HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERRONE, FRANCISBOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516] 76~1892 June 18, 1984 Mr. Chester Begley, Acting President Southold Town Baymen's Assn., Inc. Post Office Box 523 Greenpor~, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Begl. ey: Board President Henry P. Smith would like to advise you that the application for Dr. Francis Perrone to cons~ruc~ a catwalk, ramp and floating dock a~ the edge of Gid's Island, Orient has been withdrawn~ Very truly yours, Ilene Pfifferling, Secret~ary Board of Town TrusTees for: Henry P. Smith, Presiden; CC: Arthur C. Tyrrell P.O. Box 14 425 King Street Orient, NY 11957 425 KING STREET ORIENT, NY 11957 Southold Town Baymen's Assn. Inc. POST CFFICE BOX 523 GREENPORT, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. 11944 June 13~ 1984 Mr. Dennis ~g. Cole New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Bldg. 40, Room 219 Stony Brook, ~o Y. 11794 RE: TIDAL !~ETLANDS APPLICATION 10-84-0175 Dear Mr. Cole, I am writing to register the Southold Town Baymen's Asso- ciation's objection to the application cited above° It is well knov~ to your Department that Haliock~s Bay pro- vides a livelihood To many fishermen who harvest thousands of bushels of shellfish there -- a major source of income to this East End area. I would mention also that to help maintain this high level of productivity the Baymen's Association and Southold Town have cooperated for the last fiEteen years in a shellfish conservation program. We feel that She building of houses on the edge of the bay would threaten what we have worked hard to achieve and maintain over these many years. This wetZands application, following as it does a recent proposal for construction on Gid's Island, indicate~ the growing pressure exerted by speculators to develop this untouched ~ract and, with the example of Great South Bay~ argues for a conservation plan for the whole periphery of Hallock's Bay~ Sine er~e~~~ Chester Begley Acting President cc: ~. Prank Mu=phy, Supervisor, To~n of Southold Board of Trustees, Town of Southold Planning Board, Town of Southold Assemblyman Joseph Sawicki May~ 7, 1984 Henry P~ Smlth~ President Board of To~ Trustees M~in Road Southold~ N~T. Dear Mr. Sm_th. On behalf of Francis Perrone~ M~D.~ I hereby withdraw my Trustee and Wetland applications which are currently before the Board~ Thank you very much for your interest in this Cordially, Stanley ~o Gould Stanley Gould 28~0 N~ssau Point Road Cutchogue~ New York 11935 DOCKS AND BULK- ,DS MUST DISPLAY .-- $1BLE PERMIT NUMBERS. ALL MOORINGS AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS. BOARD O~F T,OWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516-765-1892) PI1 NOTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PER,MI~T 1. Your application, dated .... .3 /.2.~. /. .8 .~ ...................... has been reviewed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on...~Pr~..gS~..19J].z~ .......... and resulting in the action, as indicated below: ( ..... ) Application approved. ~'_ ~_-_ ( ..... ) Application denied. (.~.~..~.~ Application tabled. 2. Comments and remarks: At the Trustees' regular meeting held on April 26, 1984 it was RESOLVED to Table the application for Dr. Perrone, for one month pending receipt of a letter from Mr. Gould, withdrawing the application. If your application is approved above, a Permit Fee is now due, and should be made payable to the order of the Board of Southold Town Trustees. This fee is computed below according to the Schedule of Rates as set forth in the Instruction Sheet (Form I/1). This fee must be paid within 90 days or reapplication and additional fee will be necessary. If the Permit Fee is paid in person to the Clerk of the Board, the Permit will be obtainable at the same'time. If the fee is paid by mail, the Permit will be mailed in reply. 4. Computation of Permit Fee: COPY TO DR. PERRONE ~ Total Fee for this application ................ . $ Cle k, Board of S~:~tl~ot~l Town '[~stees BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TO~N 6~ S0i~rHoLO Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southotd, New York 11971 April 27, 1984 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Honorable Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Judy: Transmitted herewith is the action taken by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on April 26, 1984: RESOLVED to recommend to the Town Board to TABLE the Wetland Application ~192 submitted by Stanley R. Gould on behalf of Dr. Francis S. Perrone to construct a catwalk, ramp and floating dock at Gids Island, Orient for one month until Mr. Gould forwards a letter, stating that he is withdrawing the application. Very truly yours, · Smith, Presidnet Board of Town Trustees HPS:lp ~Y- f"~,~,, ,ALL DOCKS AND BULKHEADS . DISPLAY ¥tSIBL~: PFRMIT NUMBERS BOARD OF~TOWN TRUSTEES ~ ~ Town Of Sou:heM ~3~q APPLICATIO~ FOR FIXED =nS/o~ FLOATIi<G DOCKS 4. Aft~=r issuance of a Pert, it, work musu be cor, p!eted witkin one year. LAP, GZ .5. Secure the correct Are= Mop fram the Clerk of this Beard, and by using a/X WITHIN A CIRCLE ind/cc:e cs cIcselv =s =css/b~a the !carrion cf this dock. On th~.reverse side of this map, provide a SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordin=ry_ High Water M=rk, the shape cn~ size of the dock ~nd any su:alemen~al pilings which =re needed re hold e flc~rm~ ~ogk or tie-ua m boot. Give oil dimensions necessary to determine ~he ar,aa cf the dec~: surface %Z-{!CH EZ.:TEi:DS OFFSHOP~ from the O. n. W. M. If ad3acen~ progeny owners have- docks, specify location and lenguh to scale. 6. Will any portion cf this construction extend offshore into Town ~,-Vcterx beycnd em {mcg:'~ line or boundan/ formed by other slmil~r structures a/~ng the ar~a'= shoreiine? YES or~O.) I~ it does ex:eno beyond rhi~ so-caUed d~k line indicate by how far, cppreximatMy,. ...... Jr. - 7. Provide the following documents: (o) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the prcoerty involved· .A coo,/ of rna Contractor's ?lens eno Soecifizntions. (d) Wetlands. Ap~];icaSio~ . ~crk or the Dredging of any material/from T~wn L~t,d; u~der wt:ret?,fES cr~jf ~t al;es, Fbrm A/4 (Agpligct~on f~r Dredging/Fib/ne) must be ccrnplete~ and at,ached as parr of this ....... AI2 To et:perlite finding so ;=4~ . ec .... !ocat_i~n for iz}s.qecu~n. by using a temporary ~t- .. ' In rea:vest:nO c~oraval Of this cDollcatinn. I gu'om~t thar: the infctn :tic, n p-r~zsent.:d her~ln is true end correct to th._, best cf ,'nv :-:no',,.led';':'_ and belief; Icm the .rz..:'zcn 7c.':~.unr:aie for involved; end further, t miens to can'.cra to ant a~de by the Turrr, s cn.i C,:n=,r,¢ns of the i~ndidat~ !. ./ TOWN OF" SOU TIi'OLD £I~V I RON,~iEHTAL AS SES $!,iEHT IHST2UCTIONS: ko} In ~rder to answer the.questions in thZs short EAF it is that the preparer will use currently avaflablu fnFormatlon ConcaFnZng o~i%ion~l S~udies, rescsrch or o%'her invcs[i~s%ions ~ill be significan~ and a completed Envlronmcnlal Assessmcn~ Form is (c) If all questions hove been answered No it is likely %hat projec% is not ~$gnifican~. (d) Ehvironmen%ol Asses~men% "z':' " ~ %'/i'11 project result in ~ lor~e physical change ~o %he projec% site or pbysicall~ al%e~ more ~hcn 10 acres of land? ........................ Yes ~No 2. %'1ilt %here be a major change ~o cny unique o~ '" unusual lend form found on ~be si~e?. ' ...... Yes 3. Will pro3ec~ olLcr or bare ~ lor~c cf Fee% on .~ ' ' existing body of water? ...................... ~. Will projec¢ hove ~ potc:nLiolly large impact on grou~dwo%dr quo!i~7? ...................... Yes ~No 5. Will projec¢ significon%ly e~fec~ drainage / - tier, on odjacen~ si~es? ........ % ............. ; Yes ~No 6. %'/i!1 projec% of~ec% any %hreoLcned or endangered pl~n~ or flnimol ' .~ ~ ~o sp~c_e ............ Yes No 7. ?/ill projec~ resul~ in o major adverse on air quoli~y? .............................. Y~ ~ ~o 8. Will .projec¢ bore a major ef~ec% on visuo~ '' character of %he community or scunic view5 or vis'cs known %o be impor¢on% to the community? Yes ~. Will projec% adversely impock any size or ;' s~ruc%ure of historic, prehistoric or paleontological importance or any site designated a~ a critical environmen[~]l 10. %'Jill projec~ have a be jar cf fee% on existing " or ~u~ure recrca~ionsl oppor%uni~ies? ......... 11. Will p. rojec% resuI~ in major Lrafflc problems - or cause a major effec¢ ~o ~ranspor~a~ion sys%e~n?.' ....... . ............... Yes 12. Will projec¢ regularly cause objec%ionab!e ~- .... od~r~, ~oi~e, ~lore, vibrn[ion, or e!cc~rical 'disturbance as a re~ul% of [be projec%'s opera .ion* Yes o 13. Will project hsve shy impact on public hcoith '- or safety? .................................... ___Yc'a~No~ " 1¢. Will project o[~ect [he existing community by directly causlng a growth in pcrmcncn% papule/ion OF more %bar1 5 purcen[ ovc~ a one year period or hsve z major negativc effect on the chara~t'cr o.F ~b,.~ community !5. Is [here public contrcvcr=y COncerninG the ..... project? ................... ~ .................. ~ Yes Beoch ~z~ 0