HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1015Board Of $outhoid Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO: ...... ]~O -~.~ ....... DATE: .~g.ne...3 ~. ].974 ISSUED TO ......................... q~2c.~ ...g.,...Rgi~e~ ......................... Pursuan~ fo the provisions bf Chapter 615 ~ the ~ws of the Sfafe of New York, 1893; and Chapter ~ of the Laws of the State of New York 1952; and.fhe Soufhoid Town Ordlna~e en- titled "REGU~TING AND THE ~ACIN~ OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC ~NDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, ~RAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER. TOWN WATERS:" and in accordance with the Resolufion 0f The Board adopfed afa meeHng held on ....~ne .3 19...]~., and in conslderafion of the sum of $.~.P~.9~ paid by ....... ca~ D. Aei~e~ .......................... of ....~?~f.._~?.~.~ ................. N. Y. and subject fo the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Sou~hold Town 'TrusSes authorizes and permits fha following: ~o~C~o1~, a~ ~emo~e ~ai~ Ei~1 ~om t~e all in accordance with ~he data,ted specifications as pre~nted in the originating appJlcaHon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corporate. Seel to be affixed, and these present~ to be subscribed by a ma orlty of the said Board as of fhls d~ate _ TERMS ~nd CONDITIONS T~ Permime* Carl D. Reiter res/ding a~ P. O. Box 47, Southold N. Y~ ~ part of the consideration for the issuance of she Permit does understand and prescribe to the fol- lowing / 1~ That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold ate released from any and all d~mages, or eJaln~ for damages, of suits arising directly or indirectly as a result of any oper- ation performed: pursuant to this permit, and the said Permittee ~ at his or l~r own expens~ defend any and all such suits initiated b7 third parties, and the said Petmittee asgames ~ liab~t~ with respect, thereto, to the complete exclusion of the Board of Trosre*s of t~e Town of Soushold ~2. That this Permit is' val~d for a period ~ ~___~ mos. which is omsidered to be the ~d~mated time required to complete the work invo~t~aould drcumstane*s wasrat~ requeat an extension may be made to the Board at ~ later date. ' 3: ' 2~nat this Permit should be retained ind~tely, or Rs long as the said Permktee wishes to maintain the stmct~e or projece involved, to provide evidence to anyone concerned ~that amh- orizatiotl was orighlally obtained. That ~he work involved will he ~dbject to the iuspe~on a~d approval ~ ~e ~d ~ ag~, ~d nou~mp~ ~ ~e pro~io~ of ~ od~ app~o~ ~y ~ ~ f~ ~don of ~ P~t ~ ~oluHon ~ ~e said B~d. ~nat there:~ ~ no ~o~ble ~terf~ ~ ~ ~ a ~t of ~e w~ an&o~ed. -~ ~ 6. That there shall be no interference with the fight of the public to para and repass alo~lg the beach between high and low water marks. 7. That if furore operations, of the Town of Southuld require the removal and/or alterations in the location of :the work here~ authorizec~ or fi, in the opimion of the Board of Truste~ the shall ca~ unreasonable obstrumon to free navigafion~ the said permlttee will be require~ to remove 'or alter ~i~ work or project herein stat~l without expen~2s to tile Town Sou&old. ~e &id Board will he hotified by the Perm/ne* qt tbe~e~mpletioa.of the Work That the permittee will obtain all other permits and'cg, nsen~;.t~t malt be requited thi~ iperliait which may be subject to revok~ upon faLlu.e8 to ~ BOARD O1r TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southolcl, New York 11971 /o: Carl D. Reiter. Box 471 Southold, New York Mav 3, 1974 ~ ]. Your application, dated ........................................................................ n~= been rev[ewed b'y this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees he d on ....... i~...a.~...~.,.....]-.~..7.,.4.....a..tT..~...~..e....3..,....~9..7..4, .................. anc resulting in the action, as indicated beiow:' (.....X~._....) Application approved. z. ( .......... ;.) Application denied. Application tabled. Comments and remarks: 3. If your application is approved above, ,A Permit Fee is now due, and snoula se moae po'~able to the order of the Board of Southold Town Trustees. This fee is computed below according ro the Schedule of Rates as set forth in the Instruction Sheet (Form I/1). If the Permit Fee is paid in person to the Secretary of the Board, The Permit will be obtainable at the same time. If the fee is paid by mail, the permit will be mailed in reply Computation of Permit Fee: Dredge 100 cu. yds. ~ 10¢ cu. yd.- ......... el0.00 10. O0 Total Fee for this application ............................................................ S ........................................ Signed ALVAH. B. GOLDSMITH Ohm. Board of Southold Town Trustees. b .............. x/ Secretary. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Snuthold, New York 11971 ' ~ Mr. Carl D Reiter, Box 47, Southold, New York 11971 Your appl carlo% dated ......... ................................... hos been reviewed by this Boerd, otameetingoftheTrusteeshedon ....................... .M..~...6.., 1974 and resu ting in the action, as indicated below:' ~ (-...: ....... ) Application approved. ~, ( ............ ) Application denied. C....-X~......) Applicot on tabled. Comments ond remarks: The Board Will investigate the proposed dredging projec5 a~ 5:30, Thur-sday, May 1974 and make a decision at their nexn meeting on June 3, 1974. 3. If your applicatior, ~s approved above, A Permit Fee is now due, and should be made payable to the order of the Board of Southold Town Trustees. This fee is computed below .according ~o the Schedule of Rat~s as set forth in the Instructior, Sheet (Form 1/1). Jf the Permit Fee is paid Jr, person to the Secretary of the Board, The Permit will be ~b;'aincble at the same time. If the fee is paid by mail, the permit will be mailed in reply. Computation of Permit Fee: ?Total Fee for this application Signed ALVAI¢ B. GOLDSMITH Chm. Board of Southold Tbwr, Trustees. ~ Secretory. .8]4 - t~r. 6/?2 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION TO DREDGE and or FILL 1. Does this project involve the use of WETLANDS as defined in the Southold Town Ordinance in WeTlands? YES or NO. If it does, your application must be filed through the Town Clerk's 2. Applicant's name and address: ..................................................... ............................ ...... .......................................... iii 3. Contractor's name and address: .......... ~ ...................................................................................... 4. Explain briefly the purpose of this application: ..!..O.....~..~.~-.a~ ....................................... 5. After issuance of Permit, I expect to: (mark with an X) (a) Commence work AT ONCE ............ ; ASAP ............ ; UNKNOWN TIME .... ::. ...... (b) Complete work in -- 1 DAY ...... .~.~;~.; I MO ............. ; 1 YR ............. ; FUTURE ............. 6. Secure the correct Area Map from the Secret*ary of this Board, and by using an X WITHIN A CIRCLE as a mark, indicate as closely as possible the location of this work. On the reverse side of this map, provide o SCALE DRAWING which will Show the Ordinary High Water Mark and the size and shape of the structure ar work. All dimensions offshore of the O. H. W. M. should also be shown and include any free sta.nding pilings which will remain at completion. 7. Provide the fo/lowing documents: (o) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plans and Specifications. 8. Has any prewous application for ~his work been denied by any other local government agency? YES or NO. If it has been, name the agency .......... .~...~. ........................................................ Date of denial ........................................ z~ 9. If dredging is contemplated, give your estimate of the following.-~/ ~ O (o) Average depth of water at M. L. W.~here dredging, ....~?... ........ .......... ~ ........ ft. (b) Maximum depth of dredging below the bottom .........................................~.."'~. ....... ft. (c) Maximum length of dredged area ................................................................... .~. ft. (d) ,Maximum width of dredfled ore~ .................................................................... ~Cg)~ C~~= (e) Mox[mum ~mount of m~teriol to be dredoed ..................... ~ ~..W~_:~_ c. yds. 10. ~f filling is expected, give your estimate of me following: (o) Maximum amount of material required,. ................................................................. c. yds. (b) Explain how fill will be obtained and where it will be placed. In requesting approval of this application, I submit that: I om the person accountable for the performance of the work in accord with the plans and specifications attached-hereto; have read or am familiar with the provisions of any Southold Town Ordinance pe~ti~ent* to the work involved; and further, I intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms and!¢~h;ditions of the Permit. Accepted / ? ? ? ?