HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-87.-3-60 OFFICE LOCATION: O�*OF SOUTyOIo MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex '` P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631765-1938 olycOU�,�� LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: August 14, 2017 Re: Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coastal Consistency Review for LAUGHING WATERS PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION SCTM# 1000-87-3-60 LAUGHING WATERS PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION requests a Wetland Permit to re- grade the beach area by removing approximately 150 cubic yards of dredge spoil and replacing it with approximately 100 cubic yards of clean dredge sand; remove approximately 120 cubic yards of dredge spoil from existing berm around the perimeter of the parking area; and to improve the existing parking area with select fill so that it is not too sandy for vehicle traffic. Located: 2360 Minnehaha Boulevard, Southold. SCTM# 1000-87-3-60 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268,Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP policies and therefore CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided: 1. Turbidity controls are required during operations. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Towk ofSoyath6ld I E C E u WE LRP LO—N.�LST,.F1'�C–YASSE§SMtNT FORM AUG 0 7 2017. Southold Town jN9TRUCTIONS Planning Board 1, All, applic4nts,,fior permits* including',Town of Southold agencies, shall` compl6te this ,&4', t6r prdpos6d actions'-that are subject to the Town e'- 11 — - . 1 — _ '11" I onsistency Review Law. This assessment.is intended to- supplemexit,other infonriation_used by. i'Tdwn of Sout4ol&agifick'in makitig '41-deterihihatibn of consistency. *&cIqIpt,imnor-'exempt actions including, Building Permits dnd,other�ministerial permits notioed'ie'dwithin the Coastal Erosion Hazard Aea. 2- Before answering the 4iestions ,in S_ edi6n dP I�iepreparet"of,this ,form-,should v6ie Ae exempt minor adion,lik, policies,ande�IaAafions6f.6a04'P6fi4'C6nf&edjn the Towno_f Sbiathold Lbcal 'Waterfront Revitalization..Program- . A dbn�. I 99M VII v t Va11iated"as to;,itssi" heLnef—ici4,andtidv;ome,,6ffML-,dts,un, 'i6e Was on W,-grea:"which includesall of$iiuthold If,anyil in.-s6dtion,c questto .on this'form,is-answered "yes" or "no'.", iheA the;-proposed action will - ,-iddirds.'and--coiiditions'. edji.t� consistency affect the achievement qf-,_thVM_' p6licYlst review law, Thiik,M9k.&Rki*M amt►irtin ,and q.ipy-stailfgar an, A61i;' i1fida A copy of the L -is avaflable,in,' following '1 online of the T 6 of Sbuthol4ls: Ibe 'wing P'aqes:­- welisite(s6jth.oldtdWf.iibrthf6rk.net)` OO,B_­64dof Tfustees OMb,e the'Plann '4 )ep"ent,'all' local libraries and the-Tow�Clerk's;,office: ' 'B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PA()POS'ED_ACTIQN. sctm#,, Pk0jkCT N The App)katioh has,',been'submitted t6, '(checkappropi44erdsponse):, 0 1, 1 AIdIn9"DPPt. ,M iDard'6fTkusiee6 _%I Town Board' -Planning Boaz;dEl -j3.-pl- '' 1. Category pf'Town,of8buffiold'agepey action',(checic,ap prop;riate'response'l- (a) Action undeftaken,directly by Town.'agquey(e.g.'.1640ital '3Construction;ptarMing-404vit3l,ageiicy'rdgWa#*- land transaction) (b) Financial assistance,(e.g. grant,loan,subsidy) (c) Permit,approval, license,certification: 'D Nature and extent of action: WilAt ice Ajqb� c> C:LE�At4 MY ftmvvr=�_y, 11c, -4Ae_DS PC.,lVL_ Tvie '?F4V_'X't W C-1 L-':1. Laughing Waters Homeowners Association Wetlands Revitalization Project To Town Trustees Dear Friends Our dilemma started years ago with all the changes of coastal erosion. The barrier beach that protects the bathing area in Corey Creek began to recede [ see old & new pictures ]. Then Sandy finished things off leaving us exposed to the bay and the deterioration to the bathing area accelerated. In the interim we did a dredge project and stored the spoils in the beach parking lot.A contractor was hired to grade the bathing area with the dredge spoils but pushed spoils straight out 36" high to the high tide mark which left a wall above the water After meeting with all all town trustees , Latham sand & gravel and Cornel cooperative our plan is this 1 - we will have dredge spoils tested[Test#3756.8b advised by dec]to be done by American Analytical Laboratories LLC [AAL] at a cost of$945.00 .If the test comes in less then .05 TOC spoils in bathing area and stored spoils in parking lot will be removed as follows. 2 -Latham Sand & Gravel will regrade beach area removing approximately 150 yards of dredge spoils and replacing it with 100 yards of clean dredged sand supplied by him at a 5 degree slop to the high tide mark. he will also remove approximately 120 yards of spoils from the berm area around the parking lot .Parking lot will be improved with certified fill so it is not to sandy for vehicle traffic. At a cost of $8500.00. 3 -At this point we will install Coir logs between points B&C roughly 20 feet straight out due south on the east side to retain sand installed and to retain sand from the outgoing tidal drift which has been an ongoing problem. [See attached plans] WE would also like to extend the point of the peninsular with coir logs straight out from point F to restore point which has been decimated . Please be advised before and current pictures &-plans-have been supplied to show- our1ritentions- and-what if was precisely . we are open to all suggestions and help to make this project succeed sustainably . thank you peter bransfield 1780 hiawathas path phone 516-835-7103 A febP® I " SAN. , ,0RAYFIi s INC. 35180'Route 44"'P.O.BJ 608' , I'ecQnic;x.11959' `(6�11 7- 34:6800 FAX`{63I),134-2318 Lau Waters Assr'iati6ri CjO Pae gj mfeiali ,9 t 1 : SI6"-835-7t�3 Uftevrtber 12,2016 17811 tTiaw tliss t'atlt: Spoil-Removal and,lleaeh't rovements Southold," '`i 1971 , tSouthAlariima; pmbranslield@optonlinexet 211 We propose to sr= rad�'t �,l e i , i�rear OYM9 aPPiOxitraatel ��50AS flf dredge Spoil, sd replaca;i YJ it . with,approxi a-tely,l00yds elf cl -,Oedte 8;alid: '.We wlil;alSO,r oYproxir t l l2(lyds of dredge Spoil fr'fl -the"bOiiia ortu d'the;wrfin6idrofihi.�&Ui�g mea. pig area gill be;i li roved wi&, sele6t fill so 1k4fit is'ti®t too s�i� fci�`�ieh€c�e ix�ffic. �' 7' - ' Lathaki Saxid1;�z Grilyel_ 1,d�this wo ill. ,,,- . - _ '9 i permits azid-app '.t�'sti�i erre a tsv er si sii�ili aOn,of corn logs,-to ieta iia Oogp sand 'to b,e4on6'by others. .W,g .Propose bereby, to furnish,hater3a3 and Inbar -,cCO*,ete in 'acew'dance,with-above'specifications; for the Sam O_:' 'Eig -'thous ,fie hun&ed=dno1I00 dollazrx Payment to be mule as foi qw: . layment#1: 32,000 sora deposit, Payment W-1:,$6,5,00'6r,balance on ebutractcompletipiR. , Vl metsiisl ss guaranteed to E as spaaired An tam to b co�ptea�is norma z3ike mwn�C �ut�av; i , accuraisg3os+andeadpccrai�s.AnYattatatioaas3e3,tiatiooiieme>sotrnspecifixtl�,ini-atvvtgcaua Sr�oa�suz , ,,,.i - " .. , costs WA b&&ueumd aeipupus ivrittev eu$cs,sad mot b=OM oft caparp ovei e,A save CA..ft - aiI a�rzegriects CQ3n'nse�u r ideaas ur dr]ays beyaml avrosattot.O mcrtua rr uu�sssy s��✓ - - "1,' 9 W. insurtn O.'Our waAzusmefu to4auf byMorkmeals tsanhtsaia�scc. Note—wemapwitldraWthis propc I;fnot39 days. Asceptarwe of Pr6po --n.almve prices,spedficatmesns and candnir-s are satisfactory and hereby aecepted.' You am autleor6zed to zoo the work as specified. I'aynte:ntwillb�ttiadeaswalinealabases � Date or!1eptaaicY Si�atrae ____-- Location of action: All tumeRA iAa -B(—Vfl Site,acreage: e � , Presed land use: Present zoning classification: 2. Tan applicatioaa for the proposed action:has`been filed witli'the,.Town d Southold agency;the following , infonnativn shall`be­pr®vied:` � �. _ , (a),Name ofipplicaui u C +iQeG gk c-_�T (b) Mailing address:� � . , � �- 1 (c) Telephone number: Area Code,.( -� o r (d) Applicatfon number,if 'any'. Will the action be directly underiaken,-require:fimding,orapproval bya state,or'federal agency? 'Yes No If yes,which state or federal agency,'2 C. Evaluate,the,project to tfie following policies by anaiyxinghow the.prdject.v�ill;futther-.support r . ,not support the' policies. Provide all pirppbs`eelainageinent'P>i~actices thatwill fullher,ea&-policy. 111e0inplete Answers�v'ffrequire..that the.-form he rretum!6d for,cunipl�ti®n: �D_E�V�T�OPRD COAST POU P®ligY4. Poster a�pattern of development' "i n the Town,of`Sonthold`,tl%at enhances commun* character, preserves open'space, makes efficient ease pf`iirifrasfmit-dre,mdke beneficial-use of a:coastal ffoeataom,said, minimizes adverse effects of developaneanto ,See L Seetiext lHT-P'licies,-Page 2 f®t evaluati on . ®Yes El Ido- R�jNoll Applicable_ Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect' and preserve histo'ric and archaeological. t6oarces of the Town of Southold. See L Section IH=Policies Pages 3 through 5 for evaluation criteria, El Yes F_1 NoPq Not Applicable Attach additional sheets,if ne'cessary'- - - _ Policy 3. ,lEanhansce:visual.qua lity and.'p otect scenic--resources throughout the. Towh :df Southold. See . 'Y ?P Seetonn -'Policies Pages b#h�°ough 7-for evaluation 1criteria, El Yes 0 wo loot' pflicab e Aftach:additional sheets-if necessary NATURAL CpttiST l'®LjeIES. Policy 4. Minimizeo � utaur�I resources, n066dig.and ei6Aen:°Si,IIWRElf8a Section 1111" -Policies•Pajes-S through 161or evalua ion,criteria Yes' 'l 6dot A 9icolale, Pp, . Attach_additionaI'sheets if necessary Policy 5. ;Protecteaiid-iun n°ove.water quality an' s`up'p' ] iin"#lie `6*n.-of.South6I€1.:See 1. °Section:M Policies,Pages,16 through-21. for evaluation criteria "No ' of Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosysteins including. Significant Coastal Fish and`Wildlife Habitats and we#lands. See LWIkP Section -".Policies;..Pages 22 through 32 for•evaluation_criteria. El Yes leo Not Applicable Attach additionafsheets:ifnecessary Policy 7-. Pro&ect, and immpro�re,,air,quality, in the 'own of°Southold: See'LW9P Section W —.Polf efes Pages 32 through.3,4 for evaluati®u criteria'. E `des N6 Not Applickble Attach additional sheets,ifnecessary Policy 8. Minimize environ- mental degraclatx on in' ToWxi of Southold from, solid waste.$end,"hazard-bus substahces and-wastes., See LVVR 'Section M-_PoliPages�34 thra�ea li 31�'fa �°�valu tioip: °iteraa. Yes No I�ot'Appli-able, PI BLIC COAST' POLICIES Polio►I. Provide for pudic access,to, and recreational use-of�'-voasfal,wat'erg pudic lairds, and public resources of the Town df Southold., See LWRP"Section'M—Tolioies9,Pj�es 3�through 4d'ffor e�aitaatio�m criteria. Ye&O No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING NG COAST POLICIES Policy 10-. Protect Southold's'water-dependent uses and proinete kiting-of t-ew water°-dependent ases'M' W suitable locations. See LAP Section III—',Policies;'Pagcs_47 thkough'56 for evaluation criteria. Yes F No Not,Applicable Attaeh,sdditional sheets ifnecessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine' resources in 10 g,, Id"A Sound, the Peeonk � II—Potice ,Pges.,5throgh,62for e' vhlation c"i ' -Psteaevi D'Yes 1:1 No .Not kpplicable, ' Atti ch'additional sheets if necessary - Poli12. Prtgtect agricultural lands.,in the.Town-of Southold. See:LWRP S'ectimn Ili.-�PolIlcies; Pages 6211hi°pugh 65 for ev�luatio'n ria crite .- Yes- '1�1m Not Applicable Attach additional sheets,if necessary .Policy 13. Promote appropriate .use aid d elopment of energy, 'and"mineral resources: 'See twkp Section III—Policies; Pages.6'through 68 for.evali`Ation criteria. 0 Yes E No -Tot Applicable PREPARED EX:]; TITLE, �� e���� IaATE :��S ® � �_oj PC f , } Y f w r y F v- wi a v, -4 •1 MAk 0 2017 �.y "�.'�'L'^S•�i� n. it 44 i a r Nil4 r ; A AL._ -;,�► ,x � MAR 0 5 2017 r '_ rMw.1.� 1.►."k !,rife Mir_- mow +w Google .z i, ter.� ,.., >_ �..- 'r�!!"f.fir' .......-.: ,...� 1'+► ..—.. y� N �".-�"• X11 � • .��'�� ..\ 1�,.w`+�.—... • i lop PM!I�.Ivpwz Mir, low jj��iil dft V q lop 1 +�.... + .. + . - +�.- s ` !� _y� - .1 , � _ ...y����� `,+.�^s,. M. T Jho •a�'� �.�"� PV 7-w Iry M 1 1 4 Go. 0 2016 Google 1994 41002'04.29" N 72025'34.82" W elev 0 ft w.�-�r.. � N mow.,.•.�.r►+r.��.::^" ,.. '. ♦rte ��. i .tom dg Google Eart � r MAIN BA 1^ u1M f 193 MATCH un IN 4pkOb {sD ao o n 1u'419 a I9 $ z3s Ro �» 2 l ' p,e�m71 l r � 21A \1 t r/ \� M1 f m 3= v f 3f 9 s ,•123 15 L 1B $e 1'21(c x _ 211 tSAlc o7�wH Okd a �� J o r I t n 5 1 A _ $ .e a 2110 17 0A a wo z1 1 2111 ��/ �4 efa 9 v. t1 ]�OP�1.9 S x6__ a l t' m•,b ! '1 4 -0 11.3 211 FOR tINRS 1�§1. 1�(c) m $$ ?t �• 4 '0. w - I - _ SEE SEC OB7A1 Da w a9 g 27 a 27A(c) p s 4'1.1 la ysd9'`,fir b m THECOVEATSOMOID �\ 5 23 f 3290@ A m i4..• S - to 1 MINNE w ,�® / IccauoHABFAI +` \w 21 9 TOWN OF SOOTNOID2e 9 \ BBA � tOw p � 3 , w•m® a e� e e �m„n, _ �r ttA \'` usa m r 18_ / 96MId / / r• �1 12� /�_/ $ � 41A1d �' �`c 5��9 S90 +y M11, _ e•3t Oaf �: a -- \,qy 3 15 I`1 O w v 16 W l - S6 C 6 °W.tO a'�d:'0A -2B • f ® f .13A(c) 1/ I) T113 B 3tA % Y 1a m i O ge g m t 19 )t 21 l) 4 told !r o x p �'" gi 4tf x .i rv� n P�� e 49 4B 14l w e6T i 1 \s 1B 7 R1 "',NNa w l 3SA(d 22 3.2kci - 1.3A(c) f 36 462, PARK KLD x 1m 7L �a3a� Ys y �a 4 4 g'� Qle DIS7H1Ci FD.28 V LD.43 F.D��,>� „E�-. 3_m,9 r.a�8 'z�.s r 6;tp 9 6� S + �l` \•' w�L -^-- Corey Creek I' g \wm .M1ry resat`) soy a 4 9soa COUNIY OF St1FF00C/�/ HOG NECK \ 9 10 BAY - N�._ t 1.: j..t. _—�2� _ NoncE COUNT_YOF.SUFFOLK- C' K _ ecTiwu No Q' e. -� %:.,: �= - - ,•t r -Pe1Qr rnoe Agency :-c,„,;. - n m �.'r..� ”,•`:..+ n.z, x; 'JS:.'i. ., " .,» _ R ;,• ,-F +: yg ,".ant n t; ry _ jq Y P T/tV/V, 6� . y � E� V EI,_ JUN 2 6 2017 SVR: .. � ���P. 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