HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1618 GFALL~-.O~.~,i.,~o" '~ ...... .A~¢D- STA~ES ~'.US! Dlo.~z~=y ViSiBZ~E ~'.~u~±~,,.~ ~,U.~.o~~L~ ~-- BU~VHEADS 5[UST DISPLAY ViSiBLE PEP?IIT b,~Ub~BEP. S ALL D,~,.~i~S A~D ne°rd Of Soutno, d lawn Trustees SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK ~,.,OO.,.b~,G ~O. N/A PERMIT NCo 1618 I]ATE: June 7, 1983 15SUED TO .......... g_ .o.~9..t..~.~.....~.e.~.~ .e_ .R ...................................................................... Pursuanf fo {'he prov~6ons o~ Chao,~er 61B of f~e Laws of ~na Cnag,er .0-; of '~e Laws of ~' '}~e Si'a+e o~ New York, 1893; ' ' "' "~ ,ne SOUTnO,O Town Ordinance en- Sfafe of New Yor~ I .... and fha " flfled"R:C. ~ ULATINC' AND THE PLACINC' OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and REMOVAL Or SA~D, C-RAV_~_ OR Ot, ,=,, MAT:MAL, FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WA~:,,S: and in accordance won fha Resolufion of The Board ado~fed afa meefing helc] on ......~..t!.8¢.....7..~. ,, . 5.06 "by 19.1~..3......, aha in consideration of fha sum of $ ................... pa~o ........................................ g~?_~.~....~.~.~9.~ ..................................................................... of .......... ~.uJ~?ho.g]ze ................................................ lq. Y. and sub-eof ~o the Terms aha CondiHons Jkfed on fha reverse side hereof, ct Soumold Town Trusfees aumonzes an~ permits ina ,o~lowm~: Agglicat±o~ agp~oved u~de= the GrabCl£~the= CJL~use a fixed 24' x 5' fixed dock, a 17' x 3' ramp and a 8' x 14' float in Littie Creek, Cu~chogue. aJ~ ~n accorcance WiTh ,~ne OcTal[co spec~Tlcarlons as presented ]n fha or[gina+ing app]~ca~on. IN V-qTNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trusfees here- ' by causes ifs Corporafe Seal fo be affixed, and fhese pr6s~nfs fo be ~ubscribed by a ma[orify of fha said Board as of fhis daf.e. Boarct Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK MOOP. IiEG NO. N/A PFRMIT NC .]:.6.,!8 ...... DATE: ...- June 7, ISSUED TO ........ P~.r~fch!L ..~4..e..~ .................. 1983 I, ceruify unau the work as authorized in this permin has been completed and is now ready for your inspec- tion. Also, the number required on this ~ropec5 is clearly vlsibte. I further understand this permit is non valid until this ~ear sheet is returned ~o the Trusuees. TERMS and CONDITIONS l'ne Petmi~ Dorothy Redden residing ar 47 A Pinetree Road, Cutchogue, New York 11~3.~., as pan: of the cons{deratiou for the ksstu~nce of the Permit doe~ ,tmders~a~d and ~re~b¢ to tine fol- lowing: 1. That the Southold Trus=ees Permit muse be prominently displayed on the premises effected thereby during the period of 2- l-~a: the said Board- of Trustees and :he Town of Southold are_ released from any a-nd work a~ damages, or claims for damages, of suits arising dire~Ay or Ludirec~dy as a recait of any oFez- under adon performed pu.waant to this permit, and the said Penmit~,e~ ~4At, at his or her own e.._?ez~e, the defend any and all such suits inidazed by thkd pame~, and the ~.{d Permh=~ assames ~ liability . wir..a respect thereto, co the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees o£ d='- Town of Sou~oldPerm!t' 3. That this Pe,-mir is valid foe a period of _O,~;~ .v~.AR which is comidemed ro ~ suffzcient time required to compie:e the work involved, but should ckcamsrunc~ wastage, req,a=t for an .-x-ten,inn may be made to the Board ar a later daze. 4. That this Permit shom!d be retained indefinitely, or as long az the said Permittee wkh~ to maintain the strnceaxe or p~jec~ involved, to provide evidence to anyone concerned that auth- orizanon was originally obtained. 5. That =he work involved will he subject to the haspec~on and approval of the Bomrd or its agents, and non-compLiance with the provisions o£ the originating application, revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 6. That there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation a.s a remit of che wcdz herein authorized. 7. That there shall be no interference with the right of the p~blle to pass and .reps. ss Mong the beadq between high and iow water marks. 8.. That if future opera;inns of the Town of S->uthotd require the removal and/or alterations in ,'he location of ~e work ber~.'n author,zed, or if, ia the opinion of the Boned o£ Tra.~ee% the work shmiI cruse u-~reasonable obstrac~on to free navigation, the said Permit'tee ~-iil t~ requir~--~., upon. due notice~ to remove or alter ~is work or project herein stated without ex?--sen to the Town of Sout,~oId. 9. That the said Board will be noSHed by the PenrEttee oz ~dae completion of tee work anth- od. zed. (See tear off sheet. ) 10. That the Permitree will obtain all other permits and romeos that may be reanired sup- plement~ to this Penrnlr ' ;' wn.cn may be subje~2: to revoke upon failuce ~o obi.;-_same. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold 3Ialn Road $outhold. New York 1!971 NOTICE OF ACTION - MOT A PE~41T To: .......... DD. IrD.~P-Y...~O.Cl~D.,. 47 Pine Tree Road, .C..utchogue, NY 11935 l. Ycur opPI~cotion, dated 5/23/83 . ........................................................................ nas been reviewed by this Board, at o meeting of the Trustees held on June 7, 19 8 3 end resulting in the action, as indicated below: (.....7~7~ t' ............ ) ( ............ Appllcotion approved. Application denied, Application tabled. Comments and remarks: Your application was approved at the June 7, 1983 Trustee meeting. A PER>iTT FEE to t~ orcer at the Board of 5outhola Towh Trustees. This tee is computed below accordi~a to the 5shedut~ of R tBS s .... paid wz~zn ~n ~t ~t%~_~h~t,qq.~hee%~rrn l/l). ~hzs fee ~ust ~e ~ ,n~ ~ome nme. Ir t~e tee ~s prod by mo 1, the permit will be mailed in reply. % .... Com~utotion of Permit Fee: Tctal Fee for this application .................... Si~ned . ... Pra~. Boor~ o,~ Southold Tcwn Trustees. by BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of 5outho!d ~Ia]n Road SoutholJ. N'ew York 11971 APPLICATION r OR FIXED arm/or FLOATING DOCKS 2. Controctor's nome end address: .......................................................................................................................... ~.....:T.¢ !.- ......................... ........... ..... ........................................... '- ................ ....... ........................................................................ [ ................ 4. After issuance of a Permit, work mus~ be completed within one year. LARGE 5. Secure the correc~ A~eo =Mzp ~sm ~he Clerk of ?h~s ~ocr~, und by u~ng slx A C~RCL~ inc~cste as ciose~y us mcssiNe the ~ocuHcn of this dcck. On th~.reverse side of th~s mop, provide a SCALE DRAWING whkh will snow Ordinary High Wo~er Mark, the shape m~e size of rne dock and any supplementa', oilings which cra needed to ho~d a fi~dng dock or tie-up n bo~t. Give aH dimensions necessary to determine the area of the deck surface [,~ffiCH EKTENDS OFFSHOP~ from thee. h.W.~.Zf adjacen~ prope~y owners have docks, specify location and length to scale. 6. V/HI any portion of this constr~ctJon extend offsPore into Tgwn V'/cters beyond on line or bounda~ formed by ether sigher structures clang me otto's shoreline? 7ES o~O~ If it does extena beyond this so<abed icck line indicate by how far, cpmroximatety,. ......... 7. Prcvide the foiIowing documents: (a) A Licensed Engineer's Survev of the prooerw invoived. (b] .e copy of me Contractor's PP3ns gna SpecificationS. ic) Short Environmental Assessment Form. Wetlands Applicat%on this consrrucNon require the t'iHing Of any land o?fs,,ore of the Ordinary High Water Mark or the Dredgmg of any material from Town Lands under wcter? YES or NO. if Pt does, Form A/4 (Application for Dredging/F[iiing) must be campier'ed and attcched os part of this application 9. in requesting aoorova[ of this cgDlication [ subr~it thor: the information presented herein is true and correct to the pest o¢ my knowledge and belief; J em the person cccountobJe for the performance of the wane in accordance w~rn the glans and specificctions attached; [ have invoived; nnd further, i intend ro aonere to :nd cbide by the Terms cad Condidcns of the Permit, 'when and [[ issuea to 10. To expedite finding specific location for inspection, indicate by using a temporary marker~ ~ . . . .,. .. ' 2/82 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRO~tENTAL ASSESS},JENT FOR}4 INSTRUCTIONS': (a) i---~ order to answer the questions in this short EAF it is a.ss-umed that the preparer wlll use currentiy available information concerning the project and the likely impacts of the action. It is not expected that additional studies, research az o¢her ±nvestlgations w111 ba undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the projeot mgy be slgnlflcant and a com.~leted Environmen¢aI Assessment Form ±s necessary. (c) If all questions hove been answered No it is l£kely the± this project is not significant. (dj 6n-~-~ronmen t a t Assessment ~-~--'~ project resul~-~-~ im o large physicel change to the project site or physically olte~ more then 10 acres of land? ....................... Yes '//No 2. ¥till ~here be o major change to cay unique or unusual land form found on the site?... Yes 3~ ~Vill project alter ar have ~ large effect'2n existing body of water? .................... __Yes_~N° $. Will project hove a paten%laity large impact on groundwot.r quality? ...... Yes 5. Will projec~ significantly effec~ drainage flow on dd3ocen¢ si~es? ........ % ............ Yes ~No ~. Will projec% affect any threatened or endangered plan~ or animal species? ........ ~Yes 7. ~;il! projecl result in a major adverse e[~ec¢ on air quality? ............................ ~Yes 8. Will.projec~ hove a major effec{ on vi~uoi chorocter ~f ~he communi[y or scenic views or vistos known %o be impor¢on% ~o [he communily? Yes ~No ~. Will ~roject adversely impoct any site or structure of historic, prehistoric or paleontological importance or any site desiGnofed as ~ critical environmeniai Greo by a local agency? ............. ;..-.-~..,..~--...-.- Yes ~No 10. ~fill projecf have a major effecf on exisfin~ or fufure ~ecreGfionGl opporfunifies? ......... Yes ~No 11. Will projecf resul~ in major froffic problems or cause ~ major effec% ~o existing frGnsporfG¢ion syslems?~'~ ..................... Yes ~No 12. %~111 projecf reGul~rly cause objecfionoble od~rs, noise, Glare, vibrsfion, or elecfricol disSurbonce os o resulf of %he project's operation? .................................... Yes 13. Will project have any impact on public or safe~y? ................................. ---. Yes ~No 14. %~ii1 project affe~ .~he existing, c?mmuni~y by dlrec~ly causing a growth in population of more. %'has 5 percent over a one year period or' have s major negative effec~ om ~he character of ~he community or neighborhood? ..... ' ............................ 15. ts [here public controversy concerming project9 ...... Yes PREPARER'S SiGNATURE~j~ REPRESENTING__ ~oO~~°~ .