV:ON^~ SUrVEy O~ THE PROJECT SITE If NECESS^rY None proposed WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTy. ~F NOT THE SA~E AS THE APPLICANT. See attached COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK )SS: AND THAT ALL STATEMENT~ ~DNTAIHED HEREIN ARE T~UE TO TH~ B~ST MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS/ APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE T~WN OF SOUTHOLD. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAy OF 1 9 ~-. ~ SHIRLEY A. HOL~ES NOTARY PUgUC, ~ATE ~ N~ ~ NO. 0~4715~7 COMPUTATION OF FEES Approved 2/27/85 NANOP-RE A?PL[CAT[ON NO, 86-1483-L2 PUBLIC NOT!C~ N0.12985 DESCRi?T~ON OF WORK The appiicant~ Salt Lake Assoc,, Inc,, has requested Department cf the Army authorization to dredge~ with ten years maintenance and upland dis~osal~ in James Creek~ Great ?econic Bay at ~attituck~ Suffolk County~ New ¥orko T~e work would involve the dredgi~g~ to a depth of six feet below mean iow water~ of 1000 cubic yards of material from an existing boat basin° The dredged material would be disposed of at an upland site located east of the prcposed project area~ where it would be suitably contained to prevent its re-entering the waterway~ All material from subsequent dredging operations (anticipated 3 times over The life of the maintenance permit)~ at a maximum rate of 400 cubic yards eacb time~ would be placed in the same disposal site, as described above~ -- ' LOCATIO~ MAP ~A TO ~ GRE~T PECONIC BAY ~ DREDGED, ~' TO¢N OF sourHO~D , ~ ~ ¢PUCA[/ON 8Y COUNTY OF SUFFOLK :. TYPICAL CHANNEL SECTION ,. NOT TO SCALE' x~¢¢~ ~ DEP[ ~ PUBUC WORKS- Y~H~N~ ~