HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1707 ALL DCCi~ AND BU~EADS MU~T DiSP~Y VSSiBLE PEPC.~IT ' --,,thold Trust ._. _., Board Or bu . - own SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~" PERMIT NO...~ZQ.7 .......... DATE: 9F.%,...~4z.....~.~ 8 3 ISSUED TO ............ ~.=A~ k....k,BA~.g&~....~Q~.¢.~b~9 ......... Pursuanf f~ f~e pro~isFcns o~ C~pfer 615 oF +~e Laws ~he 5~a~e o¢ New York 1893; and Cha=fer 404 o¢ fke Laws 0{ Sfafe o¢ New Yar~ 1952; and fha Somno,d Town Ordinance en- {h]e~ "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUSUC LANDS ~nd the REMOVAL.OF SAND. ~RAVEL OR OTHE~ MATERIALS. FRO~ -. LANDS UNDER TOWN WAIcKS; and m accordance w~rn ~he Reso[uf~on ~ ' ' ..... · , - ' '~ -" * of $ .......... 5....Q0- pa~d by 19 ......and m consideration of ,he sum .~-=- P=aa~. aaa Ma=ga=e~ ~ose~e=g of ...... ~-~.~.% ............................................ N. Y. and sub,ecl fo fha Terms and Condifions lisfed on fha reverse s~de hereof, et Soumo[~ Town Trus,ees aufnonzes and perm~zs fha Ap~=oved ~o =ecoas~=ucC ~wo seb~ioas o~ bul~= .~ea8 aad ~o co~s~E( a aew sec~&o~ i~ ali m accordance wifh ~' ' ' ' ' ,ne deTa~[ea specmcat~ons as presenfed }he or~g~naflng appi~caflon. IN WITNESS W, ,~O~, The ~ald Bosrd of Trusfees here- 'by causes ifs Corporafe Seal fo be affixed, and fhese pres~nfs be ~ubscrmea ~y a meter:W o~ f~ sa~a ~o~rd as o~ fh~s d~.e. ~ ~ z~=:-~¢;=~' ~:~"~:v.:~<=~ ~: ..... ~ ~ ~?~~7~ ................................ .... , ~.~ ~ ~J ..... ~-'¢-/':~-~ ................ ~'"'-': ................... % ,~/ ~ %1 ~ ......... ~....~...~_¢~( Board Of $ou hold Town .Trustees SOUTHOLD, WEW YORK i'400.,-,:~G~ ~"' NO.  . PERMIT NO 1707 DATE: ..... Oct. 24, 1983 ii, certify that the work as aut'~orize~ in this permz5 has ueen ccmpleted and is now r~adv for your inspec- tion. Also, the n-umber required on this pro~ec5 zs clearly visible. I further understand this permit is no~ valid until this tear sheet - is returned to ~he Trustees. -_ TERMS and CONDITIONS The Perw2rtee Frank & Margaret Rosenberg rs{ding at 218 Front Street, Greenport 1~. Y. parr of the co~.siderarJon for ~e ~c~ of ~e P~r d~ ~d~d ~d p~ to ~e fol- lowing: 1. That the Southold Trustees Permit musu be prominently disotayed on the premises effected thereby durin9 the period of 2~ ~nar ~e ~d B~doi T~s ~d ~e Town of ~ofd ~ ~ed from ~y ~d work ~ damages, or da~ for d~ag~, of ~u a~u~g ~y or h~21 ~ a r~r of ~7 o~- under a~on ~rfo~d pu~t to ~s ~ ~d ~e ~d Pe~ w~ at ~ ~ her own ~ the defend any ~d ~i su~ ~ ~t~ bF ~d pa~, ~ad ~e ~d Pe~=~ ~ ~ w~m respect ~erero, to ~ ~mpl~e ~d~ioa of ~z ~d of T~e~ of ~c Town of ~olaPerml 3. That ~ Pe~r ~ ~d for a ~ of_O~ ~AR w~ ~ ~d~ to ~ sufficient ~e r~uired to compiere ~e work ~volv~ but should ~n~m~c~ w~ ~' for ~ e~cmion may he ~de to ~e B~d ar a ia~er da~. ~ 4. ~at ~s Peter sho~d be reta~ ~def~rely, or as long ~ ~ s~d P~e ~m ~ to maintain the s~e or pmje~ involv~, to pcov~de e~dan~ to ~yoae ~ncem~ ~ au~ - - otkafion w~ ori~lly obr~ned. 5. ~at ~e work ~volvcd wflI be ~bj~ to ~e ~sp~on md approv~ of ~e ~d i~ agents, ~d non-co~pUance ~{th the pro~io~ of ~e ori~a~g app5~o~ ~y ~ ~n~a for revoca~an of this Pe~t by r~oluHon of the sald B~td. 6. ~a: there wHI be no ~sonabl~ ~terf~ence wi~ na~Hon ~ a re~t of ~e h~reln author~ed. 7. That ~ere shall ~ no ~t~Her~nce w{~ the Hgh~ of ~e ~55c :o p~s ~d rep~ the beach be~eea h{gh and Iow water m~ks. 8.. That ~ furore opera,om of ~e Town of ~old ~uDe ~e' r~oval ~d/or ~o~ in the location of ~e work her~n au~o~ or ~, ~ ~e op~ of ~e Bo~d of T~e~ u~n dee not,ce, to remove or niter ~is work or project here~n stated ~out ~ to ~e TO~ of Sou~ol~ ~. ~r ~e s~d Board will ~ no~i~ By the Peewee o~ ~e cm~Ie~on of ~e work o~ed. (See tear off sheet. ) !0. ~ar the Petm{r:ae will ob~n all o~er pe~ ~nd comen~ ~: ~ ~ ~ plement~ to ~is pe~r wh~ ~ ~ ~bj~ ~o r~vok~ upo~ f~-to obi_ TELEPHONE [516) 765q892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTFIOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 13, 1983 Mrs. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Judy: Transmitted herewith is the action taken by the Board of Town Trustees at a regular meeting held on October 11, 1983: RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board Approval of the Wetland Application 4168 for Frank and Margaret Rosenberg submitted by Michael J. Hall, Esq., to reconstruct two sections of bulkhead for a total of 114' and to construct new section 100' in Sterling Creek,-- Greenport. -- Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Paul Stoutenburgh President PS:lp ~ BOARD O~ TOW~ TRU~£EE$ ,LL DOCKS 'AND BULKHEADS ~ST OISPL~Y VISfBL[ PERMIT NUMBERS Tow~ of Southold ~lain Road ~OTICE OF ACTZON - ~OT a PE~41T To: Michael J. Hall, Esq., Att. for Frank & M~rgaret Rosenberg I. Your application, dated 9128/83 .......................................................... ~... has been reviewed by this (...,.X.,,X~ Applicarier' approved. · ( ............ ] AppHcm'ien denied. ( ............ ) Apph'cctk~n tabled. ; s' 2. Comments and remcrks: Transmitted herewith is the action taken hy the Board of Town Trustees at a regular meetzng held on October 11, 1983: Resolved to approve the application as submitted 'for :' Margaret and Frank Rosenberg, in Sterling Creek, Greenport. _If '.'cur~= e~of[ccr;or-, is oo:~roved, , above. ~~ .'~ no,.~ due.. en~ should be made . ~ , ,,~ permff wru De m~iled in reply. ComDu~afioc of Permit Fee: · '.rotor ~ee for this cppllcc.,rien ...... f.~..,, d~f> "~ ...................................... ........ : .......... NA~L~ OF CP~EEK SterjL~ng . -,~ ', ALfx~OCKS AND BULKHEADS MU~T DISPLAY V'SJBLE ?~RMIT NUMBERS ¢ BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEE$~ '~ ~outnohl. New York ]2971 __~A_~.~ . Main Iload APPLICATION FOB A BULKtlEAD, DIKE, OR 1. Does this ormecl involve the use of WETLANDS as defined in the Southola Town Wetlands Ordinance? YE,~,S or J'~O. If ~t does, you must fiie through the Town ClerKs Office. 2. bu ~' ' ~; the proposed work enh wth~n the boundc~ries of your own property as substantiated ~own muuomg Jnspec,or should bs contacted for fuji detoiJs. addre~s'JMichael J; Hall, Esq., Atto~ey for ........... 2~8. ~g~t St., .~reen~t, N.Y. 11944 ~ · ~- - 4 Contractor's name and adcress: . ~.~. Te~ry Lath~, ~ain Rd. , Orient, N.y. ......................................................................................................................... Tel. 323-2585 5. ~olcin briefly me purpose of this app cat cn'&.~ ~resen~, run off from is erodin ro err into Sterlin C ~ - · ....................... :g. ~ D Z reek. ~ro o e ...................... ........................... p. dzng prevent further erosion as well as support existing dock 6. After Issuance of Permit,work must be completed withlM OMa year. 7. Secure th~ correct Area Map from the Clerk of this Board and by us~nga/~RGE · X A CIRCLE cs a mark, indicate as cioselv os possible the Jocat on of this pro/ecu On me reverse side, provide a SCALE D~vVING which will show Ordinary Nigh Water Mark os well cs me size and shape of the structure or work to be done. Also include all dimensions for portiCOSownersWhich, extend offshore from the O. H. W. M. State Adjacenu prcperuy 8. Provide the following documents: (o) A kicensea 5ng[neer's Su~ev of the orooerrv involved (b) A copy of The Contractor's Plan cna Soecificgtions. (c) Short Environmental .Assessment Form. 9. Doe~ this project extend into Town ~aters beyond an unagma~ .me~ndary formed ~ . . > - . _ . by ex,sting works cf a similar rJarure Gong_ th,s areas shorehne. Y[5 ~l~. it does. state the approximate d~stcnce beyond ............. I0. Wilt, this con~truchon require lhe F/llin,g o~ any land offshore of the Ord]rm~h Pgar~ or the Dredging of any materim f~om Town Lands under wcter~ YES o/(N~ 1~ FormA/4(Apphcat,on for Oredgmg/Fdhng) must be completed an~ atta~hed~t of this application. " ' 11. [n rea~esting coorovaJ of this application. I submif thor: the information presented herein is true and correcI to the best of my kncwledge aha behef; am the person accountable for the performance of the work Jn accordance with the plans and soec[~icafions artocncd; I have reda or am familiar with the provisions of any 5outhold Town Ordinance Pertinent to the work /nvolveo; cna further. I intend to adhere to and abide ay the Terms and Conditions of the ~ermit, when nnc if issued to me BY USING A TEMPO~RY ~RKER. ~y,/ Town 0£ $outhold. Town Clerk's Office Sou~old, N. Y. APPLIC~TION FO~ WETL~S PERM~ Apph ..... n No ................... Identity of Applicant ~l~I~.J:~..~..~.?...]..,..~.2., Hall, Esq. , Attorney for Fr~k & .. ~vtargare t X 5'~ }5~5 ~T.~ ............................................................................ Address of Applicant 218 Front StreeT, Green~ort, N. Y. 12~.44 INSTEUCTICN$ FOR PERMW A. This ~pplication is to be completely filled ia by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Town Clerk in q aadruoJicate, accompanied by writtep oerm~ssion from the owner of rne prope~, if not -.- the same as the applicant. B. P/lot Plan must be drown rd scale on the reverse side of this application showing the location of properW, the names and toc~tions of owners of adjoining ProPerties, and a detcited of prcaosed ~ro[ecr. (Note: Copies of the Pi[of Plan may ~e mcca Dy a co~y machine ~nd fo the Permit Application.) C. No operation shall be initiated by the ~pp!ic~nt untd ~11 ~ermits mar are reauired ore D. A detailed stateroom of the reh~bilitction and proposed condition of the premises after the work ~s completed must be g~ven, including a survey if reauired. E. If permit is being sought for a more sizeable excavation than the construction of a private single' dock or jetty, then this application must be cccompanied by a su~ey and too~rcph[cal mad cecil/ed by a registered l~nd su~ey or Professional Engineer. ~ne horizontal control of sum'ey sha~l be based upon an approval l~a[ coordinate system. The ve~ical control for elevation and sound- in~s shall be based upon Un[ted States Cocsf ant Geodetic Sumey and/or United States Geological Su~ey datum. F. A statement must accomoony the application cescribing any' known prior operations conducted on t~e premises m question and whether any prior licenses or permits h~ve been ~u~d to. erect structures or to drecge or deposit fill on said premises and whether any such permits or licenses were ever revosed or suspended by a governmental c~ency. G. A fi~ing fee of $25.00 shall ~ccompan~ the a~olicarion. This filing fee includes one inspection. there is o $5.00 fee for each addltionc inspect H. The Town Board u~on request,%( ~ applicant ~or a perm,t, may waive in whole or in the provisions of A~icJe 14 Section'~ subdivisions (~ and (~where it finds mat nature of the proposed opero~lo~s ore sgch thor the reauirememrs of such prov~sions ore Dot necessa~ for a proper cons~Cera~ton o{ a permit application. ~[[. Upon copr~va[ of this a=Dlication rna Town CIcrk will issue a permit rd rna aoaJic~nt. Such ~ermir shall be avaiieb e for msaectmn ar any time, user reeuest. DisoDDroved ........................................................... Signature of Chairman ..,~~..~'-- .~~ ~"~~- ................ APPLICAT[ON IS HEREBY MADE to the -own Board of the Town of Soutk~Id, Suff'o!k Ccun~t, New York. for the issuance of a eermit aursuant to the Laws, Ordinances and ReguJaticns ~cvem- lng the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, Ficod PJains and Drainage Areas of the Town of Souzho d: Permit requested to Install approximately 100 ree~ or bulkheading on northe~ ~e~inue off Sterling Cre~k. _ Nort~ern terminus off Sterling C~eek home,iota of p~ope~M fo~ wh~c~ pe~m~ wonr~o ........... . ......................................................................... approximately 20 fee2 ffrom~mplmn Place. Home address of p~[~[~ cpp~nt ~f d~fferent from aforesaid J~ct[on Frank and M~garet Rose6he~g, 12~-02 Nor¢hern Blvd, Corona, ~.Y. .... · el-;-=.2-~R-~gO-a~O .................................................................................................................... Cre_~, B~v or Harbor fronting prepe~ Ste~ Creek Size of proposea work: lOC £eet Length ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Foot Width ..................................................................................................................................................... Height Above High Water ...~.....'~....~'........~..'~..~ ................................................................................. Depth Below Low Water 0 , Y~rds to be Filled ...NC~ ............................................................................................................... ~o~Z~ely ZgO Zee~ ~idth of canab creek or bay fronting pr~pe~ ................................................................................ ...... .......... Average R~se in T~de ~ ................................................................................................................ ;\rea Zoning ............................................................................................................................................. Mcnner ,n which moterlol will be remaved cr deposited ................................................................... ' y± dy k ( Intended use of property Proper~ s alrea a commercial doc with no gasoline facilities). Proposed bulkheading will prevent further .... · e ~'o-si'on-"o~'f-'~ f'-'(] ~_~m-pt'i~--P,]: a~)e .. ..................................................................................... Written ccnsen,' 'al owner of property, if not' the some os the applicant ......................................... (See attached letter.) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YOP, I< ) SS: beina_ duly sworn d~"~¢~s aha soys tno~ he is the coaiicont for the above described oermit, aha that ali statements canto/ned herein are true to the best of his knowledge aha beiief, ma~ the wor~ wm be cone m zne manner set for'th in this ~p~licafian ~na as nov be a~=ravea ~v. the Town Bo:rd of the Town af Sautha[d~ · ka a~pdccn; ag'ees to hoed the Town of SauthaJd ar.o rne Town Eo=rd harmless oho free ~rom any ano aH carnages en~ cl,/ms arising uncer or by virtue a~ said pe~it. if granted. , ~ Attorney for Frank & ~argaret Rosenberg Swor~ ~o before me ~his _~.~ ................... :.. 218 Front Sgreet Greenport, New York 11944 VILLA~ 0 GreenPCrt H~r~Or