HomeMy WebLinkAboutRUCH, ELANORSeptember 26, 1977 S~uthold Town Board Town ~ll Southold~, New York 11971 Gentlemen: T~ ~ollowinE action was taken by the Board of 8ouT~hold To%~Tr~stees am a regular meeting held September 13. 197Y. ~OLVED to'recommend ~o the Seuthold Town Board approval of We~land~ ~pp, lioa~on ~]1 of Eleanor Ruoh for _~ermi~$ion to deposit approximately 15OO dubic yards of clean fill to secure a five~fo0t elevation in au area between Middle Read and a line determined tc be 100 feet from the ordir~y high water mark of Arshamomague Pond. Yours truly, ~riel Brush~ Secneta~y Board of Town Trustees JUDITH T. TEtARY TOWN CLERK REGISTP~%R OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I.. N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 August 31, 1977 Mr. Alvah B. Goldsmith Chairman Soushold Town Trustees Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Goldsmith: Transmitted herewith ~s application no. 31 for a wetland permit submitted by Eleanor Ruch. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with repsect to this application and Submit said report to the Southold Town Clerk within 20 days of receipt of this letter. JTT/bn cc:file Very truly yours, Town Clerk Town Of Southold Town Clerk's Office $outhold, N. Y. APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS PERMIT ^ppticotion No ..........'~..L ................... Id'en IN~STRUCTiONS FOR PERMIT: A. This application is to be completely filled in by typewriter or ink and submtted to the,TOwn Clerk in quadruplicate, accompanied by Writter permission from the owner of the- property mf not the same as the applicant. B. PH0t Plan must be drawn to scale on the reverse side of ~his application Sh0rwing the location o4 prOpers, fha' ha~e~ and locations of owners of adjoining properties, and a detailed descriptiOn' o~ proposed protect. (Note:r Copies of the Pilot Plan may be made by a copy machine and atto~he~] to the Permit Application.) C. No operation shall be initiated by the applicant until all permits that are required are issued. D: A detailed Statement of the rehabilitation and proposed condition of the premises, after the work ~s completed must be given, including a survey if required. E. if permit is being sought for a more sizeable excavation Chon the construction of a private sir~gie dock or jetty, then this application must be accompanied by a survey and topograt~hicol map certified by a regis~tered land survey or Professional Engineer. 'i'he horizontal Control of survey sh~ll I~e based up~B an approval local coordinate system. The vertical control for elevation and sound- in~s shall be based upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geological Survey daCurJn, F. A :statement mgst accompany the application describing any known prior operations conducted on the premises ip question and whether a~y prior licenses, or perm!ts have been issHed to erect strHctur~s o~ to 'dredge or ,deposit fill on said premises and ~hether a,ny such permits or licenses wefe ever.[~e_¥oked b~ Suspended by a governmbntal ~genc~.' ' ~ G. A !lhgg feeof $25:00 shall accompany the apphcatlon. Zh~s fihng Fee includes one inspection there is~a $5.D0 fee for each additional inspection. H. The ToWn Board upon request of the applicant for a permit, may waive in whole or in part, the prox s ohs of A~icle It, Secti~)n 210, subdivisions ed) and (g) where it finds that nature of the' proposed, operations are such that '~he requirements of such proyision~ are not necessary for a pre, per consideration of a permit application. / L[Upon approval of this application the,Town Clerk will issue o .permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be available far inspection, at any time, upon request. Examined ..................................................19 ...... ; Approved ................................................................ Disapproved ............................................................. C0nditibns, if any ................................................................................................................................ Examining Body ................................................................................................................................... Signature of Chairman ......................................................................................................................... PPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Bo~rd of the Town of Southold, ~,~.{~lk ~County, ew York, for the issuance of a permit purSuant to the I-~ws, rOrdinances and Reg~lefionSfgovem- i~g the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains and 'Droir~ge~ A~s of the To~r~ ~o~ ~uthold: Location o~ hroperti/ for:'~;Hii:h permit wanted ..................................................................................... Home address of permit applicant ifdifferer/t from aforesaid loCation .............................................. (;reek, Boy or H~rb0r frontihgproperty .................................................................. , ........ ; ...................... Size of proposed work: Lengi:h .......................... .~...;.; ......................................................................... - ........................................... Tidth ........... ; ............................................................................................................ ~ I eight Above High W~ter ............................................................................... ; ..................................... epth Below Low Water ............ ;.... .......... . .......... ; ............. , ....... .,..'.~..~...; ...... ....'....;....~ ....... :,.~ ....... ... Yards to be 'Excai~ted ;.; ...... ~.~...;;;.....; ........ ~,....:...,.,; ...... .,.;..;..,........ ,. ........... ,~,...,., ~ ........ :.,,~...;..,..,. Ylards to be Filled ......................................................................................................................... .......... Width of canal, creek oF b~y fronting property .................................................... ~.~.., ..................... D~pth at Low Tide ..; ........... ~....; ............ , ...... , ..................................................................... ,.,.,.~ ........ ,. ...... ~AYerage Rise in Tide ..... 's this for private or business use? ..................... .~.~..~t~.~,..~. .................................................................. Area Zoning iV~anner in iwhich material will be removed or deposited ...... ~'r'~''*~''~ ................... [intended use otc property ...................................................................................................................... Written consent of owner of prope~y, itc not the some as the applicant' .;:.s;.; ................................ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YOP~ ) SS: be~ng-,¢l~.ly sWOm ' deposes' qnd s~ys ~hat. ,he, s, th~,applicant for the abov~ described permit, and that' a[~, ~atements~ contained ~erem a~'e true t-~ the 15est of h~s knowledge and behef, that the work w~lJ;be dqneqn the manner set f~?r?h in this application and as may: 'l~e opp'ro,ved by the Town' Boar~c[ 6f ~h~ ~T0wn: Of $outhdld, ~he applicant agrees, to hold the Town of $oathold 'and the Town Bo~d hc/~ml~s~ On~ free ~rom any o~d all' damages and (;laims' ar sing under or by virtue of said" permi}, Signature of Applicant Sworn to'bef6re me this ...... ~ ................ J