HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1603 GF ALL DC~ A~iD BUild. ADS MUST D~S=~ V~S~B~ P~IT .... Board Of Soutno, d l own Trustees SCu mOLD, NuW YORK !SSUEDTO Albert Rountree Pur~uanf fo fhe ~rovklons o{ Chaplet 61~ of fha L~ws fhe Sfafe of New York 1893:~a Cha~fer ~04of me L~ws of Sfefe o~ New York 19~2; ~nd ~he Sou~no[a Town Ordinance R:~U~ATff~G AND THE PLACING OF OgSTRUCTiONS iN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUgLJC LANDS a~ fhe RE~OVAL OF SAND. GRAV:~ OR O~ ..... ~ATm,IALS LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" end [n accordance : ..... 19.....~.~., a~a b 5~00 of ........... .G~.e~.~Z~. .......................................... N. Y. ~ng sub'ecf fo fhe ~o~a~,~ons [~fed o~ fhe reverse sMe hereof, of Sour~o]~ Tow~ Truszees author les e~d permlfs the Approved un~er the Grandfather Clause a ~' X5' p~er~ a 12' x 3' walk, 40' x 5' floating dock in the Howards branch of the Mattituck Creek. a~ in accc~a~cs w~h ~ne deTa~[eo~Dec~I~ca~.ens .... a~ D~esen~e~ ~he or~9~na%~n9 app[~caf~on. IN WI,N..S WHEREOF, The said ~oara o{ Trusfees here- ' by causes ifs Corper~fe Seal fo be affixe~, an~ fhe~e ~resenis su~scn~ea by a malomy o{ +he aid ~ ' as ~oara of fhk TERMS and CONDITIONS ~ae Pe:mJ~,~ Alber~ Rountree raldingae Mattituck P~O. Box 948 pa~ of ~qe co~{deradon for ~e ~ace o~ ~e P~[ d~ ~dc~d ~d ~ co ~: fol- Iowh~g: 1. That the Southold Trusuees Permit must be prominently diso!aved, on the premises ;==~ ; e= .... e= thereby aur~nc the period of 2i ~Ka: ~e s~d ~ of Tr~s ~d ~e Town of ~u~o/d ~ ~d from ~ damages, or da~ for d~ag~ of ~ a~g ~Jy or ~r~Jy ~ a r~t of aden ~rfo~d pm~t ro ~s ~ ~d ~e ~d Pe~ wH~ at ~ ~ hez own ~ the defend ~ny ~d Mi su~ s~u ~t~ by ~d pard~, and ~e ~d Pe~ ~ wi~ respec~ Knife;o, ro ~ ~plere ~ci~ion o~ ~e ~d of T=e~ of ~e Tow~ of ~-~o:dPerml sufficient ~e r~uifed ro core,ieee ~e '" ~avo!v~ hue should &c~/~c~ w~'~ for mu e=e~ion may be ~de ro ~e B~d ar a later ~. ~at ~s Peter shoed be reraLu~ ~def~tely, or as ~ono ~ ~ smd P~e eo maintain the s~e or F~;e~ involve, to provide e~dence to ~yone ~ncern~_~ or=anon w= or~r~lly ob~ned. 5. ~at ~e work kavolved will be ~bj~ ro g~e ~sp~on =d approv~ o~ in agents, and non-compliance ~5;h the p=ovNio~ of ~= ori~n=~g appH~6o~ ~y ~ ~e for revocadon of this Pe~it by r~otu~on o~ the said B~rd. O. ~a~ there w~l be no mnrmsonable in~erf~ence wi~ na~on ~ a tempe herein au6~or~ed. 7 That ~ere shall ~ no Ntefference wi~ the Hght of ~e . ~ac ;o p~s ~d rep~ ~oag mhe beach be~een h{gh and iow water m~ks. 8.. That g furore opergiom of ~e Town of ~old r~nke ~e rmoval ~d/or in the location of the work her~n auOlo~ or fi, N ~he opium ot ~e Bond of T~e~ work sh~ ~use u~e~o~b!e obs~on ro free savigariom ~e s~d Pe~=ee ~U. u~a due norlce, to remove or atge. mis work or project herein stated ~cur ~ of Sou~ol~ o~=ed. (See uear ozz snee~) !0. ~at une Per, ir:ce w{li obr~n aH o~er pc~ and co~en~ ~t ~y ~ ptemenz~ ro ~is pe~Et whi~ ~y ~ ~bj~ =o revoke upon f~e to ob~ s~e~ FIL :=COP y TELEPHONE 1516) 765q892 BOARD OF TOWN TR[STEE$ TOWN OF SOU~HOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold New York 11971 May 10~ 1983 Mr. Albert Rountree P. O. Box 948 Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Rountree: Please find enclosed~ the permit issued under the '~Grandfather Clause'~ for the structure at the Howards Branch of the Mattituck Creek. Thank you for helping to keep all of the structures in the town registered. Please post your permit number. Very truly yours~ Board of Town Trustees Paul Stoutenburgh President PS/ip Enclosure BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of $outhold Main Road $ou~hold. Nei~' York ]1971 NOTIC~OF ACTION - NCFf A PEP~IT 1 Your application, dated ...... .~1~--V.~...-1..8.,--...1- ~- -8- -3- ................................ has been reviewed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on ..... _,v~r...3.,...1.9.83 ............................................................. and resulting in the action, as indicated below: (......X..X.o.X.) Application appraveo. ( ............ ) Application denied. ( ............ ) Application tabled. 2. Comment$ond remarks: Approved under the Grandfather Clause a 40x5' pier a 12 x 3ft wal~ and a 40 ' x 5' floating dock. A PE~IT FEE ': If ynur OgDJ[COtiO.q is Oapcoved above. ,.~ .-'27r~ m~' ,-F'r;~ is now due, and should be made payable to t~ order of the Board of Southa]d Town Trustees This fee is computed below accord]no the Scheduleof Rotesas.set forth in the instruction 5heek~rm ~/l). ~nis paid within 90 days or re-appzyzpg, ana aaeztlong_z zee wz.+z u~ ~e~ssa~) If the Permit Fee is bald in person to the bec,e[ary of the Do,rd. ~t the same time. ~f ~be f~ Js paid by mai~, the Dermir will b~ ma~;ed in rep[y. Comsutotion of Perm)t Fee: Total Fee for this application ............................ : .............................. $ ........................................ Signed ...... Pres. Board of 5ou,}~old ]'awn Trustees. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEE5  Town O~ Southol~ .~ Southold. New York 11971 ' t ..... ~'='~z" .e~ APPLiCATIO~f FOR F~ED and/or FLOATING-~0'C~gTM 2. C~ntractor's name and address: ..................................... ~. : 4. ~e~ issua of a Permit, work must be ~=eed within one year. ~RGE 5. Secure the correcv Area Moo frcm the Clerk of this Board. cad oy using a/X %V1THIN A C~uL~ mdicete as c]oseIy as DOSS ~ the 1ocodon of this ~ock. On the reverse si~e of this mop, provide a SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary H~gh Water Mark, rna ann s~ze of the dock and ~ny supplemental pilings which ere neeaea to ham ~ flaming dock or tie-up ~ bott. Give ah d~men~ions necessary to 2etermine ~he are~ of me dock surface 9~ZCH ~X~.,,DS OPPSHOP~ from rne O. ~. W. M. Z~ adjaeen: prope~ owners have docks, specify location and length to scale. 6. W;[[ ~my p0Ftfon of this construction extend o~[shore ~nto Iow~ ~'a~ers, beyond mn line or boundc~ formed by other similar structures along the ar~c's shoreline? YES ok If it does extend beyond this s~-caJled d~k Hne indicate by how Tar. ~pproximatety~ 7. , row~e ,he fodowmg documents: (a) A Licensed Engfneer's Survey of the prope~ involved. A copy of the Contractors Plans and Specifications. (be Short Environmental Assessment Form. ,(~.~ ~ Wetland~ _App~icat~on 8. w~i this cons?ruction r~qu re the Filling of any land offshore of the Ordinc~ High V/ater ~Mark or the Dredging of any material from Town Lands under waterP YES or NO. If it does, Dredging/Filling) must parr of this Form Al4 (Applicanon for be completed and attached as application. 9. In requesting acgrova[ of this application, I sub,it mar: the information presented herein is true end correct to rne :est or my know~edge and belief: I cm .... person ccccunt~g.e the oerformance of the work in accoraance with me glans cna sDecificadons attached; I have revolved; and further. I intend To adhere to and aD,aa Dy ;~e Terms and Conditicns of Permit when and F issued ~o me. 10 To expedite finding s~ecific loca~ioh for inspe~ion, i,.dica~e ~=--;,. . by using a temporary marker~ · .~~:].. . '" ?OWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR~J INSTRUCTIONS,: ~aj in ~rdar ¢0 answer Che-ques%ions in ~hls shore EAF i% Ls assumed Cha¢ Che preparer ~ill use curren¢ly available in£orma¢ion concer~ing p~ojec~ and Che ~ikely /mpacCs of Che ac¢ion. [¢ is no~ expecCed eddiC/anal s~udles, researcR or ocher inves¢£ga¢ions w111 be unde~¢akeno (b) IF any ques¢ion has been answered Yes Che projec¢ may be s&gniFican¢ and a compleCed EnvironmenCal Assessmen~ Form ls necessary. (c) ZF ali ques¢lons have been answered No i¢ &~ !£~ety projec¢ is no~ signl£1aan¢. (d) Ehvironme~¢al Assessmen¢ 1. Wlll projec~ resul¢-&n o large physicai change ¢o Che projec¢ siCe er physically alCe4r more ~han lO acres a~ land~. .............. .o... .. ., ._.Yes._LNo g. Wilt ~here be a major change ~o any unique or unusual lend form found on Che siCe? ...... : o.. Yes_~_No 3. WilZ pro]ec¢ alCer or have a large efface on exis¢ing body o£ waCer? ...................... __Y~s ~__No 4. WllI projea¢ have a poCen~ialty large impac¢ on 9roundwaCer quali~y? ...................... Yes o f. Will projec¢ significan¢ly efFec¢ drainage £tow on adjocen¢ si~es? ........ ' ............... _Yes__~_No 6. %~i!1 projec¢ efface any ChreoCened or endangered plane or animal species? .......... __Yes ~ No 7. ?/ill projec¢ resul¢ in o major adverse on air quoliCy? .............................. __.Yes~j~_NO 8. Will .projec¢ have o major e£fec¢ on visual characCer of Che communiCy or scenic views or vis~os known ¢o be imporCan¢ ¢o Che communiCy? Yes.~. No ?. ¥/ill projec¢ adversely impoc¢ any si~e or sCrucCure of his¢oric, prehis¢oric or poleon¢ologlcol impor¢cnce or any si%e designa%ed as o cri¢icol envlronmen¢ol oreo 10. Will projec~ have o ba3ar effec~ on exis~in~ or fuCure recreo¢iono! opporCuni%ies? ......... 11. Will projec¢ resul~ in major %rofflc problems or cause a major effec~ %o exis¢ing ~ronsporCa~ion sysCem'5? ~ ...................... 12. %9i!1 projec¢ regularly cause objec¢ionoble od~rs~ noise, glare, vibra¢ioq, or elecCricaI disCurbonce os ~ resul¢ of Che projec¢'s opero¢ion? .................................... 13. Will projec~ hove any impoc¢ on public heol%h' or safeCy? .................................... Yes~No 14~ Will projec~ offecl ~he exis.~ng community by directly causing o 9rowCh in-permonen% population of more ~'hos 5 percen~ over o year period o~ so.va o major nego¢ive on Che character of %he Q~mmunity or neighborhood? ................................. Yes~No 15. Is ~here public controversy concerning ~he projecl? .......................... - ............ . Yes~No PREPARER'S ~