HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-104.-4-27.2 OFFICE LOCATION: �O��OE SO(/lyOlO MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold; NY 11971 Q�yCOU�'�,�p Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: December 6, 2017 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for ELSIE TIETJEN LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST SCTM# 1000-104-4=27.2 Michael Kimack on behalf of ELSIE TIETJEN LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST requests an Administrative Permit to construct a 10'x18' (180sq.ft.) second-floor open deck onto the front of the dwelling. Located: 7625 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-104-4-27.2 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is CONSISTENT with the below listed Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Town of Southold E C LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM DEC 1 1 2017 A. INSTRUCTIONS Outwold Tmvr, Planning sacro 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete NTUCAF-f- proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits-not-located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Ar a. 2. Bef6re answering the questions in :Se,:Section C, the.prepares of this forms d review the exempt rninoraction list, polic-lesand explanations of each policy.contained in 'Town of Southold Local used Ag jp�, W -.--OS_tb itg*t. sigWftcant Waterfront Revitalization Program. A b"i'd-p _U g . 1111e�, b��heficidt:andd&g�e_& upon-the goastO' Southold Lme Lud�:of-8 -d Jawn 3: If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" r "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards an conditions contained in the consistency review. law. 094"gs*&:MUgt:be;M*�plainMJ, 'it. _'orting.and n - gap!) wo ,MW�r,thfLy,fik-66L If an action cannot be,certified as c istent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions...-ItAkfi 'dfid A copy of the LWRP is available in the fbilowing- ac= -online at the Town of Southold's'.* w.ebgite-:(8otitho'ldtovvn.northfor.k.net),.the Board. ­Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local.libraries and the Town Clerk's office.. following:as T c a /a "y n 0 aces: rust Vmard krM s e es" r conditions .certified Cr 0.. OESCRI.PITION. OF SITE. SA: -XPOSED ACT -` -N SCTM# ZZ, V 7— mmc-T NAME r / / - V ELAI& 0 CA 8,1 5 Tire AppiHoatidn has been submtted to(check: ribop r1a- . response): Tow. u.Board. 1:1 Planning boardEl Build' ept El Board of Trustees 1. Category of Town of Southold agency-action(check appropriate'tesponse): -(a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital 'Construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) I LJ (b): Financial assistance(q.-.g. grant.loan,-subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license,certification. Nature and extent of action: COMP.MUO.E . 0 /,P. 0 _F —ZAJE:- LECO OA Ar6 f . ... .. ....... Location of action: 6 2�� ,S�UA/,C ey rCVO&OI Site acreage:. Present land use: L-- Present zoning classification: 19. . 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applieont , L1'/ (b) Mailing address: ��� /�%Zr�f/VT GL�i�y ,�LUfTON,, se 2 9909 (c) Telephone number: Area Code( ): pphication number,:if any: - — - ..... – Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes NoN If yes, which state or federal agency? C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the projeept will further support or not suliport the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require.that the form be returned for completion. Polley 1. Foster a pattern of develop.ment.in the Town of Southold that.enhances community.character,: pir*serves opth.:pace, makes efficient.use of infrastrr<tcture..makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes:adverse effects of 4evelopment: .See LWRP'Section III-Policies; Page.2 for evaluation criteria. Yes' No Not_A:pplicable. . �'v��c,T /yJ.4 Y t�./!J LJre !AC �rYL".P .!'l J�77J.PF AND .!S' �t/D -d.Ll.4._ C'OrOff��+C__ Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRPSection III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria U Yes H No IBJ Not Applicable - l Of.,/ CA Z- Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources .throughout the Town of Southold. See L. Section III—Policies.Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria El YesE No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST'POLI:CIES Policy 4. Minimize Toss of life, structures, and natural-resources from flooding and erosion. ' ee Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 1:6 for evaluation criteria Yes N60, Not.Applicable P,eo72E cam- /J' ARC Attach additib4al sheets if necessary Policy. . Protect:and:inx rove water. quality and supply in.the Town:of houthold. See.LWRP Section III Policies Pages 16 through:21 for evaluation'criteria Yo ' .No Not A... able: _. e Gly/ Attkhadditioaal slieets>faecessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. El a Yes No Not Applicable Misch additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ;D: Yes .[:]No� Not..Appheable Attach:additional sheets ifnecessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section.HI—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes 0 No Not'Applicabie PUBLIC COAST 1POLICIES Policy 9.: Pirovi'de.for putilic access to, and recreational use of, .coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the.Town of Southold. :See l NW— Section III—Policies;:Pages 38 through 46:for evaluation criteria: ❑ YesO Nog Not Applicable Attach addition'-al's' if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. Q.YesEl. No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters.:S:ee.LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. Yes L--J: No J"L'J- Not Applicable ` ........--- ..:: Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies;Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. E]Yes _ E,I Not :_pP... hcable � � Not. Applicable L. oo L0 . 2 Q __ A? . Eta Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development. of energy and mineral resources: See LW-.RP Section 111—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. El:Yes til No 9 Not Applicable PII;EPA7Z�D^BY�f.7C;����Z;-.Q. 7G�M��G TITLE- �if/�'_-- D E U Z2 l7 u v! E PROPOSED DECK: 180.0 SQ.Fr. p tl t� i TOTAL 1094.4 SQ Fr S OCT 2 3 2017 MEETS 6 BOUNDS BY: MICHAEL WICKS LAND SURM VAN TUYL 6 SON SURVEYC Southold Town oar pf TfLIS ce CONSTRUCTION DUMPSfER PORT-A-IAV TO REMAIN S 17°25'50" E DURATION TI OFI ON�U�ON °o o��ON PH � 256. ' 81' ' i C6 71' EXISTING HOUSE POKE POND DECK ! 74' 84' LU E1snNCDE« CRETE EXISTING ! (�' --. WAs I?T DRIVEWAY AREA / i— '1J �Q SOIL LAWN AND PHRAGMITES AS LOCATED BY MICHAEL KIMACK LAWN 08!1017 ; 'J^' J �J�. ��1 •L ` 2018'0° V(/ 50.0f N60 �►: i '� Y m AMA 1 ►r vim. EXISTING DRIVEWAY icy t\. HAY BAY w/SILT FENCING N LIMITS OF CLEARRJG TO BELA" NO MORE THAN FROM I�6�2 E I PROPOSED WORK K AS INDICATED ON SITE PIAN N 14013130" \)V - 110.0' SITE PLAN - SCALE: 1" = 30'-01 • ' i 1 .w� �`•t '�.-s'k'i"rte�`�';s-s'`^' � ^w�F +M�`'�9'' �'' - =-:�c''� V'K _ •4 .� 1�1L►tI" �j`�� ,� s"i"r. �f'�1�� _��»�I�"' taken(1)Elsie Tietjen Liv.Rev.Trust 17 1 Looking f t Taken • u. F t f. +* �i` .. ,. - f.m - +.., _ • *, 4. ?• 1 Vii/.,_ pMf 0 As . .- - •. p' � •��� -�+'i.��• �j��F .fes`. i - W- (3)Elsie Tietjen Liv.Rev.Trust Taken Oct 23,2017 Looking SSE p 'y;.' ' 416 «+wr k '. �► ". �»`�,.. � ,.� � Z4j '„fir. -y vl . 4` (4)Elsie Tietjen Liv.Rev.Trust Taken Oct 23,2017 Looking South ;'pS:_ .+•.. wr;:'`.r°. `'e!S Ji+ ,r.: '�y._•..t,3,1•' t.:' .i-;3r, Y tF!• a' `•iy"` t Tr.Ykit*1.�� ��' ! '+-.7�'..5'FY�"titH �', 7'..: J, • A a"�M.{Fi ,S'rrn�, r.�.f�1 Cyi.r(�f•' ,n�7�... .'�`K 'a. �.J _ q,p , ,',.r M1, C •L• J .1 i :a i•.. •„t :}•i `s.�." '+:r..•..wy+, y d:.:1a'a� •t .>' r'.` �^Y�:''i� :,'k'' i -�f3..'.`t!: ,k '•!��• ti: �' � q��.� '•' .Cl�j. if, ..j�.. .. ri:.0• 1 y:'� h 4'... �;�:� .,,. rrd. .+`Y"V:. "�i'T •.A:R•7,.rs;! y� ��.. �i.._ _�: :k' .dr 'n• ':fr �4i 1! '�...t Y. t t•,M'�a 4�ri'T• _ _ air,:: •7'A 1' !a •q � } hit ty n t N, '§. ;s i..'0.,- "•:p'' • r,q''a, .n•« ., •it' s}yy" "1,•tf• •Y". •`S' 1 n,'t. aF:'! .M, :': .. .btLiln. q'Z "- .i:, �qnr 5.,. 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"+�-....3'r" ^d+i"':."�, ,•..�... s5=°a..�.++.:. S;t-'.. •]tai _� �i-_� .r�E'l`� _ '.. '.}:t•Y.�:'�' __� - - _ \ '.:.t:•.` .rt`��..�wR I x..'..��1 SITE DATA: SCTM # 1000-104-04-27.2 PAL THowwrAwl DESCRIPTION: TOTAL: LOT COVERAGE: EXCAVATE: FILL- PROPERTY: 27386.0 SQ.FT. 0.62 acro - PROPERTY WETLANDS: 7796-0 SQ.FT. BUILDABLE PROPERTY: 19590.0 SQ.F'T. 0.45 saes EMMATED AREA OF GROUND DISTURBANCE B� EXISTING HOUSE: 672-0 SQ.FT. 3A% - EXISTWG DECK: 242.4 SQ..FT. 12% c PROPOSED DEGL- 180.0 SQ-FT- 0.9% 2 CU.YD. 1 CU.YD. U 3 4 a TOTAL 1094.4 SQ.FT. 5-5% 2 CU.YD. 1 CU.YD. .g aS I I MICHAEL WICKS LAND SURVEYOR SURVEY OATS AUGUST 20.1997 a v MEETS&BOUNDS BY: VAN TUYL&SON SURVEYORS - a CONSTRUCTION DIM ft-M PORT-A-tAV TO REAIA04 S 17°25'50" E DURATKN�C°"O�fRIX-FION FM OFFO-fNnRSM FM�UCT�ION� P"' 256. ' O� W .. sr (-�� , A Aa T>HG HOUSE Lxac J� POND P M u a Z -, EXISTING u",,, :- ''J W_ DRIVEWAY AREA r� i r-� J > LAWN AND PI.RAC.ITFs AS LOCATED BY MK34M kLMAC1CLAVM 06!2017 'Q N 12018'0"VLJ + -, J ,-J-, ,-J-, m W Y 50.0' Al o A 6°383 _M I Off 0. EXISTING DRNEIWlAY HAY BAY w/S1LT FENCINGI %Ao LVAM' X06 �! LAWN _ H e ND 1.1oaeTNAI+m 1T[OAA p'], PROPOOD < N 14°13'30" �� H 11 110.0' I uLl z d 2017 SITE PLARims- 1Y41,1tS ® SCALE II � Sept®ba 13,2011 Scuihnld L�=oar ',f SCALE: 1" = 30'-0' �:f ,s ____� SHEXTNT>1.,M: S-1 REVISIONS: HEALTH RQvaavxw9 DEPT. 0 U ci 3 X � Q I i� - - - -- -- ------ -- - - -- — - ' a . A � , o A � • rig N ' O 2 w o a PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4 = 1' - x �o H D EC E l n OCT 2 3 2017 rna wN: WR/MS SCAM t/4-,T1'-6- JOB k Southo.rl ;;';n Aggtnto9.2017 oard C,f-i : f^ f SHMTNUMBER: REVISIONS: HEALTH oanxv2oo9 DEPT a---------,13--- --- ------------------------ 1 111 � 111 � 111 � 111 � Itt � 111 � 111 c Itt ' Itl e a � 111 11--------- EXISTING GARAG u t 1 1 111 q ^ f---'------- 1 1 111 "Y Q t� L--------------------- I11 1 1 111 1 1 111 1---_-----__J III r-----------4 1 1 111 ' 111 (O--_-_ _--OI 111 1 1 l---------- ' 111 1 '1 Ilt 1 111 1 U r-----------� 1 1 nl W 1 ut 1 1 it III A o �-----------; 111 1 111 1 111 Q 0.4 R ------ -------------------------' --- --, ----- ---------------------------------- --- 5-1/4X9-1/2 WOLAMNUZED PARAUAM UPSET BEAM - ---- - a 6X6 ACQ 1 BOXED IN F-._._. 6X6BRACING 1 1 FOUNDATION PLAN � � C� � N w oC4I,j; SCALE: 1/4" = V o 0 1 - 1 x '1 '2X10 PERMITER i i RIM BOARD 1 1 N 1'i 1 6X6 ACQ BOXED IN E PROJECT NORTH _ -__-_-_=5_U4X9-1R WOLAMNUZED PARALTAM UPSET BEAM r____ �' i;;rJi E � � -----------------zlzl.:"- S , n [� 17 0 18, . 0" ' OCT 2 3 2017 ,� DMVM-.-MH,MS -- --- SCME- W41w SHEeTNUMBER-- -- - - --------------- -- - -- -------------- ---------- ---- ---- --- - --- - - ----- -- -- --- -.._.. - ---- -- - - --- ------ - ----=------------ -- ----- - - - - - - -- - -- -- --- ---- —- --�—��---- REVISIONS: HMTHDEM Ogggl2oos . �ilostC� N a A b tn $ a EXISTING HOUS -'---'"'" EXISTING DECK ---------- ------------ ----------- CE ------- - ------ CE M WINDOWS W/NEW DOOR.GC TO VERIFY EX.HEADER :. vil(AItGHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ri ,FWG4368S-FWG8068L-FWG4368 S (2)2X4 POST INSTALL 20ga.X 1-1/4"STRAPPING (TYPICAL) O OPENING.(2 EA.SIDE)12"LONG EACH SIDE AND AT POSTS :►x �» __ n.0 FLOOKPLAN PROPOSED DECK E ((�/�\ Eso SCALE: 1/4 = 1' IJ OCT 2 3 2017 E PROJECT NORTIDRAWN: MM SCALE 4 Southold tu,.n { i fn I IUB A: S p�i f of i•..i�•=_.S �_j Aaguri09,2017 1 H,-O" SHEETNUMBER A REVISIONS. HEALTH Derr Q REPLACE EXISTING WINDOWS w/NEW DOOR(SEE PLAN) GC TO VERIFY EX..HEADER w/ EXISTING ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIONCONDITIONED *'Mw� SPACE MATCH EX.RAILING NEW DECK TO I ATTACH TO HOUSE(TYP) P -- -- 54Go 2X8 ACQ DJ®16'OC y —- -— -1/4X9 1/2 WOLMANI "1 'c 0. 16 I 2X10 RIM PARALLAM u Q BOARD LOCKING (TYPICAL), 6X6 BRACING EA.SIDE 6X6 ACQ POST I BOX IN w/ EXISTING IX AZEK GARAGE 0 n z r r r - 1 1 � 12'da. a P+ • �r • �r r = pt• vt• EXISTING I p d CONC, a • Q �q PIER :'� v• w A r .• s ZO• -°` r I ► nl 1 r r 1 rl ,1 CONC.FTG. O r.s®® r r re®Mosrm� .ra I I I a aarmatnroY .; ;. ( I O 1 ` SECTION A-A SCALE: 1 a /4" = 1' 1 , W. TWICAL WINDOW 02MM �••�,�• ( 1 rrron ar ,ra I I I ` I 1 - FT+ PAFB SPAN E4&OR SMALLHI IRAN s FEET �ro�.ar rac ae®m�acn� FF�� " TYP �0OPENING MAL.RTFN4 .r>�®r.mre`�a®Mo,iwsmer��umeor�iw aorraoec `O N NOSQLNLORSUUM T"gcm MULTIPLE OPENINGS A1sPF6 FW V ADwU&(%tSALE'THN6FEET TwAsFwr >r•m'r11°'TM WIND-BORNE DEBRIS.PROTECTION FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL AS PER SEC.1609.L2,2015 IBC.ALTERNATIVE FOR OPENINGPROTECTION aF NOT USING IMPACT G=N0 `�. 0 C T 2 3 2017 '`J womemw OEBRLS PROT[.R10N F#SIEFOHG SC4EDIAE FOR wQoo SFRUCTWAL Fmw WOOD rxcnpAL PANELS Wfni A F00MN TM00E55 OF 7/16" , 1 AND MAXOBM PANEL SPAN OF B FEETSO L BE PRIM M FOR OPU8M PR,OMCM10 IN 00E-AND TVX)47=BIALDMGS.FANGS SFFAIL BE PREQIT TO COVBt QAZEDDPBO OM WITH ATTAGOCKT HARDWARE PROVIDED.(RH'91 TO SECPION W09AA.MMS AND TABLE MWAA OF N.YS.ReM MIAL DRAWN: MH/MS COFSTR11C7IDN Cowl Tm 6 NOT A�TTMIDN FOR'O�GIFPRESURE.ALL OPEMNW M 57 HAVE OESEGN4 RE5AIMAPG LADES WHM ARIICABIE. ALL PADS mtT BE air To SQE AID READY TO LIGE ON AW NEW VMWD AND DOOM SMTTT MST BE MARCID FOR WHAT OFENM Fr ISTD COVER. Southold Town I SCARE 1/4b1% KA WAREMI/STALTAMNNYSHUrTBtSFORVISTAL1ATILYL Board of Trusty- s mt August 09,2017. SFIEETNLIMBER: A-4 REVISIONS. �� rJo,Dataoov WIND LOAD PATH CONNECTION AND CONSTRUCTION DETAIL DRAWINGS USE THE FCXW",W,OR APPROVm USF METAL CONNECTORS F00.PROPER W WD mwrmIF CONfTAUCFION.FODUW MANUFACTURES RPCOMMENDED tmTALEATION WSmucn0NS TO m:).mw MAJOMUM uKwr IDAD CAPKrtY. �y -"X T.IT �dw nuiown. C LRA JAUMMA roar a lJR9QnEAOLLI � ME noarvoLUAN mHt�E P mNc DFt>f6�1lARltiGAOCATWNJTION PssE wfLt /rFAA. Yro EACH n LaE Lma W yr LJK ucv.POLiJ wTlwA11ER1 Aro NVIS U T-Lrr 5PACF MNLIVO C g 0"149AUS ,ear A' u a'woeac soar rOiT'CDU°�O1 p PAILJLTERS . CONCRETE EER .R . w GftL.LaLL(� 6IIdQILII.ID.IPA{L ALL WHORARf JTMIL Q CONTD W Vl TIE EW UNUM OFTWSTA1i KM40GfYPORnONdALLILAIORARS 94ML NOT Of ICU THMKW NOR LORE TNAN r NOESQELIOIv TION QOit SBCTION OMDAWK OR THE 91NMLL E 9 C MN-M K SMA GLV.WLTS wtn wAS/EIO mOmm lTJ /PFAM Y RBL PROYM AN FOUNAUNT CJ9PNG 9AlAQ RIIR/PIE TVQED WOH. IAr/ED Qd WttTOONIN. f fA KLFd HONGRHOW 2.NN DN LAGLOITT 0Oa cOP•R:cT®iO EIx EJ3r o Jr oc 1�tFG>nLL sT'w TWE'O LAY nASTIC PACE NPOCRY ON IM RBOARD radreOLUAN IJNOaREOFD JOR RTRGAWC%REJAOVEDJ LHIFL LASE 1�1 Rr OOraTIIJCTIONTUM AND PILAU nRJNM RAO1t1iAMw J A71frf n K WMSAcniRETranucnow pOAC LAGPOLOUJa JoarJ/ANeHI O rte+ T t. . EF'�•ry HOLLOW O U 0 9AY4V UYFAd41Ei®iLONEO WR v6 UM ANDOOAOCWOC NATO a LAY ma MYeNCOOAc7E'O(JAyg LEVU PIT coNnvj/CnON T tw AND"ARM PRACETM RL AS RTL YAMJFACnAB LETnJcrrorE • %VQM X ET AST . 'i PrP. P ANOah ��� ti,nsa. �T\ .P VP000JOaT ncAAT ONW4Mroor GCH �•,' RIOLLR�IOaL Qr.0OtDAP*TllE alTB fOi T1a000ENIDEeE W76UALOME0lD6 V� �Y so RAWmummm IN AT LEASrTIEF"s com QIRVNHlrN LRJLWR9YA1OOEeCTIVBEQdT11AT �LW.WCW OFCODE BRO0.m.QRA/OADLO6TT9A1101E RtpSTIEt rROOLKT •(\P6 �I� C%OKPER AU XIM CONH=W TOA RU9//EAOB 9W®TO K 9Pw(M co� Pa AplBGNRFORIaEN N.YS RAti®{IrON ppNMIW71ON yANQ Rt#dE[ O 3,� L rlei' ", RAn iICE PROPER TOR. OL64/3NO RX%CE TOTIE ID/OITIOPUnEWN. E ARLL SET FIR xmn AR v/RFJfTfWI LVL HEADER; M f '.... roALLOWFOR9aosACG m�rn� • HArIC)tAR O•LATPCAG�flJJ1aC LI®EM avLaIA In V rAtse IJrOLi LOBOS NOTeb N O e..L+d M4rrd L.d dlr AlR.esLE Sapel Ibr.m�..b.e.rRdLa.Re4 nr.Ld Lara Aco paw .dL.ec 9404 tend" MLE TBA9fF OWAY bmrM ot" wool mom I <�D BOOD NAr9JF.T6®(9E -""_ /bM/.S.VArerlNPebYµ bd.I.AYp.e.db}iabbLdlMea/arfrr.[err 'LOAD 0-0OATIMORY SBO. IrATIltla JONiU[9ROnW NAR NAR rJOIES // 2 �i/ i'� �r(��\�\ ��\ CF�� TyPLLILe1.4ld�r.m.dreYLw.e tld.atrd.d Adrbrr heLlJerrAaaeba6Pandprr..A..drt�d 9XJRTO TQ Rl E. ,\ A ;`FLS_ 1. �� �I '' W r mra. .Tm r JEVLiL - RPP. n _ ,JOS' d.NmL•o v 1J F{—�1 V .oeaa.ar.eR.drr.dRavber�d.d•ee. m®oaL.vr�ra.rmaaa.esl.as,..e.d�..Fus.r�e�.e ToaEAw Tor aRaR9L• LUR •eie]bd.L rd.W"I, eetr it L.... mode.RL..Ldoem L/r 4..TYe;e.d.N.R.W..A.s*de.tA � . LrAbdn.dnd V— F.ase�sP;gbd. b,rndaW ba UV20 rdA&..o.r b.b1, DI roJasr L?O. LIAR. [� ElO'm ].M EACH Td °AeY•" "O°�d .r�vl u,.rb•.mea.n..R�,,A.e F,os or P CODE:2015 IRC 2016 NYS UNIFORM SUPPLEMEM Llaav/c J-NCOWAAC4 �ra I J TO Xw4R.bdwy.d. . Do a.*-*AW.m.Lm.r.L.m.•.r.0—dIAN__b D.npwmaw.bbdYErtoe� SOIL COMPACTION: 9LL MTF Yd OM MAR, � OCT 2 3 2nl7 f Led..m rl.dd.••sdb aP em w a,baA I I dd.ddrP ft h bdem dd be�e.d1• AtAYsdOM b ftft eM rte. U9C8 FSR+ EACH FAQ 2u �/ absesdwbdl e..u.d..eb•Yee.n er eae, bL.bsn./La wwmg rtrL.1611ed bere.A dr El•CONFRACTOR TO NtbVmESOILTOTT0116UFY DRS7WGCONDETLONS.MDJD(UM 30001 mLuw •�° JOar NAR p.eekNdMadPe.ad.dde...dsm drLa4 srlt Is•ec •.Pm L/l�bLb.rr...rs rdm CAPAQIY AarcN LBXZR wh.LdT/P WhbdowM M.r.aan.Ld. To T'Jr ldCE NE r, AR DRAWN: MN/MS oa•.h e.oJb.d depd,Y—d—tr r W Am cw pf.l dJ b..rra.—r chew E•d•- 2).NEW FRL TO BE CLEM OF ORGANIC MATmAL CONTRACTOR TO VEWFY vZTWG TOA EAIO ret END SCALE t/4-�' bd e.r.r da r.r d dee FLAP bbl.bA—d. CONDmom PRIOR TO FILL REMOVE ANO ADD ADDfiTO(JAL FALL AS NEED. TO Pm "� Aar NAR Southold I"`%%� Ip$�: LbdpRed.,dlL.pe.E.h mYY.u..f1l dd. NSdmbb.ypdbl."L.r�eeM_M_FW ldd NR✓A M�Nsw1 LoevR ro.e dr.em a b.ws Lr..b. 04-W 3).COMPACTION l7F NEW FNL SMALL ICE AT IFAfi 9576 PROCTOR DENSTFY(PDE ASTM O 698 9LL0RT'a rUTE -16d Poor TOE NAR L i A"09,2017 aodm,mda-w L.An Ed,. �..wr�,m y�e����E+LAz eyrl.pamr.mm�w.pd AND ASTM O ISM COMPACT TIE SOIL AT W UM(TYPICAL).CONTRACTOR TO NAVE Board Gt�il!S�v_C$ eee.dpm L,d,ey .�aa..a, &ACd FILL TWW RYA PRO NAL AGENCY FOR COMPACTOr1 gHMTNUMBER: