HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1591 Board Of 5outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD NEW YORK ~IOORZ~G NO. PERMIT NO. ..!5.9.1 .............. DATE: ......Ap~.i~....~.~. ISSUED TO ............ J.~....~,._..~.i.d..~_m...a_n_..~Qr.....5!..~O.k¢. ............................... Pursuanf +o ~he provisions o~ Chaplet 615 of ~he Laws of fheSfefe of New York 189];and Chaofer 404 of fha Lawsof Sfafe of New York ~952; and fha SouihoId Town Ordinance flf]ed "REGULATING AND THE PLACING O~ O~STRUCTiONS iN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIG LANDS and fha REMOVAL OF SAND~ GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS =ROM -. LANDS UNDER TOWN WA ~KS: and in accordance Mfh fha Reso[uf[on of The Board a~opred' ' afa meeflng held on ..~z.z~...~..,' ~9........8.~ and ~n consideration of fha sum of $ !~,..~. .. pald by .............. 4.,.....~,_..~.~.~4~....~2~_..~!....~ .._. of ........ ~ .~.~.~2.~. ........................................ N. Y. an8 sub[~ fhe Terms and Gondff[ons JMed or the reverse side hereof, of SoufhoId Town Trusfees aufhorizes and perm[is fha fo]low]nm ~o eonss~ues 145' of Bulkhead ~.nd 60+~a~d~ of dze4glng placed be~ind new Bulkhead. No ex~ra a{I ;n accordance w[ih fha clara[led specif[cafJons as presented in ihe or[cfinafiag app]~caffon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The ~ai~ Boara of Tcusfees h.ere- ' by causes frs Gorporafe Seal fo be affixed, and fhes~ ~resen~s fo be subscribed by a ma[orify of fhe ~ald Board as of fhk daf,e. , ~~ 1 ~stees " .._. Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~4OOR ZNG NO. PERMIT NO ................... DATE: .... ISSUED TO .............................................................. I, , cer2ify that the work as authorized in this permit has been completed and ~s now ready for your inspec- tion. Also, the number required on this project is clearly visible. I further understand this permit is not valid until this tear sheet is returned to the Trustees. TERMS and CONDITIONS The P~ml~ee Albert Roke (New Suffc~lk Shipyard) t~idkng ~t New Suffolk N.Y. pa~ of ~e co~idera~on for ~e ~ of ~e P~ d~ ~de~ ~ p~ to ~e fol- lowing: 1. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently displayed on the premises effected thereby during the period of 2. ~at ~e ~d B~ of T~s ~d ~e Tbwn of ~u~oId ~ ~ed fzom ~ ~ damage% or d~;m~ f~ da~g~, of ~ ~mg ~y ot ~y ~ a r~t of ~ o~- under adon ~rfo~ p~t to ~s ~ ~d ~e ~d Pe~ ~k at ~ ~ hez o~ ~ the defend any ~d ~ ~ ~ ~ b~ ~d ~ a~d ~e ~d P~ ~ ~ ~ -, · · ermzt wzm respect ~ereto, ~ ~e ~mpl~e ~d~mn of me ~ of T~e~ o~ ~* Town ~ ~oldP 3. That ~ Pe~t N ~d for a ~ of ~E ~R w~ ~ ~d~ to ~ suE~Se~anL ~e r~uked to ~mplem ~e work ~volv~ ~t should ~cm w~ for ~ e~e~on may be ~de to ~e ~d ar a I~ dam 4. ~at ~s Per~t shoed be rera~ ~d~tely, or as long ~ ~e s~d P~e ~ to maintain the sm~e or pmle~ involve, go prov~ e~d&nce to ~yone ~n~ ~ or~afion w~ ori~ly obt~ned. 5. ~at ~e work ~volved w~I be ~bj~ to ~e ~sp~on ~d approv~ of ~e ~d i~ agenr~ ~d non~omp~ance ~th the pro~iom of ~e ori~m~g app~fio% ~y ~ ~,~e for revocanon of rMs Pe~ir by r~o!udon of the said 6. ~at there w~l be no ~msonable interf~ence wi~ na~don ~ a re~t of ~e w~ hete~n aufl~o~ed. 7. That there ~all ~ no ~teffer~ce wi~ the Hght of ~e ~bEc go p~s ~d rep~ · e bea~ be~eea high and low water m~ks. 8.. That ff fu~e oper~io~ of ~e To~ oE ~otd r~uke ~g tmov~ ~d/or in the lo~tion of ~he work her~ au~o~ or fi, ~ ~e opium of ~ Bo~d oE T~e~ u~n due notice, ro remove or ~ter ~is work or project herein stated ~our ~ to ~e To~ 9. ~ar ~e s~d Board w~l ~ no~i~ ~ the P~ee oz ~e cmple~on o~ ~e work o~ed. {See Lear ogE sheeL.) 10. ~at ~e Permittee will obt~n all o~et perm and co~en~ ~at ~y ~ r~ m~ pl~mental to ~is p~t w~& ~y ~ ~j~ to revoke upon f~ to ob~ COPY TELEPHONE ($16) 765-180I BO_iRD OF TOWl~ TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hail, $309f Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southotd, New York 11971 April 6, 1983 Mrs. Judith T~ Terry Southo!d Town Clerk 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mrs. Terry: Transmitted herewith is the action taken by the Board of Town Trustees at a regular meeting held on April 6, 1983: RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the Wetland Application ~131 of A1 Roke to construct a bulkhead and to dredge in Schoolhouse Creek, Cutchogue. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Paul Stoutenburgh President PS/ip RD OF TO~N ~I~n Road ~outhold, N~w York 11971 NOTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PEP, MIT To: H.J. Geideman for A1 Roke t. Your oppllcotion, doted ............ ~.a...r..c...h....2...1.z....1..9...8..3. ........................... has been reviewed by this Board. at o meeting of the Trustees held on .... ,5.p.z.;i..l..~.~. )~9.~.:~. ................................................. end resuMng in the action, a~ indicated below: Application approved. Applkotion denied. Application tabled, 2. Commeots cnd re~rks: A DER-V~.T FEE 3._if your eoo,~ico, rion is ouoroved above R~mff~= ~s now due. ond should be made poycble ~o t~e, or~er of the ~oord of 5outho]d Town 'Trustees. This fee is computed below ~ccording to the?fnedql¢of R~esgs set forth in the .Instruction 5heet4~arm I/I] ~h~ s fee ~ust be If ~he Pmm,t roe ~s pa~d m person to the Secrerar~ of the Seato l he Permit will be ob~'oincbte z at the same time. If the fee is paid by mail, the perm,t will .be ma~ied in rep)y, Com~utation of Permit Fee: Paid $5.00 for application to Dredge rec.% 1580 c5 Paid ¥..00 for application to Bulk,head rec~ ~ 1585 Tara! Fee for this salutation , $ 5.00 paid rec.~1580 ................... ' ...... .... To~n 0£ Soat~old Town Clerk's Office Sou~old, N. Y. 1 1983 ~o~ :er~ So~-o~ AP~tC~TION FOR ~TL~ ^ dress o' ....... ....... ....................... INSTRUCTIONS FOR PE~IT A. This app]icotion is to be completely filled in by typewriter or ink and st~bmitted to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate, accompanied by writter- permission from the owner of the ?roperty if not the same as the applicant. B. P/Jot Plan must be dro~n te scale on the reverse side of this application showing the location of property, the names and locations of owners~of adjoining properties, and a detailed description · of prooosed project (Note: Cc~ies of the Pilot Plan may be made by a copy machine and attached [o the Permit Application.) C. No operation shalt be initiated by the applicant until oil permits that are'required are issued. D. A detaited statement of the rehabilitation and proposed condition of the premises after the work is completed must be given, including a survey if required. E. If permit is being sought for a more sizeable excavation than the construction of a private single dock or jetty, then this application must be accompanied by a survey and topographical map certified by a registered land survey or Professional Engineer. The horizontal control of survey shaU be based upon an approval local coordinate system. The vertical control for elevation and sound- 'ngs shall be based upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geological Survey datum, F, A statement must accompany the application describing any known prior operations conducted on the premises in question and whether any prior licenses or permits have been issued to erect structures or to dredge or deposit fill on said premises and whether any such permits or licenses were ever revoked or suspended by a governmental agency. G. A filing fee of $25.00 shall accompany the application. This [iiing fee inciudes one inspection, there is a $5.00 fee for each additional inspection. H. The Town Board upon request~f_ the applicant for a permit, may waive in whole or in part, the provisions of Art"icle II, Section¥~'~,/subdivisions (4 and (~"where it finds that nature of the proposed operations are such that the requirements of such provisions are not necessary for a proper consideration of a permit application. [. Upon approval of this application the Town Clerk will issue a 2ermit to the applicant. Such permit shall be available for inspection at any time, upon request'. Examined ....~..~..-. ................... ^pproved ~..~.~.../...~Z~ ........... Disapproved ........................................................... Examining Body Signature of Chairman ......................................................................................................................... APPLICATION tS HEREBY MA ~ to the To~n Board of the ~own of SouthoJd, Suffolk New York, for the issuance of o permit pu~uant to the Laws, Ordinances and Regulotfons govern- ing the Coastal aha 'n~er'or Wetlands, Flood ~JaJns and Drainage Areas of the Town of ~uthold: Permit requested to ..~.,~C~..~..~.....~....~~ ....... ............ ............ ..................... ............................... ~ome ~ddress of permit oppl[c=nt if different ~rem aforesaid [~t[on ..... ~...~ ................... ~~~ ~ ./ ~ ,.. ............................................. ~ ........ ~...~~~ ................................................................................ ~, ~ o~ ~ ,~ ~ ......... ~....~ ........................... Size of DrOposed work: Length Width ..................................................................................................................................................... Height Above High Water ..................................................................................................................... Depth Below Law Water Yards to be Excavated ................... ..~...~.. ................................................................................................. Yards to be Filled Width of canal, creek or bay fronting prope~ ................................................................................. Depth at Low Tide ................... .~...'.~ ..................................................................................................... Average Ris~ in Tide / Is this for orfvote or business use?. ........................................................................ Manner in which material will be removed or deposited ....... ~ ..................................... Written consent of owner of property, if not the some os the applicant ........................................ ................ ....... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: ......... ~.6...~ ........ -'/-.l~ ......... ~....~..~/..4~..rQ.~2,~. ............................... being duly sworn deposes aha says that he is tree a~plicent for the above described ~ermit, and ~hat alt statements contained herein ere ~rue to the best of his knowledge and belief; ~mat tree work wilt be done in the manner set forth in this epplication ~nd as may be approved ~y the Town Boaro of the Town of Southold, The applicent agrees to hold the Town of Southold and ~he Town Board harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or~w~ue~ I of,~rmit,i / if granted. ~re of Applicant Swam ~o ~fo,~ ~ ~h~ ....~Z~% .......... dav of ............. ~C~ ................... , 19~.. ~ ELI~B~H ANN ~ARY PUBLIC. State of ~e~v Yor~ Term Expires March 30. : ~o, ~2. '60 ~u ~a. ~Fdr~q~~ t~ ~ / , '~'. ~ ~:''~ I ~o~ ~ ~ ~u&~, , / - ~ ~ ..... ~ / -., - . ~"'7 · Men ~ , ~ ~ __ ~._ . y;.Z.~. ~J~z* -4z~/. ~e,u ~ZF~I~ ~. 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