HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-145.-4-12.1 OFFICE LOCATION: ®� S® yOI® MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 - Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) CA Southold, NY 11971 ® �O� Telephone: 631 765-1938 IOUNT`l,� LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: September 18, 2017 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for JOSEPH GRILLO SCTM# 1000-145-4-12.1 J.M.O. Environmental Consulting on behalf of JOSEPH GRILLO requests a Wetland Permit to replace in-place existing 2,180 square feet of first story wood decking. Located: 365 Mesrobian Drive, Laurel. SCTM# 10000-145-4-12.1 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action INCONSISTENT with policy 6.3. Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands and therefore INCONSISTENT with the LWRP. 6.3 Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands. A. Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements of the Southold Town Board of Trustees laws and regulations for all Andros Patent and other lands under their jurisdiction 1. Comply with Trustee regulations and recommendations as set forth in Trustee permit conditions. The construction of the deck was not authorized by Board of Trustee permits. In the event the action is approved, require the establishment of a vegetated buffer, including existing vegetation. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. E� G' -� � �ff1. Town of Sautholid FD) �U 5Er 0 8 2017 J; QVI CO SI TENCV ASSESSMENT Ian RIM I Southold Mown I A. INSTRUCTIONS Planning Board 1. All applicants for pennits' iincludiii' I-own of St,i thold agencies, shall complete this C'CAF 1br proposed actions that are&Al jest to €he Folvn of Southold Wet€ rfiont Consistency Review Um. U-nis assessment is intended to supplement other iiIbmiaticii-i used by a `1'ovni of Southold ag%mey in making a detenniration of consistency. *F:x.epr minor extempt aelions inehidh,i,q Building Permits and other nlinisterial IJG'rmil+YTS t;ocateo ivithin we Coilgal r1' sion t'�icardArea. 2. Before a3iSt1crim, Ih-- questions in Section C. the preparer of this form should re-view the c:?cemPt minor ae-tion list, policies and explanations o('each policy conwined in the TicS�m of Southold Local W�rteTfix it Revitalization Progiam, A_���.?l:L d actioLi t��l~� ice: F vailu Wd iia to its signifinnt bellefiloial and ltdvors,� c>f lids t��t+tt i�c .i,til{ -ire- ,,vhich inchidcc- ll ofSoo{�'old ,VoNvt?). 3. If an) cltiestion h, Section C on this fon-n s answered "v<.,," or "no", then the proposed action dil affect the achii;v-ment cel` the ?Nvgyp polic,A. standards Lmd conditions mitained in dict consistency A W IaNv. Tbkmyaach agumyey- must b 3.'xplained in detail, listin Dietl ;S1$i)Porthl-f' :iiid non- ly2porfing facts. Van action caiulot be certified -6 consistcnt with the L INS policy standards and conditions, it shall not be i.nderu-i'K n A copy ofthe PV32P is F vailabbl in. fhe fbfl swing places: online at the. I1 ovvn of Smitl old"s website the Board.o `fntitees Office, the Planning Deparmient, t.11 local libraries and the Town Clerk's o icc. 81 DESCRIPTION OF SITE r D PROPOSED AC710N SC M 1454 12 1 I II; TWjr, Deck restoration The Application has beim submitted to(check appropriate re'spollse): Town Board 0Plannin Board� Building Dept. 11 Board of I'rustees Fil 1, Category tofTi��m ofSouthold ati,enc��action( heck appropriate respt-inse): (a-) Action cinder"-an directly by'Fovvn agency (e.g. capital E constraction,plaxming activity, agency regulatoom land L.-ansa ction) (l3) Financial assistance(e.g. gmizl, loam,saihsi iy) (c) Pennit,approval, license,certi ica€ion- Nat'=xxid extort of action: Applicant proposes to replace in place 2180 sf. of decking Locadonofactiotn: 365 Masrobian Drive, Laurel Site ekCPC;t`;4: Present land Ilse: Existing single family dwelling Present zoning classification: R-80 2. If an application for the proposed action bas been filed v ith the ToNvn of Southold agency, the following inforrnation sluill be provided: (a) Nlanw of applicatnt: _Joseph Grillo -- (b) Mailing ad�tess: 3 Versailles Court Glen Head, NY 11545 (c) Ti ciephort nw-nl)4r: :�-ca Codc t �c/o 51 6-`702-351 9 (d) Application ntunbert i#airy: .Unknown Will the au#ion Lie directly undertaken. require funding,,or approval by a state nr federal angencr-? yes ILLI 'NO P-9 li yvs, which state or federal w,onc.''_ - -- C. Evaluate the project to the following taoli4les any analyzing how the project will further support or UO seappOrrt the policies. Provide ai4 proposed Best Managei nent Practices that w li further each policy. Incomplete answers will require finaat the form he returned for corlipleta021. DEVELOPED COAST POUCY Policy 1. Foster an pattern of development in tlae To n of Southold that enhances coni unity character, preserves open space, tnaak s efiicie _iuse of in frast€u.-tore, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and ini izes Udder se effects of develop-Mcrae. See lsWRP Section .III--Policies9 Page 2 for eviduation criteria. OX 'es FNo ❑ mart Applicable -The__.pxaj.ectsktal_l-.argot-_have _any negative,_impacts upon the Character of the of decking. It is felt tfiat tYiiswproject"is consi`st'ent" with this_QO1.icy. Amich additional sheets if necessuv, Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of this Town of Southold. See LWIRIP Section III -Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria �� !_X_i des i__1 No �,7._3 Not Applicable The project shall have no impact upon anyhistoricor archaeological resources_ Tt ,is felt that this pro Jort- isconsistent ,qi:th . Atmicli addidoml s'pettsif necess a,r.-v colic 3. Enhance' visun� quaUty and proted seemicres-ources, thlrougiteat the Town of Southold. See L)NMP Sectio m HI-POR-tiles Pages 6 Uhrough'I fair evnluatlion crfteri2 Reg NotAppLL"--,ble. The project will ha ire _-1 e no impacts up _a.n 7_PrP_ QaLr_c nor impact the vi- qugj guaLjLty ofat,m rt i c; f- t-b -J:-b Gy NATU'Rcak-L COAST 71015 FwRq 4. Ddimimbm woss Mflffes sitructures, and imtuml rimzoumes from Flooding ammzff trosim-n. SmLVVIRF 1131-poljo-Ats pagus-8 through 16 kir�"Ialuaion crlt�r!a Lj The p r o j t__CI_u czc-c-el� e d .-p— n'i ;qH * Anpnt a a t c- im s ba I I lae no- loss s„ marine - no loss of oubliv arecreqtjj2iL e s.L_X__ prolect is consistent -R-4th this t)olicN, Attacb addiCxoml sthecL;if occess.-my poficy, & protect-and im-prove-Fvate-r ruin auil' and supp3y III the 'I-A'tm Sea L:n-"-Ry sectly.0a IM. policim,-pages 1.4 fbrgug�l 21 fb%r Yes Die- L-jNfot AppHlcable have no negative The roject '-A'i 11 im act!- upon the aualitv of or t' tz cLL7_a t f-hpt thi proi ec,t, is consistente quaUty and funpKionn -o� Ibe Town of Southold ensyetems ina-m-ahr-S Sig y 6. Protect and restor-P, lj.� -i� z - pifienat Fish ar"'.2. wMak -and, vetlandi. Szc,LNV 1,RP Section 1,111- Policies; Pages'22 through 3" for viva-In aft Ix I . TT-rtd 5iL<'_ 0 C qnd ``aila asr L-�t?ot �?a �a� az2-► pu-a 10,q S se0 0 2 0 C,,nd u0ar.- r o ut t bSmsp`t�`'opi e-_mw gg'".`w0 i:' oij, 'ill ' L-ss-h rar-n-g ' ,+r•s.no : n `,: m- : t "= :- , 'r 5.�y } i 1 SL/TTod .�'n.. Lq<. 1�216! q.uaq. L'.suoo s T fowaloVii.l..d sTu,7 Tp-q"'T gTa2 S? -43: b Sia S Pr PUS 20 c43Z x P T TOs ;o [ $ -as—;S.? aq— .1�_11 '? J L' jL1w EL 1�O+z SDO'x_� 2 -Q:0a ;aLIl (��.uTR+"dry� r�x.rq 1 ,y� %%lti�t..qq^,' , .3. P,x -S �- ix y. �2' �.- ,�� t^ S `,� U3 V::.2°+!3k, Ys:pkisf,A 1�'itv.X V�Cfl Y�Y1<x'.°vx q� ;I ni.`ti'�xi<«k v oaP@713y.s: t «�i.�y�ti x:�' ` �g ?J x y'^.k','J �xY :��ti<Jia R'UUU I;v"DL V{i �n i'.no auzua`,.`� pp '''nn ', 7" T r4�F� f^aµ � nF°^� v rune v 'rte ....Or:p3�,a,,..:_R �-r�,'"rTr.'s.'�i'�Sa_s S �^ ._ �.u' ..£.a+'L.s "�*�u r� ..!`a r €L�e�'�, w,3, %'a� 8� .+�� f.w �t._g �4 Eri-�.£0.�s� .xt.�.xY�ni�.r.:.�lS'^.�c3 ^�e,��E�_'4 ��j °,� tF.el'�50j ry -( d 'r - y T no -.T� iFOrn ��_g1'z O T a612L� TTPL;c ?O9t3ZCi aqF - -- ....moi .,a xLS.`✓e'r �'u'v — �`.f �'y:Q:R IRD% f� �v .j 'z�,e; ��fi.�:° %.r.:,z '�' °.5-r 5:= lr'a " 'e:'v v � ... :3 r✓�.'�e�i...�e a��F'- �nsc3Y vli� °l dA`c�.� d pe py "}�^,c9,O-a STT r 11�� � ��� ST �� s�i��T pH Gs z LN% Tii Piie TgST'J jPnSeO3 aO 'IT Pnb ark~ uodn sqo�adwT ah gsbGu ou AVT4 iTe4s goaCo d aql G rC.,AIS-r PQllTC=94 S r;%I,) 10. Pr teen SOK-filOWS WE, ra;gas L:md pometa :-A-ding ef nec", :titter depend-em's, Wes in- mitzble immdom See L-PVTP Swfion M—�OoEw,-'-.ZM� ]IM4gal'7i-47, ough 9,16 ff'r eviabdo-Aum eaniterla. LJ F40 I The project vnill have no impact up-ox? Southold' s water-deRendent- uses of or the Fe t--i 'w-,ater-dependo nt uses i n s u ah 1 e- s CC^moi on R is felt that "his project is conns4stent with this policv Attach vd&i-walzheeys ffn—=Ssnz�w S a 3 d, e Ere'- l k7t , _I W- ---Ig 1,4C 'lSe :, :7 M a,,GUy PoRew IL P m1a,'- tul v CeD 7� y - L's leean, El s"a-myy�md Tomrm-vvete�-S. See L--.;V�NTT 13'eetlou agw 57 t"annDuagL-62,l?b:,ovaken-lem- A7 The P-oject- 7,Till have n o i _ p p_0 n livinq Mari-ne rescurc I es. 4s consistent w-i -l--h this oclicv A'W-mch addido-nal sheets ffnecesgary ?C&Cy 2. atect, iands �,a z T;-nva C�f� U:- 62 thxough 6S lffbzeva"Lup-tka CZ-ft'.,Erla. Y-311, NO iL-J Net.DD' af.Mie The project _f,�ea IS— that this policy. a-cplicable to this project Aftoln �ff -aaeaE-gy md See J--47- 'uhm-ugh 63 icy T-71 L T!Le Dr-oJQLqt dces rng-, the ase of or deve OPIMen t 0 f L i--- energy Cr mineral Tt is -Celt �-hat icy I — is not appJ4Cp:,- t Ill iS :)rOjaC- It NMIPAR Southold lown i i .'`*. e - a'yam• .i q a._'�+" _�. - ,n n Ilk NI •,_,�;;.,,..• •r' { ' � ' , , - � ,rite• _. r T '� " •j 4 ;• u • d A - t l s , t ^ • y , X4,"4° �2r Ny ,J r � ., " ✓, l' .� _... �� n 14. Vii �: *�' • ,` _ F , - f � +' � �•,� ��� s • � � # / +' +•rr f u��•^� ,r�,\•J•� •.. .. .. y _ tilt `\ M , •& ' .. �` - -�~t 4.. .♦ .Wit' '.'�. �� f w.. �i\.��-},��' r•,��f,.,,, i-�k :!i� 1 r - �` A g�� 8 •�� i 3� .MMM+ ...,r �,� � � � ♦. ,r' a +.: / � �, - �i. 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'� 5 aiyy Ik It I .16 y �. • �"'� �t '• as,� _r/' + 4i ,, yl �. y , �i 'a 6 'a , t s - r a t ••fir �. r � n ✓ .�'s�wr '. k .ia , w, t. ';it • i F Y / r e LL f r N -77 "..:. , �rE r _ w www e Y SOP' w 6 M .c 1 ►..•{ � '� 'tee.^" _ �>a ��.'�`,zy°",�+,,JV ry w+ �a w• n , . "rte: ,, � +.1, (..#}•�!< ..� $ a `��"`'��.. UY ,, , AP' 'q% S. / ,i° ,6� 3 , \\ I % (PAFN 01 0 oe PGS0 SOUTHOLD SECTION NO COUNTY OF SUFFOLK @ K NOTICE L J_ Real Property Tax Service Agency Y E (21) M-GE a 145 G . A USTRMTNO 1000 =2; PROPERTY MAP N W—'—agMM2 V. 6� r SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITUATE LAUREL 69° N�'p0 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD N Zo• SUFFOLK COUNTY , NEW YORK 0��� `Jo° x S . C . TAX No . 1000 - 145 - 04- 12. 1 13 �� � o� 9 SCALE 1 "_209 ZG No° '0 1 9 x o DECEMBER 30, 2015 p�C 0 ; 1;b "TN OCTOBER 5, 2017 ADD BUFFER AND DRYWELLS o O pJ 1z TOTAL PARCEL 2 LOT AREA = 39,697 sq. ft. 0.911 a c. �a n / ° S.E C� p ° , ��' E oKEN ` 0 -M 1j DOUG E S SEETH vF • N 55p 15' C AC. 0014. 2 N Z o STa6KADE JANE j�`�F� S\ �� a��� �. FENCE �1 NOTES. wAY x18.0 FS 6>,o ` ` - _ Tt�° 1 . PARCEL 1 & PARCEL 2 ARE AS DESCRIBED IN THE LAST RECORDED DEED 12' p D FOU 0 A' 1.3S�f >> Sp,� LA N 9\ g\�!`� � W W SFOR THIS PARCEL (LIBER 9694 PAGE 88) 17.4' 'v 6�• d " ` `\ \ \ PLL �.7'N' '� `' ��N" - W W W W W W W `�O �� 2. THIS PROPERTY IS PART OF LOTS 6, 7 & 8 AS SHOWN ON MAP OF pPROPERTY OF ELIZABETH MESROBIAN AND FOREST HILLS 58 9 °'50" 1tS\ \ \ \� 10-._ 17.4 \ w 169 \ ' \\E F IMPROVEMENT CO. INC. FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK 5° 45' Q0 w ��ti oc'f8 7" ° �� rs H 66'`32'�_2`� ORIV�AY 4�� 4� \1 \x �'o�°� OF SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. AS MAP NUMBER 1381 ON S wUY 5a p'q \ ACT ' \ \n \ \\ / W W W S JANUARY 16, 1943. 14-4I �X-" .D /°: p . x) 3. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.A.V.D. 1988 DATUM 17.2 °e ° p o 2 A 5 \ I' p �. p \°. c°�, \ a W W W -o OJ .. . .,a • ...�... 10.0 � �. O� EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: W ° tL �� 5 15•�5'�� � � \ ° .' p p - ...� .�•.` .,... \ � � x-� W W W W ,9J, � EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: - - - - -5- - - - - l� �9•g X 17.4 \ � 1.° ° • \ \ F.FL. - FIRST FLOOR 17.5 \ 15.0 \\� °' : D o ° 10.2 �W W W" moo: G.FL. - GARAGE FLOOR X o p \ \ TB - TOP OF BULKHEAD NOO I Pv� =4� 17.5 "'/ \ ��� x'124 °p. D ° A. t :° 10.7 \ \ \ A OW W _ IIII\ ee BOTTOM OF BULKHEAD O� `^Z�'c� 11.9 0�° pTW I x 9.5 \ \ \� 'Go SW - BOTTOM OFTOP OF WALL xts.715.x G�°p k P � \ \ \ W ?�� 4. FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM: OJ I 18.0 177 / \+ \ _ 170 �` G��•� 2; :. ' G G°p,�� \ \\ \ �W�mG W , 1 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP No. 36103CO483 H FENS / 'S- z.�`"" �Y] / � ,, ° ry9. . . 1 \ \ �` • W c ZONE AE: BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED c9` x �� \ �� P�"i ` ZONE VE: COASTAL FLOOD WITH VELOCITY HAZARDWAVE ACTION I:o I tih 90r 1° �,y°e5 \ \ W W W 9'F� ��' BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED HAZARD ( )� ': x� ZONE X: AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. I• 0 3 W_2 1 I O.?� Ilk GV ..........X v_ M 17.4 ...... O O I \ 8.3 x i CD•�� �' h / `V 1 x1Zs :r'::':':.:::.... \ W W DRAINAGE SYSTEM CALCULATIONS: 17.2 `' X :::'::':::'::::' w. �^ 17.5 ...........v . .. I I 1 \\+ W W W W ROOF AREA: 3,397 sq. ft. A 3,397 s(� ft. X 0.17 = 577.5 cu. ft. O /� V I / W W W W W W `�• ,� .: / / I x '� W W 577.5 cu. ft. / 42.2 = 13.7 vertical ft. of 8' dia. leaching pool required '7"�o EnxI / WW PROVIDE (4) 8' dia. X 4' high STORM DRAIN POOLS `` 17.5 EQ �17.4 39 '.'.'.'... .......'......:"� / / \W W W ' ' / yOn o' 6 oag / / W W W PROPOSED 8 DIA. X 4 DEEP DRYWELLS FOR ROOF RUN-OFF ARE SHOWN THUS: O n �.......... �Gi JF�1. �FQ / 9.8 .$4x / W 6.2 / / / / - / / / / / / / / / / WWWWW APPROVED BY : : : � / / F��GVI• ' // / / / / G. 17.3 O WWWyW t BOARD OF T RUSTEES /17.5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1-11 "'& OW W W W W ��� / / / / / / / / // / 4 Y W •Y •Y W W W W .Y .Y DATE gloveA 9-T2,or l 17 1 .2 / 9.6 9.6 (� }', � P'!0 V 2 7 2,')]7 No ��•n�/ / / / / /\ / Southold Town 00 ar f Tr ce 9 / / /"✓C`W W W W 1�3 Y .0. 'Co/� cp W W W `iI j p • �+ ��§i S v PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR TITLE SURVEYS AS ESTABLISHED BY THE L.I.A.L.S. AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED FOR SUCH USE BY THE NEW YORK STATE LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION. NOF ,P �MM W V'• �j ►/ tea. , 'o N.Y.S. Lic. No. 50467 UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION iy at h an Ta t C o r w i n 6�' , TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF 5 Q SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE Land Surveyor 6•0EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN Successor To: Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. L.S. ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY Joseph A. Ingegno L.S. IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND Title Surveys - Subdivisions - Site Plans - Construction Layout LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI- PHONE (631)727-2090 Fox (631)727-1727 TUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS OFFICES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF 1586 Main Road P.O. Box 16 ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Jamesport, New York 11947 Jamesport, New York 11947 35-262A