HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-10.-3-20.1 OFFICE LOCATION: �0f So(/ry® MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex '`� l® P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) � ® �Q Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 Q Fax: 631 765-3136 Colo,� LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: May 16, 2017 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for PENN duPONT SANGER SCTM# 1000-10-3-20.1 Race Rock Garden Company on behalf of PENN duPONT SANGER requests a Wetland Permit to remove the existing Rosa rugosa and store for replacing; within a 65 foot long southwesterly section of existing stone seawall, remove loose smaller stones from top of stone seawall and store for re- use as chink stones filling voids between larger stones; add 40-50 stones (10-20cu.ft. each) to raise the existing stone wall by two (2) feet; chink new stone wall with loose stones stored earlier; no work is required at base of stone wall; install +/-70 linear feet of woven wire silt fencing after wall construction and before grading; pull back existing topsoil, place +/-58 cubic yards of sandy fill, push back topsoil and replant the stored Rosa rugose and mulch; and to hydro-seed all disturbed areas. Located: 1616 Peninsula Road,-Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000-10-3-20.1 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP policies and therefore CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Y 12� C���� Town of Southold MAY 0 0 2011 LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM Southold Towne Planning Board A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Lazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list,policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be. evaluated as to its sion ficant benefioial-and adverse eflFects upoo the coastal area(which includes all of Southold,town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or"no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thu.'s,•each.artmver must be esgilained in detail, listin -Uth suuportin2 acid non- sunportina facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions,it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website(southoldtown.northfork.net),the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# D 6 - 0 a9 - _® } PROJECT NAME The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Board❑ Building Dept. ❑ Board o£Trustees 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate'response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g.capital ❑ construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) ❑ (b) Financial assistance(e.g.grant,loan,subsidy) (c) Permit,approval,license,certification: Nature and extent of action: , All 6 'RALocation of action: �-- 3� �� � � �4A Site acreage:__ Present land use: We �A D ANki,ri Present zoning classification: R-AID- 2. 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: i (a) Name of applicant: �C Rnt C v: , (b) Mailing address: L. (c) Telephone number:Area Code( 3 1 -7-9, 716 -2— (d) Application number,if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes Rf No El If yes,which state or federal agency,? C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Poster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space,makes efficient use of infrastructure,makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. Yes Q No n Not Applicable L(V L ' 8-1r\ w w, Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LVM Section III-Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria Yes No ff Not Applicable Project Description Remove existing Rosa rugosa and store for replanting. Remove loose smaller stones from top of existing wall. Store for re-use as chink stones filling voids between larger stones.Add 40-50 stores (10-20 cft each) to raise existing wall by 2 feet.A total of 65 feet to be raised. Chink new wall with loose stones stored earlier. No work required at base of wall. Install—70 Ift of woven wire silt fencing after wall construction and before grading. Pull back existing topsoil. Place 58+-cu yds of sandy fill. Push back topsoil. Replant stored Rosa rugosa and mulch. Hydroseed all disturbed areas. u u 4 V Attach—�adT ditioual sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable !�� MIX U)CI �/c�, 11 Attach additional sheets if necessary NA'T'URAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section HI—Policies Pages S through 16 for evaluation criteria u Yes No ❑ Not Applicably , i o . Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of.Southold.See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria Yes El No ❑Not Applicable r\W Sh�-u), - in wuR) -W , � - I c �- Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies,, Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. io' ❑ C] Yes No Not Applicable 1ff/I � �y��}nJ � ry1` AAq 999pCyIn/ /1l I I .lam V \ I `Jam' CA- ti �- LSI i r _ r -- Ynx 1 ok Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWR2P Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Yes []No[2/Not Applicable Attach additional sheets ifnecessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRF Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. i Eyes [:] No 0 Not Applicablq A, PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies;Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. YcO No D Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary ���� WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 14. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III Policies;Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑-Yes ❑ No ED"Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Es tuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑ No❑ Not Applicabl Ucou'v, -, . t Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See L'VMP Section III—PoIicies; Pages 62 through 65 for�ev�alluation criteria. ElYes ❑ [=No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No [' Not Applicable PREPARED SY V `� �, TIT `Q C � ^ DATE I c�cz bac, L 00 a ' JOE" 'tfo ` �v vl>•1 v 9 f ^ 9 r { g t •.� r y y I fggg !1 w 'R 2 R rho+.�<✓, *�a1:G d4�� y�{ ��-,�` . yy�y 'r' ri iL r �'� I. �Fq ��(� � .f • �{ �, 0' :P; .1 W, • I IAN, SEE SEC NO M N_H UNE _7 1,r SEE SEC No 2lo-o10 12'13� GS2843IS 121143 44A(�) 23A L2— M2" —A W2— N— GOOSE 2P. 3— X 7D Ili 0_2 136 WEST HARBOR 24 4 (GRE4)HARBOR) 21 279 •SPv x4 10 Ee 3E 10 Ea \°'..Z0u, I" IWcl 'G7 HENRYL FERGUSON MUSEUm 4 2A',�, —(6 • 14 F 141 1221 2 84Y LZI. 3�, I.A 12 (7) STA MIS z.v0] �-o 2 2'Q.A(..) IAA 2.M(c) AIq m 11A UO TA IIA 2 DASt.) I 49 ISEES-NO 1. 41 FOR-L... ..SEQNO SI ,mflRRYD B 2 =p A2 L NoncE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK (D SOUTHOLD ECT.O..0 E Agency K Real Property Tex Service gen y 0, 1AOCOf 010 E N NJ;rR Nr Am 1000 PROPERTY— \\ � \�j� 7.1 I-, LIMITS OF \ J FEST 0) 12 \ \_� �2� \ \ DISTURBANCE � _ --' - .L \ �` \��- \ 64 f S.F. p p T-I REI co \ \ \-_ I.PIPE •\ 4p \_ O •L o �. / \� • _�\- \ \ � (FOUND) W ROkltilgT -_ W ago E 1-J , � \ 2' \ \ 6,. E SOC .. Q� o ct 1 v q O -- --L W T d> PROTECT TREE _ _� \ \ _ -_- -- - ---�-- --_1 S ti gTER ti1q/N ON 1 I7ARB�ES V Y H c� c b DURING CONSTRUCTION /1g" � - 732o, �� TREE - \ \ 56+ �' \ - \ `, a) cu 0 -6 cp a) /j1 \ ,O \\ \J \ \ WELL ® e '50.91, \l �2-OLE I O \ GD Y _ - 5 � -E, / / �� \ -9 - - \-- 13 \I �. t� \ as-ts i a of __ \ Q o °� i \ L j L U \ - \ - ------ \ _ i MONUMENT \� \ WOOD ... a > W � �- �J, \ 8 11 - (FOUND) 1 / �_� RETAINING \ Q ai 3 / ) 1J \ '�� i �' (— / � WALL \ N lrse.et aa-te - c '- - / j 0 J /_ I\-�1� \ \ \ \O \1 - I \ / N S 72.49, \ E 9e20f 5 ( I .. V = CL) N co �, \ \ \ \ / I , , 00~ R 44-17 0 - >: M ILII -I �\ \ o" - r" ' 101 8 E �'�� '11 (n .�' E ,- � � 7.0 TWALL \ \ l r I LOT x(56 \ Sj0 / 9 1 ��� �O (� � N \ - �GE OF LAWN/ >_ \ I l ?l NF rJ� ,� -� 61 U� g I� 1i=1 / PLANTED LANDSCAPING \ -� r N/F - wQ�k J /IQ:- / \ ( 1 ��� Q � � co . � I AREA - (TY \ PROPOSED % PAUL D. VARTANIAN `� , a° 44-29 W M x \� \, \_ SECTION LINE \� I \ I "VACANT LAND" < "�� _- I ((\ ( c_' ) "a 1 s Q____�_ �\ \ \ ,_6\ \_ I 1\ EXISTING \,\�� Fk/ i C<_ - I � - V c F \� \ \ \ / lv RESIDENCE Gq ST/NG. i ` ( � , / \ 44-19 m 5 7 CK \\ 1\ \ O LOT #5 FF=19.39' 1 1 RqG- % \ - \\� MON. J _ ,\\ `1 i � \ APPROX. UMMS o 1 \ \_ (FOUND) 3 z _ PROVIDE GRASSL I � 100 YR. BASE FLOOD / <o0'O �� r / WOOD �L TOP WALL EXISTING 5.2 t - '_ PATH TO DOCKS I BOULDER ELEVATION PER FIRM h � \1 -/ / RETAINING S 1 PANEL-36103C0019H ti ^�' �r \ 1 / 44-24 WALL PROPOSED 6.5-7.0 t \ � � / \ RETAINING TOPSOIL \ � \ / WALL �c i I WALL SEPTEMBER 25, 2009 =' 1, II +/ \ STOCK PILE� STONE i / I I w I f / AREA \ PATIO , / i INSTALL SILT FENCE �4� \ I \ \ i GRAVEL // AN „„ AFTER WALL CONSTRUCTION \ �L I ) I • l \ � 13�1.� / DRIVEWAY / , / T CANTED 2 MAINTAIN DURING GRADING. \/ �,o rwALL -� AREA /ter 5 \�\ \ / �l� .',. LIMITS OF HIGH WATER AND I� L - _ � /, X18"� ;r= � O _-_ �J2 _ \� \ p / �' „ , 9 TIDAL WETLANDS AT BOULDER iWALL 4 - _ ��rF° �!TR E '1 1 �� FCk / J`4 LOCATION MAP SCALE 1 =400 s WALL. (PER. CME STAFF) \ o i.� ALL _ gRF'I �: _ o . - \ i / �? _ t \ � } I REMOVE LOOSE SMALLER \ \ / - _ Iso\ \ 9 _ -__ 13 =\ - / STONES ON TOP OF WALL o \ _ w Z J \� ��,,_ 9 1 1 - � L, / / USE TO FILL VOIDS. \ , �� - _ _ ` �� - S� / MAP REFERENCES - . ADD LARGE BOULDERS 4 6 - � ; \ \ ` I LOTS #58 & 59 / 3 / <- z `,'"'s'". ` TO TOP OF WALL 1.5'f II_ �.o rwALL - �� - `-' 1. "SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PREPARED FOR PENN DUPONT BANGER '� �"L) I, ., , ( ) II \ � PROVIDE GRASS • I �'"� HIGH WATER �- i NO WORK REQUIRED AT \ - II_ I NTED \ 7 PATH TO DOCK � LOTS 57, 58 & 59 THE PENINSULA FISHERS ISLAND NEW YORK `�t -- BASE OF WALL.IF __ (Di / \ �--- LINE I I_ A i \ i LOT #60 a f c I �6 ` I o�`! 1616 PENINSULA ROAD, ~"7"'' 4''� \\ \ - N F DATE: FEB. 10 2010 SCALE: 1"=20 l \i BOOL\ S� DOCK,r`\\ r��lI D c '';..'r a+t`d ^� / ENGINEERING, �. \ N REVISED 09/09/2010, SHEET 1 OF 1, BY CME ASSOCIATES l SCUDDER H. i y,`' RETAINING WALL s —, ` /) 3'„,.,,c LAND SURVEYING & ARCHITECTURE PLLC. CME INSTALL STONES \ \ )� I FLAG SINCLAIR / PROJECT #2008812. :__- ,, 11 ON EACH SIDE O POLE � � C� ,`- .' w OF DOCK O REMOVE PLANTS, STORE .4, 14 P D I o SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE— \ ` ti� o DETAIL Y. J 7.D rWALL J' , " -1 P �• MUNICPAL WATNOTESER , I , —', �< y FOR REPLANTING AFTER AREA I J 1 \ FINAL GRADING. `\, S0� 66 TWALL ' / - _ gRNre° ^ ON SITE SEPTIC» r, a I 11 ADJUST RAMP ) 10 5 0 10 \ SEE DETAIL o� BWALL h I _ F,q� � - • t TO MATCH �oN f •22' _ Q 1. THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED FOR THE PARTIES AND PURPOSE 11 PROPOSED GRADE \ GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET \ 4.6F_ At .� ,% INDICATED HEREON. ANY EXTENSION OF THE USE BEYOND THE r I �� ov — _ sTs8, 4� / PURPOSED AGREED TO BETWEEN THE CLIENT AND THE SURVEYOR I � o ti40` �;- \i / EXCEEDS THE SCOPE OF THE ENGAGEMENT. I ry \ r1111�11 p<A/vr "y- 2. IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW FOR ANY !_ S =' 0111 - gRF4 ,_"° 1 1 II II LLJ ,0 \ � Rl'Fy ' 111115 _ L C PERSON, UNLESS ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED Lu \\ LCOS/Nc '� _�I - 1 LAND SURVEYOR, TO ALTER AN ITEM IN ANY WAY. CD 11 r'"a , 71 ,fit ^` --�' o vNF -1 IGI 3. ONLY COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH THE LAND I-. �"�' ��. // SURVEYOR'S SIGNATURE AND AN ORIGINAL EMBOSSED OR INK SEAL Q �/ sVf' = �, �Irt \ ° ARE THE PRODUCT OF THE LAND SURVEYOR. 1. r Q F_ � � ` 4. COORDINATE DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM U.S. COAST AND, i;,'.: t , Fill i r-- W. - 0 :,i, \\ � \ p \ BOULDER a:4 "`-._.- 0-,"',_ :`.:w ITS'.':. e ,� EY TRIANGU --q ry ° PILE TYP. RETAINING WALLS GEODETIC SURV " �", - T � r ( ) \ CATION STATION 1..t � f . 1 € �""�`'' . xrrr' I 3 � r ' '' \ PROS w r� �� "� Ui 5. SITE IS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TAX C.. K `," s ■ r,. ,B +1 -y,. .-,L u. Xq,ry'R?,?' a S Tq";k.?� ",�qr,,",'-.u,' '. � \ i O 1..` IE .e { gg �'� ° MAP,(1000, SECTION 10, BLOCK 3, LOT 20. Q ; .5 s'r ce .V :k. ;. ! � i j: .`,- '_• ♦ ��I,,�,-�,,�" c a ,•({� .a F,`rj{`` - I 1, -," �,l7 ;__,I '., r Rt,a4"r �' ,>�'•� � a. f,, ¢ rt Fwl "^ �� � rkv s a '`;'t , k', �'' \ . 11k�i'1; t1�IIf a ':F.�• 5,c'`iY „„S �t.Y c ' ahr � t , ! "• i' ^':tgc+,?., , t r� F, " er.;,*W ss4,:�`�dl'{N•'�4 S �j ^n „�.�I + r -i 1 _ Q \+ Iv Y" - °¢• -F �,. ,Y'.-,L, J,¢ �r� ,e•E'!.r'�d*i '!°.N•,n > ` .ate = a14b ` ^ ' '`'' • 1( ,ry raw '`� k k ty t a.4 ' \ 6. TOTAL AREA = 19,780 t SF. Z z t tir"t: ," >,4�:pr 1,•, ' t*�s';E ,t 's•i. _ ..'?r.'r. !p�iY ? �/ w r a ,ti �' _.,,,,N S �,* r' �h1~� i Tia;-•`,'i+'� r :a ,, s . _ , t a.r ib• r ri = ;fir �.R�p t 1 a�wYIli u, 4 W,,^ \ Z ,:;,,..�� , s 7. SITE (( y� IS LOCATED IN R-40 g o w Q a", w' p s gpp,)r;� ry�F ;Y .�, NN ,� ,.y \ ZONE. P J 2�I �4 . '�. +.1 `x K T 4ti�,'}yr�£�' r .F!\B'h,S.t .'.�+y"•S'4r1,4th rW' V' I4 -4 IF F' ,� 1 ° LJ— V/ a h t � 1� 6•, ' k i jj�� c - k #o f ar V e ,+ 3v +# ,»S t r: 4"i a T 3aE� , _ t:, ., L7 dx, ,, �!'� � •- o w ax �dr.s n�> k 4 '' +r f� `n' NA '� �'C 'N e w<ay, r`1 ;,F `�wd Y 6� t � Se '' '�` 1 Y L� Q G o-. 2 , ;r S;: a .r'.r r 1: i. F J . ray „ f n �, r°r ` s, � � ' ' �� ,. - r F \ SILT FE /n w Co •s, r}-;' •"• ,�' 7 B 4,BF 't; -�' �` 1 , i 1 t WC�F,.u� q .'�..L q-�,E ' � `YP .._'.'" �T�y NCE V I LLl Z c ' Of -i, d.i d �}`. i+ F,t t S'Y'C,r .yp 1• ,°•iM .l ,�K;qk ,ck.-k •d4 ��2 e<, _ f�,s e _'a < ;'fir. 'j,. .(`�' . ,t<rr^, !,'4$ t+'�' i• +,P,,1at: r.,,,, r ti,�• a!4 �i <t�+;�1, ',. ✓fS •"" '. .>s }, ,)s'' t r P! ^-',� 1 .'',;. °' ';e+• 2i §�•. "5. .•✓• a; �,,4 '�;� ,s;ar"Ay. .`'..., i,i;",s,,..It?t i.SC.,_y_t. .aT. ,,r, ,l' ..r�'A '�' i. 'J!t�. ° :,_:�. .r ' �, ' 1,.Fr: " .., 1��,.rt 3�. , , '4,:: O., ; , j �1 - I A NOTE: K , i t 'x'l' 1 . ' t. ; ,'.. c. •'" ,, ,i F..'" '+, ,.: =Y� r an E ed:' d., t'. y;, F O- co N W "A:F's_1;,.p.h. '.t ,,�' •, l ,, �{.�'� ! T.1',i�rT:Y�;fr ',w"A:�.,Pl+t'., t'�, K,4 'L ;^�`'^«'_.Y' W?•;p;,,,3$',s.��+fd7J I;!J;.'/''�;..i�)'.,A.f`iK.Cr ^' 40 r f ° f ,)i�;t3J':' 'y ' 41'1{ :i?n'.4 t, i��$$ d y, .,h�S,,¢,)1,+,�ff,,9),,jsY p,...:� er r�"4""t"�•"c*�Ya'r,��,{ �d' rr C;7J 1 �7,,6 Z�, ,t r r y'S a r r try q, ,� OR qT THERE IS NO COASTAL EROSION wovEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 hk r I! 1, J .::,}y .Gt'•�i ••', l+,t,,? r..r,.•M, =7, ,7 g;:,?L�w�"j�r lya,q�,Fa w`!rr'3,,',w��E1,,,,,,i„s.'. ',. Y�.`."il.'yy,.�y''' rt 'i{tx�«.{a .rr�lF,�,fiL *N'':, +' 4' �,, '. ° GAUGE W/ W w +' ,^� - ','yS;B¢,'- .e rt:.s�.Tl,�; , ; -,?.r • b�S`fE= A 4a N 4 v>D &}'�J'y8�2v 'tk.� .", ",.e,T�`v'" "K'" Ff ,;�,1,grt�,;(,"f "t'I jrP 1,^,F $:'® _ --� ._.~ `' w'ti�,T'" .+,,:r. k , - ;;y,�;.+�14�f ._.-+y��k'4+,'t,+ ,' `Ikt„:e.''C+'�s ,`�•fr i !, $ Jf, , 'p >rP;� x,� ,'' ".�� HAZARD LINE IN THIS AREA OF MAX. 6” MESH — _TJ `7 F SPACING) L V) .' ,. F`q ,��,f,a �ftg� t ,r,ly�`, :x WEST HARBOR. C '^) ',. ~�1,,,�"� A,' -` u. -,��', ' e k` 4 Sr i� �ig�pt}r i A IP�'F`1x�,�' �'r0. \ V LL M •,.ar'�'" ,� ° +, '.MA"'°'..� "'�rx� � t. `xl�;: N r a.(r -I W`��.si rj}4 , �'a2 e4V 4� '"1 "r 0 I __ 1p MAX. CEN ERT Z �, , I '° 2 � ,. �; f '.,, :, ��" 20 10 0 20 T CENTS 36" MIN. LENGTH 0 ,,'�..,�' �%*°4� Ic,%' t.• ".,�►a�"_€: r•,� _.. ,,.; a k,; - R FENCE POSTS rn J � ( t a�'�a s " ,, , � a,,,t.�, F GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ; DRIVEN MIN. 16" V / Of n'.r , - 1 ,es4 ttw. " 'f3 trr,ro. M' 'p t ;* k r• ..+u a,. ''.mss '`-u `• „A, -' , 'p:i - ,� + ,`8. _"A Y.y,a f a tet. ,,+„ g t,,rde a, rn--a 34 bz y 3` .,,,.'a ': k �'' _ INTO GROUND R•`"' a +� sg-!r*4'rd A � V-^f > '&: kr";•;t,:•} �,,�„'i�rg d"''l, �`,� ?> ,,.t. . .- '' 3»: �,. A;.S ,,, .1 ,t> ,.a di if ,� +`y,k Y, s j.; ' r'N . B. ,� k.ir.`.•;.',3 .,,� x p,. G 5 " ,� P` ^ i tr'I' 1+3t',•'e art.' - vA s px '•{,,,•.• .y�. ,krl" C+*, .g7- Y+ < . L. a ', .Fr!' •+:e N� - r'� $ + s- ti `� �A t t..s^.. , d,,J'c`. k x'vk�:'.� .49(G,-y .t^'' •as'y, ;e: .-7fi '>w." , s; > -�k #' tet 4 X ;ariH^�^.- n >l ,,,yd'r'4 , ,,.;� k ry`,YaF 'k _ '°t'. ,;' -v-` ; ' -i �i r, : >-two-ars ,Y ,�;x,t 't,�. rs x•• 'ewt"y - ,x, _ r >a _'! `_ I Z 4 3 x - ntf ra-r.. :, a '' + ,k.`0F. t, aR,.+Ad#?;1",, ,,�,+�a k•¢'i, y'},. ,dx fi a # + .;r' 3& may,,,"' P;, y,. e' k f Via-"9 :�, ,E,a'd+r+fie° aivi p � ,.. 3 D�`''.#;.J• i �-. P•fvaseF,4 � _« r ''wJ'u. k +�,t aY,': 'S''y '. �; x N .�11.: F,+t- .( 1. ) - -6 '°M1' infi. Yj 4 K M` & l 'g'" �k- 411 »„ N y '' i, ,yy's 'r,,.EP r*9M` n, A'ad3 sf.w Y �yAa/'i x#+ ', '� '"x•s , y. 31«0, '?b 1a. 'fie ""'k 'r Y- _ ^,� .',a�4-"i',7�t''-whi{�" �'�4^F.. >i.jsA.r'.v4 z,. �;�°s.�'' #w;},,!4�' '4s�K ",;>ti'T''a +, �'' _ '`� 'k4'9�p,=?y' +r •V1 '4 .n, .�xr ,ttp"'"'" ^B Pi.,,p` %.•.'.• ;;' Y, Yre,, a'''Y;ta 9 "`; *',,� a a' w w k _ OFI FIiLTER nw ,,; '�"" t„Y�` >•:x', yk s X°'� i�`'a'4^,= a',awLLP a t�. +, : ',ar' a`e',+4 R .”,.t,°: :{ ,\ �, y, LL. an f^' 17 � '4 4 c ,,n c,', :; ,r ^ _�_�1� = 16" MIN. IMAGE 1 O 6" MIN. F_ m PERSPECTIVE VIEW U, x gyl �14V' O !BCR' Ah ' ,,.I" . ,�' :4f.°' ,i �y;.w 12 WOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 �I 1/2 GAUGE W/ MAX. 6" MESH Z a ,,. s: v n t I 12 SPACING) WITH FILTER CLOTH z O U �1- ".,u " �' 1p-' ! I 36" MIN. FENCE POST y 0 - o w i Ww4 '�M `, f ,4,,`, h�;;'a 1 i UNDISTURBED N (/) m`�. >o: , 10 __--- -- --- - -- --'-- --- -------__...--- - -------------- _ ------ -- ------------ -- -- -- _ - -- _.....,. -- ----- ---- GROUND -. _ . ,M - dY r ! --� ,„_- ^0q'" � �;. ,ark' „k'�:�a.B-'�Ffr t -., yt P e, e r , ., .. 0 LOW —._I.. +. :« .`, ;,x.m-, > ( ROSA RUGOSA j GRADE COMPACTED SOIL z _ T i �,i - ¢ ,,& REPLANT PLACE TOPSOIL PROPOSED Cil .. .- . "�„..,,,V` ;- _~ n 'si,,Ma > ;,,fit,.,,.d,,. x „ PROPOSED I LOAM AND SEED 4 "Y-; °' o r` z" ,.�ra;,4 LER CLOTH / w u fl. A:at.»,.,,��' .. ', -� 1 ;,1 a;,,.:x r. 1,�¢ a s' t"r1. ;,.k' "'��.,: LARGE BOULDERS I ~ EMBED FI T a w t _---- --- --------- 8 - -- A MIN OF 6 IN :r'tf+ �' 4� F.:' ,t,'4'r' ;k -trkk� ',t �.:r '?;a, amc.;.:� - f :=:id t:, I - ----- _-_ - -'--- ----------- - ---- -L' - . - . GROUND \ Q :. "°liar.",, '4S a ., .+,. :#,,,,s t!a,{,sa-r} t 'ti t', 8 O , w �t.'.R+'n RA , - 'v ,,..,C. i,t' .�r> .,' �'{x ¢. .P, w.��r.31:,',x..,,B,,4e.rrry:nv.•e;••h ..1) x �.a 't,. krM1 Via. 4�� i ".Y."... i,..., ;.<,. ,,>:,,, {-.,;+. ,r,.,,.,.,8 a�'�.g .+ , -. 19 r.xi ? ,�w t' t - - L_.. a , „. .>,«...., ...i_.x. ., .Ni�% E•15i.:' s... :0,;,i••,,.15�� , _ rwm , •, . __ .= 1r ,e: \1 / �d - _ - s 1x : - - ., r`�.,.N, , WW1• ..P .. �.:, �. , .� i .., n 5, .. , .. ,.. .,r •, I :. 4.. .�_, , •. , '4"t C ,+,r+ .,t. .�.. 1. __ - �— M' n , TOP OF WALL ,,� ..;d;,¢a,w c. c „ ,.. s,,. ;k E+r y^:r7,:'".-d':ta`F•"t ,�,.°"."r..w »,.c�' ".5 ' --� , i j K=:.• �r 'a•,/r , fir..,-""`_�4;,:.`.;),=�:,e�,r¢ '.,.` a. r �.: °� c 6.5 - 7.0 f l �- �� ` SECTION VI A91 .�.. �m ____—.-_-.____-__ _ EW z pp r f• ,'r.} pl ,.LB,' S` ,q -t .,' 3`t '�'q.,7 `:e ..ci'......, :.# 6 - —._ —_ _—.--�— _ ___.—__—.._ _—_ ._-_ _ _ _ _ -- .-_.____.0_._ _ __—'a,--T-._-- _—_.—_—_._—___---________ _ _.��.. • .-- - _ ___ ___-_ .___ - _.____._.__.__—�___-- ____ ___ __ __ __ __._ -. .- -.� - ,{ •” eatta � w' g,� ..,..�'»., ,' :'-• ftEf:,�`e 14 , , tj-! c;::a.:. _F• :y ',LF / r i `� ��,� ? 6 , �'"r ,,, +�k : J '� i ar �, '=�::_ I ':,4a, \ ( 1� II r,,�l _:_�� _ _ _ ( CIFICA11ONS i�'�, it;,;- _ t i,.-a I . �\ /\� /�-- CONSTRUCTION SPE S Z ,'k 3 C I#. i7„ / '�`°•3k.1.. :'�" , -�.!@; \' ��`� `'. '�y,5>4 >; '.'.q.»", '= - - _� f ` f '\ \i i - \\�� •`�I! :�'1� �='=-r — REMOVE TOPSOIL ' w \I 1. WOVEN W d a'+ � �''�*t.' 4 i` :'"''""' *,: "'' � 4 _ 11 `I %- ' ! ~' I \"��' IRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH ' ?'=� ,. AND STOCKPILE : .. ,� +w !s L:� "„ '�` ,,; Imo- / WIRE TIE LES POST _- "''`' ., 4w, , , __ ____ EXISTING GRADE ON SITE S OR STAPLES, S SHALL BE STEEL EITHER "T" OR "U" TYPE 0 fir" -B - -- ---- _.,r ,. .. .. �., ,.. .,. , ~. 11_" 4 --- _ - - - - ---- -- - - GOSA-- - ---------...----- -- - - ----- __ _ ------------ -,q. ''- 4 °, ,. - ?'..wLL,.; .LL,� - - - - - 4 OR HARDWOOD.REMOVE ROSA RU D OOD. ,. 't'ri,t,.n.i �.;, » „ "Y+ , k,1 '..fid '.� ,�; .-aMe` *4 ;;r^ •-:.: " •,+> ,,ig.,,_^. � MHW I t i • AND STORE FOR c� r:�•. '' M r'` =� � .'`' : ;. ' .•„ .. ;- - - _._-- ' SANDY FILL Q Q J a .' .; y r,: , a,r,, ^-�, 8 - j FUTURE PLANTINGS I 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO WOVEN WIRE FENCE WITH Q cn y, TIES SPACED EVERY 24" AT TOP AND MID SECTION, FENCE SHALL BE U .••� .d' +,„ .. a,b't 1 , . i Vr, -*, a.,. Kit w,<d, t`.°"`•G+; .a rn I I I . , + w, �, 4 , '; bt'.�Ilff, K 4- a d fix, I I 58 t CU NDS. ,h: ,,. 5 .: ,, sh '•3 ,r. V i6 tea. ori '• �a v + $sf>s pry"*t_ WOVEN WIRE, SH OPENING Of .�,Z m , �.t � ' 6° MAXIMUM ME N0. N I '=. 00 ,+..>. -. + ,;..a,•V. ". 1'34 ..;,. a°R' m. "', '•x',.,:a.�,"': '=``. - - — — - - - - 1-1 Q0 - . ,-,, .y••,r,,, y»s-. 2 _-- ___.__ __..__ _.___._-. . __ _-- -...__._____-_-_.__--_...._.-_ ---__.. ..__.____.__.._____--_— - --_.__-_. _. cD I _.. gq - T �:0',"'r,+;t.r .;s'.:,,a.,y.,G'.'�,';�Y: -V:.',}.,..�:r r• .•y' ,''¢ ;.�?..�.•:.y,,,, l �" " __:q �•.Sw;ria.:`'_ a•�� ' z B Y k. I a 5 b �y„ t k �.r �„ n '- i I WH N TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY o m = 0 0 3 E 11 fit:: . .:ra4;p1-:;,:1':`,= +'fir". ..t.. .� *, ..a'..Yh�� (°' a; *�s 'ib ikgV4� Qr,, `',e%*«: i EXISTING SHALL BE OVER LAPPED BY SIX INCHES AND FOLDED, FILTER CLOTH m N i I N � N N c , R , ','.r y, •s ,?.~., •` ,,. .,•� �4,,1., �,Y.r x� y r +,�� WALL STONES I SHALL BE EITHER FILTER X, MIRAFI 100X, STABILNKA T140N, OR APPROVED � .� W�t�ta� 0 ^s `a9'., + � ,p3.e.r" i '�j., , „: " r _.==t -___ - I I EQUIVALENT, O 0 J - fr/ Y l r ,�greq } ` '?yN' � "„�a Vic�'���'i� i ( I __ U Z w � � c t. ,1. .* C, r d" ,+,.L' ,.;�.., r„�., - X*..'.' • O W z Z Y '� fi• w. ^,w»-, 0 4. PREFABRICATED UNITS SHALL BE GEOFAB, ENVIROFENCE, OR APPROVED Y 0 U O '41,¢'' '"s~F' �;t ;, .'4 ,� py,r x y�"a t, �t k.�'t * M co 000 Lo 017 00 M O in O op EQUIVALENT. O O N Q w C7 w 1 $ lf�a y• a n'a. .� .. -.$, ,\,§ 1" 'x # d t„' •.^ h O N n 0) 't CO I"') D_' O W W' 2 O J y� 0 m 0 0 U U L, '�7, d x_y,Vit"',- ..s -,"r '��r ,r��'pp"A"e'o' 1,'¢'.' - - r r C° r `° r r °O 5. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL f REMOVED WHEN "BULGES" DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. II F� DATE: 1 /06/2017 r-: r IMAGE 2 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 N/F NOW OR FORMERLY SCALE: AS NOTED fjD .; -, 0 . QUALITY CONTROL CERTIFICATION CIROSS SECTION -;; SF SQUARE FEET PROJECT: # 2016824 GROUP REVIEWED DATE - - 10 - — EXISTING CONTOURS - 3 2011 I 0 r PROPOSED CONTOURS PROJECT MANAGER . 3 1.5 0 3 f1 '1�r1� SURVEY ENVIRONMENTAL GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET STONE WALL CIVIL SouthrT�Town SHEET STRUCTURAL ^ ^ ^ RETAINING WALL ar fT,_*_ I 1 OF 1 r ARCHITECTURAL