HomeMy WebLinkAboutREIFF, FREDERICK A. & FLORENCE S~IT~. TASX~, FIAVKELSTEII~7 AD L~NDBER~ October 28, 1964 Mrs. Mariona k. Regent Town CIerk's Office Sou/hold, New York Re: Town Trustees ~ Deeds to Burns and Reiff Dear Marion: I have examined the deeds in the above matter. I note that the east line of Reiff is 130 feet in length and the west line of Burns is 95 feet in length (which is the same line). In checking with Otto Van TuyI I find that the west line of the Burns property should be 130 feet and accordingly I have made this change in the Burns deed. In ail other respects the deeds are in order and can be delivered to the property owners. I am returning the above mentioned deeds and the maps and correspondence which you sent to me. Yours very truiy, ROBERT Wo TASKER RWT:MY Enclosures ~ari~ A~ L~PETZ ~ MCNULT¥ October 14, 196~ _AW Trustees of the Town of Southeld Southold, N. Y. ~e: ~ederiek. A... R,eiz? aD,.wife Gentlemen: On behalf of ou~ clients, F~e4erick A. Reiff and wife, we respectfully request that your Boa~d grant to him a deed to the filled area adjacent to his property en Mattituck Creek. We ~aderstand that in the past yeu~ Board has conveyed to the owners of the upland upon request, any filled ares er beach which was caused by the d~e~gi~g of Mattituck Creek. In connection therewith we are enclosing a pro- posed deed to the filled area lying between the highwater mark of Mattituck Creek and the present southerly boundary of M~. and M~S. Eeiff's premises. We are also enclosing the consent of the adjoining owner to the south, together with a print ef the survey of Otto W. VanTuyl & Son, dated June 22, 1964. The owner to the north is M~. John F. B~ns and since he is maki~ a similar application simultaneously with the present application, we assume that it is unnecessary to obtain s similar consent f~om him. We are als~ enclosing ou~ check in the amount of $1.00 and if there is any other or additional change, please advise and we will remit same to you forthwith. If your Board finds the proposed deed to be satisfactory in form, and further~ if your Board views ou~ request favorably, we wculd appreciate you~ executing the enclosed deed and returning same to us. ~nk you for you~ attention and cooperation in this matter. JRM:B Encs. Resepc tfully~ submitt ed, 137 · ' Trustees of Eouthold New York the Town Of Southo!d Gentlemen: The late Harry E. Mason was the owner of certain property at Mattituek, New York, adjoining the premises of Frederick A. Reiff amd wife on the west. It is my understanding that Mr. and Mrs. Reiff have applied to your Board for a deed to the "filled area" as shown o~ the survey of Otto W. Vain Tuyl & Son dated June 22, 1964. The westerly bo~_ndary ef the "fille~ area" as showm on said map is an extension of the property line between .~r. and Mrs. Reiff a~d the property owned by Mr. Mason. Please be advised that the Estate of Harry E. Mase~ has no objection to your Board deed- ing smsh land to him and using as a westerly boundary the line as shown on the aforesaid map. Very truly yours~ Estate of Ha~ry E. Mason