HomeMy WebLinkAboutREEVE, HAROLD R JR ~a~ Alva~ Goldsmith, John F. Mc~lty, Philip Weiler, Frank Dawso~ and George A. Simpson, AGREEMENT MADE THIS ~? day of Jmue, 196~, between HAROLD R. R~JgVE~ JR; ~ and Fa~RGARET E. REEVE~ hiss' w'lfe, of Mattitmck, Town of SouthOId, New York, p~rties of the first part a~d THOMAS B. REEVE, and HELEN J. REEVE, his wife, resid- i~E at Hattituck, Town of $outhold~ New York, parties of the second Dart WITNES~ETH: WHEREAS, the parties ef thefirst part are the owners of the said~re~iSes described as follows: ALL that tract or parcel of land situated in the Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Eork, bounded ~ud described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the westerly side ~f ~aidenLue, (a private r~ad) 160 feet north of the northerly lineof lands of the Estate'gf A.K. Brown, and ru~wing thence westerly parallel with the northerly line ef la~ds of the Estate Of A.K. Brown, about ~7 feet, 9 inches~ to a concrete menmment which is about 87 feet and 9 inohes easterly from the l~ands of T.L. Hamilton; ~henoe r~ingnortherly parallel with the westerly line ef Maiden La~e ~bout 192 feet to the highwater;mark of Matti~ck~Greek, thence ru~ing easterly along the highWater mark of Mattituck Creek to thews~terly line of Maiden Lane to the point or place of beginning. TOGE~NERWITH all ~h~right, title and interest of the par~i~ ~f th~irs~ ~rt inand to the lands lying in the ~ed of I~ai~i. Lane, adjacent to the premises above &escribed, to ~he center line thereof. T~,ETEER with all tko right, title and interest of the p~'i0f t~ first part, in and to the waters ~nd the lands l~E!.~d~ theWWaters ef Hattituck Creek adjacent to the Dremmses above desoribed. That said premises were conveyed part by de~d dated Harch 20, 1937 and re~rded Ap~l 21, 19~7, in Libsr 1917, page 1~7 by CLARA W. REEVE; that said premises were thereafter conveyed to H~ROLD R. REEVE,~R. & MARGARET C. P~ ~REAS, the party of ;the second part is the owner of the following described premises: ~TJ, that tract or parcel of land, si£uated, lying and being in the Hamlet of ~a~tituck, To~m of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bo~mded amd described as follows: Northerly by Mattituck Bay, Easterly by Harold Re Reeve, Jr. ~euth~l~ by Ella H. Jones, and westerly by T.L. Hamilton. That said premises~were conveyed te ~he party o£ the second part by Cls_v~W. Reeve, by deed dated April 18, 19~5 and recorded June 25, 19~5 in Liber 2~5~, page 188. WHERF~B, the '~arties ~e~ desire to fi~ a~d establish the bo~udary line between ~he two parcels above mentioned the ~rese~ highwater m~k ~e~ ~ttituck Creek or B~. NOW, ~E~O~, ~ oens~deratiOn ~f ~he D~emises and ef the s~ ~f one ~oIlar~b~ each of ~he D~ties hereto, to the ~ther in h~d paid, the receipt of which is hereby ac~owledged the parties hereto, for ~hemselves~ ~heir he~s, s~ceess~rs ~d assi~s, ceven~t ~agr~e ~t the~.sai~ boldly line be ~d ~he s~e hereby is es~abl~ked as a line ~escribe~ as f oll,ws; - BEG~G at a point o~ the Northerly side~ 9f a lO foot right-of-way, ~g westerly from Maiden~ L~e, ~d lO feet northerly of the boldly line ~f l~d of Ella Jones, said point being 87.75 feet wester- l~ ~ the ~s~erly line of ~aid Maiden L~e~; ~r~- ~i~hence N0rtherly ~n the line ef the p~ti~s hereto 192 feet to ~he former hiEh-water mark of~Hatbi~tuck CreeE, and thence extending Northerly 9~ 85 feet more or less, to the present hm~zWatem ~gk Ma~tit~ck Creek or B~. A photo copy of the~remises of the p~ties ~d She bo~dary ~ine is attached hereto. ~$~ the said parties of the first pas hereby remise, release ~d quit claim ~to the said THO~S B. ~d N~ J. ~, his wife, the sai~ parties of the second D~rt all ;their right, title ~d interest im ~d to ~ land ly~g to the west of the said boldly l~e so established, ~ud t~e said p~ties of the senna p~t hereby remise, release ~d quit claim to ~OLD R. REE~, JR, ~d ~G~T C. his wife, the~arties Df the~ first3~art the~ heirs: assi~s forever all their right, title ~d ~eterest in ~d ~y l~d lying to ~bhe East af said B~da~ l~e so established; IT IS ~U~T OOV~TED ~ AG~ED by ~d b~ween the parties '~'~,;these pre ~at this ~greeme~t shall run with the land and be ~inding upon and e~ure to the benefit ef the respective ~eirs, ,e~e;c~0rs,. ~is~aters~ successors ~d assi~s of each ef '~he ~ies hereto. ~ ~iT~.~,~OF~ ~he parties hereto Cave here~to set their hands ~d seals t~e d~ ~d ye~ .first above i~ the presence of ~.~~~~~ STATE OF NEW YORK; COUNTY 0F SUFFOLE ': SS: On the 2nd Cay of June, 196~, before me. perso~ll~ came HAROLD R. REEVE, ~R., MARGARET C. REEVE, HELEN Z. REEVE and THOM_iS B. REEVE to me k~own to be ;the individuals described in an~ who executed the they executed same. foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that ,i' ~O~k, ~y a ~J~rt~y ef i~s duly elect~ ~u~es ~ ~ v~$ue ~ S~t ~o no,ice ~ulU ~ven ~o ~ ~ ~e~s:'~he~ ~ the 2~ P~U of the fi~s~ pa~.. ~ c~si~e~a~ion of the s~ ~ $~, d~y paid ~o ~he p~y of ~he firs~ pa~ ~fo~ the delivery he=e~ the receipt w~resf is hereby d~ ~- le~e~ has ~ed ~d ~es ~eby ~an~ ~ the saf~ pa~ty ~ in lhe Town ef ~ouShOld, S~ffoik County~ New York~ in accordance w2~ the plans sut~nittede ~ubject, however, to the public right of navigation and sub- Ject to lhe ~ight of the public to pass and repasz aleng that per- Sion of She beach between low and high water mark. On co~ditiol~ however, thai the party 'of the seoc~d part will held the said Trustees and the To~n of Boutheld harmless and free from any and all ~emages and claims arising andeP o~ by virtue of sai~ ~~ the sai~ Te~ o£ $ouShel~, pmr~y of the first pa~, has ~al~ Te~ ea~ed t~se ~esents Tr~tees, the ~y ~TATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OP ~0~ On this 19~7, before .,~N.Y; and FRANEDAWSON~ of' · me d~ly She ~f Southold, Oomnty of New YOrk~ amd were members of ~he Board of Trma~ees ~ said of said Town of Sem~old seal ~e~ such c~p~a~ ~lt ~ s~ ~f~ed r o~e~ of the Bo~ ef of said To~ Southland that each~e s~d~s n~e t~eto as a T~ustee bY l~e ~AROED ~. REC-V~ AND $ON,~ BUILDING CONSTi~./]CTION MATi'ITUCI(, I,il.~'/¥0t~1~,