HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-94-1-6 TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer,' 1II, President Albert J. Kmpski, Jr., Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William G~ Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1.892 Fax I516) 765-1823 BOARD 'OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road RO. i Box 1179 Southold., New York 11971 COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT Permit NUmber: 94-.1-6 Name of ApPlicant/Agent: En-Consultants, Inc', Name of Permittee: Lynn Rossini Address of Permittee: 755 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck. Property Located: Same DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: Construct 102+/- ~.f.. of timber retaining wall attached to adjacent existing walls. Backfill with 300 c.F.o.f cleand sand to be trucked in via Bailie Beach Road towest. Replace 4' X 80' stairway and add 4' X t0' ~etractable steps .to beach. Date of.permit issuance: March 25, 1993 This p~rmit is valid for a period of two years from the date of ls.suance. SPECIAL CONDITIONS.: Bluff reStoration through a re-vegetation agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. A relocation agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. A maintenance agreement is attached hereto and. is a necessary special condition of this permit.. Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO, 412.2 ................. DATE: tSSU ED iO ....... ~¥ .n..n...,.~=~.s,,s~,,m..'. .................................................................................. A u.t horizatiou Pursuant fo +he provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State.of New York', i 893; and ChaPter 404' of the Laws· of fha Slate'of New York '1952: and' fh® Southold ··Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING 'AND:THE PLACINCo OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN'AND ON TOWN WATERS :AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF 5AND, GRAVEL .OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS· UNDER TOWN WATERS;'" and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on 19, ?.3..., and in consideration of. +he sum o{ $ ....... ~.?.0.~ 00.. paid by E~?.q.~..s.~,~.~r~t~.. ~n.. ~e~a~ .pt. ~..n.....p~..o.~.~! .................................... o{ ........................................................................................ N. Y. and subject fo the Terms and Conditions listed o~ the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits ')he following: cons~ruc.t 102+/' 1,f. of timber retair~ing wall attached to adjace existing walls. Backfill with 300 c,y. Of clean :samd to be truck~ in vial Bailie Beacl~ Road to west, Replace 4' X80 add 4~ X 10' retractal~le steps to beach .... · all in accordance with +he defaiJed speciflcafions as presented in +he origlnafing applicaf~on. IN' WITNESS WHEREOF., The sald Board of Trustees here- by causes frs CorPorate Seal fo be affixed,, and' these presents fo be subscribed by a majorlfy of +~ said Board es of thls da+,e. - ~ ~ ~~Z ~m r ' ' ~~m m` ~'~m g'm~ 'm Trustees John ,M+[Bredemeyer, III, Pm'~ident. Albert ~p~'ki. jr.; Vice Pn~ident Hem7 P. Smith John B. T-~ilI William G~iAlbemon TelephOne. (5.16). 765- 1892 Fax (516) 765-1~823 '~ % SUPF. RVISOR i SCOTT.L HARRIS ' ~ :,~?.~..~ Town Hail ~~ .RO~ Box 1179 Southold. New.York H97I OFTO · '. : ' · TO~ OF SO~O~ ~ { 30 year Maintenance Agreement Erosion ProtectiOn Structures Chapter 37 -qouthotd Town-Code i~ · southOZd r tees az am.in.i rato i !:? OF SOU HOLD ~e . or prin~, name ( s ) ~_- __-. ~ 8 , ehe owner~f re,O~rql ..of.. prop_e=ty ac: . ~_ /,h .~ .. ~ Ut3~ [/i~ ~~ {t~.e .o~ ".print. '~t.~'~t ~ad~ess)t sc~. fz00.ff=.' ?q-'/-~ · . .m ' ' ' '" ' ' ' ~ "~' ..... I. ; ' '" ' ' ' zn' ap~ly~in~ for 'a'coaStal Erosion .pemi~ for..~ :~osioa p'~ot%=ion se~Cmr~.'~0 her~ agree e° a 30 .Ye.~'maineen~ce Pro~ for a stmCt~ c°~°nly ~own asa ~.~~ ~<~ of ~. as shown on ~e:" attach~ fee= of ten~ licensed survey of the as-built st~ct~e. Ig is my/Our understanding that we are to maintain this sgru. qture !with:materials designed to endure 30' years and or equ. lvatent to'the .-Original 'approved.. structure and that for any maintenance which involves more than 5'% in length of this s~ruCture .we are to give prior written notice to the a¢Sninistrator, waiting for their approval in all but true ~ergency: .situation,S which would seriously endanger life, p::operty .and important coastal natural resource .features such as b2.uff's or "wetlandS. 'we further understand that failure to mi[intain the structUre could result in a requirement to. post a he,nd .and or have ~he .repairs ordered as a lien against the pl..opertY UPon a 'fin~n~l 'by ~the TrUstees that said lack of m~[int'enanc, e :.wOUld. ri~k'i...tife, property or important natural r~!s°~rc'es~ :,featUres ~cludinq protected', rare or threatened a~timals and.'.plants.·/ , .~ ~ /~ , _/ -~~~-' · Yt~,/q_ S% )TARY P~BLI C mfu~on explrm o~. ~ro, i9~-~. TtLiS maintenance agreement shall only be valid upon attachment t_~[ree copies of a licensed land survey made within one year of the original construction and validated to show the the final 'approVal of the administrator. Subsequent owners may apply to the Sou~hold Town Trustees to re-authorize this maintenance Albert. $, Krupski, President $olm Holzapfe!, Vice. President William G. Albertson Martin H: Garrell Pet6r Wenczel Town Hall 53095.Main Road P.O. Box 1-t79 Southold, New York t 197t Telephone '(516) 765-1892 Fax (516).765-I823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 12, 19'95 Roy Haje En-Consultants Inc. 13'29 North Sea Road Southampton NY 1.1968 RE: LYNN ROSSINI SCTM g94-1-6 Dear Roy, As per your letter dated January 6, 1995 regarding the application of Lynn Rossini., we reviewed the file and found that she was issued a Wetland and Coastal Erosion permit on March 31, 1993 for the construction of 'a 102+/- 1. f. of bulkhead and returns. As long as you are repairing inkLnd/.inptace you may proceed to repair the bulkhead now and in the future'. You just have to let us know, as you did in the enclosed letter, that you are preparing to do work on the bulkhead and it is in the same configuration, you can just go ahead and do the work. If you have any questions, please call our 'office. Sincerely, Albert J. u ski, Jr. Presidetn, Board of Trustees AJK / djh Enclo. ENVI'RONMENTAL SERVICES EN,OONS'U,LTANTS, INC'.: 1'329 NORTHSEA ROAD, 'SO.UTHAMP'FON, NEW YORK 11968 ....· FAX NO. 516-283-6360 516-283-6 t 36 January 6', 1995 Mr. Louis Chiarella New York State Department of' Environmental Conservation SUNY, Building 40 Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 RE: LYNN ROSSINI. SOUND VIEW AVENUE. MATTITUCK Dear Mr. Chiarella: .The December 23 and 24, 1994 storm damaged the westerly return on my client's property. The main section of bulkhead which was constructed pursuant, to DEC permit #1-4738-00654/00001-0 remains in good condition' but, unless the return is repaired additional backfill will be lost and the bulkhead endangered. Accordingly, I request an~~to replace a 16' return plus 20 c.y. of sand backfill to be brought in along the beach from an upland source. Thank you for your attention. By copy o'f this letter I am requesting similar action from the Southold Trustees. President RLH:jhg Enclosure cc: Southold Town Trustees - Permit' #4122 TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Albert J.. Krupski, Jr., V~ce President Henry P. Smith John B, Tuthill William. G.. Albertson Telephone:(516) 765-1892 Fax (5!6) 765-'1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. ~IS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 .~arch 31, 199'3 gn'Consultants, .Inc-. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, NY 11968 Re: Lynn Rossini $.CTM ~I000'-94-1-6. Dear Mr. Haje: The following action was taken by the Board of. Town Trustees during its regular meeting held on Thursday, March 2'5, 1993 regarding, the above matter: LKo .. ~HEREAS, En-Consultants on behalf of fi~~"~r applied to the Southo'td Town Trustees for a permit .under the provisions of the Wettand..Ordinance of the Town of SOuthold, application dated February 9, 1993 and, WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, .and, .~EREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town. Trustees with respect to said appli.cation on March 25, 1993 at which time all interested _ersons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, EREAS, the Board members have' personally viewed and. are familiar With the premises'in quest.ionand the surrounding'area, and., ' WHEREAS; the:Board has considered all the testimon~ and documentation ~ubmitted concerning this application, and, ~EREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will Not affect the health., safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOWr THEREFORE BE IT ESOLVED that.'the Board o~ Trustees approves the application of n'c°nsuttants on behalf of' Lynn Rosinni to construct 102 +/- 1..f. of timber retaining wall attached to adjacent existing walls. Backfill with 300 c.y. of clean sand to be trucked in via Bailie each Road to west. Replace 4' X 80' stairway' and add 4' X i0' etractable steps 'to beach. Wall is necessary to prevent further loss' of bluf:f as occurred during December storm'. ~ermit Will expire two years from the date it is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicabler .and permit issued Within six months of the. date of this notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to. be 'notified upon completion of said project. Permit. will be issued upon payment of the following fees for work to be'~'done...beloW Mea'n. High Water Mark: No fees Very' truly yours, President, Boa'rd"of Trustee JMB': jd ·Telephone (51~) ,765-iS01 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TO: FROM: DATED: RE: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL MARCH 22. 1'993 RECOMMENDATION OF WETLAND APPLICATIONS On a motion by RObert 'Keith. seconded by Bruce Loucka. it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees approval with stipulations of Wetland. Application No. 9~-1-6 of .L'YNN~ · EO~INi': to construct' 102 linear feet of timber retaining wall attached to adjacent existing walls. Backfill with 300 cubic yards of clean sand .fill to be trucked in via Bailie Beach Road to west. Replace ~t, x 80' stairway and add 4' x 10" retractable steps to beach. The CAC recommends approval of the retaining wall but recommends that the applicant remove the deck' and move it .back over solid grOUnd. 755 Soundview Avenue. Mattituck. Vote of Co. un'cil: Ayes: Robert Keith. Bruce Loucka. John Hol'zapfel. John Hagerty Nays: Step'hen Angeti Abstain: Betty Wells Motion carried. On a motion b.y Stephen A'ngell, seconded by Bruce Leucka, it was RESOLVED 'to recommend to the,' Southold Town Trustees disapproval of Wetland Application No 122-~-p/026 of ANNA AND CARLO DeGAUDENZ]to install a .10[ x 30~ "Geoweb" boat ramp. The CAC recommends disapproval of the project because: 1. The bluff is' too high, it will create runoff problems and problems with growth of 9rasses alon9 margin. 2. Project is not necessary, there ave plenty' of public vamps available; 3520 Ole Jule Lane. Mattitucl~. Hemy:P. lhnith~ Vice Presider lohn L Bedn~ki., Ir. lohn.;B. Tuthill Telephone (~ ~i6) 76~-'1892 Fax' ($1.09 765~I~S2~ BOARD. OF.TO~.'TRU~S TO~ OFSOUTHOLD ~SOR SCOTT L HARRIS Town .H~tl $30gS.Mai- R~d P;O. Box 1179 Southol/1,.New'.Yoii .1:'1971 COASTAL EROSION. MANAG..F/~. .PEP/~ .IT APPLICATION ~..~' WE~s ,PZwmi~ .. ~CAT~ON -TRUSTEE. LANDS PERMIT APPLICATION Of.face :USe ..Only; ~C0astal,. ErosiOn Permit AppliCation ~Wctlandi.Permit.. ApP~cation .. ~T~ustee.. ~ds' pe~'~ ApPlication :6mPleted.~ :APps. Date: Finings: ]Permit.: Vote: (Y/N): sVecial Condi (a~Sa see fi~e) ApplicatiOn. Number; $CTM %1000- CL/_/_~ Project Name (If any) Date Prepared: February 5, 1993 Applicant: EN-Consultants, Inc. Address': 1329 North Sea Road Southampton,.New York Phone ( 51'6) 283-6360 Interest: (owner, consultant,lessee,etc.) Agent owner of Property: Add~ess L.yn~ Rossini 75'5 Sod~dview Avehue Mattituck, NY l19'52Phone ~51.6) 799-1557 Subject Property Location: 755 S~ndview Avenue Matti~cK, NY i±gb~ ~ILCO P01e ~, Distance to cross Streets if not'on (Prqvi~e loc~tiOn map) THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Yds. to be .excavated.- %rds. to be filled: 3.00 Manner 'in .which .material will' be remove~i or ~eposit~d:. ' " ~ Fiil,'wilt be trucked in vi'a ~ai'lie B.each Road to west 'Width'. of: c~a!,'..cr==k or. bay fronting pZo~e~t~: · Depth at Iow tide: .N/A Aver. rise .in tide:.Z'~ .... ~ro~ect D~scription The project description .must also include plans for reclamation of land d£sturbed during COnstrUction of the Prin¢ip.le and acc esso r .., stru.c=ures .and gro_un structures. (i.e., pipeline ana :septic s~s~em; ma~e a~a~tzona~ attachments if necessary). . SEE ATTACHED' AuthOrization (Where the' applicant is not the owner) I__ Lynn. Rossini residing at 755 SOundviewAve.nue, (print-owner of subject property) (.~ailing address_phone) Mat!titu~k,'NY 1195.2 (516)1 799-1557 do hereby .authorize Eh-Consultants, Inc. to aPPly for Coastal Erosio~ermit(s) from the Southold Town Trustees  a~ure THIS IS NOT A PERMIT .County of Suffolk ) State of New York ) ROY L. HAJE F' . ~. : ..... . BEING 'DULY SWORN DE~O.SES.. AND' AF .~I$ :,~T: HE/SHE IS THE APPLI'~T' .FOR' THE.':.~O~,, PERMIT [ S) 'AND THAT' 'ALL STATEMEI~S- coNTAINED HEREIN: :ARE .. TRuE TO THE BEST OF. HIS/HER K~OWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT." i WORK. WILL BE -DONE IN.'.:THE' MANNER'SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION .AND AS .'MAY BE A~..,~: .:.~. ~.?~. ~9~.::.~z.::~. OF .. s.~o~ .-.~0':..:.~' :..=ow~,-':.~us'~.' "''.: .' .~.~-'~..... ~-..:,.:B~.::.v~:..:oF '..SA~:, ~E ..R~.~:{ S'!..', ~ .:-I~. :. 'S~, . .' ..... "· SWORN TO BEFORE ME T~IS 5th DAY OF Feb.ruary 1993 Suggested .space for location Map TT{!S IS NOT A PE~4IT ~ SO~/40 ~_'~' Un~su~ at~eratlo~ O~ addition to this ILIrWy II · Yh:dl- ~.~.i.~ ~ of sect:on '~20g of the New York State Education ~.~?:. C~p~es of.this survey map not bearing the lar~ lurvey~'a ~,~..~.the ~jxfl~o. n ~r whom the survey il pTap~red, SIM on his ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~e a~lg~l of the ,~,.. :.::~.:.:,. . .. . - ' I N.Y.~ LIC. NO. 28725 . ~--- .~ - RIVERNEAD~ N. ~.~ ....... :. ? ,.-"~ I'" MONUMENT LAND SURVEYOR