HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-2267 GF ALL MOORINGS AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS ALL AND DISPLAY VISIBLE PERMIT NUMBERS Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Mooring # N/A '-' PERMIT NO. ,2267 ....... DATE: ...~57.9~.....2..~.t.....?87 ~U~ ~ ~ t ~ Edmund G. Rudlnk - Pursuanf fo 4'he pro~|slons O~ Ckap~er 615 o~ fhe Laws r:' ;fhe Sfa+~.0f New York, 1893 and ~a.p+~r 404 of fha L~wS of {he ?,-':.. ~f~ of New ~York 1~52; :a~d' the 'S~fhoM T6wn OrdlnA~ce en- flfle~REGULA~ING AND THE PLACIN~ OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN LANDS and fhe kLS ~ROM -' , accordance W,fh ~he: ' Resolut;on of The'Board adc held on ~...~.~_ '~ 19....~..., and in 'consldbraHo~ of the sum of $ 5.o0 · a,d by ~ ,-.: ~- ~ '7~'=='7;~":';7:-',p o~ ....~R2~2!~ ............................................................. N. Y. and su~ie¢~ Terms and OondiHons Iis~ed on ~he r~verse '$~d~ hereof, of Sou~hold Town Truseees au~horlzes and permits ~h~ Approval granted under the Orandfather CLause to secure a,~.e~it f9~ .existing oye~=sized graves and ~.ne man stories '~' ~ t'~- ~even~ 'er~o~ ~n proper~y located "~t 4~ BayView, Ave. Southo~d, all in accordance with-th~ application submitted. all in accordance wi~h fhe derailed speci{~caflons as' presented fhe orlglnafln~ appl~caHon. -(~3 ~a~ds o~ o~e~s~z~ ~a~eZ a~d o~e IN ~ITNESS WHEREOF, The said Beard of' Trus{ees Eere- by causes ~s CorPorafe S~al fo be afl?ed and fheSe' presenfs fo be subscribed by a maiorlfy of fhe smd Board as 0f fhis daf,e. T~stees Please tear off and return to the Trustees Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK MOO?, !i~G NO. PERMIT NO. DATE: ISSUED TO I, certify tha~ the work as authoriaed in this permi~ has been ccmple<ed and is now ready fcr your inn~ec rich. Also, tee numker required on tkis projec~ is clearly visibt I furtker undecsEand tkis permi~ is no; valid until this ~ear shee TERMS and CONDITIONS The P~n~t~ee Edmund G. Rudink residing at 48D Bayview Avenue, Southold N. Y, ~ Iow{ng: 1. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently displayed on the premises effected thereby during the period of ~ar ~e s~d B~d of T~s ~d ~e To~ of ~u~old ~ ~ed from ~y ~d work ".,I ~ ~mage% or ~ for d~m~g~, of ~ ~g ~y or ~y ~ a r~t of ~y o~-_ ' i~end any ~d ~ m~ ~m ~t~ b7 ~d pa~, ~d &e ~d Pe~ ~ ~ ~V permit ~& r~pecr ~ereto, m ~e mmplete ~clmion of &e ~d of T~e~ of ~e To~ of ~old :' :. 3~ ~at ~ Pe~t ~ v~d for a ~ of 32 m~ w~ ~ ~d~ m ~ ~e sufficient ~e r~uked ro complete ~e work ~volv~ but ~onld ~r~cm w~% r~ for ~ ~xon may be rode to &e B~d at a later da~ 4.2 ~t ~s Peter ~o~d be. ret~M ~def~tely, or as long ~ ~e s~d P~ ~ to ma~t~ ~e m~e or pmjea involv~ to provide e~dmce m ~7one ~ncem~ ~ au&- or~adon w~ ori~mlly obt~ed. 5~ ~at ~e work ~volved ~1 be mbj~ to ~e ~p~on ~d approv~ of ~e ~d or ~ agenu, ~d non~mp~nce ~th &e pro,iota of &e ori~m~g appHmfio~ my ~ ~e for r~afion of rh;q Pe~t by r~olufion of ~e said B~d. .. ..... 7. ~a~ ~e sha~ ~ no ~tefference wi~ the ~ght of ~e ~bgc to ~ ~d rep~ ~ong · e bea~ be~een high ~d Iow water 8. ~at ff furore op~ations of ~e Town of ~old r~e ~e z~oval md/or ~tmfiom in the lo~tion of ~e work her~ au~o~ or ~, h ~e o~on ~ &e Bo~d of T~e~ ~e work sh~ ouse u~e~omble obsmmon to free navlgadon, ~d s~d Peewee ~ ~ r~ n~n due no~ce, to remove or aker ~is work or pro~r here~ stated ~out ~ to ~e Tm of Sou~ol~ 9. ~ar ~e s~d Board will ~ nofffi~ by the Perigee or ~ c~pl~on of ~e work au~- - .... or~ed, (See tear off sheet.) 10. ~ar the Permirtee ~11 obt~n aH o&er perm a~d comenm ~t my ~ r~ m~ plemenral to &is pemr whi~ my ~ ~bj~ to revoke upon f~ ro ob~ sram ~,LEPHONE (516) 76§-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road - - P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 March 4, 1987 Mr. Edmund G. Rudink 5327 Dora Houston, Texas 77005 Re: Grandfather Application Dear Mr. Rudink: Please be advised that this office is in receipt of your above referenced application. We will need a sketch of the work that you wish to register prior to March 19th as the Trustees will make an on site inspection of the property. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact this office at the telephone number listed above. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip ~EOR ~. z9~ 1987 - EDMUND .G. RUDINK - Grandfather application ~lease be advised that Mr. Rudink called the office and advised ~hat h~ has a 25' section of rocks in front of his property. See ~Ctached D.E.C. information. JOH~ M. BREDEMEY~E~,, V~¢e-Pres TELE?:{ONE ALBERT i~l~XI~I, JR. ELLEN M. L~SEN ~ BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 : - Southold, New York 11971 GRANDFATHER APPLICATION Re: Public No~ice 1 1TJ22-5480 I January 15, 1987~ 1. Name :: Edmund G. RLdink 2. rty where permit is requested: Ave., Southold, N. Y. 11971 3. Ma iling;i'~k%~l~!~f ot her then the one above: 532~i Houston, Texas 77005 4. (713) 528-3682 5. Year ;ion: 1974 6. Sketch including sizes: (below) drawin9, etc. 7. Mark of J map where your property is located. (also telephone pole number or some reference in finding the adjacent proper=y owners) ~le~18~ Signature: Please note $5.00 filing fee, which zs a one time fee for this application. Edmund ~ Avenue Lion for a Tidal~wetiands Moratorium Permi~ has this office~ As a result' we have determxned that mai filling an area 25' x 25"at 48D Bay View in pond, Greenport adverse effectl upon adjacent tidal wetlandS. ' ursUant to~ section 25*0202 of the Environmental Law a~ 6 I~cRR' part 6 ,. of this determi~tfon must be available at tat job times d~ing conStructio~ activity. Daniel Local T: permi~ ~ ~: Street Address 3. AGENCY SUBMITTI~ PETITION PROJECT DATA 4. LOCATION OF WETLAND OR ADJACENT AREA Town County Locate by and direction from a commonly accepted and ~dentifi body of water: 5. Length / ,, 8. T}~e of Wo~k~ (E.~:'~ dredging, filling, otc,) 9. EETE~T 0F WORK (ft. of now /6/~/~/7~-=/J/~/_~ /-~-~'2L/~ channel; yards of material ]~i -- ~ be removed, dredged, ~ ilted, et'- H~SPAPERS OF ~C~I~ ~g ~O~S~ WO~ Petttlon ts made to th~ ~ew York State Department of Envir~tal Conse~atio~ to Sectto~ 25-0~02 of the Envlro~e~tal ~nse~atlon The Petitioner ~op sas that the ~owe state, his are true ~d agrees that the issu~ce o~ :he ~ft is based om the ~uracy thereof. As a to the issu~ce If a pe~it, the pettti~er accepts full legal for all d~ageJ~Irect ~r indirect, of whatever nature, ~d by whomever suffered ~Ist~~ out of the project described herein ~d agrees to ~d save h~ ~s the Sta~e fr~ suits, actions, d~ages and costa of every ~e ~d des~r ~o~ resultt~ from the said project. Date / Sf~ature INSTRUCTIONS 1. ~epare & th~ pet~ In TR~I~TE. U~e t~e~lter or pr~ clearly in 2. Submit with tlttou 3 copies of a dra~ s~ l~att~ & work to be 3. Petttfons by c cities, to~ms ~d vtllages shall be signed by the Chief · officer thereo~ or the head of t~e depar~e~t or agency ~de~aktng 9roJect. 4. The petitione~ mmt twlce ~blish a "Notice of Petition"as pr~td~ ~cal Tidal W~ L~d Pe~it Admin~trator. 5. If other than acc~y pet' 6. Accept~ce of