HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1660 GFALL ,',~..,~.: ..... o~,,*',,,D S~..~..~o ,,U,b? D-,o:'~--,£ ViSiBLE ALL DCC~ A~:D 6;~DS ~J$~ ~.~PLAY ViSiBLE o, rd Of $outno,d own Trustees SOUTHOLD, NE'vV YORK ~iOORi.-'.:G NO. /N/A ~ PERMIT NO .... 16.6.0 ............... " DAT~_: ...A_u..g~B.s...t.....~..0..~ 1~c ISSUED TO _ Aa2.k.B....e..i.J;.9.< ...................................... fha S~a?e o~ New York, 1893; and ChaD?er 404 of ?he Laws'of ?he Sfa?e of New York Io, 52; and ?he Sou?ho!d Town Ordinance en- R~GULATli'qG AND THE PLACING OF OESTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WA~c,~S-'" AND PU~r,LIc LANDS RE, tOVAL Or' SAND. GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM -. LANDS UNDE-R TOWN WATERS;" and in ~ccord~nce wffh P,e~olu?io~ of Th~ ~o~rd ~o~?e~ at ~ meefin] held on ...A..~.~.........9..,.. .... 19..8...3...., ~nd in consi~r~ilo~ of ihe sum o,z $...5.:...0_0. ...... paid ............ Anna Rei~er '-:' of .... ~la~.$...t....q. ck ....................................... N. Y. an~ ~uBiec? fo ?he Terms an~ Con'fi[oas h~,e~ on %he rever~e :{de hereo{, of SoufhoM Town Trusfees aufhorizes end permffs fha foilowi.~g: Your appl±cat±on has been approved to secure permit number for a dock in Long Creek, Mattituck under the Grandfather Clause. all ;n ac:or~.4anc_= wi'~h ~,he c[ef~ile~ spec;flea?ions as presenfed in ~'he orlgina/ing appl~caflon. %/:4 IN WITNESS W, ,.R.Or, The said Eoerd of Trusfees here- causes,ifs Corc~orafe Sea fo be elTlxec~ an.~ *base pres'chiS fo sucscri~ea ~y a reeler:fy sa~a' ' ~oara" ' i o'~ ?his daf.e. Bo rd Of I400...=~G NO. PERMIT NO ......... 1.~60 ISSUED TO ............... Aniza 2.e±~c? ............. $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORE DATE: ~.u..¢ust 1I), 1983 , cern?fy thac the work as aut'horize~ .... s permlu has been compleced and ~s no%¢ r~ady for vou~ inspec rich. Also, the n'um%er required on this pro~ecn is clearly visibl I further und~ ~ ' __st-n~ this permit is nou valid until this tear shee is returned to the Trustees. TER~S and CONDITIONS residing at W'i ak-ham Av~=m~a; Mntt5 tuck iq. ¥. ~ lowing: 1. That the Scuthold Trustees Permit mus~ be prominently dis~!aved on the premises effected thereby during the period of 2T ~H~ ~e ~d B~ of T~ ~d ~e Town of ~u~oid ~ ~ed f~o~ ~v ~d work ~ damages, or da~ for d~ag~, of ~ a~a~g ~y or ~r~y ~ a r~ of ~y o~- under a~:m ~rfo~d p~t to ~s ~ ~d ~e ~d Pe~ will at ~ ~ bee own a~ defend any ~d ~I su~ ~u ~t~ by ~d pa~, and ~e ~d Pe~x~ ~ ~ ~ the wi~ respect ~ere:o, co ~e ~mpI~e ~cl~ioa of ~e ~d of T~e~ of ~e Town of ~oi~Permit';' 3. That this Permit is vaEd for a period of _O~,?~ v~.AR which is comidered ro be sufficient time required to complete the work {nvolved~ but should cLr~ms~:mce~ for an ex~e~ion may he made to the Boaxd aC a later date. 4. That th~s Permit should be retained indeflr~tety, or as long as r2~ said Pezmkree to maintain the strucct~e or project involved, to provide evidence to ~u:yone concemed_.~at auth- orization w~ originally obtained. 5. That the work involved will he subject to the inspection :md approval of the ]Board or im agents, :md non-compliance ~-ith the provisions of the ori~nating application, may be muse for revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 6. That there will be no tmre=sonable interference wiffa navigation as a result o~ the ware=- herein aud~orlzed. 7. That there shah be no interference with the right of the FubEc :o pass and repass along the beach bet-ween high and Iow water marks. 8.. That if future operations of the Town of Southold require the' removal :md/or alter=tio:~ in the location of the work herein authorized_ or if, ia the opiraon o£ the Board o£ Tr~ee% the work shall cause uare~onable obstzumon to free navigauou, the said Permi=ee will be requir=~ upon due notice, to remove or alter ~is work or project herein stated without ex?roes to the Town of Sou~ot& 9. /"nat the said Board will be notified by the Permi=ee ox the completion of the work o~ked. (See ~ear off sheet.) ',10. That the Permirtee will obtain all other permits and con,eats that may be required rap- plemental to r_his permit which may be. subj-~ct ~o revoke upon failure-to obtain..same. BOARD OF~TO~'N TRUSTEES ~own of $outhold Sout~6~id~ew York ] 1 NOTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PERMIT To: ...A..n...n..a....R..e...i..t.,.e..r..~....R.r#.l., Box 113 A, Wickham Ave., Mattituck, N.Y. ~. Your application, doted J.,/..2...5../..8...3, ....................................... has been reviewed by this 8oord, at a meeting of the Trustees held on ........ ..A.~g~.~...~.,..1~.$,3. ................................... and resulting in the action, as indkated below: ( ............ ( ............ Application approved. Applicat on denied. Application tabled. 2. Comments and remarks: Your application has been approved at the regular meeting of the Board of Town Trustees ~o secure a permit number, for a fixed dock in Mattituck In let. (Long Creek) unde~ the Grandfather Clause. A PERz'MIT FEE t~o' .,If ,.,c~r a~oI?ati~0n ,~, arc,roved above, ,~ ,-~'~.mf¢ ~:~ is now d~ an~ should be mad~ payable me orcer or me ~oara of Southold Town Trustees. This fe~ is computed bebw acc~rdi4a the.~ched~f R~Lesgs set forth in the Instruction Sheet~5~rm I/1] ~his fee must pazu, wz~n_n ~o cafe or re-appZyzng aha aa~zuzonaZ Zee wzlt be necessaz-, h the Permit ~ee ~s prod m person ia the Secretary of the Board, The Permit will be at me same time. If the fee is paid by mail, the perm,r will be maied in reply. Com~utation of Permit Fee: ALL DOCKS AND BULKHEADS MUST' DISPLAY VISIBLE PI:ItMIT L'4UMBEi~ Total Fee ~cr this application . , Signed., . Pres. t3oara of 5outhold Town Trustees. by. · Pr nxq-TrC DOCKS APPLICATION FOR FLX~D 2. Contractor's name and address: ..................................................................................... i ........ i ..... 4. After issuance of a Permit, work muse be completed within one year. LARGE 5. Secure the correct Arec AAc9 from the Clerk of this Board. and by using a/X ¥/ITHIN A CIRCLE indkg,'e es closely as Doss/Ne the Jet,Hen of this dock. On m~_reverse side o[ this mca. provide a SCALE DRAWING wi~ich will snow Ordinary High Water Mark, rna snipe an= size of The dock ~nd ~ny supplemental piNngs which ere needed to ho~d a f~cating dace or tie-ug a bo~t. Give oH dimensions necessary rD determine rne area cf rne deck surface ~'Z~iCH EXTENDS OFFSHC~ from rneO. m_ W.~.If ad3~cen~ prope~y owners have- docks, specify locaumon and length to scale. 6. W[J[ any portJou of this constrUCT[Om extend of[ahore in%o Tow~ 'vVcters beycna cn imaginu~ line or boundsn/ formed bv other similar structures alone the areo's shoreline? Y~5 97 NO. If it does extend beyona fhis so-cahed c~k line indicat~cy how far, egprox]mateJy~....,fk 7. Provide the fo!towing documents: (o) A Licensed Engineer's 5urve'~' oF the prope~y involved, (b) A copy of the Contractor's Ptons (uno Specifications. {~i Short Environmental Assessmen~ Form. Wetlands Application . -,~' 8. il this cansi'ructJaa~ ret,lire ~e FHJmg of any iand offshore of the Ordlna~, H~n ~¢/ater Mart< or the Dredging of any material ~rom Town _~nas under water? YES ar NO. If it does, Form A/4 (Ap~iicanon far Dredging/Filling) must De cornp~ered cna axccned as port of this 9. In reauesrm3 aDuroval of this cgsNcation I sub.it thor: the inrormatran eresented nere,n involved; aha further, intand ro Cohere to aha a~de ~v the Terms and Ccndi¢icns of the Permit. when ~nd i~ issuea m me. ~0. ~o expedite ~ind!n9 s*ec~Lc locatLon ~or 5nspecC&on, &n~ica~e ":2.f'-:?A' A/2 Re¢["2/82 - . L S ....... [[ .~ t /' / / / / / / / / / / / / / -% boc/C"-q"~ So