HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1052Board Of $outho[d Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 1052 DATE: December 2, 19 ISSUED TO ........... ~ - _ Dave .Phillips Pursu~n+ fo +he ;~rovi~ions of Chaplet 6~5 of +he Laws of +he Sfefe of New York [893: end C:hepfer 404 o{ +he L~ws of +he Sf~fe of New York 19~2: ~nd +he Soufho~d Town Ordbence en- fffbd "REGULAT~N~ AND TH~ PLACIN~ OF OBSTRUCTIONS ~N AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS ~nd +he RE~OVAL OF SAND, ~RAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FRO~ LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS:" ~d b accordance wifh +he Resolufion of 7he Boerd adopfed ~f ~ meefing held on De~ember 19 74, and in consideration of fhe sum of $ 5.00 paM by of ~.~..RQ~d, ~ttituck, N.Y. and sub[ecl fo fhe Terms and Condffions [[sled on fhe reverse s]de hereof, of Sou+hold Town Trusfees aufhorizes and perm[+~ fhe {oJ[ow[ng:. Granted ~ermisszon to consLrucg a 93 ft. eroszon control bulkhead on applicant's proper~y on Mill Road, Mattituck, New York, all in accordance wffh fhe de+aged spec[f[cafions as preen+ed ]~ +he or]ginafing appilcaf]on, iN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trusfees h~re- by causes ifs Corporafe Seal fo be affixed, end fhese prese~fs fo be subscribed by e majorffy of +he sam Board as of fhJs daf.e. ~/ /Tr~steds T~:RMS and CONDiTiONS The Permittee Mrs. Dave Phillips Mill Road, N~ttituck, New York 11952 residing ar pa~ of the consi&ration for the iss~mnce of the Permit does understand and preu:N~ to the fol- lowing: I. That the said Bcrard o£ Trustees and the Town o[ Southold are released from tony gad all damages, or claims for damages, of suits arising directly or indirectly as a result of any oper- ation performed putsuan~ to this permit, and the said Permit'tee will, at his ot her own expense, defend any and ail such mits initiated by third parries, and the said Permittee ~sumes with respect thereto, ro the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of the Town {ff Southold 2. That this Permit is valid [or a period of 12 mos. wklch is considered to Ne the estimated rime re~ulred m complete the work involved, but should circumstances warrant, request for an exmnslon may be made to the Board at a later date. 3. That this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long ~s the said Perm/=ee wi~es to maintain the structure or project, involved, co provide evidence to anyone concerned that anth- or~zafion was originally obtained. 4. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or irs agents, and non-compIlance with the provisions of the originating application, may be cause for revocanon of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be no unreasonable interference with nav/gation as a result of the work herein authorized. 6. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public ro pass mud repass aiong the beach benveen high and low water marks. 7. Ti'mt if future operations of the Town of Swat/mid require the removal and/or aiterations in the location of the wod~ herein audmrlzed~ or if, in the opinion of the Board of Trustee% the work shall cause unreasonable obsmacnon to free navigation, the said Permitter win be r~cluit~I~ upon due notice, to remove or alter this work or pro,iect herein stated without expenses to the Town of Southold. $. That the said Board will Ne notified by the Permitter os the compl~lion of the work auth- orized. 9. That the Permitter will obtain all other permits and consents .that amy be required sup- Piementai m this permit which may be subject ro revoke upon failure to obtain same. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of $outhold kMa~n Road $outho]d. New York ] 197! James H. Rambo, Inc., Wunnewena,Road, ~utchogue, New.York 11935 rot .................. '~)~'"K~'l'"'fJ~%'~'"~R'fii'{~'~'7'"~il'i'"lS'&'~'i '~St'~k'~'~, "m'~'e-Y~ t~''~ ~ ~952 1. Your application, doted ..... ..N.oy..e.mb..%~. 3.2....]:9.74: ...................... nas been reviewed bY thk~ Board, at o meeting of the Trustees hela on .............]~.q.e...m..b..e..~i....2.,....%.cJ.7..4. .......................................... anc resulting in the action, os indkated below: /kpplication approveo. Application den[ed. Application tabled. Comments ana remarks: 3. If your application is approved a~ove, A Permi[' Fee's now due. ana shouid oe made pc.,y~Ne ro the order of the Board of Southold Town Trustees. This fee is corr. puted below xcordmg ro the Schedule of Rates as set fortb in me lnstruct[on Sheet (Form [f the Permit Fee is paid in person to rne Secretory of the Board The Permit wdi be os~cmas~c at the same time. If the fee is paid by mail, the permit will oe mailed in reply Computation of Permit Fee: Ail on applicant's own property. Filing Fee $5.00 Total Fee for this application ............................................................ $ 5..,..0..0. ......................... Chin. Board of Southold Town Trusrees ................... BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Main Road APPLICATION FOR A BULKHEAD, DIKE, OR JETTY 1. Does this project ir).veh~ the use of WETLANDS os defined in the Southold Town Wetlands through the Town Clerk's Office Ordinance? YES o Nr(~). If it does, you must file 2. Is the proposed work en,ti~ithin the boundaries of your own property as substantiated by your Deed or Survey? (YES flor NO. If it is, a Permit is NOT required from this Board, but the Town Building Inspe"~Cor should be contacted for full details. 5. Explain briefly the purpose of this applic~ti5~! :..&~...~.~ ............ After issua:nce of Permit, I expect to: (mark with on X) (a) Commence work -- AT ONCE ............ ; ASAP ...~.....; UNKNOWN TIME ............. (b) Complete work in- 1 DAY ............ ; 1 MO....~.......; 1 YR ............. ; FUTURE ............. Secure the correct Area Mop from the Secretary of this Board, and by using an X WITHIN A CIRCLE as a mark, indicate as closely as possible the Ioca.tion of this project. On the reverse side, provide a SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary High Water Mark as well as the size and shape of the structure or work to be done. Also include oil dimensions for portions which extend offshore from the O. H. W. M. Provide the following documents: (al A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plan and Specifications. Does this project extend into Town Waters beyond a,n imaginary line/ew-b~undory formed by existing works of a similar nature o{ NO.~ along this area's shoreline? YES . f it does, state the approximate dJstan.ce beyond, ............ ft. Will this construction require lhe Filling of any land offshore of the Ordina, c~-I~l~h Water Mark or the Dredging of any material from Town Lands under water? YES .o N~lf it does, Form A/4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) must be completed and attached as part o.f this application. In requesting approval of this application, I submit tho,t: the information presented herein is true and correct to the: best of my knowledge and belief; I am the person accountable for the performance of the work in accordance with f'ne plans and specificati.ons attached; I have read or am familiar with the provisions of any Southold Town Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; and further, I intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Permit, when 'and if issued to me. Accepteck by: