HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1372Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO....:~.~Z~ .......... : ....... DATE: J~.~....;~ ISSUED TO ................... .K..?:~....~97?.~.~ ................................................................ uthor atioa Pursuant to ~he provisions o~ Chapter 615 o~ fke Laws o~ the State o{ New York, 1893; an~ C~apfer 404 o{ fha Laws o{ State o{ New Yor~ 1952; an~ +~e Sou+hola Town Orainance en- f~fle~ "REGU~TING AND THE P~ClNG OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATER5 AND PUBLIC ~NDS aha fee REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR 'OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance wlfh Resolution of ~he Bo~rd a~opfe~ ara meeting held on ...~.~.~.....~.L 19...Z~, and m considerafmn of fha sum of $ .~.~.t~ ....... paid by ........................................... .~....~P~?4~, ................................................................. of ..~9.~. .................................................... N, Y. and subiecf fo the Terms and Condlfions lls~ed on the reverse sMe her~f, of Soufhold Town Trusfees aufhoHzes and permifs fhe following: ~edging of ~00 cubic yards of material from area 80 feet ,~de ~d 70 feet gong out to the ch~el at private property of the applio~t at Little Creek all in accordance wi+~ +he defai~ed speclficaflons as pre~nfed in the orlg;nafing applica+ion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~e said Board of Trus+ees h~re- by causes, lfs Corporaf~ Seal fo be affixed, and these presenfs be subscribed by a malori~y of fhe said Board as of fh~s d~. ~~.~..~.Z~;~:~ ............ .... ~~~ .............. ....... ~ .. Z..:. Z~k~z ..: Trustees BOARI ISTEES Telephone '5t 6-765-1938 11971 February 28, 1979 Ms. Kathryn Robedee Box 44-A, Pine Tree Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Ms. Robedee: The Board of Trustees took the following action pursuant to letter from you to the Army Corps of Engineers dated February 2, 1979. RESOLVED to amend the approval of the application of Kathryn Robedee to dredge 400 cubic yards rather than 700 yards, as per revision submitted by Ms. Robe~ee. I have recomputed the permit fee and it is as follows: 400 cubic yards at $.10 per cubic yard = $40,00 Less paid on application 5.00 Amo~mt due $35.0C When you have received your other permits and are ready for your permit, submit the amount due and I will issue you your permit. Yours truly, Murie5 Brush, Clerk Board of Town Trustee~ BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New'York 11971 To: KathE~ R.q~..e,.d...e.e .................... ~. 1. Your appllcotion, doted .... Ai0~,~..~,0..,...~.7..~. ................................. hes beer~ reviewed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on ... Jane 6, 1978 end resulting in the action, as indicated below: (.......?r~.....) Application approved. ( ............ ) Application denied. ( ............ ) Application tabled. 2. Comnients and remarks: '3. [f your application is approved above, A Permit Fee is now due, and should be made payable to the order of the Board of Southold Town Trustees. This fee is computed below according to the Schedule of Rates os set forth in the Instruction Sheet (Form I/1). If the Permit Fee is paid in person to the Secretary of the Board, The Permit will be Obtainable at the same time. If the fee is paid by mail, the permit will be mailed in reply. Computation of Permit Fee: 700 cu. yds. at $.10 per = $70.00 Less paid on application = 5.00 Amount due $65.00 Total Fee for this application ................................. : ....................... $ 70.00 Chin. Board of Southold Town Trustees. by -"~' ~'~-~...-~,.. ........... A/~ - I~. 6/72 BOAB_D OF TOWN TRUSTEF~$ Town O5 Southold M~n ~oad Sou~old~ Nc~ York 1197~ APPLICATION TO D~DGE and or FILL ] Dees this project involve the use of W~LANDS as defined in the Southold Town Ordinance in Wetlands? YES or NO. If it does, your application must be filed though ~he Town Clerk's Office. ~ ~ / {~~ ~ ~ ,~ 2 Applicant's name and address: ...~Z~.....~.~.~.~ ......................... ~.~ ..... .......... .................. ........ 3 Contractor's name an~ address: ..~d~...~.~.~.~ ........................................................ ................................................................ ........ .......................... 4. [xpl~n briefly the purposo o{ this opplic~tion:~.~.~.~g..~[Z~.J.~...~..~.~.~ ... ~.*..~.~g.~.~....~.~ m~ ...~..~ Z.~.:..$. e.~.~:..~,~ ~... ~.~... ~ J....~.~ ~*.< ~ ~...~r...~** .... .~ ~.~..~.~.~...~..~.~.~c~....~.~.~~...g.~..~.~.~s...gs~ff~m..m.~.~ ....... .... ............. e ... ............... 5. After issuance of Permit, expect ~o: (mork with ~n X) (a) Commence work AT ONCE ............. ASAP ...~......; UNKNOWN TI~E ............. (b) Comploto work in ' - 1 DAY ............ ; I ~O ............ ; 1 YR ............. ; FUTUR[ ............. 6. Securo the correct Areo M~p from the Secreta~ of this Boord, ~nd by us[n~ on X A CI~C~E ~s o m~rk, indicote ~s closely os possible the ocotion of this work. On ~he reverse side o{ this rap, provide c ~CAE[ D~WIMG which wil. I show the Ordino~ High W~ter M~rk ~nd ~he sizo ond sh~po of the structure or work. Al dimensions offshoro o~ the O. H. W. ~ should ~1~ be shown ~nd include ~ny ~ree st~ndin~ pilings which will remoin ~t completion. 7. Provide the followino d~uments: (o) A ~icensed [noineer~s Survey o~ the property involved. (b) A copy o~ the Controctor's Plons ond Specifi~otions. g. Has ~ny previous applicotion ~or this work beon denied by onyother Iocol Oovernmont Y[S or ~O. If it n~s been~ homo the ~ency. .~ ................................................................. D~te of den~a[ ....................................... 9. ff drod~ino ~s contemploted, ~vo your estimate ~ the (~) Avora~e dopth of water ot M. k. W.where dredging, Z.~.5....~.~ ................. (b) M~x~mum depth o{ drodoino below the bott~m~ . ......... ~ ............................................ {t. (c> ~ximum length of dredged orea .......................................................... ~.~ ........ft. (d) ~ximum width o{ dredged ~re~ ~ ft. (e) M~ximum amount of materi~l to be dredged ................................ ~.~.~.. c. yds. 10. i~ {ill~n~ is expecte~, 0~ve your estimote o~ ~he (o) ~ximum omount o{ m~teria~ required,. ........................................... ~ .................. c. yds. (b) ~pla~n how fill w~l[ be obtained and where it will be placed. ...~C~4...~ ~... ~ mC .~...~ ..~ .~.. ~.~.f.c~.~...~. ~...~.~...~.C~ .~..~. ~....~ ..~ ..... ..... ............................................................................................................. II. In requesting approval of this application, I submff that: [ am the person accountable for t~e performance of the work in accord with the plans and specifications aCtached hereto; have read or am familiar with the provisions of any Southold Town Ordinate pe~inen? to t~e work involved; and further, [ intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Permit. ~~~ ~~. Accepted ~~~ ~ Dated: