HomeMy WebLinkAboutPYLE, REGINA S.Mrs. Regina S. Pyle 50 Newbrook Circle Newton, Ma. 02167 RE: Fisher~s Island Dear Mrs. Pyle Pursuant to your request for an in- vestigation into a possible Wetland Vio- lation on Fisher's Island. Would you please complete the encl- osed Supporting Deposition. This deposit- ion to include the fotl~wing~Your name, address, and a brief description to in- elude the date and time you witnessed the Violation. After completing this have it signed infront of a Notary Public and re- turn to this office. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. SiDcerety Yours, Donald Dzenkowski S.B.C. To~.~n of Southold MEMO FOR THE FILE: 10/21/85 Mrs. Regina Pyle reported that fill was placed on property located on th~.parcet next to the American Legion Hall on Fisher's Island. She advised that the property was in the name of Tony Marshall, Creasant Street, Fisher's Island or it could be listed as Bouton. I referred this matter to John Clavin who advised~ that he was not familiar with making inspections for cases of possible violations. I also contacted Steve Matinowski on Fisher's Island. Then I advised Don Dzenkowski and the Trustees who were going to go over to Fisher,s Island to inspect. The inspection has been done. I am waiting for further information. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOuTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 February 6, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mrs. Regina S. Pyle 50 Newbrook Circle Newton, Ma. 02167 RE: Fisher's Island Wetland Inspection - Possible Violation Dear Mrs. Pyle: Pursuant to your letter of February 2, 1986 regarding the above-referenced matter, please be advised that this matter has been brought to the attention of the Town Trustees and the Bay Constable. This matter is being investigated and I will advise you as soon as I have the report from the Bay Constable. Thank you for your concern. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling, Clerk HP S: ip CC: Bay Constable, Donald Dzenkowski Raymond Jacobs, Supt. of Highways Councilman Raymond W. Edwards Trustees File 50 Newbrook Circle Newton, Ma. 02167 February 2, 1986 Mrs. Ilena Pfifferling Sec. to the Board of Town Trustees Town Hall 53095 Main Raod Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mrs. Pfifferling: Enclosed is a copy of a letter sent to time has passed, I wonder if any resul' able. If so, I would appreciate being 'ou on October 21, 1986. As some of the investigation are avail- advised. Sincerely, Regi~la S. PYle Pflfferiing th~ Board of To~n T~tees Road ~ ~.~. Pfiffe=ling: ~-~t~ful ts ~ ~t Four offi=~ ~n Initia~ ~n in~st!gati~n the staO~s of ~%e ~rc~l. an~ ~at Day C~-nst~hle. Steve Slnc~reiy, 50 Newbrook Circle Newton, Ma. 02167 February 2, 1986 Mrs. Ilena Pfifferling Sec. to the Hoard of Town Trustees Town Hall 53095 Main Raoo Southotd, New York 11971 Dear Mrs. Pfifferling: Enclosed is a copy of a letter sent ~o you on October 21, 1986. As some time has passeo, t wonoer if any results'of the investigation are avail- able. If so, I would appreciate being advised. Sincerely, Reg~a S. P']vle