HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/2018 � uTOWN OF SOUTHOLD
Monthly Report: May 2018
The brochure was an insert in the May 10 Suffolk Times. They were distributed to local libraries,
grocery stores and delis. Registration began on this same day. A list of upcoming programs can be
viewed on the Town's website and are being promoted on the display monitor in the Recreation
Unfortunately several issues arose with the online registration portal on registration day. This
resulted in registrants experiencing difficulties when signing up for classes. This was immediately
brought to the attention of the IT Department. While the errors were corrected by the company a
week later, it resulted in an increase in the workload for staff and agitated residents.
LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS: 19 youth completed the classroom portion of this
blended learning course. They are now completing the online-portion independently. On June 18th,
the youth will come back together at the Southold Town Beach for their final test.
2018 SUMMER SEASONAL STAFF: Interviews for summer staff were held on May 15 & 16th.
Recommended hires will be presented at the June 5th board meeting. The prospective applicant for
the NEW Assistant Beach Manager position has also been prequalified by civil service. Since the
beach attendants' schedules were extended to five days/week, additional staff has been secured.
STAFF MEETING: A mandatory meeting will be held for all new and returning Summer
Seasonal Staff on June 12th and June 19th. All staff must attend one of the two evening
sessions. Bloodborne pathogen and Lyme disease training program will be covered in this
meeting courtesy of Wright Insurance.
LIFEGUARD RECERTIFICATION: Margaret Tuttle will be offering a recertification course for
our returning lifeguards on June 19th at the Town Beach in Southold. Returning employees
can receive both the CPR recertification as well as the full lifeguard recertification on this day.
ACCOUNTING PAPERWORK: All forms for the accounting department have been updated
and compiled for both re-hires and new hires. This packet includes W-4; I-9; IT-2104;
retirement system forms; employee information; personal health history; and the
acknowledgment of receipt of employee handbook; release forms for the new and
checks; etc.
Department of Health Services' Bathing Beach Operating Permits have been received. They will be
posted at the beaches prior to opening day on June 23rd.
RECREATION DEPARTMENT DEPOSITS & EXPENDITURES: Following are copies of our monthly
bank statement. Please note that any withdrawals on the bank statement are program refunds for
those participants who paid with a credit card.
Janet Douglass
Recreation Supervisor
Summary of Accounts
Account Type Account Number Ending 13aanee
Now Pubic Rlindlq XXXXXX5647 $,89,843.26
Now Public F u ids-)CXXXX 5647'
Account Summary Interest Summary
Cate Description Amount Description Amount
OSM1120% Beginning Ralance $62,119.77 Annualll Percentage,YIeICId IE-arned 0.05%
40 Ciredit(s),°tlliis,Illeriod $2"P',8$8 19 Interest Days 31
3 Deltait(s)']Ws Period $144.70 Interest(Earned $3.1'9
055,1120119 Ending BMante $839,943.26 Interest(Maid"M"hisIPer'i id $3.1'9
Interest Flaid Year-lo-Date to .$9.862
MilniMirn Ballince $862,1174"7"7
Average Ledger Balance $75,329.33
Average A amdltale Balllance $75,061.59
Now Public Fuin,,AAs,XXXXXX.5647
Dalie DeazEignion Amourdi
W1712DIS DEPOSIT ,$35,00
W2 1;I120 18 DEPICOSIT It a 5 of.,5
W.2 1 t2fj 18 DEPOSIT $25D.100
0 9�2 r�I12 fj 18 D EPA ru S IT' S 7 Pkr.i5 01.1
W.2"M2D 18 DEPOSIT $79DA30
0 S e 2 1;I12 0 18 D E F,ru S IT 5005,00
W.2&W 18 DEPOSIT $11�05&100
0 92 1;I12 fj 18 DEPICOSIT 1 �'.i 105 of.,5
ElectrankL Credits
DiMe Diewription u
Q,Wl 12D 18 BANKCARD MTOT BEF49M94136,9122D 1 "$155'100
09,MT;I12018 BhNKD%RDl MTOT DIEP4468941 ,09 Q201 v1pirl of.,5
QfAW2D 18 BANKCARD MT0T0E,,P't9&RFAl3BR122Dl "$80.100
09MV2018 Bv.ro,s'rLFJ'T lK.100MM 19,38412 $2,9170501,1
WIV2DIS 01000'STLIVIT 3a,30,09a'19,388912 $695,100
Mel 4,'y 701 S BANKCARD'NITOTDIEP4990,94 13,19"U20 M $2,2251 00
O&MM IS BANKCARD MT0TBE,,P't9&R9fl3BR122Dl58,56D.100
0 9�150201 S BhNKD%RDl MTOT DIEP44MW 13,09 U201 s 154 5 of.,5
''1 W2fj 18 d 'TLM'T 300109819M-912 5200.,W
09?11 12018 BANKCARD,MTOT DIEI:�'4,403894 13i9 U201 1,275 01.1
W1712DIS BANKCARD MTOT BEF498MA1,389122b 1 505,100
09MT;I12018 BBA M STILNIT 11100N 1938412154 5of.,5
MI&2DIS BKC0 STLMT 3a30l1 519M-§12 "$3D.100
0 9�10,2701 S BhNKD%RDl MTOT DIEP44MW 13N1g t2201 $5150f.,5
rJ,&2t('2D 18 BANKCARD MT0TEWEP,t9gB941369122fil $,195,100
09921;I'201 8 BKAM,STLNIT 1,9300N 193M2 '$1P1 5 fif.1
W.2&W 18 BANKCARD M 7 OTBEP498B FAl MR 1 22D I $A50.100
0 92,2,t 2 fj 18 BBA M STILNIT 11.10054M 1938.9.12 S1505of.,5
M.202D 18 BANKCARD MTOTBE,P4,98B FW 36,9"122D1 WD.W
09?2,'JJ201 8 0K.CD,STLKAT11'.10r.398 1938.9.12fill
WT '23M BANKCARD MTOT BEF498MA1,38,9122b 1 $935,100
W24,1201 8 BBA M STILNIT 1110054J 193841�: 5o
0,&.2U2fj 18 BANKCARDMTOT'DE�,,P'4,gSB94'136,9122DI $,43D.100
W25.0 20 18 BBA M STILNIT 1110054J 1938.9.12 slorl of.,5
CW2&r2D 18 BANKCARD MT0TDEP498B941369122fil $445,100
0 Se 2 P 201 S BANKCARD,NITOTDIEP 4990,94 13,19"U20 M 5125,00
WMD 18 BANKCARD MT0TBE,,P't9&R9fl3B,9l22Dl $11 SAM
129PL7018 BhNKD%RDl MTOT DIEP4.4..BaW 137541g t2201 V1205 of.,5
Q,&3W2D 18 BANKCARD M T OTBEP49W FAl 36,91 22D 1 S.100
0 9?�I r.�)I�120 1 a MAIM,STOAT W'100M 193841,2 S15501.1
0,N'3 MD 18 tiCARD MTOT BEF498894136912254)"I
840runke Debits
Dwz DamEillsbul Amu
QW7 t2fj 18 BANKCARD MTOTBEP498R94136,9122D 1 "MAjo
0 9t0ii x'201 S 19,.39,9 12&,rjUT HOLD TOWN RE,CRJEA:TNDIF.MCPDUNT $84 705
WIMM BANKCARDMTOT'DE,,P'tgW94'136,9122DI ,$20.100
batty lga14anieve
Dole AranQUrnN ate, Arnpoung, Etste Amou
Ml,IQ,6,18 VM,,S',,coll ofirl 6 Wl
X11MAVAM,V3624tZ'1'?11, 11&1 11&1rW�°0 1 a $76,521,0? 0&42 1112M 6 'A 6,6 1 IS Al I?
MIMI IYXJ It 91 $62,4RJAll M"IM2018OMA=0 16, sta,42.5.0
�Now Public FuII11 ids-X'X'X'X'X (continued)
Daiily Balances(continued)
0512312018 $87„450.07 05f25120 18 $55,4710.97 0513W29118 $89,475.07
051M2018 $87,925.07 M12912018 $59,230..07 []5131P20118 $89,543.26
Overdraftand Returned Item Fees
Total for this period Totalyear-to-date
7otelll Overdraft(Fees $0,00
Totalll Returned Inter Fees 50.00 $0,00