HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1623ALL ~,C~I.,~o~.~D ALL DCC~ AND Sea d Of 5' ' "- Trustees r OutBO, 1 owrl SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~OO~:G ~0. N/A P5R~IT NO ..... 1.62.3 .............. DAT~: ..~Ag....~.z.....~?83 ISSUED TO Walter R. silleck Pursuanf fo f~e provisions o~ ' = ' C~pLr 6~5 o~ file Laws {he Sfafe o{ New YorL 189~: anS Ch~ ofer 40~ o{ fhe L~ws o{ Sfafe o{ New Yor~ 1%2; as~ ~he Sourno,d Town Ordinance f~f;eH "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF O~STRUCTIONS .... LANDS an~ IN AND ON TOWN WA~=~3 AND PUBLIC ' ' REMOVAL Or SAND. &RAyc~ O~ OTm=R ~ATUR;~LS FRO~ - LAN~ UND=~ TO~N WATt,J, .an~ m accordance w~n " ' ' ' ' ' June 7, Resolurmn oF The ~oar~ aeoote~ afa meet:n~ he~ on ............................ ane ;n :onsmera~cnto. fhe sum a{ $ 61.~25- . Walter R. Silleck Terms an~ Ccn~ons t;sfe~ on fhe reverse s;~e hereo{. o{ ~oumol- Town Irusfees aufnor z_s an~ perm~%s fhe ~ol!owmg: Application approved to secure a permit number "for a float, dock and ramp in Mattituck Creek, Mattituck. fhe or;g~na+~ng app[;cafion. be s,J~scri6e8 By a maiorify 0£ fhe saic~ Baar~ IN WIINL-SS ' ~ z ~ '' Board o{ Trustees here- - ~ ffH.~Or, The sam ' causes ~s Corporafe Seal fo ~e a{¢he~, an~ ~ese ptesenfs ~o ' ibis ~a~.e, Board SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK MOOP. Zi.~G NO. N/A '. _- PERMIT NO. ..1.623 .... DATE: .... June Walter R. Silleck ISSUED TO ....................................................... Of 5ouChold Town Trustees 7-c...1983 in t-ion. Also, the n'um~er reuuired on /_.I further understand this permit is ls reuurned uo the Trustee~. ceruifv unan the work as authorized ~h~s perm~n has been completed and ~s now r~ad~' for you'r insDec- this pro~ec~ is clearly visible. nou valid until this tear sheet TERMS ~nd CONDiTiONS Walter R. Silleck The Permi~ r~idlng at Westview Drive, Mattituck, New York 11952 of the consideration for the issuance of ~e Permit cloe~ under, rand and p~ to ~: ful- lo~ing: 1. That the Southold Trusuees Permit mus~ be prominently disDlaged on the premises effected thereby during the period of 2~ /~ffa: the ~d Bo~rc[ of Trustees and ~e Town of ~u~oid ~ ~ed from ~v. ~d work ~ damages, or da~ for d~ng~, of ~ a~Ing ~y or ~2v ~ z r~t of ~7 o~- u~de~ adon ~rfo~d p~t to ~s ~g ~d ~e ~d Pe~ wgk ac ~ ~ her own ~ the defend any ~d ~I s~ ~ ~t~ by ~d pa~, and ~e ~d Pe~ ~ f~ ~ wiCn respect thereto, ,o ~ ~mpiete ~cl~on ~f ~ ~d of T~e~ of &e Town of ~oldPe~mzL''' 3, That OHs Per~dt {s w21d for a period of _O~TE .v~,,AR wMah k~ eo~der~ ro be sUff iC ient time required [o complete the work ~nvoiwed~ but should d~cumstamc~ warran~ r~xtu~z for an ex~easion may be :trade to the Boazd at ; later date. 4. That this Permit should be retain~i indefiaitety, or =s long as th~ said Permi=ee wiahm to maintain the struco~e or projec~ involved, to provide evidmqce to anyone concemed~.~haz auth- orization w~ originally obtained. 5. That the work involved will be subject to the i~sp~:Hon :md approval of the Board i~ agents, and non-comFEaace ~5th the provisioo~ o£ the originating apptication~ may be e~,~,e revocation of this Permit by re~oluflon of the said Board. 6. That there will be no tmrmson=ble interference with navigadon as a result of the work _ herein authorized. That there shall he no interference vsdth the right of the public to pass amd repass along beadn between high and Iow water marks. lB.. That if future operations of the Town of Southold require the' r~_moval amd/or alterationS ~ted .i, PEFJ'iIT I~.~E~S ALL DCC2~ n~,D BU~EqEADS :'lUST DiS?~AY VISIBLE ??? -.: ,~.._ - ......- ...... ' ] --,- BoardOf Scutno, d I own Trustees SOUTH©LD, NEW YORK ~lo o.~ z.'-:G .~o. ~/n PERMIT NO....L6.1.~ .............. DATE: ..~.~...7.~._.~783 I ssu ~D TO ............ .~.!~.~._~.,.....~.~!~.~A .................................................... Pursuanf fo fha provisions of Chaplet 615 of ihe Law~ of fhe Sfafe of New York, 18~; and Chaplet 40~ of ~he Laws of fha Sfafe o~ New "ork 1~52: and ~he Sou~no,d town Ordinance en- f[fled K~G L~TIN$ AND 'THE PLACING OF OBST2UCTiONS IN AND ON TOWN WAT:,,S AND PUELIC LANDS and fha REMOVAL OF SAND. GRAVEL OR O7H5~ ~ATERIALS. FROM -. LANDS UNDE~ TOWN WAI:,~S; .and in accordance w~n fha Resoluf[on of Tn~ Boers amom~ed a% a m_.~.ng he[s on .....~q~e_..l.z 19..~_~..., and in considerafion of fha sum of !......~!.,..25' . paid by Walter R. Silleck of .......... ~t.i~.u.c~ .............................................. N. Y. and sub]ecl fo fhe Terms and Cendffions llsfed on %he reverse slde hereof, of Souznold Town Trusfeesauz~or,zes" ' and perm,z: fha folowmg: ~pplication approved to secure a permit numar 'for a float, dock and r~p in Mattituck Creek, Mattituck. ~ne ~mecmcaz~ons as oresenfed ;n ~he or~inaf~ng app~caHon. IN WIINc. S W, ,~R~OF, The said ~oar~ of Trusfees here- ~by causes frs Oomorafe Sea[ fo be ~ffked. and fhe~e ~res'enfs fo be su~scr,~ea ~y a ma or '7 of fhe s~a ~oara ~. ~h[s Board Of $outhold Town irus ,_..s'oo SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK MOOP. Z~G NO. N/A . PERMIT NO ...... 1.6.~3 ..... DATE: ...... June 1~....1983 Walter'R. Silleck ISSUED TO ..................................................................... I, cer~if5, that in this permln has been completed and is now rbadv t-ion. Also, the ~um~ber recuired on this project is +~ I further understand this permit is non valid until .:_l_ls returned to the Trustees. the work as authorized fcr your inspec- clearly vzsible. this tear sheet TERMS and CONDITIONS Walter R. Silleck /"ne Permirt~e r~idlng at Westview Drive, Mattituck, New York 11952 N. Y., ~ pa:x of the coasiaeradon for ~be bsuance of ~e P~ d~ ~de~d ~d p~ to ~e fol- lowing: 1. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently disD!aved on the sre~ises effected thereby during the period of 2] I~a: ~e ~d B~ of T~s ~d ~¢ Town o~ ~u~o~d ~ ~ed from ~v ~d work ~ damages, or da~ for dmag~, of ~u ~img ~r~y or ~r~dy ~ a r~t of ~I o~- under anon ~rfo~d p~t to ~s ~% ~d ~e ~d Pe~ w~ ~t ~ ~her own ~W~ defend any ~d ~I su~ ~= ~t~ b7 ~d pam~, and ~e ~d Pe~=~ ~ ~ ~ the wi~ respect ~ereto, ro ~ ~mplete ~cl~ion of ~e ~d of T~e~ of ~e Town of ~oldPer~i~ 3. That ~ Pe,'mit is valid for a I~riod of .05.-E, .v.'E, AR which zs considered to Be sufficient dine required to complete the work involved, but shculd circe, mst:races warrz:~s rectuesr for an emension mag be made to the Board ar a later dare. 4. That rids Permit shou/d be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Petmirree wiaJam to maintain the stmcruze or project involved, to provide evqdence to azJyone concerned..._that auth- orization was orlg/rratly obtained. 5. That the work involved will be sabjecr to the inspection and approval of the Boaxd or i~s agents, and nora-compliance ~Sth the provi~io~ of the origlnadJag =ppHcario~ may be ~¢ for revocation of this Pen-nit by' tasoluHon of the said Board. 6. /'"nat there will be no tmrmsonable interference with navig-zfion a~ a result of the weak _ herein auchorlzed. 7. Tha~ there shall be no intederence with the right of the public :o p:rss and repa~ along r~Se beach benveen high and Iow water marks. 8.. That H furore operations of the Town of SouchoId recluire the removal and/or aI£emdorrs in the location of uhe work her~o authorized, or if, in ~e opicJon o£ the ~oard of Trustee% the work shall cause unreasonable obsm:cnon £o free navigatE, on, the sa/d Permirtee will be required, upon. due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated without experrse~ to the Town of South. old. 9. TEar the said Board will be notified by the Perm/nee ot abe completion of ~e work o62ed. (See ~ear off sheet.) 10. That the Permittee will obtain all ocher permits and c0asenrs that m.ay be reqtrired suD plemental to chis permit which may b= subjec~ ~o revoke upon failuze.ro obtain same. CREEK YOUR ORIGINAL PEP~IT I~UMBER BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES ~'y~~~_~ Town o£ Southola Main Road Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL ICE DAMAGE PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out form below and return to above address. You should have this application approved and returned to you within a week° 1. Applicant's Name & Address:...~..~.~P~ ............... .... ~ ....... Tel. No ..... . 2 Contractor's Names & Address: ~ ' ................................................. Tel. No ............... 3% dock or openwork pier piling, piling, repair, resetting or or decking, all necessitated 1984-1985-~nter. The purpose of this application: Redriving or replacing openwork and mooring piles, removal of damaged replacement of floating docks, ramps, by ice and storm damage resulting during SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. No dredging or filling is permitted. 2. Repairs to existing structures shall be limited to replacement of timbers without change in design or dimension. 3. No repair or replacement of bulkheads is permitted under this permit. 4. No freshwater or tidal wetlands are to be disturbed under any circumstances. ~5. A yellow permit sign provided by this office shall be displayed on the project at all times while under replacement. 6. Original permit numbers (3'~ high) must be permantly displayed on projecu. (Tear off and return) I, ~C~ ¢~7~7~i~// , certify that the work as authorized in this permit ha~ been completed and is now ready for your inspection. Also, the permit number required on this project is clearly visible. PERMIT ~J~.iBE R _.. BOARD OF TOW'i~ TRUS"k Town o£ Southold Main Road I. ~eur ~Hce~ion, d~ted ........ ~2.~2.~.~ ................................................ Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on June 7, 1983 and resulting in. the ection, as indicated below: (.....ZX:~ Application approved. Application denied. Application tabled. 2. Comments and remarks: Your application has been approved at the June 7, 1983 Trustee meeting. .-: A PEtLVIZT FEE 3. ?_f_.~vc,~r c~.oti~;~L/~n is c~proved abgve, R~ff~ ,s now du~ and shauid be made payable ~o ,ne. order at the uoard o~ Southo!d Town Trustees. This fee is computed below occordin~ to ,he.~cqeaq~¢of R~Lesgs set forth in the .Instruction 5heet~crm ~1]. ~his f~e ~ust be pazq, ff~zn ~u qays. qr re-app~yzng an~ a~=zo,,az zee wz~z ~e necessar Ir tn~ Yerm,t Pee ~s po~d ~n person to the Secretary of the Soord, The Permit will be obtainable or the same time. If ~me. fee is paid by ma~[, the permit will be mailed in reDJy. Comoutation o~ Permit Fee: FEES DUE ON YOUR STRUCTURE, BEFORE PERMIT CAN ~E ISSUEDa 3' x 35' float = 105 sq. ft. @ .25 sq. ft."~ $26.25 3' x 30'dock = 90 sq. ft. @ .25 sq. ft. = 22.50 3' x 10' ramp = 20 sq. ft. @ .25 sq. ft.. 7.50 Late filing charge ( placed on all structures newer..than.10 years) 5 .'00 $ 61.25 Due Tctol Fee for this application Pres. Board o ~_. Clerk .... '""'"" ~i%~A~'LE OF CP~EK BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of Southold ~iain Road Son,haiti, New York 11971 APPLICATION FOIl FIXED and/or FLOATIzWG DOCi~S docks, 8. 4. After issuance of a Permit, work mush be completed within one year, L&RGE ~ Secure the correct Area /V~ao from the Clerk of this Board. <:nd by using a/X WITHIN A CIRCLE indicate os closeiv as oossible the iocation of this docK. On the reverse side of this mop, proviso a SCALE DRAWING which wi[! show Ordinary High ~Vat~: Mark, the shape cna size of the dock anc' any supplemen,~e! p/lings which ere neeoec to hold ~ floating deck or tie~OD .'3 boot. Give ali dimensions neces.~arv To oeterrmne the ares of the dock surface ~ZCH EXTE'.xTDS OFFSHOR.E from thee. H. VW M. If adjacen~ property- owners nave,- specify ~ocation and length to scale. Will any por,~on of tms construction extend offshore rata Town Waters beta.nd en ~mog~f~k line or boundon/ formed by other slmiiar st~ctures along the area's shoreline? YSS o~O~ if it does exten~ beyona th s sa-coll~a dcck lne nd ca~e Dy how for, approximately,. ....... ~ 7. Provide the foliowing documents: (a) A Licensed £ngineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A coov of the Cosrroctorq Piano aha £pecificotions (c) Short Environmental Assessment Form. Wetlands ApmlicatJ~on _., 8. w~i this construction-require }he hilling of any land offshore of me Ordinary..J~igh "Mater Mark or me Dredging of any materiel From Town Lancis under water? YES or~'q.,O~lf it does, Form A/4 (Aaoiicetion for Dredging/Filling) must oe completed and attached os parr of ooplicoticn. by using a Re~,k 2/82 In reouesting approval of this ap~Hcotion, J sub,mqt ttnot: the informotfon presented harem is true end correct to me best of my knowledge aha belief; I om the oerson accountable for the eerforman~e of the work 'q accorcance with me DJ~ ~d sDecificctfons ~ttcched; I nave reaa or am famdmr with me prows~ons cf any 5outhoJd Town Ordinance certinent re the work involved; and further, I intend to aonere toaha opine by me Terms oma Conditions Of the Permit, when and if issuea ro me. To expedite findin~ specificlocat~~dicate temporary ~arker ~ ~~A~~~~~