HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-80.-3-14 OFFICE LOCATION: o�*OF SO(/j�ol MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) ® �Q Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To. Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: October 16, 2017 Re LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for JEFFREY & CAROL OAK SCTM# 1000-80-3-14 Robert Brown Architects, P.C. on behalf of JEFFREY & CAROL OAK request a Wetland Permit to demolish existing single-family dwelling; construct new single-family, two-story dwelling with a 1,820.2sq.ft. footprint; a 601.6sq.ft. attached garage; a 160.4sq.ft. seaward side screened porch with side entry stairs; a 422sq.ft. seaward side deck attached to dwelling; a 238.6sq.ft. seaward side on-grade patio; install gutters to leaders to drywells to contain roof runoff, and in accordance with Chapter 236 of the Town Code-Storm Water Runoff; and to abandon existing sanitary system and install new landward of dwelling. Located: 155 Lake Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-80-3-14 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. 1. Due to zoning regulations, there is no ability to relocate the structure out of the FEMA flood zone AE EL 6'. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Town-of Southold E C -L.WRP.C.ONSIST-ENCY,ASSESSMENT--FOR-M OCTF 2017 Southold Town A. INSTRUCTIONS 10 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold a shall complete this CCAF for agencies, pomp propos.edact.ions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront-Consistency Review'Law. This assessment isintended to supplement other information used by a Townof Southold agency in making rnunation of consistency. *Except:minor exempt actions .including Building Permits ... ....... and other,ministerial permits rim-its norlocated-w A in:.the.Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. the questions in. Section C,thep review e, exempt. Before answering ....e q. s and weparer of this form,should revi th 'P� minor action list,-policies and ex0lanations of each policy contained.in the ToWn of'Southold-Lod4l Waterfront Revitalization Program. A. ;proposed_ action. Will be. evaluat ..:as .to its. sigocant benefietal ....... effects............ 3if-any question inSecton C on this form is answered "yes" or no ., .then the:proposed:action will affect the achievement of the LIM policy standards 40 conditions contained in the consistency review Taw: ........... an action cannot be certifiedas consistent with-the LWR.P­PO-IIP­Y standards and conditions,it-A&not bquhdd Aco y..of-thc:LW.R...P. is.aval:ldb-leint-liefol.1-owing.p.lar-es!::.o.' 't To.wn:of.:. o . n1me. a Ow S'uthold's p . . the . :.: **' -we*bsite.(souiholdto.w'n.iiorffi.brLndt)i tie Board.ofTitt A eg--Offiee ihPl' Department,aft all 16c,al libraries:and:the Towni-C-10ikks-office. .DESCRIP ION OF:SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION PROJECT .. . . T> e Application has:been submitted to:.�(cheek:a ro nate response} Town.Bbard :E 'PMhnin rdE1 .00diw IDgpt. . oard:vf Trusteed st00 1. Category of Town ofouto1.d qgpqp.y:action:i. _top Me). _04.i ca.pn_ (A). Action un4rtaken.-dit-e nc. ctly 'ge ­ . ................. al iconstruction,iOlanning­ ;activity;.*ity;agency regulation, And transaction}. assistance .(b) Financial grant siib loan, Permi ,ap certification: provaLlibense.ce Nature an' action: Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Karen Szczotka <Karen@ ribrownarchitect.com> Sent: Monday, October 02, 2017 2:S9 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Subject: Oak Here ya go..... Square footage of Oak project • Deck : 422 SF not including steps or screened porch • Screen Porch: 16o.4 SF • On Grade Patio: 238.6 SF • House: 1820.2 SF first floor, not incl. garage • Garage (attached): 6o1.6 SF Thanks! -Karen • T Location of action: Siteaa . Present land use: Present zoning classif cation: 2. If an'application for the:proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency; :the following information shall be:provided: :00-Nam e.of applicant:. 42AA_,,4_e 15&,� IViatli r n address•. g' " ,... 3 .(c) Telephone number:Area:Code( ),lL ..:L .... �D 7 '7h�:.02.53 .._.. (d). Applicatiori:number, if:any. . :.. .. _:... Wil :the.actionbe directly:undertaken,:require funding,.or.:approval by:a.state or'federal agency? Yes _ : No: If yes, which. state or federal agency? C. :Evaluate Ilhe, pr.ppet to th:e.following;:po. cies by ana:1yzing.how the:proj:opt-.JI. fur her:. support<or snot au 'ort, he: .olicies. Prov de.;all: ;ro :osed`Brest MAna eiament P i otices.that:will further each;:::olio PP P.. P P ge P Y Incomplet0i A '.ers will:requ re:that the foram be ot.W-Aed:fo.r comp letion. :REVEL OPED..COAST:.:P.O.LI O.L.-ICY. Pohcy 1, faster:a.:pattern of:development;in-ahe:Town of Southold:that enhances community el aracter.. preserves open space,makes.,effi Ot a§e off.f.4.ructure,makes beneficial nse of n coastal location, and minimizes::adverse effects iof development. See* WRP:'S',—on-, P.olkies.; Page 2 for..ev.aIuation criteria. Yes No Not Applicable Attach additional sfieets.if necessary Policy 2. Protect and :preserve :historic and arcliaeglogical resources of the Town of :Southold: See Lw" 'Section HI–. Policies.Pages 3 through 6:for evaluation:criteria Yes No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if.necessary Policy 3. Enhance visua`1 quality and. pr.:otect scenic :resources .throughout the flown :of Southold. See I:WRP Section III—Policies-Pages 6 through 7 for:evaluation-criteria ,. Yes El: No :._: ..Not Applicable. Aftach addihonal sheets if necessary :NATURAL COAST'POLICIES Po icy 4. Minimize loss :of"life, structures:, :and:natural resources from flooding and .erosion:'See LWRP ction III—Poli.gie PagesR through a:'6.;for evaluation:crneria _ Yes .. ..__:: No Not A:PPh::: cab`le �..._., PPPPPP _ . . _.......................: .... - - Attachad`di[ional sheets'f:necessary Poli5� Protect and:im rove water:"uali'. ; anal s.0 ; 1 in the Town:of:Southold.:S:ee:I WRP`Sectioa:M 3' . P. . q tY PP Y ,-.P:ol eies Pages 16 thro.ugh.;21;for evaluation_criteria PPPPPP:.,, PPPPPP. Yes No Not Applicable - Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6: Protect ;and r::estore the` quality :and function. of`the Town of.Southold ecosystems :including .. .SigiiifcantCoastal Fish and Wildlife Hab tats.:and wetlands: :See LWRP Section.Il1_Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for'evaluation criteria. =CD '! A Yes No Not Applicable ....... ...... . . - -- . Attach4idditiorial.sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air _quality _in :the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section HI _ P:olicies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Yes N-o.. Not Applicable Attach additional.:slie.*'if necessary Policy 8.. M:h maize environmental degra:datio.ti in. Town of:Southold from.solid waste :and hazardous substances.and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Pdlkks;.Pages 34 through 38 for evalua'tiop criteria: ElYwesNo Not Applicable _......... .. ........._..._..-. ... _ :...,........ ............._ .... . _ - _ PUBLIC'COAST POLICIES. ... ......... .. _ PoLcy 9: _Provide for :pu'blic access to:, and;recreational use of, coastal waters:, public:lands,.:and` p"blit resources of the.Town of.Southold. See`LWRT Section III—Tolicies; Pages:38:through 46 for°evaluation criteria. ........ YeD P.o ::... .N.ot.Applicable .Attach-additional=sheets-ifnecessary-- WORKING COAST POLICIES :policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable ble locations. See LWRP Section III Policies Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. Yes 0 No Not Applicable ............... ............ .......... ................. Attach additional sheets i.fnecessary. ......... .Policy 11. Promote :sustainable use of living ingnin' t :resources in Long Island: -Sound the Pecoiiic Estuary and Town waters.See LW- .RP-Section.'.1-II—Yolicies".:Pages 57 through Q for evaluation criteria. . ... ... . ..... Yve E] S No U. Not Applicable � ................ ..... ................ .......... ...... ....... . ... ........ ........... ....................... Attach.. ad.ditional.sheets if necessary fdoy 12. Protect agric01tural 'lands Tow otSouthold, 8 `to LYMP Section III Pages 62 through h 65 fqr-evaluation criteria; .Not ADplicable ............. .......... ............... M..................... .......... .......... .................... ........... Aifikh.M@6n41-sh6et_s if necessary Policy 136 Promote appropriate use development aof:ener.gy. and mineral resources. See LVRw*P . .. - Section III—Polideg; .Pages 65 through-48:for ovaluAfioncriteria. Yes No No Applicable cable Q. ............ ............ ............ ­.�.�.... .. .... ........... .............. ........... ... .......... ......... SURVEY OF I LOTS 7 & 8 NOTES: MAP OF RE—SUBDIVISION OF MAP OF 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.AkV.D. 1988 DATUM EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN ITHUS:.w REYDON SHORES EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: — ———s— — — — BLOCK F - FR. - FIRsT nooR GFL- GARAGE FLOOR FILE No. 1215 FILED OCTOBER 7, 1936 TB - TOP OF BULKH AD Be - eorrou OF BULKHEAD SITUATE n1 - TOP OF WALL BW - BOTTOM OF W L BAYVIEW 2. FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP-No. 36103CO167 H N ZONE AE: BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK ZONE X: AREAS OF 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD; AREAS OF 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD S.C. TAX No. 1000-80-03-14 WITH AVERAGE DEPTH OF LESS THAN 1 FOOT OR WITH DRAINAGE AREAS LESS THAN SCALE 1"=30' 1 SQUARE MILE; AND AREAS PROTECTED BY LEVEES FROM 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD. AUGUST 4, 2016 •"��afl= �9� AREA = 22,032 sq. ft. �� (TO BULKHEAD) 0.506 ac. �a 5N A�5 �G , S 8,3'13,0,9. E HIM vim10.77' i/ WJW xm /x2J X/X TNM X , ,L1 xjj Xm / 9 x / \ •— XAR qv \ ► j / "A' Southold Town \\ \\ A► Xu „ ��-- b Board fTrustees X J — \ x� X" XAI AR PREPV THE Mum" i ATE LAND � z�TLAE S9:-9- _31— T ESrABUSHED ` � � � m � � � a9 74.0)"0 "� �.; ► i T C .�r x•�je• .. / `� mr,pW `\\ xm I a•• , ', �� ' Z F • X • . •. "x�r• i,. � � 'A' / >r-U'i N.Y.S. Llc. No. 50467 /X A� UNAU1NOR12ED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TD THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF • • • W SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE X ,/,�•� �, ; 200.00, Nathan at Corwin III L ,� W COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING AK ` ` THE LAND _INKED SEAL DR Land Surveyor TO BE A SELL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED / � ''''��,___,Y TO BE A vALro TRUE COPY. D 71 ` K CERTIFCATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ;• ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY E a L IS PREPARED;AND ON HIS BEHALF M THE Successor To: Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. L.S. x TILE COMPANY.GOVERNMENTAL.AGENCY AND Joseph A. Ingegno LS. LENDING INSTRUIION LISTED HEREON.AND . TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING Ran- Title Surveys —Subd visfons — Site Plans — Consfnxtion Layout TUIION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. 11 PHONE (631)727-2090 Fox (631)727-1727 AND/OR EASEMENNT t THE EXISTENCE T RICHTS OF RECORD. WAYSORD, IF OFFICES LOCATED AT AWLWG ADDRESS iI ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. 1586 Main Road P.O. Box 16 Jamesport, New York 11947 Jamesport, New York 11947 .I TI �I14, i`. �:1t�' { r� v Vit+ i .�� .i.-�. •�, INS I. Ilk '`�►,.-_�, ,a�A .# `� :. � `i � ' * -A �„ � s .rig F _ — ►ssa�.. a ..,,� •""�"'° - :.low me, 41, Ax AV 4k n 77 4 14 4 fr mmMm� Aid go lrws r , , .; 'fi t• AC' t -` sfi 44! `11 ?�{ � ':���-� .. by ��_l St _ ,�' (�. �_6+i s'-S.d�.•"• + � J �' Air it I"APTI _....IMr...._ .01 NOR I'lit-RIA Sll,)r ASTETAk .. rya.• ., k. _. `„r,,-.��N:�i.,. .. ' 'M �,� a to "' •.. :•� y� �' � �y�y�.t At�.,���'i {�" d. 4)',NORTHERLY SIE YARD FACING 1 . OAK RESIDENCE-155 LAKE DRIVE, SOUTHOLD, NY — SCTM #: 1000-80-03-L4-7/26/2.oi7 " FC11�Cn lAIc WN AMW11iT AN D i'' � i g� ,� `�,.,^� z 4, : � :,•.X5;1"', r ... ....^. �,�.. h d lig n 's- "ti •, '�tr _ �. ♦, � r• .y�,. rpt.} i 3 j•�� � j f 44 46, 4 40rt*w T�RD n, C Ain"ate` Z►. ` `� w `t -4� �.y�.J�. �' " + ii'-` { t� Bt' �•U ♦� �y,..�S���;'�. ♦/ISA= . 1 .� � • � •i�•.'` �, alt =� - .,;. OAK RESIDENCE-155 LAKE DRIVE, SOUTHOLD, NY - SCTM #: 1000-80-03-14-7/2.6/2,017 i w a f Y _ •. ..• 0 jr�}ty��'8 r.�r iI i ,._ �_ �; Aye i'�,+� Yyja_y ti R .. '} X46•.., may - V•' '�-� :. '^"`� �Vii- �' � �-• h �'' �) S�IC��'HER�1 SIDS YARD FACII�IG r • " � ERTYNAP��+ I - ... �... ."�.'�.��w ."'�:� .y, Y rte •�..r4e I � - •. _.r...-,.� �l'I"..v - 'S -�.�• ��'�..�� <••iT.iw��`-t�'Y� i,Rpi��.aT... Irv+ 1 : I • � n z --------- , ..7A(c) 13 I ------ ' - -____ _ - ----bt o m, 3. 1 e _ 1 ZZ 13 I - 'e t° 1° ----tel .. ir --'___'a -- t m LAKE DR. mvc FO.) (w) 1 ---- ------ -1j- _ s� W at __ _ O A >Cc 21, 5 A ---T-__ -� _ -- O __us ___ - u � _ a "__ -______ -- tot 25 14. GROVE I � 28 8 1 I - - '— __ — -- --^-- Nonce COUNTY OF SUFFOLK O ,,, SECTION NO G —�—. X11 r O �e..� --�— �u„• C E 6 sourNan ----_- _ —— —— ——.—— Real Property Tax Service Agenq r Eu.mrc.ner,nwmea,Nr,tm M 80 .�,� -.�--. ....� d.. `�" �•• ••'"' wraucou.nw,wr,wow,co o » n,.nl.ou '- ...,.. --•-- •'-- -- '� yob r ,a,w ttce rrrorERn,av —� t l...e.va,•4 _ _ s: ._ +7 x`.1....•• :.}�>„i..:Si.`:.'! t:: � '"�' ...e •'l _...,�irii:t - - ... _.._.�......-� -.nr. � �Y-1���.••'��•=+'..� - - Ala:. '3 , OAK RESIDENCElu 155 Lake Drive, Southold, NY Tf51"00 > ^ 0 APPROX.ft.5 B REV. Sept. 15, 2017 OAR&BROWN G°AMa > SCALE: 1" = 20' DRDwNGGATET7AND x 11=13m .o �tG��Gy40 f�1 pp f�1 cv.c•sANDDowN x <rt�C` �gMarihC. P° Robert I. Brown 6 c y t �yEP LL, Architect, P.C. WATER IN DROWN v' }� Gf�S1tN� PINE TO coARSf srwD x 20Bax Ave. Greenport NY info@ribrownarchitect.com A 17• �• K}tee 2° ° Z'P WAS`'� � 631-477-9752 WATER ENCOUNTERED 3.6•U LOW SURFAC[ t STONE W LLS TO �2�Pz y3 BE REM ED ojs2 + m 4LAG q7 \ POLE 3 3 P'Y FIN.FL.ft.10.8' ��0� / CONCRETE W9 LL-- TOP OF POUND 9.6' GOCNING CASTING TO GRAD[ )6[A.)b.5•x 4.75'PK[CA51 GfAC"ING GALLfTS `� / a C TO E REMOVED PFOR NIAkO[wwC[[SSID[ GRADE[l. 9.0 Nv �PROvtD Or SCDnS GRAD[!t. 8.9' ��2� ABOVE�6R�DE z d.°'OPOFSAD 1LT FENCE FOR Zo� I.e e.l• ° .�• — �.s iOP OP WNG x Lf.7. 5 . I w OUTLET 1. T "VOL v D Ck055-OvtR PIPtS U 4488 7EDPIPE �4"f" �`�' ONSTRUCTION `••• ..M ft 4.4• f1.5.5' v El. 4.1 Q Dor Of IANI, ---- -----+-;-------v �[T 2.0,GROUND wLMER 2 0 GROUND WATER ------ --- ---- -- f PI I EA. 1200 GAL.SEPTIC TANK CONCRETE PROPOSED SEPTIC 5Y5TEM DETAIL P WALL TO BE + N.T.S. REMOVED F +� EXISTING ARBO / 4) 7 , \ 40- S 1 T E P L A N BUILDING 155 LAKE DRIVE, 50UTHOLD, NY 1 1971 NOTE' NEIGHBORING ENVELOPE PROPOERTIE5 ARE BASED ON SURVEY BY NATHAN TAFT CORWIN III 158G MAIN ROAD, JAMESPORT, NY 1 1947 CONNECTED TO 5CTM No 1000-80-03-14 PUBLIC WATER 0 +� + /zO /,I DATED 08-04-201 G AREA = 22,032 51F = 0 50G ACRES ENVEDLIO E / // /// / —7 ELEVATIONS ARE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM 1985 / / / TOWN OF 50UTHOLD ZONE R-40 DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS ZONE I 1159 5F x 0 17 = 197 0 CF REQD CONCRETE Z PROVIDE (2) 1 O'DIA x 2'D DRYWELL5 = 273 G CF WALL TO BE z ZONE 2 2178 SF x 0 17 = 370 3 CF READ REMOVED � L 2.9' s N PROVIDE (3) 1 O'DIA x 2'D DRYWELL = 4 10 5 CF I NW 0 3010 CD 3.4' O LOT COVERAGE: y / 11 �+ o PROPOSED HNEW NOUSE(INCLUDING , �/, W GARAGE AND SCREENED PORCH) 2,5 10 5F — C9� VCL / DECK 449 5F / RI V-EVGAY TOTAL 2,959 51' 15..._..G WATER. ® D 2,959/22,032 5F = 13 4% a / / _ TQ; l I EXISTING ELEVATION / / / 1 ,, C EACH / Z-0,/ / / 2j REQ �' CONTOUR PROP95 + I — — PROPOSED ELEVATION �� NEW A ER 1 / R (NAGEOD �' 2v1ETE 1 �.. + OO CONTOUR �� ZO 2 EXISTING Q`� + LOCATI 1 � ' APPROX. LOCATION ° OVERHEAD �` + �PE;E EX15TIN TEM' �/ E --t/2".- ® AdEW fiR� C LN �'" E RE D° WIRES TO --VVATE _ BE RUN / — — �— D SERW.CE � - � gE`GtPN et-°N D UNDERGROUND IS A ��1710N OF THE OF r'. LICE=--!SED �v �-• ..e5 D ° F� ��>'•=•P..�� [`i:int�_!IESANY I F:tii(<:.}i',.1 TH''.' 0i=r•,W�1)`.1G_!N � 0 D + Y Di .: iw.Y CE P�.t�'C Ct Ri/L^ ICrE (0 -"\ \Sll RPt f D Wi H'k�-It._. (O / SP`t f jV 5' c � p,eD ARCy�T 'QO 1 ) T P ° —6 , 12— _1OQti In 44 ° NEW TRENCH DRAIN (N T 5) D (3)5MARTV[NT 1540.5 10 ______________________ 1 ______________________l I 1 1 I 1 L-------------------- ------------------------- 0. ___________________ I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1----------- 3-112-9 1 1-7/6'2.0[PNKAILL PSL I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I f_J I I r L J L J L J L J I (� rE E V E nr 1 1 I t `- -------J ; SEP 1 1 20.17 I r------------J L------------------ Sautholu Tcwn � I 1 Board i T L1StCf S ----------------- ------J II __________________J r------- L_—____—_— 1 1 _--___--- L__._____— --_J 1 1 I I I I • I - I 1 I J AK RESIDENCE 55 Lake Drive, Southold, NY I 1 `---_—_ F O U N D A T I O N P L A N rule/ 26 201 I 1 1 1 � 7 1 1 SCALE: 1/8" = i o IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE SA ED A LAVH FOR ANY PERSON, v� SRT L B iT r- UNLESS ACTING UDDER THE eO� o� o� Robert I. Brown ' DIRECTION OF A LICENSED 1 1 AFCHITECT,TO ALTER ANY * * Architect' , P.C.-------------------J > --------- 1i'Etly ON THIS DRAWING IN - ANYWAY.ANY A THORIZED - - ALTERATION MUST BE341 20 Bay Ave. Greenport NY -�o�'-----ln-o@-rrb-rowna-reh-'tteet-eQn=i-------- DESCRIBED IN ACCORDANCE NEW WITH THE LAW. 631-477-9752 rROViDG rLUM&NG AND EUCrWCAL ROUGHING rOR rUruRL Oui5I0[nOi ru0 90RLGNCD roRCn 115 +c I 1 1 roN[ wno 117 •—_ •—_—_—_ •— _ _ ___ —_ —_ I I I10 IUV�NG ROOM KIM.e. MA5reR DCOROOM r.ndOv we I - 11-7/D'Ili 16049 6.00 • 1 08109 3C N rsn I tl 9-O 107 103 V L 111 112 (� ', nD E C LE V E c 103 "r 106 � 113 11 5 6- C7'x C I . � SES 1 7 2017 L- i�i IOI 114 I Se thoid Town IIS OAK RESIDENCE G"""G` 1S5 Lake Drive, Southold, NY July 26, 2017 FIRST FLOOR FLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'0" ,'FRyED AAC IT IS A�:ICLATION OF THE �iC�\O RT t B�gO/Ftp Robert 1. Brown LAW FOR:ANY PERSON, UNLESS AC T!NG UNDER THE Architect, P.C. DSRECTIJ 1 OF A LICENSED AR.0 iTECT TO ALTER ANY Era; ON TH!S DRAV';fING IN 205 Bay Ave. Greenport NY IS;��'`iitF r`-if�iY E_ 3 HOPIZED-- -------- - Q� -- 1 ALTERATION'-- YV A. �A—T- BE FD --in o@Trb-rownarch-itect-con-1------ --- I,:t3TED.SEALED,AND 631-477-9752 r,r:SCF1MED 1 'ACCORDANCE f oecx ri iL I r­ 7�u I . srupr zoi , zo -,oRooM zo I I nr0Rl^l F2020 soruGe E C, a L V E o I ►� �l gz „,w _ SEP 1 1 2017 F L _ (zO — — Cnu?hold Town sneo —, ___ hoard'JI Tru tees ^MC sroanee OAK RESIDENCE I 155 lake Drive, Southold, NY L — July 26, 2017 SECOND FLOOR PLAN EDA/?C, SCALE: 1/8" = io" IT IS A VIC-LaTION OF THE T 1.& . T LAW FOR ANY PERSON, Q�Q00 A� � Robert 1. Brown UNLESS ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED - * Architect! P.C. ARCHITECT,TO ALTER ANY !i Etri ON THIS DRAWING IN ANY WAY.ANY A'_:THORIZED � Q�- 205 Bay Ave. Greenport NY -------inf.o@r-�-br-o-w-na-r-chi.tect NOTED,SEALED,AND DESCRIBED!N ACCORDANCE 631-477-9752 WITH THE LAW. E C E I V SEP 1 5 2017 Southold n Roard of Trustees OAK RESIDENCE 155 Lake Drive, Southold, NY R00f PLAN 5CALE.V- 1-0- rev. Sept. 15, 2017 vo ARCtiT SCALE: 1/8" = l'o" `,F: �P� ' ��° 2°THE Robert I . Brown OF UCFf',7SED tO.&ITERANY Architect P.C. GIN ANA"VAY.ATIIYA-THORIZED "3" -ATION UST BE UT E R I - tvAt' o Bay Ave. Greenport NY p.r.-,-rFzn. 4�'rz-04-F,3.AME) 44 i�n?o@ribrownarchitect.com 631-477-9752 --- ------- 1^Jljmxn�j F FHf F kL I 5t 1`1 EL 9 0 f-L 7 0 zajfE Bflf G 0 GRADE EL 5.0 5 0 U T H WEST (FRONT) ELEVATION GRADE EL 4 0 SCALE o- OAK RESIDENCE 155 Lake Drive, Southold, NY rev. Sept. 15, 2017 E C E I V E-0] "i. ED A SCALE: 1/8" i'o" r RV Robert 1. Brown SEP 1 5 2017 D Architect P.C. Southold Town Board of Trustees20 Bay Ave. Greenport NY tno@rtbrownarchitect.com 631-477-9752 F . EC IVE L SEP 7 5 2017 Southold Town 15t F1 EL 9 4 LQT a EL 8 0 min GRADE CL""''0 GRADE L 5.0 GRADE EL 4.0 OAK RESIDENCE 155 Lake Drive, Southold, NY rev. Sept. 15, 2017 TME D AFJ SCALE: 1/8" = I' R 0 IG. U i�'R,THE Robert 1. Brown Architect, P.C. 34A zo5 Bay Ave. Greenport NY N ino@rtbrownarch'ttect.com 631-477-9752 w532503' 1 - 12x4- 1 1 g egress ws 2G40 casement ® ws 2840 2'-7.5 x 3'- 1 1 st M EL 9.2 F1 =L 8.0 min 1st fl :RBQE EL 7.0 5FE G.0 RADE EL 5.0 RADE EL 4.0 NORTH E A 5 T (REAR) If L V A T 1 0 N SEP 1 1 2017 Southold TOM I I r SICPS ?1 8( 1 IT IS A VIOLATION OF TIME FLED AR LAW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLESS ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED ARCHITECT,TO ALTER ANY 11 Eltr.ON THIS DRAWING IN ANY WAY.ANY A.JHORIZED ALTERATION MUST BE NOTED,SEALED,AND ��9 3_ OQ� DESCRIBED IN ACCORDANCE 0 N 12 WITH THE LAW. 3- 1/= OAK RESIDENCE 155 Lake Drive, Southold, NY July 26, 2017 15t f1 EL 9.4 SCALE: 1/8" = i o" ` —"-E B-0 min 15t f1 Off G:0 Robert 'I. Brown GRADE EL 5.0 Architect P.C. GRADE EL 4.0 N O R T H W E 5 T E L E V A T I O N - zo5 Bay Ave. Greenport NY in Bay Ave. _ 631-477-9752