HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-76YOUR ORIGINAL PEtk~IT NUMBER BOiRD OF TO,tN TRUSTEES * 1 Town ,o~' Southo d ]}fain Road Southold. New York 11971 APPLICATION FOR SPEC/2~L ICE DAMAGE PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out ~orm below and return to above addre, ss. You ~ ~ this app!ic~ion approved and returned to you within a wee} 1. Applicant's Name & 2. Contractor's Names & Address: ..................................... Tel No~. 3~ The purpose of this application: Redriving or replacing o~enwork dock or openwork pier piling, and mooring piles, removal of damaged piling, repair, resetting or replacement of floating docks, ramps, 'or decking, all.necessitated by ice and storm damage resulting during !984-1985:-~nter. SPEC/AL CONDITIONS 1. No dredging or filling is permitted. 2. Repairs to existing structures shell be limited to replacement of timbers withoht Change in design or dimension. 3. ~ repair-~ ~ bu!kheads is permitted under this permil 4. No freshwater or tidal wetlands are'to be disturbed under any circumstances. .5. A yellow permit sign provided by this office shall be displayed on the project at all times while under replacement. 6. Original permit numbers. (3'~ high) must be permantly displayed on pro3ecu. ............................... off ~, , certify that the work as authorized in this permit has been completed and-is now. ready for your inspection. Also, the permit number required on this project is clearly visible. PE~.I IT A%T-LBE R Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 81v.3.-27.1 DATE: ..~.-g8-93 ISSUED TO ........ H.erman.~eman ........................ Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter' 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893: and Chapter 404~of the Laws of the State of New York 1952: and the Southold Tbwn Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACIN~ OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL 'OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on . 1=28 ........ 19 95, and in consideration of the sum of $ exempt paid by of N.Y. and subject fo the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereo{, of Soufhold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Grandfather permit To repair bulkhead damaged by storm. all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes ifs Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to · be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of th~s da ,e. TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III. President Henry P. Smith. Vice President Albert J. Kmpski. Jr. John L. Bednoski, Jr. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 Post-ItTM brand fax transm tta~ memo 7671 l#~fpages · _.~ co. Dept. Pho.e ~ . ;ad BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold. New York 1-1971 Fax (516~ 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 GRANDFATHER APPLICATION 4. Tax Map Number: 1000- ~(- ~-~?-{ Approx.yr.of construct: 5. Prior owner if known: 6. Diagram of existing structures, including all dimensions, must be included with this application: Indicate on attached map: Location, ie; reference point, telephone pole number, adjacent property owners, etc. ~--~~/~_~/~ Signature of applican/~~~~3~: Please note, there is a one time fee of $50.00 for filing this application. R.F.D. #2, _Private Road Southeld, N.Y. 11971 November 13, 1985 Board of Town Trustees Town of. Southold Main Road Southold, L.I., N.Y. 11971 Dea~ Sirs: We propose to repair jetties damaged by Hurricane Gloria; £or Dr. Roseman on ?aradise Point Road, Southold; by p±ac~n~ new CCA shearing against o_d sheets that were blown out by wave action. These sheets will be held in place with a 4~x4~' clamping timber, bolted to the original waler on the opposite side of the jetty. The main structure o£ both jetties is solid and wl!l~Hot be repaired or replaced. The bulkhead areas damaged by wave action will be re- paired by replacing the necessary sheets to prevent further wash out of material. Areas of repair below the lower bulk- head waler will have sheets nailed over the holes. Date of construction of bulkhead is 1939-t940. Date construction o£ jetties is 1963. No repair work has been done before this time to our knowledge. of Yours truly; North Fork Marine Construction, inc.