HomeMy WebLinkAboutPHILLIPS, DAVID~Y 9~ ~. D~vid Phillips Mill L~ue ~ttit~ck~ New York 11952 Phillips: it ~hme com~ to the attention Of the Board of Southold T~n Trumt®es ~h~t you h~ve placed a mooring in Mmttit~ck Creek without obtaining~p~rmit~ You mrs in violation of Chapter 32 Article I Subsection 52~!0 which states in part ~No per,on ~zll place auy piles, stake~ buoys~ piers~ docks~ b~eads ~er or edjac~t to ~t~rs ~ ~e ~ of ~u~old~ ..with u= f~st ob~ a pe~it ~for ~m the Boa~ of ~te~s of ~e To~ of ~u~ld.~ I am enciosi~g mpplicmtion and location ~ap. Please complete these according to the instructions and return to this orifice together with applicmtion fee of $5.00 i~mediat~ly ~ ~ours truly ~ ~riet Brush~ Clerk Board of Town T~stees