HomeMy WebLinkAboutRIGHTER, VOLNEY F.New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Build~g 40--SUNY; Stony Brook, New York 11791>,2356 (516) 444-0270 June 25, 1993 Notice of Violation Mr. Tom Shi!lo Z & S Contracting Inc. Box 202 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Date of Violation: 6/8/93 Location of Violation: West Harbor, Fishers island Tax Nap iD ~Block 39 Lot #7 Permit ~ (if applicable) 1-4738-006i5/00001-0 Thomas C. Jorling Commissioner Dear Mr. Shillo: Records of this Department indicate that you are in violation of the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL): Article 15, Section Article 15, Section Article 23, Section Article 24, Section Article 25, Section Article 19, Section Protection of Waters 6N¥CRR Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers Act 6NYCRR Mined Land Reclamation Law 6NYCRR Freshwater Wetlands Act 6NYCRR Tidal Wetlands Act 0401.1 6NYCRK 661 Air Pollution Control Act (Restricted Burning) 6NYCRR In that you caused, or permitted to be caused: failed to install row of haybales as required by Special Condition ~7 of permit, placement of excavated fill directly north of project and south west of project in the adjacent area to a regulated tidal wetland in non compliance with Special Condition #6, failure to provide permit and approved plan while authorlzed work was being conducted in non compliance with Supplementary Special Condition B and C of issued permit. pg 1 of 2 pg 2 of 2 Contravention of this/these Article(s) of the ECL is a violation and/or a misdemeanor p~uishable by a fine of no more than $t0,000/a day. Penalties may be a~sessed ~or each day that the violation continues. Please be further advised that violations of the ECL which are not resolved may be the subject of an administrative hearing pursuant to Title 6 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules & Regulations of the State of New York (6N¥CRR, PErt 622~. You are hereby advised no cease your operation at the referenced location immediately. Please contact the following office within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter, so that we may attempt to resolve this matter. Failure to contact this office within this time period will result in this matter being referred to the D~partment's Regional Attorney for further enforcement action~ To schedule an appointment for a compliance conference in this matter~ please contact Ms. Kay Worker at (516) 44~-0295. Office of Legal Affairs Attn: Kathleen Shea Assistant Regional Attcrney cc: Very truly yours, Charles ~. Hamilton Regional Supervmsor of Natural Resources Stony Brook Regional Attorney Dr. Christopher s. Mallery, ACOE Volney T. Righter ECO Enright, Law Enforcement John Bredemeyer, Town of Southold Trustees J Curt Horton, Town of Southold Bldg. Dept. Roger Evans, DRA George Stadnik, BMH. P Certified Mail #P 288 513 979 93CTH-t40 Consultant James V. Righter, Arch. Project Na/ae_ Volne¥ Righte~ SCT~! ~1000- 7-4-2 Date December 10. 1992 The Southold Town Trustee office has determined that your application for a coastal erosion/wetland permit is non-jurisdictional/incomplete, please consider the following information in this regard for any required return submission: An office review was conducied on lhe above referenc~orooosat. Chao~er-'q7] Wetland ordiance. The DroDosaI is also out o£ ~urdsd~ctiom undSr OhaD~er 37. Coas%a] Erosion Hazard Area. AIl as Der application shbmi~ted. ~ ~ ~ds ~ee Representative / cc: x/Building Dept. -Z uning~1Foar~d o--~s ~-Con s e r-xza-t~io n.-Adv-J=s o ~--C O~frFJi 1 This notice makes no claim with respec~ to other jurisdictions within or outside the Town of Southold with respect ~o permits, permission required. 4/92 TO BOSTON, MASSAcHUSE~s 02108 (617) 451-5740 WE ARE SENDING YOU [] Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples _- Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] COPIES DATE NO. DESCRJPTION I p~J~T THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ~ For approval [] For your use [] As requested - For review and comment [] FOR BiDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Resubmit. ~ Approved as aoted [] Submit ~ Returned for corrections [] Retur~ copies for approval copies for distributidn corrected prints 19 [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO_ If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. James Volney Righter a r c h i t e c t s i n c Mr. John Bredemeyer Board of Town Trustees Town Hail 5309.5 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold~ NY 11971 October 29, 1992 Dear Mr. Bredemeyer, We are applying on behalf of Mr. and Mrs Volney F. Righter for permission to build a small, one-story, addition onto their existing house on Fishers Island. We would appreciate a ietter of no jurisdiction of coastal erosion and tidal wetlands, or a permit, from your office. Appropriate forms are enclosed, including: 1. Town Trustees permit application 2. $35 fee 3. Full Environmental Assessment 4. tax map 5. location map 6. site survey 7. 4 photographs 8. proposed project plan Thank you for considering this application. Sincerely, James V. Righter Jacob D. A 1 b -~ r t - James V. R i g h t e r · B r o o k e S. T r ~ v a s · Cynthia N. W a r d e 1 1 58 Winter Street · Boston · Massachusetts · 02108. telephone · 617 · 451-5740 TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer. III. President Henry P. Smith. Vice President Albert J. Krupski. Jr. John L. Bednoski. Jr. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516} 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTt L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (5t6~ 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO THE TOWN TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COU1Fi'Y, NEW YORK, FORT HE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT PURSUANT TOTHE LAWS, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE COASTAL AND INTERIOR WETLANDS, FLOOD PLAINS AND DRAINAGE AREAS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN, AND THE ISSU~ANCE OF PERMITS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 32 OF THE CODE OF TITE TOWN OF SOUT~OLD. APPLICATION NO. DATE APPLICANT'S NAME: Jatn~9 VaaN~' ~I6, I4TE, F- Af~4t?~,t~T51 I~la, Mu~ILING ADDRESS: ~ ~/INT~- 5'F~.-~F..T ~a~ToN ! NO. 4 TEL. AGENT: AGENT ADDRESS: TEL NO. PERMIT REQUESTED TO: LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR REQUESTED PERMIT: TOWN: T~X. MAP NO: 1000- 007 ~ ~ - ~ ANP CREEK, BAY OR HARBOR FRONTING PROPERTY: SIZE OF PROPOSED WORK: LENGTH: ~t WIDTH: ~' App. Page 2. YDS. TO BE EXCAVATED: (PD~ YDS. TO BE FILLED: MANNER IN WHICH MATERIAL WILL BE REMOVED OR DEPOSITED: F-~F.. p~uH~TP,'TJ~l$ ~,ND FttF-.-t4 ~,~,~-~. ~:IL.Z.~-.D! WITH l~lz~ ~,HAI,,I~P~ WIDTH OF C~AL, CREEK OR BAY FRONTING PROPERS: w~T DEPTH AT LOW TIDE: ~'~' AVER. RISE IN TIDE: DIST~CE TO N~EST CH~EL: ~ DIST~CE PROJECT ~TENDS BEYOND SIMIL~ PROJECTS IN ~A: ~EA ZONING: AeFt~UUTU~ IS PROJECT FOR PRIVATE OR BUS. USE: INTENDED USE OF PROPERS: Vmc A T~ ~ DESCRIBE ~O~ PRIOR OPE~TIONS CONDUCTED ON PREMISES: HAS ANY PRIOR LICENSE OR PERMIT BEEN ISSUED TO ERECT STRUCTURES, DREDGE, OR DEPOSIT FILL ON SAID PREMISES: N~ HAS ANY LICENSE OR PERMIT EVER BEEN REVOKED OR SUSPENDED BY A GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY: N~ DESCRIBE FULLY THE REHABILITATION OF PROPERTY: DESCRIBE PROPOSED CONDITION OF PROPERTY AFTER WORK IS COMPLETED. INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITE IF NECESSARY: ~F~y I~ r~ ARE THERE ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS IN YOUR DEED WHICH WOULD PROHIBIT THIS PROJECT: NO WRITTEN CONSENT OF OWNER IF NOT THE SAME AS APPLICANT: 5~ ~T~ACHF-..D L~TTF~I~ Volney F. Righter David's Hill Road Bedford Hills NY 10507 29 October 1992 To whom it may concern: I, Voiney F. Righter, owner of SufoIk County tax map Iot numbers 1000-007-4-1 and 1000-007-4-2, authorize James V. Righter, Architect, to submit the attached application on my behalf to build an addition to my house. Very truly yours, Volney F. Righter COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK ) BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT HE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PEtLMITS, AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, A/YDTHAT WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWNOF SOUTHOLD AND %%qE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FtLEE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT, IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT OR REPRESENTATIVE, TO ENTER'ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. CONDITIONS (If any) SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN COMPUTATION OF FEES Approved 2/27/85 UVlNG ~0 0 °c~o // / / //I /II ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN ARE BASED ON N.®.V.D. I~r2~. 2. TOTAL AREA OF LOT= 2.q5 +/- ACRES. PROPER'FY IS LOCATED IN ZONE A8 (ELEVATION [I.O) OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE h4AP TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW 'ffORK SUFFOLK OOUNT~ PANEL [2 OF 120 OO~MUNIT~ MAY 24, J~l. PLAN OF PROPER'F'K TO BE CONVEYED TO ROBERT LEESON BLOCK, Dq', LOT 8 FISHERS ISLANd, NEW YO~K SCALE: I"=DO' CHANDLER ~ PAL~E~ ENd,S. NO~IOH, CT. SEPTE~BE~ I~DO,. PLAN OF PROPERTY OF MR. ~ MRS. VOLNEY RI®HTER BLOCK D~ LOT 7 FISHERS ISLAND, NEW 'fORK SCALE: I"=100' CHANDLER, PAI_F4ER, OCTOBER I~. ID4.20' ~ 20 10 0 20 A'YO GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET REVISIONS ~ i/ DATE DESCRIPTION i~ ~ '~ ~,~ ~/~ ' I'. d.S, COAST AND ~EODETIC SURNdE¥ TF~IAN~ULATION STATION "NIN" MR. ,t MRS. VOLNEY RISHTER BLOCK Del LOTS 'q ~ 8 FISHER5 ISLANd, NEIN YORK