HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-254 AmendHENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1197t TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 June 29, 1987 Mr. Merlon E. Wiggin, Ph.D., M.E. President Peconlc Associates, Inc. One Bootleg Alley P. O. Box 672 Greenport, New York 11944 Sal Prato Project Kerwin Blvd. Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Wiggin: Your recent request to amend the above referenced approval has been reviewed at the Trustee meeting held on June 25, 1987. Your request has been approved by resolution adopted at this meeting to reflect the elimination of the fenced storage area and the increase in the width of the building by ten (10) feet. This letter is an amendment attached thereto. ~P S: ip cc: to the original permit and as such, shall be Ail other terms and conditions remain as written in the original permit. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Robert A. Greene, D.E.C., Stony Brook Commissioner Henry G. Williams, D.E.C., Albany ~Stephen Mars, Army Corps of Engineers Thomas Hart, Coastal Management Conservation .Advisory c~uncil Bldg. Dept., Planning Board, Board of Appeals ONIC ASSOCIATES, INC ENGINEERING & PLANNING CONSULTANTS One Bootleg Alley P,O. Box 672 Greenport, New York 11944 Telephone: ($16) 477-0030 ASSOCIATES: Fairweathe~ Brown Architects Gannet Fleming Engineers R.P. Morrow & Associates Winery Design Planners East Environmental Planning Wilhelm Atlantic Co. Financial Planning June 3, 1987 Southold Town Board of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, L. I. New York 11971 Trustees Re: Sal Prato Project Kerwin Boulevard Greenport, New York. Gentlemen: Based on recent discussions with Town officials, it has been suggested that we request an amendment to subject permit In accordance with attached submittal to the Planning Board, which shows the Fenced storage area eliminated and the building width increased by ten (10) feet. This change is in accordance with that described during the public hearing. Would you please initiate appropriate action accomplish same. Sincerely, PECONIC ASSOCIATES, INC. Merlon E. Wiggin, ~b/?/D.,M. President EJ Enclosure cc: Mr. Sat Pr'ato MEW/iw TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF 50UTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD, NEW YQRK WETLANDS PERMIT This Wetlands Permit No. ,..2...5,.4. ........... has been granted by the Town Trustees according information furnished in Application No.....3.,2...2....~..,.. flied by Applicant .D...a..Y..s,~.,a0~..~X.~.J,~.,...---/i ........................................ om qc.~q.b..e..~...~..l. ...... 19,...8...6... A map of the proposed work will be ke~? on file in the Trustee 0 trice under the application number given. Permit. granted to do the following work ~'~`~p~'~.a~c'~e~'2~'~'~'C'~:~'¥~s~':~'q:[~'~`~`~ ....... ~ property located on Kerwin Blvd., Greenport. .. · sa.s...%..s..i..d.,e... ......... Location of property on which work to .......................... --.~ Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property ..... ..N./...A. .......................... Size of work: Length ..... .7..5.,:. Width 150 ' Height Above High Water N/A Depth J3elow Low Water N/A Yards to be Excavated N/A Yards to be Filled ............. .2..0..0.....c..u.....,.yds. Manner in which material is to be removed or deposited ..... .T.,o...b...e....b...r,.o...~.~ht in truck and spread by front end loader: ........................ ' Business Intended use of property .......................................................................................................... ~? r~..- That the site is st~bil.i.,z...e..d..w..i...t..h...v..e..~.e..t..~.,t...~QD..[.t..9, ~.~c_e~.erl~ Conditions if any .............................................................................. -~,~,,~ its erodin..q,, leachi..n~, or othe.r...w.,i.s.e, .en,.t..e..r..i,.n.~...i...n..t..o... Expiration Date ,D.~.c...e..m..b...e..r.,. 26, 1986 if work has not ~ - - 2 Trustees a.r..e..t.o.b noti~ Number~ of lDopections Required ............................................ comp-etlon of same. Inspection Fees ~..5,,;.~0..O.....~..a...i..~.. re..c...e,~..a~, 3.QJ],9.2 ..... - Liability Policies in the Amount of The validity of this oermit is or may be subiect to the approval of other governmental or authorities. The Town accepts no responsibiliw in applying for or obtaining such event that such aDoroval is necessary, the holder of this permit shall not commence operations he,,ll~ uneer until sucn approval bas been obtained in writing. The failure to obtain such other apI recu[rcd shall subject this permit to immediate revocation by [he Trustees Trustees- of written notice from such otl~er governmental or municipal authq dis; 3proval. The applicant does by the acceotance of this permit, assume all responsibility for operations taken pursuant to this ~ermit. and shall take all precautions for the prevention of i~,juries to and property resulting from such operations. Bv such acce~tance, the appiica~t ::',;c ~ ?: .-s ~ and save harmless the Town. and its officers, agents and employees from ~ -~:~ from operations under this permit and any and all acts or omissions of spphc~nt, h~s sgent amd employees. The applicant and the owner and occupants of the premises upon which the operations authorized bv ~is. permit are being conducted, do, by the acceptance ~f th~s permit, g~ve consent to the Town, end its officers and empJovees to enter upon the premises where such opera~ions are being conducted make such Inspections as the Town may deem n~cessa~ [o insure that such operations ducted in conformity with this permit. This. operation will not substantiallv: A. Adversely affect the wetlands of the town, B. Cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation. C. Cause saltwater intrusion into the fresh water resources of the town. D. Adversely affect fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and ration or the natural habitat thereof. Increase the danger of flood and storm-tide damage. F. Adversely affect navigation on tidal waters or the tida', flow of the tidal waters of the town. G. Cbange the course of any channel or the natural movement or flow of any waters. H. Weaken or undermine the aterai supFo?t of other lands i~] the vicinity. I. Otherwise adverse!y affect the health', safety a,nd general welfare of the people of the tow~. ..... ~... Board of Southold 'rowa " . ........ ..: .... .:... ':....: ....... HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 ~EI~EPHONE (516) 765-1892 January 30, 1987 Mr. Merlon E. Wiggin Peconic Associates, Inc. One Bootleg Alley Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Sal Pr~to - Wetland Application Dear Mr. Wiggin: The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees during their regular meeting held on January 29, 1987 regarding the above referenced matter. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Sal Prato submitted by Peconic Associates, Inc. for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Kerwin Blvd., Greenport. Please stake the p~operty for inspection. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact this office at the telephone number listed above. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Town'~i] $309~ '~ai; R&~d p.o. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL March 25, 1987 To: Southold Town Trustees From: CAC The following recommendations were made at the regular meeting of the Southotd Town Conservation Advisory '.held March 20, 1987: No. 489 - Geddes Parsons - Approval with stipulations as per letter from John Thatcher of Fishers Island. ,No. 490 - Sal Prato - Recommen_~L.gl2p~ No. 491 - Nick Tsouris - Recommend approval but suggest that applicant work with the Southold Town Kenney's Beach Erosioh Committee. No. 492 - Ralph Levy - Approve application but suggest permtt be withheld until possible violations have been rectified. (Upon inspection of property it was discovered that a 4" diameter hose was being used to drain water from driveway into the creek, also there is a deck being constructed but no permit is displayed. In addition there are questions as to whether the dock on premises; has been issued a permit.) No. 493 - Bernhard Peper - Recommend approval. No. 494 - ~Jiaan LaCaille - Recommend approval. No. 495 - Gull Pond Dawn C;o~p. - Recommend approval. No. 496 - Deep Hole Creek Association - Recommend approval if the fill is is placed on beach on east.side. No. 497 - Nicholas Micciche - Recommend approval. No. 498 - Dana Fox - Recommend approval. No. 499 - Henry Stasiukiewicz - Recommend approval with the stipulation that apolican'¢ leave of 35~ natural ,½vegetation buffer between ho~se arid creek. No. 500 - Anthony and Chrolyn Leggio - Recommend approval but suggest the Trustees withhold the permit pending any citatio~qs or penalties because of work conducted without the proper permit. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 'FELEPH OlhrE f516~ 765-1892 IDENTITY OF APPLICANT 5al Prato PHONE NO (516) 477-2487 ADDR£SS OF APPLICANT Main Road, Green.k_~£~_~X .... TAX MAP NO. district- 1000 section- 53 b~ock--2_____~l~=~_ PERMIT REeUESTED TO construct a 30' x 40' and a 30~ x 50~ fenced ~n starers, area. PHONE NO- (516) 477-0030 LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR WHICH PERMIT WANTED Kerwin Blvd., Southold Wiq_g_~!_ L._.Aafi~=_~2~A~2%~_N~I~___llRAA- CREEK, BAY OR HARBOR FRONTING PROPERTY none SIZE OF PROPOSED WOR~ 30' X 40' and 30' x ~' FROM AFORESAID LOCATION WIDTH HEIGHT ABOVE HIGH ~ATER 4.5' DEPTH BELOW YARDS TO BE YARDS TO BE LOW ~ATER ~/^ EXCAVATED N/A FILLED WIDTH OF CANAL, CREEK OR SAY FRONTING PROPERTY N/A DEPTH AT LOW TIDE N/A N / A (~_e_e__w_e t 1 a n__d_s_ p~e_r_m_i_t__n_o_._ 254__a t__t_a_c_h_e_d)___ TIDE N/A AVERAGE RISE DISTANCE TO THE DISTANCE PROJECT EXTENDS BEYOND SIMILAR PROJECTS IS THIS FOR PRIVATE OR BUSINESS USE? business AREA ZON ! NG~ B L i MANNER NEAREST CHANNEL_2~_ .... FT. (Pipes Cove) IN THE AREA N/A IN WHICH MATERIAL WILL BE REMOVED OR DEPOSITED_~N~ FT. INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY commercia] buildinq and szoraq_~ area DESCRIBE ANY LNOWN PRIOR OPERATIONS CONDUCTED ON THE PREMISE none AND WHETHER ANY PRIOR LICENSE OR PERMITS "AVE BEEN ISSUED TO STRUCTURES OR TO DREDGE OR DEPOSIT FILL ON SAID PREMISES AND WHETHER ANY PERMITS OR LICENSES WERE EVER SUSPENDED OR REVOKED BY A GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY__~_permit no. 10 - 05 0426 ~L~ ahd Town Wetlands permit no. 254 (fi]l) __ DESCRIBE FULLY THE REHABILITATION AND PROPOSED CONDITION OF THE PREMISES AFTER THE WORK IS COMPLETED INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL SURVEY OF THE PROJECT SITE IF NECESSARY____~ area to be sta~£Zjzed with ~$j~_~_preven~ erosion. Also roof run-off to be diverted ..... ~_~£~ wells. WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE O~I~FER ./~F TJ-IE ~OPERTY~ IF NOT THE SAME AS THE ARE THERE ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS IN YOUR DEED THAT WOULD PROHIBIT THIS PRO~ECT? 20 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK )SS: Merlon E. Wiggin/Peconic Associates, Inc. BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT HE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS, AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THAT THE WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY SE APPROVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND SI GNATURE OF APPL] APPROVED "WETLANDS" PERMIT (CHAPTER 97) APPROVED "BOAT,DOCKS, WHARVES" PERMIT (CHAPTER 32~ DISAPPROVED "WETLANDS PERMIT" (CHAPTER 97) DISAPPROVED "BOATS,DOCKS, WHARVES" PERMIT CONDITIONS, IF ANY (CHAPTER 32) EXAMINING BODY SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN COMPUTATION OF FEES Approved 2/27/85