HomeMy WebLinkAboutSH RES 256 & 257 } .3 Southampton Town Board,,,,- 7, Meeting: 02/23/16 06:00 PM 116 Hampton Road Department:Town Council Southampton, NY 11968 Category: Miscellaneous Prepared By:Jamie Cunning'ham ` a •` SCHEDULED Initiator: Christine PrestonScalera'- Sponsors: Councilwoman Christine Preston Scale�a' TOWN BOARD RESOLUTIOONw20.16,257,,: ,m-r ,-DOC ID: 24309 Memorializing_aResolution in,Support-=of Assembly,,BHIAA 736,8 andSenateBilIS.P 1:8.0 Asp ItRelaesto the Tow;nho,fuEast Hampton's::Acceptance,.of„FundingJ r.-the EastpHampton Ai�r,,port- WHEREAS, pursuant,;to Assembly rBill A. 7368 '_and Senate;Bill S. {5r180LltNew York,,State Assemblyman,cFred,Thigle,and Senator Kenneth.LaValleshave proposed legislation,to:amend the;town law,, in `relation-to,makingacceptance of,state or federal;assistance for, the airport or aviation projects at,a_town airport subject,to permissive referendum;�and W, WHEREAS, the Town of East Hampton is the proprietor and operator of the East Hampton Airport; and,,-.- WHEREAS, nd,.;WHEREAS, excessive aircraft noise from the increasing traffic of jets, seaplanes, and other propeller craft, ;most especially,.helicopters,r,appropghing .ands-leaving,,,the.,.East,:Hampton Airport, ,has interfered;-with,the East{End-residents'peacef�li;enjoyment of,theirry,properties, and-has resulted mole.particularly in�a,deleterious,effect uponthe;quality�of;life.of;many of the residehts,oflthe Town.of Southampton and. WHEREAS, the shifting around of aircraft routes and noise impacts, whether invidious or fair, is;pat-,a permanent.solution,to,the:excessive noise imp}a5 bt4rdens,from said air traffic; and i'{`.i`. "F,'” ��':;J,1 ` Ai- V f'i iJ: zR .'r70-o"r t�l . .,.'r, cS- ,t WHEREAS, the Town of Southampton acknowledges that proprietary control of the airport ist, hindered ,by, ;the,,acceptance 1of, FederalJunds, but—is t pggitional4y „aware;;tha11 t,_capit pxp,'enditures relative t(?,thq airport,are,tied to,the;budgetary cgnstraints,_of-the Tgwn,of,�ast Hampton; ,and, • 'r, ,a't .._, •' "J! : r. ,a. J 19 ,.t;' 1iB 9f', O" �'. - .' c':,:•, •2� `{,_ WHEREAS, with that in mind Assembly Bill A. 7368 and Senate Bill S. 5180,-w' h require that ;any-- suture state: or.;federal funding t_of, the, East,H An,,top Airport,,be subject,,-oto permissive referendum,_remains,,stalled•"in both -the,`,Senpte.and,Qssernbly.,,Commjittee,on Local Governments-,and;.the Town• of;Southampton,,;respectfully.,urges,,the,chairs of,both committees,to move this,legislation.forward-,now,therefore be,it;, � 1 ., s :Lit z. "'•i 's. f ` RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the,Town of Southampton hereby fully supports Assembly BilI,A.,7368, ,sporisoredrby Assemblyman ;Fred T.hiele,,,and,Senate,Bill; S. •5.180, sponsored by ,5enator Kenneth,LaValle,, in relation to,:the,acceptance;of state or;federel assistance,for_the,lairpq,rt or, aviation projects;at a,,town (airport:subject to permissive referendum; and be.it,further RESOLVED, that the Southampton Totwn Clerk;is.hereby•authorized,and directed to.transmit a .copy of_;ithis. resolution to.AssemblyJman:Fred Tfiiele,,.Senator Kenneth LaValle, Senator Kathleen A. Marchione, Assemblyman,William;Magnarelli and,Governor.,Andrew•Cuomo. Financial:Impact None ,.... •,,, Updated: 2/17/2016 11:13 AM by Jamie Cunningham,. Page 1 11'°�'' . Southampton Town Board, _"'c''Meeting: 02/23/16'06:00;PM 116 Hampton Road Department:Town-Council 'a Southampton,NY 11968 Category: Miscellaneous,`' ! Prepared By: Jamie Cunningham i.. SCHEDULED t` Initiator: Christine Presfo'dScalea Sponsors:Councilwoman Christine Preston Sca►era w TOWN BOARD.RESOLUTION-2016=25G;_..'~' _ _ y' `'' `JJOC.ID:-24308 Memone lizin"g�R6 lotion'in{S_uppo'rV6VAsseii .' Bill'A '5245 ani�l��Cdn'��a�Ril'1°C�'��471�fl'c�ItgRslatac9 tip#hRa��Tti�iv p "y .-n--ofi=East Hampton's Acce�p'Lances'of"fl=u'nding�°dor-theT'East- Hil ptor j 3 Airport WHEREAS; pii'rsua�ntAtb Assembly`Bill A: (5245 and Senate"BiIT'S. 4690; -New York=Btate Assemblyman`Fred;Thiele°and Senator`Kenneth L'avak have proposed legislation to-aritend the local finance'IaW`in'r'elafion'to`'the issuan'te�of bonds to'firiance 1airp6rt improvetnents'at the East Hampton'Airport f lofder`to'extend''thebonding''pehod for eir'pori improvements; and ss '".J)f.!: ,.!^ .,.7 '_,';1' �t7 1+1j;,'r P, € , e 1,, t.1 r, .s.'°• r .. . - 1t,. .. Srt, :r WHEREAS, the Town of East Hampton is the proprietor and operator of the East Hampton Airportmoi! ; and .. ':_.iCi2tlg:_; '' !t• _.._ _ �:ti r.'!"• Jj' ;v WHEREAS,-`excessi've'ai'rcraft' 'oise,fr`om,`the;fincrea`singg-t`r'aff'c`:of jets,,`seaplanes, a_rid"other propeller"craft; niost`'espe'cially{�ielicopters approaching' and' l`eavin'g 'fhe' East Hampton AirpoFt;'hds`jinterfered1wiflh the'`East`End residents"peaceful enjoyment"of their properties; and has resulted more particularly in a deletefidug"6ffect'u06h the quality of life of-many of the residents of the Town of Southampton; and , e,!:_if)r•. t '}.,r€__.r;, ,x:3`.'3�:!'� .. �1r''!'}!7 ,tf't err'.!" ,..: {, .�.irr )it"� r• "•i Cf'S WHEREAS,''the'sliifking�arouri'd�of'aircraft routes'x6`nd 'nois6li ipacts,'Whether invidious de fair, is not a permanent solution to the excessive noise impact burdens from said air traffic; and WHEREAS,!the-Town of`South'arrlpton ackn6wle'dges'tfi