HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1600 GFA-~ *'~O~.:~..G~ A~D ST=~Y~Eo MUST DISPLAY ViSiSr~E b. OORI~,~ NUMBERS ALL DCC;<S A~;D moLi~Ui~S 'ST DisPLAY VISIBLE P~'I~ ~UJbLBERS Bu rd", Of 5outhold Town Trustees SOU,HOLD, NEW YORK ~ICCR I";G NO. N/A PERMIT NO ......... %..6. Q.Q ....... DATE: ...M.5¥. 3, 1983 ISSUED ~0 ...........~DA...gQ~...~fp...~%cg~...~...j~'.%.g~nam .& ....... Pursuanf fo fhe provEs;OhS o{ Chaplet 6IS o{ fhe Laws o~ f~eSfafe oCNew Yor~ t893:an= C,,8mter 404a¢ fle Laws o{me Stale or New Yar~ ~95~' an~ the Sournoi~ Town Ordmanc~ flfle8 "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF O~RUCTIuNS~'- r tN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PU;LIC LANDS an~ REMOVAL OF SAND, GEA, V'l=- ~R OTm=~ ...... MAT~,ALS.~ FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN ' = ...... WAT~S: and in accordance w~tn Resol~iicn o~ ...... l ne board aoo~ed afa m~eting he[~ on ...~.~... ~.z. ..... t9.....~.~., and b consideration o{ fke sum c~ $...~.~..~.9. pe[d by o~ Cutcho~ue , . ,, .................................................................................. N. Y. an~ sup cc% ~o ~ne Te~ms an~ Ccn~Hcns ~s~e~ cn %he reverse s~e he~eo~, o¢ SoufholS Town Trusfees auf~oriz¢s_ an~ p.¢rmlfs The' ~oJ~w:ng:' ~ ~ a 4 ~ 6"x Approved unaer Grandfather Clause 3 R~p~ 18'6'~ x 5' dock, in East Creek ;q ail in accordance wlfr lhe deiailed specificafions as presenfed in be subscnoeo by a majorif¥ of {'he said IN WI IN:_S W~-~-~c, .,.,,,.,.~,, The saia Board of Trusfees here- ' by causes ifs Corporafe Seal fo be a,¥ixed and fhese pres'en*s fo of fh[s ~af.e, · -RMS ~d CONDITIONS The Perm/~ee Edna Robb residing at ~, '- L ' / ~ ' ,~2D.g.Lte N.Y., a~ Io~n~: i. Tho: the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently diso!aved on the premises effected thereby during the period Df wc ~ damages, or dam for d~ag~, of ~= ami=g ~-~y o~ ~dy ~ ~ r~= of ~ op~- un,er 3. That th/s Petmb: is valid for a ~dod of ~R suffi2ien~ ~e r~ulzed m ~:lere ~e work iavolv~ but should for mn e~e~on may be ~de to ~e Board ar a later dam. 4. That dais Permit should be rera~tq L'~definireI7, or =s long v~ tI~ said P ~e?ml=ee to main:aim the sma~are or p~jecr involved, to provide e-~dence to :it2yoae concerned..~at auth~ orizadon was oribq.xal!7 obtained. 5. Tnar :he work involved will be subject to the inspection mad approvM of ~e l~*a~d or agents, a=~ noa-comp~azce vdrh the prov~io~ of the ori~na~g appH~do~ w~y be ~e for revoca=on of ~his Pe~it by r~otudoa of the smd B~rd. 6. I/,~ae there will be no unreasonable interference wi~ na,eig'adon -.~ z. remit of ~e wezk herein authorized. 7, That Sere shall be no integerence wi~ the right of the pubgc m p~s and re?a~ along the beach be~veen high and iow' wager marks. 8., /"nar if f=rare operations of th, Town of Sc~:hold requ/re ~he' rmovat ~d/or Mremfiom in the location of ~e work Eerdn au&odx~ or fi, ~ ~e opium o~ ~e ~o~d o~ Te~e~ ~ work sh~ ~use um-e~nabie obs~mon to free navigation. ~e ~d Permi=ee ~!I L~ r~l u~n due notice, to remove or alter ~is work or project herein stared wh~ou= ~ zo ~= Tom oi $ou~ol& 9. That r. be said Board w~I be notified by the Perm/nee ox tie completion of ~e work or~ed. (See ~ear off sheet.) I0. That the ,Permltree will obta/n ali o~er pertain a~d co=~enrs that may be re=uLmd pIemental to this perm. it whlc~h m~y be mbjecr ro revoke upon failure ~o obrzL,~ same BOAi~D OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southotd Main Ro~td S~uthold. ,New York ]1971 ~NOTICS OF ACTION - ~NOT A PER3{IT Edna Robb C/O Wickham & Wickham & Bresslerr PoCo 1. Your op~licaHon, dated A.:p. ril 15~ i983 has oeen reviewed by ~his 8pard, at a meeting of the T~stees held on ....... May 3, 1983 (.....g ..~..) ( ............ ) ) approved. tabled. Comments and remarks: Application approved to secure a permit number for a dock, in East Creek, Cutchogue, under the Grandfather Clauge. A PE?~{IT FEE ro ,he orcer of ,he ~oord of bouthold town trustees. Tk s fee is computed be}c~/ accordin~ fo ~%~::¢~.e~c2~.9[R~kes ~s ~er forth in the ~lnstruarior, Chee~ ~Fcrm I/l) ~his f,~ ~ a[ the some time. [f me fee is poid by, mail, the permit w~ll be maile*_, m ,2~ty.'- Computo~io,~ of ~ermir Fee: Fee for this ~ppiication , 5 5 O0 51gned ... .,. Board at ~Couthclc Town Trustees .......... ' Clerk ~ /'/ ............... ~'~ ..... ~A~.~ OF C?~EK EPs% Cree~ tl BOARD OF TOXT'N TRLTSTEES Town Of Southolcl l~[aln Road Southol& N'~ew York 11971 AL/ DOCKS AND BULKHEADS MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE PERMIT NUMBERS APPLICATION FOIl FIXED ~n(~/or FLOATING DOCKS Tel. 2. Can,factors nam~ and address: ......... '/..~ ................................................................................ 3. Briefly explain the purpose of this application: ...~b..secure..a..l~_~0i~..fo2~.A..~Q~...w...h~.~.h ...... .0....s. :. ...................................................................................................... 4. After issuance of a Permit, work must be completed within one year. LARGE 5. Secure the correct Area Map fram the Clerk of this Board. and by using a/X WITHIN mop. provlge a SC~L: DRAW NG wn ch wd] show Oramary HJg~ Water Mark, the shape and size of the dock and any supplemental piUngs whkh ere needed f~ hold a floating dock or tie-ua ~ bo~t Give all aJmensbns necessary to determine the area of the dock surface. ~'2~ZCH ~X~NDS O~S~O~ from the O. H. W. ~. Z~ ~jace~: pzope~ o~e~s docks, specify location and ten,th to scale. 6. Will any portion of this construction extend offshore into Town ~aters, beyond an line or bounda~ Formed by other similar structures along the areg's snoreiine? YES If it does extend beyond this spic,lied d~k line indicate by how far, approximately, .......... Provide the follow,no documents: (a) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Pians and Specifications. Short Environmental Assessment Form. Wettands~ Application_ ,, . J this construction reauire th~ ~'ihing o~ any land offshore of the Ordinary High Wafer /V~ark or the Dredging of any materlaJ from Town Lands under water? YES or NO. If it does. Form A/4 (AppJlcat,on for Dredging~Filling) must be completed and attached as port of this appNcotlon. Jn requesting approval of th;s application, J subrrdt that: the informa[~on presented herein is true end correct rd rna best of my knowledge and belief; t am the person accountable for .~2 ~k¢¢)'r~ fha performance of the work ~n accordance with the plans and specifications attached; I hove ~ft~ read or am famiiiar w~th the provisions of any Southold Town Ordinance pertinent To the work involved; and further, I intend rd adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions of the ~ ~ Permit, when and if issued to me. ~0. ~O expedite ~i~ain¢ specific 1oca~~~~&~aioate ~;.,:-: ...... :.AZ2 ~e~.2/82 ....... . ....... ---. . L.S TO~VN OF $OUTHOLD SHORT ENVZRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM INSTRUCTIONS: (a) In ~rder to answer fhe.questions in this shorf EAF it is assumed fhaf the preparer will use currently available i"nformation concerning the projecf and the likely impacfs of fhe eolian. It is nor e×pecfed'fhat add±llano1 sfudies, research or ofher investigations w±1t be undertaken. (b) If any quesfion has been answered Yes fhe projecf may be significant and a complef~d_En¥1ronmenfal Assessmen¢ Fo~m is necessary. (c) ]£ all questions have been answered No if is likely fhol projec~ is no~ slgnificon~. --.-:. (dj En--~-/ronmental Assessmenf 1. Will projec¢ res-ut¢" in a large physical change to the projec~ sire or physically alfe~ more than 10 acres of land? ....................... Yes X No 2. ~ill fhere be a major chan~e to any unique or unusual land form found on ~he sire? ..... ;... Yes × No 3. Will projec¢ aller or have a large effeol on existing body o£ water? ...................... Yes. .~ No 4. Will projec¢ have a potentially large impacl on grou6dwat~r q~atily? ...................... ~ Yes, x:No_ 5. Will project significantly e£fect drainage flow on adjacen¢ siles? ........ ~ .............. Yes_~._No ~. Will project af£ea¢ any threatened or endangered plane or animal species? ........ Yes X No 7. Will projecf result in a major adverse erFegt -- iffy? Yes x Nb on air qua .............................. __ 8. Will.pro,ecl have a major effect on visual character bf fha communily or scenic views or visfas known to be important to the community? Yes × No 9. Will projec¢ adversely impact any sire or structure of hisforic~ prehisforic or poleonlologlcal importance or any sile designaled as a critical envlronmenfal area by a local agency? .............. '=..-.-~..-...,-.~--,..~. YeJ No 10. Will projecf have a bajor ef£ect on exlsfing '" or fufure recreational opporlunitles? ......... Yes. x' No ll. Will project resull in major trafflc problems or cause a major e{fec¢ lo exisflng X transpor~olion sysfems?.'; ..................... Yes No 12. Will projecf'regularly cause objectionable .... od~rs~ noise~ glare~ vibration~ or elecfrical disturbance as a resull of the projbcl's operafion? ..................................... Yes ~ No 13. Will projecf have any impacf on public health' ' -- or.safely? .................................... Yes__~_~o -' 14, Will project affec~ the exlsiing community ~y ~irectly ca~sing a §rawth in per~aaent populgtion of more than 5 percent ov~r a one year period or-have o major negalive on the character o~ the c?mmu~ity ar hb h d? - - neig or aa ........... - ................... s,. o 15. Is there public controversy concerning the - project? .... ~~ ............. Yes ~,.No PREPARER'S SIGNATURE -- REPRESENTING [~lna AobZ) DATE ~±~ ~, ~ypiqal .S~ectio.n Scale: 1"=2,0' Proposed Deck Fixed Doc.k(4.5'x 10') ?_ .~ _* ~/~3 'x 16' ramp . o~--~__~ ~, float(z) PZan Scale: ! ~'-=20' Harbpr Lane (2) Ad 'o&~n¢ O~rners 1 o Frank Hinderman Pierce Rd, ~_~=Cqn.~.~ _~{a/~ Proposed Deck ~ --7. ~1t' x 32' ~~ --~ -~ rr~n~e~ Width = 500' ~ 4.5' x 10' Dock i~; ' 3' X 16' ramp Purpose: l ~~~~ Private Boat Spi Mooring Datum: Me~ Sea Level Cutchogue, NY Lane NY Propopsd Float Doc~ in East Creek at Cutchogue Town of Southold County of Suffolk State of New York Application by: Fred J. Carcich Prepared 6/14/83 Sheet 1 of 1 T O k?N OF SUFFOLK OF CUTC HOGUE $OU THOL D CO,; N. Y. ,g $ S O C /,~ TtO, US LIF~- TITLE INSUI?,~NCE FRED d. M~RY ~NN SMiGELSK/ [ond surveyocs ~nd consulting engi? west main street riverhead,new york I!90i (5i6) 369q7i7 (212) 746-: Mcr. ~4. i983 dob N~- 8E