HomeMy WebLinkAboutROSENBERG, FRANK S & MARGARET E -- OPSOUTt O D l · ' At a Special Term, Part~, of the Supreme . . Com't of the state of New York held in and · for the County of Suffolk at the County Courthouse, Riverhead, New York, on the --- 19th day of November 1976. PRESENT: HON. THOMAS M. STAi~K, ~ANK S. R~ENBERG, ~RGARET E. ' ...... : ....... ~':~:' ' ' ':: ..... ' . R~ENBERG and AB~ B. R~BERG, ~ .-.' ~ - - ----- -----Pl~int~f-, ~ ~ ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE - aga~s~- ~ ~O~D O~ TOWN T~U~T~80~ TH~ .... TO~ OF SOUTHOLD, ~exenaan~. ~ .~ . Upon the annexed affidavit of Stanley S. Corwin, sworn to the 19th day of November' 1976. and the exhibits attached thereto, Including the sumrnbns and complaint in this action, and upon the service of the summons and complaint slmultaneously with the serVice of a copy of. this order- and the papers upon Let th'e defendant show cause at a Special Term, Part , of this Court to be held at the County Courthouse, Griffing Avenue, Riverhead, New York, or such other place as Court is designated to be held, at 10 o'clock in the fore- noon. or as ,soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, on the 2~L~ day of At a Special Term. Part L of the Supreme Court of the State of New York held in and for the County of Suffolk at the County Co.a~Y~h~use, Riverhead. New York, on the -f"~"~ day of December, 1976. PRESENT: - ~ON. ti.ON Justice. FRANK S. ROSENBERG, MARGARET E. ~-~ ROSENBERG and ABRAHAM B. ROSENBERG, /!!~.,,v Plaintiffs. JUEGMENT -against - Index No. 76-20120 / THE BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES OF-THE /~/~/~--/~ ~. '/'~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. Defendant. 'A ~ .~.~ ......................................... × IJZ~on the reading ~nd filing of the summons and complaint, the order to show cause dated November 19, 1976, signed by Hon. Thomas M. Stark, and the papers upon which it was granted, the appearance of the defendant and the execution and filing of a stipulation of settlement dated December 2, 1976 and after due deliberation, it is ORDERED and ADJUDGED that as to the waters and the lands under the waters of Sterling Creek and Sterling Basin at Greenport, in the Town of Southotd, Suffolk County, New York, hhe defendant is without any indicia of ownership~ jurisdiction thereof being in the State of New York and the grantees of the State, and it is further : ORDERED and ADJUDGED that to the extent hereinabove provided, the prayer of the complaint be and hereby is grantedj without costs. ENTER . C~ k consent to the entry of the foregoing order on the basis of the 'stipulation of settlement herein. Attorney for Defendant SUPREME COIIRT(~DF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK FRANK S. ROSENBERG, MARGARET E. ROSENBERG and ABRAHAM B. ROSENBERG, Plaintiffs, -against - STIpULaTiON THE BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Defendant. IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the attorneys for ~he respective parties hereto as follows: 1. The defendant ackno~Vledges receipt of the summons and verified complaint in this action and of the order to show cause dated November 19, 1976 and signed by lion. Thomas M. Stark. 2. The defendant appears herein by Robert W. TaSker, Esq. Town Attorney of the town of Southold. 3. The defendant does not intend to interpose an answer to the complaint, Essentially. it's pos{tion is that it denies knowledge or information sufficient enough to from a belief as to the actual allegations and allegations of ownership. The defendant concedes that it does not have any jurisdicti6~i' over the waters and the lands under the waters of Sterling Creek. 4. Th~ defendant cofisefits, as on a submission of stipulated facts, that an order of judgment may be -made herein granting the relief prayed for in the complaint to the extent that the Court may declare that the deiendant has no jurisdiction over the Waters or the lands under the waters of Sterling Basin in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and restraining ihe defendant from asserting such jurisdiction. 5. On the basis of the foregoing the action is settled. compromised and adjusted, without costs and an order to that effect may be entered herein. - Dated: Greenpor~, ~ CORWIN & GLICKMAN for Plaintiff s Attorney for Defendant ALL" ~- .... STAF~ES '-'V~m' ~ ' ViSiBLE NOCRi~G NU:-IB-E?.S ~.~O~a..=~ AND ~.oo~. DiS =LAY ALL DCCKS AND BU~2~{EADS MUST DiSPL%Y ViSiBLE PEF2'~-IT zXUJ~-LBERS Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~iOORZ~G NO. fha Sfafe o.f New York. IS?3; and Chaofer 404 of fha Laws of Sfafe of New Y~& 1952: and ~he So~%ho!d %wn OrdMa~ce en- fifled "REOULATIN~ AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and fha REMOVAL OF SAND. ~AVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM -. LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance wlfh RexoJufion of The Board adoofed afa m~effn~ held on ..Gu~.,...1.1.,. 19......~.~, and [n c=nslderafion of fha sum of $ ........ 5.~_00.' _.p~,o'"by F~ank and Margaret Rosenberg " of ~reenport N.Y. ~nd '' fo Terms ~nd Condfflons ]i~}ed on }he reverse slde Hereo{, of Souzno~d Town Trus,ees aufnor~zes and permz~s fne following: App~ove~ to reeonu~r~at t~o seO~ions o~ bulk- .head and to cons%~d'~"-a new section in Sterling Creek, Greenport. a~ ;n accordance w~fh f~e defai[e~ ~ec~f~ca%~0ns as presented fhe or[g[naf~ng app~caf~on. IN WITNESS WH'EREOF, The said Board of Trusfees ' by c~uses,frs Oor=orafe Seal fo be ~ffizea and fhese pre~en~ ~ub~crme= =y ~ melonry o~ f~ smd Doar~ ~s Cz ~h~S dar. e. Board Of $ou hold Town -Tru-'o _ S[,.,.S SOUTH, OLD, NEW YORK MO0..~;~G NO _- - · . P~RMIT: NO ..................... 1707 DATE: ...... Qct. 2-4~ 1983 issu= D TO rg I, certify that the work as authorized' in this permln has been completed and ms now r~ady for you~ inspec- tion. Also, the n-umber required on this pro]ec~ is clearly visible. I further understand this permit is not valid until this tear sheet - is returned to ~he Trustee~. -_ TE~S ~nd ~ne Perml~ Frank & Margaret Rosenberg r~idlng zt 218 Front Street, ~reenport parc of the consideration for ~e ~ce of ~e P~: d~ ~de~d ~d p~ to ~: fol- lowing: 1. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently disD!aved on the premises effected thereby during the period of 2i ~ffar ~e ~d B~ff of T~s ~d ~e Town of ~u~o[d ~ ~J~ed fzom ~v =d work ~ damages, or da~ for d~ag~, of ~ ~g ~7 or ~d~ aflon ~rfo~d p~r to ~s ~ md ~ ~d Pe~ ~k zr ~ ~ h~ own ~ the defend any ~d ~i su~ ~ ~t~ by ~d pa~ and ~e ~d Pe~=~ wi~u respect ~ere:o, to ~e ~mpl~e ~d~ion of ~e ~d of Tr~e~ of ~e Town of ~oldPermit- 3. That ~ Pe~ ~ ~d for a ~ of_O~7~ ~AR wM~ sufficient ~e r~uired m ~mp1ere ~c work ~votv~ but should ~,~c~ w~ for ~ e~emion may be ~de to ~e B~d a~ a lar~ dam. 4. ~mt ~s Peter shoed be rera~ ~def~tety, or as long to maintain the s~e or pmje~ involv~, to provide e~d~ce to ~)'one mncem~ ~ au~- - or~adon w~ ori~mtly obt~ned. --" 5. ~at &e work ~volved wHI be ~bj~ to ~e ~sp~oa ~d approv~ of ~e ~d or i~ agents, ~d noa-compEance ~rh the pro~io~ of ~e ori~a~g revocation of this Pe~ir by r~otudon of ~e said 6. ~ar there wEl be no ~r~sonable interi~ence wi~ na~don herein aud~orked. 7 ~ That ~ere shall ~ ~o ~tefference w{~ the Hght of ~e ~bEc ~he beach be~eea high and Iow water m~ks. 8.. That H furore oper~io~ of ~e Town of ~otd r~uSe ~d r~oval ~d/or ~mffo~ in the location of ~e work her~n au~o~ or ~, ~ ~e opi~ of ~e Bo~d of T~e~ work sh~ ~use u~e~onable obs~on m free navigaffon. ~he smd Peewee u~n due notice, to remove or alter ~is work or proje~ herein stated ~our =~ to ~e To~ of Sou~oI~ 9. by the Peewee ox ~e c~le~on of ~e ~zk ~- Board o~ed. (See tear off sheet.) !0- ~at ~e Permirree ~11 obtMn all o~er ~e~ and co~en= TELEPHONE f5161 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1 1971 October 13, 1983 Mrs. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Judy: Transmitted herewith is the action taken by the Board of Town Trustees at a regular meeting held on October 11, 1983: RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board Approval of the Wetland Application 4168 for Frank and Margaret Rosenberg submitted by Michael J. Hall, Esq., to reconstruct two sections of bulkhead for a total of 114' and to construct new section 100' in Sterling Creek, Greenport. -- Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Paul Stoutenburgh President PS:ip D ..... ' BOARD O~ ,LI. ~;-.~ AND BULKHEADS ~ISPL~Y V!St~LE PERMIT NUMBERS ~ow~ oE SomhoM Slain Roa~ ALL [ IO RINGS STAKES } IUST Southald, New York 11971 To: Michael J. Hall, Esq., Att. for Frank & Margaret Rosenberg I. Your <:pp[~cation, dated 9/28/83 ........................................................................ has been reviewed by this Board, at <: meerin§ October 11 1983 of the Trustees held on .................... · <:nd resulting; in ['he action, <:s indicated below: (;...Xi~ Application approved. _ ' ( ............ ) Application denied. ( ............ ) Application tabled. ,, ~ 2. Comments <:nd remcrks: Transmitted herewith is the action taken by the Board of Town Trustees at a regular meeting held on October 11, 1983: Resolved to approve the application as submitted for Margaret and Frank Rosenberg, in Sterling Creek, Greenport. If ,,'ur ,- '~' ' A PEP,.:'qrT to the oruur of the Soard or SouthoJd Tow- m.,, . ~.. .o.~ ~u~ end should be mode payable the.5$heduleof Rares ~s set for*h ~- -~- ,,, ,..-s.?s...n,s tee ,s computed bebw acccrdina tn paz¢ wztnzn 90 days or"~X' E~_4~srruct~on ~heet/~arm /D ~his ¢~ m..~ ~ -- I~ the Perm r Fe- is ~2 ~ _ ~-=~Mzyzn~ an~ addl~zoHal' lee wiTT ~=k ~e . - ~,~ ,. person to the Secratar ' . -, . ~ ~? ~ecessa. at the same hme ¢ ~he fee ~s n-i~ h . . ~ or the $oa, d the Permit w be cu;'a/nc~ ~ ~. . . ~ ~ ~y ma.. the perm~ will be ma/led in reply ~'~ ~mpumnon o¢ Perm r Fee: Total Fee for this cppllcation , ~A>~ oF C.~EK Ster~ug ~0 ~ *'~'---. *, AL aCKS AND BULKHEADS MU~T DISPLAY V~S~BL~ P~MJT NUMBERS BOARD OF TOWN TBUSTkES ~5¢ T~wn Of Somh~Id ~ Southohl. New York ;12971 ' _A = APPLICATION FOR A BULKHEAD, DIKE. Otl'"j~TT~ 1. Does this project involve the use of WETLANDS as defined in the $outhold -own Wetlands OrdJnonceLYES or NO. If it aces, you must file through the Town CIerk's Office. 2. Is the proposed work entir, aiw.,~ithin the boundaries of your own propert,y as substantiated by your Deed or Survey?'Y(,.~or NO. if it is, o Permit is NOT required from this Board, but the Town Building Inspector should be contacted far full det¢ils. .. ',/Michael J. Hall, Esq., Attorney for 3. App!icant's name and address: 'F~.'~O_~-,8:--.l~m:r~'.,'~z-e't"~o~en'l~e'~ ...................................... ........... 23_8..~.~.O..n.t ..S.t. ~ Green~ort, ~.Y. 11944 4. Ccntrcctor's name and address: ~r. Terry Latham, ~ain Rd. , Orient, N.Y. Tel. 323-2385 is eroding pro~ert~ into Sterlin~ Creek. Propose. . d bulkheading will prevent further erosion as well as support existing dock 6. After ~ssucnce of Permit,work must be completed within one year. .I~:RGE 7 .C2care the' correct Area Mop from the Clerk of this Board and by uslnga/ X WITI-'HN A CIRCLE as o mark, indicate as closely as possible the location of this project. On the reverse side, provide a SCALE DFL~%'VING which will snow Ordinary High Water Mark os well os the size and shape of the structure or work to be acne. Aisc on_rude oil dimensions for portions which exrfna offshore from the O. H. W. M. State Ad3acenu properuy owners o 8. Provide the following documents: A Licensed Eng'neer s .~urvev of the property involved. (b)A copy of the Contractor's Plan and Soecificotion~. (c)Shor~ Environmental Assessmenu Form. 9. goe~ Ibis proiect extend ~nto Tow~q 'v%~'gters beyond,on J~r, oginamf !ine..~undary formed by existing works cf a similar non, re along this oreo s shoreline? YES ~,~it does, state the approximate distance beyond, . ........... ft. 10. V'/iH this construction require Ihe Filling of any land offshore of rna Ordlnog,~f~h VVater Mark or the Dredging of any material from Town Lands under water> YES o(%~..O.~f it aces, Form A/4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) must be completed and attached a~'f'~ert of this oppliccPon. Il. In rcouestmg ca,royal of this capiicotion. Isubmi:' that: the information presented herein is true and correct to rrm best of my know!edge and behef; I am the person accountable for t~:eperformance of me work in accordancewi~h the pens and saec~rca,[ons attached; I hove reno or am f*miliar with the provmions of any Southoid ]-OWn Ordinance pertinent to tt~e work involved; cna further. I intend to adhere to and abide ay the Terms and Conditions of the Permit, when and if issaed ro me. · O EXPEDITE FINDING SPECI~iC LOCATIgN FOR/qIN~P~CT_I~ON, ZNDZCAT'~ 12. A/3 Rev. 2/82 L~ S ..........T-.'..~. ....'f.../...{.7~...~ ................................ , Michael 0~ Hall, Esq., .... Town Of Southold Town Clerk's Office Souchold. N. ¥. I~Iichael J. Hall, Esq., Attorney for Frank & Identity of Applicant Address of Applicant .... ,2.1-:~..,~.0.~..~....,S.,¢.?. ,e,.e..t..;...G.~.e..e.,.i~.?..°.~.~..L..~.M.~x..,~,~.~, ........................ ~NSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT A. This application is to be completely fi!led in by typewriter or ink one submitted to the Town Cterk in quadruoiicote, accompanied by writter' permtssion from the owner of the property if not the some as the applicant. B Pilot Plan must be drawn to scale on the reverse ~de of this aoDlicction showing the Iocati2n of properw, the names and locations of owners of adjoining properties, cod a detailed description of prcaosed prelect. (Note: Coates of the Pilot PIcn may be mode Dy o copy machine and attached fo the Permit Application.) C. /X/o operation shail be initiated by the applicant until ali permits tnar are required are issued. D. A detoiIed statement of the rehabilitation end oroposea condition oF the premises offer the work is completed must be given, inciuding a surve~ ~f required. [. tf .permit is being sought for a more sizeable excavation than the construction Of c private sin~l~ dock or jetty, then this application must be accompanied by a survey and topographical map certified by o registered land survey or Professional Engineer The horizontal control of sur~'ey shall be based upon on approval local coordinate system. The vertical control for elevation and sound~ nos shall be based upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geological . datum. the premises in question and whether any 2riot licenses or r~ermits have been issued to. erect or re dredge or deposit Fill on said premises and whether any such permits ar licenses ever revoked or suspended by a govemmentol agency. A fiflng fee of $25.00 shall accomaan;; the aooiicchon. This filing Fee includes one inspection. is a 25.00 fee for each additional inspect on The Town Board upon request_q.f, ~e applicant for a permit, may wawe in whole or in parr, prov,sicns of Article II, £ection¥,~-~--~-,/subdivisions (~ end ~'where it finds rt~at nature of the consideration of a permit application. Upon cooravoJ of this application rna Town Clerk viii issue c permit ro the aBpJlcont. Such ................... Discpuroved ........................................................... Examining APPL[CAT[ON ~S HE~.EgY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southo[d. New York. for the issuance of a permit ou~uant ~o the Laws, Ordinances and Re~u]atiens govern- ing the Ccastal and Interior Wedands, Flood ~[ains and Drainage Areas of the Town o~-Soufho/d: Permit requested to Z~8¢~Z~ ~o~&~¢eZ~ ZOO See% o$ buZ~e~g o~ , ., ....... Nb-rt~ern terminus of Sterling Creek &~o%~&~eZ~ 20 See~ ~o~ ~&~ ~Z~oe, ' Home ad~ress of oerm~t ~2Dlic=nt ~f ,,z¢~ ~ frcm aforesaid locct[on Frank and ~argaret Rose,berg, 129-02 Northern Bled. Corona, N.Y. 11568 .... ~e~-~-;.~-~2-~9-2.~Q .................................................................................................................... Creek, ~cv or HcrDor tront[ng prope~ S~er~i~ Creek Size of proposed work: ~,00 £eet Length ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Foot W dth ..................................................................................................................................................... Height Above High Woter '...~.....'~....~........~..o~ ................................................................................ Depth Below Low Water ~) ~. W~rds to be Exc~wted ............................................................................. ~...>....~..~ .......... Yards to be Filled ...~ ............................................................................................................... Width oF canal, creek or b~y Fronting prgpe~ ................................................................................. De~th at Low Tide ~..~.~....~....~....~ ...... ~....~x .......... Average Rise in Tide ~'~ ............................................................................................................... ~ business ,'\rea ~_on,ng ............................................................................................................................................. /v~onner in w~ieh maTeriaJ wiJJ be removea or deposited ................................................................... Intended use oE property Property is already a commercial dock (with no gasoline facilities). Proposed bulkheading will prevent further .... · ero. s-i. on...o ~f ...c~ ~ ..(] ~m.pt4.~..~1. aec., ..................................................................................... ~JVritren consent'of owner oJ: property, if not the same as the oppiicont ......................................... (See attached letter.) ' COUNTY OF SUFrO,_~ STATE OF NEW YORK SS: being duly sworn cec~ses eric says that- he is the CDDJ]con~ for the above described oerm~t, aha ~nar al! statements contained herei~ crc zrue ~o The DOST Of his knowledge aha belief: ma~ the work will De aone in The menner ~e~ for?h n ~his application ~na as ma', be ~ggrovea ~y me Tow~ Bozrd of the Town of Seutho[d. · he applicant agrees to ho~: me Town of Southe~d cna me Town Ec~r~ harmless end free ~rcm any cna cji coinages and claims arising uncer or oy yirtue o~ s~:a petm~r,,if gronrea. Sworn m before me this .,~.~ ................... A¢~o~e~ ~o~ ~ A ~e¢ ~o~e~be~ '- 218 Front Sgreet <~_~ Greenport, New York 11944 ........................ ................................... ' Dqrt Green Harbor