HomeMy WebLinkAboutPENNEY, DEBORAHOcs~ lO ~ ~qq ~. "~V~._ d oc~ uO'~-gVXO~LJr doc_J< ~o WICKHAM. WICKHAM & BRE$SLER, P.e. HAIN ROAD, R.O. BOX 142.4 August 31, 1989 John R. McNulty, Esq. McNulty - Spiess 633 East Main Street P.O. Box 757 Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear M~t~.% ~ ~ have your letter of August 10, the delay in answering it. 1989 and am sorry for There appears to have been some sort of an informal agreement while Ed Richards was alive, which we do not believe was carried on after his death. If so, it will be cancelled as of September 15, 1989. There is also the problem of the condition of the floating dock. Mrs. Techet is making arrangements for its repair and it may have to be pulled out to do so. We would, therefore, ask that all electrical and water connections be removed. We understand that the boat actually belongs to Ms. Penney's brother. Very co~dia!ly yours, WW: jaw WICK. HAM, WlCKHAM 8: BF~ESSLER, P.C. Board of Town Trustees Town Hall 53095 Main ROad P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Techet v. Penney Dock at SCTM#1000-144-5-26 August 6, 199 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Gentlemen: An action has been commenced in Supreme Court, Suffolk County by our client, Joan R. Techet, against Deborah Penney. I enclose a copy of the Summons and Complaint for your information and the Town Attorney's information. I ' L/ [t _ Hubert F. ~ullivan HFS:ab #30-techet "CONSUMER CREDIT TRANSACTi SUPREME cOURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK JOAN R. TECHET, also known as JOAN RICHARDS TECHET, Plaintiff, against DEBORAH PENNEY, Defendant. SUMMONS Basis of Jurisdiction Plaintiff is in Suffolk County Basis of Venue Action affects title to real property located in Suffolk County TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your Answer, or if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff's Attorney(s) within 20 days afte~ the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated: July 1, 1992 Defendant's Address: DEBORAH PENNEY No Number Sailor's Needle Lane Mattituck, New York 11952 WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, Attorneys for the Plaintiff Main Road P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 (516) 298-8353 P.e. JOhN R. TECHET, also known as JOAN RICPIARDS TECHET, Plaintiff, -against- DEBORAH PENNEY, Defendant. : INDEX NO. VERIFIED COMPLAINT Plaintiff above attorneys Wickham, follows: named, complaining of defendant by her wickham & Bressler P.C., alleges as AS AND FOR A FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION the Real Property Actions and claims and title to the real That this action is brought pursuant to Article 15 of Proceedings how to determine property described below and easement the yacht basin paragraph 4 hereof and the riparian docking rights appurtenant to said real property in waters upon which said real property abuts. 2. The defendant in this action is known and is not an infant, or mentally retarded, mentally ill, or alcohol abuser. 3. That any judgment rendered herein will not affect any person or persons not in being or ascertained as of the commencement of this action and any person who by any contingency contained in a devise or grant, or otherwise could afterward become entitled to a beneficial estate or interest in the property involved in this action, if such event had happened immediately before the commencement of this action, is named as a party hereto. 4. That the real property and the easement, docking and riparian rights appurtenant thereto which are the subject of the action, and as to which claims and title are to be determined herein, are described as follows: ALL that plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as and by the easterly one-half of the private boat landing in front of Lot 9 on a certain map entitled "Map of Salt Lake Village, Mattituck, Long Island", prepared by Otto H. Van Tuyl, C.E., filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on May 20th, 1940, as map number 1310. TOGETHER with an easement of ingress and egress over the westerly half of said dock to the Village Dock and Boat Landing as shown on said map. AND the appurtenant riparian and docking rights in the waters of the yacht basin abutting said easterly one half of said private boat landing or dock to the south thereof and lying between the easterly and westerly boundary lines of said easterly one half of said private boat landing or dock extended southerly into the waters of said yacht basin, including, but not limited to the right to keep and maintain a floating dock In such yacht basin waters. 5. That the waters of the above yacht basin are an adjunct of James Creek in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, and that such yacht basin waters are tidal and navigable. 6. That on the 19th day of November, 1945, Frank Richards, grandfather of the plaintiff herein, was the owner in fee simple absolute of all of Lot 9 on a certain map entitled "Map of Salt Lake Village, Mattituck, Long Island" ..prepared by Otto H. Van Tuyl, C.E." filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on May 10th, 1940, as map No. 1310. 7. That by a deed dated November 19, 1945, Frank Richards conveyed the above mentioned Lot 9 on the above map to Florence Frances .Hueglin, except that said Frank Richards reserved and retained title to the easterly half of the private boat landing in front of said Lot 9 on said map, and also reserved and retained an easement of ingress and egress over the westerly half of said dock to the Village Dock and boat landing aL shown on said map. The aforesaid deed dated November 19, 1945, was recorded in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on November 23, 1945, in Liber 2507 of deeds at Page 338. 8.. That by various further conveyances defendant Deborah Penney became and still is the owner in fee of Lot 9 on the above map except for the easterly half of the private boat landing of dock located in front of Lot 9, and subject to the easement of ingress and egress reserved by Frank Richards as stated above, and subject to the riparian and docking rights of Frank Richards, his successors and assigns, to maintain a floating dock in and to the waters of the yacht basin adjacent to the easterly half of the dock or private boat landing retained and reserved by Frank Richards lying between the southerly extensions into said yacht basin waters of the ..easterly and westerly boundaries of the said easterly one half of said dock or private boat landing. 9. That by various further conveyances title ~o the easterly half of the dock or private boat landing in front of Lot 9 on the said map, together with the easement, docking and riparian rights appurtenant thereto, was conveyed to Helene H. Richards, the mother of plaintiff herein, who is now deceased. 10. That on January 19, 1989, Helene H. Richards died testate and a resident of the State of North Carolina, and that on July 24, 1989 the Last Will and Testament of Helene Ho Richards, deceased, was admitted to ~cillary Probate by the Surrogate's Court of the County of Suffolk, State of New York. 11. That under the aforesaid Will of Helene H. Richards, deceased, the easterly half of the dock or boat landing on Lot 9 of the said map, together with the easement, docking, and riparian rights appurtenant thereto, was devised to the plaintiff herein. 12. That pursuant to the aforesaid devise in the Will of Helene Ho Richards, deceased, Louis C. Mitchell and M. Bradley Blalock as executors of the Last Will and Testament of Helene H. Richards, deceased, by a deed dated August 14, 1991 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on September 16, 1991 in Liber 11334 of deeds, Page 130, conveyed to Joan R. Techet, plaintiff herein, the easterly half of the private boat landing in front of Lot 9 on the Map of Salt Lake .Village, together with an easement of ingress and egress over the westerly half of said private dock to the Village Dock and Boat landing, which conveyance includes the appurtenant riparian and docking rights in the waters of the yacht basin abutting said easterly one half of the said private boat landing or dock to the south thereof and lying between the southerly extensions, into the waters of said yacht basin of the easterly and westerly boundaries of said easterly half of said private boat landing or dock, including, but not limited to the right to keep and maintain a floating dock in such yacht basin waters. 13. That by reason of the foregoing, plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the easterly one half of the said dock or private boat landing in front of said Lot 9 on said map, together with the easement of ingress and egress to and from the same over the westerly one half of the private boat landing or dock, and together with the riparian and docking rights appurtenant thereto in the yacht basin waters adjacent to plaintiff's easterly one half of said dock and private boat landing to the south thereof and lying between the southerly extension of the easterly and westerly boundaries of said easterly one half of said private boat landing or dock into the waters of said yacht basin, as the owner of the upland real property abutting said yacht basin waters, and by virtue of said appurtenant riparian rights plaintiff has the exclusive right to maintain a floating dock in said abutting ..yacht basin waters. 14. That plaintiff, pursuant to her riparian rights and pursuant to permits granted by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers, the State Department of Environmental Conservation, and the Town of Southold Trustees, has maintained a floating dock in the above described yacht basin waters abutting plaintiff's easterly one half of the private boat landing or dock, secured to pilings placed in the said abutting yacht basin waters by plaintiff's predecessors in title. 15. That defendant claims to be the owner in fee of the easterly half of the dock or private boat landing in front of Lot 9 on the map of Salt Lake Village and claims the right to keep her own floating dock secured to plaintiff's pilings, within the yacht basin waters adjacent to plaintiff's half of the private boat landing or dock in front of said Lot 9, and lying between the southerly extensions into the yacht basin waters of the easterly and westerly boundaries of plaintiff's easterly one half of the dock or boat landing in front of Lot 9. 16. That when plaintiff removed her floating dock from the above described yacht basin waters for the winter, defendant wrongfully and tortiously placed her own floating dock in the waters of the yacht basin adjacent to plaintiff's easterly one half of the dock or boat landing in front of Lot 9 at the location where plaintiff's floating dock was, and ..secured the same to plaintiff's pilings in the water. 17. That defendant claims the right to keep her own floating dock located in the above described waters of the yacht basin adjacent to plaintiff's real property, which waters are subject to plaintiff's exclusive riparian rights to keep and maintain a dock therein. 18. That defendant's unlawful placing of dock in the waters of the yacht basin in which exclusive dock maintenance rights, and floating dock to plaintiff's pilings, from putting her own floating dock in adjacent to her property. her floating plaintiff has defendant securing her have prevented plaintiff the yacht basin waters 19. That plaintiff has been seized of the easterly one half of the dock or boat landing in front of Lot 9 on said map~ and the appurtenant easement, docking and riparian rights thereto~ within the 10 year period preceding the commencement of this lawsuit, as required by Section 212, paragraph a, 20. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law. AS AND FOR A SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION 21. contained with the Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every item in paragraphs hereof marked 1 through 20 inclusive, same force and effect as though the same were again set forth at length. 22. That defendant in wrongfully placing her floating doCk in plaintiff's riparian waters as aforesaid has committed and still commits a continuing trespass against plaintiff's exclusive right to maintain a floating dock in said riparian waters. AS AND FOR A THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 23. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every item contained in paragraphs hereof marked i through 22 inclusive, with the same force and effect as though the same were again set forth at length. 24. That defendant's floating dock, secured to plaintiff's pilings and placed within the yacht basin waters in which plaintiff has exclusive riparian rights to maintain a floating dock, constitutes an unlawful encroachment upon and interference with plaintiff's exclusive riparian right to keep and maintain a dock in such riparian yacht basin waters abutting plaintiff's easterly one half of the private boat landing or dock in front of said Lot 9. AS AND FOR A FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION 25. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every item contained in paragraphs hereof marked 1 through 24 inclusive with the same force and effect as though the same were again set forth at length. 26. That the defendant's floating dock, in its present location secured to plaintiff's pilings in plaintiff's riparian waters, in violation of plaintiff's exclusive riparian rights to keep and maintain a dock in the yacht basin waters adjacen5 to plaintiff's real property, constitutes a continuing nuisance maintained by defendant. WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays for judgment against defendant as follows: a) That defendant herein and any person claiming under defendant herein be forever barred from all claim to any estate or interest in the real property described in paragraph 4 hereof or in the appurtenant easement of ingress and egress to and from said real property, or in any of the docking and riparian rights appurtenant to said real property in and to the waters of the yacht basin adjacent to said real property to the south thereof and lying between the southerly extension into said yacht basin waters of the easterly and westerly boundary lines of said real property belonging to plaintiff, and that plaintiff be declared to be the owner in fee simple of such real property, together with its appurtenant easement of ingress and egress, and that plaintiff be declared to have the exclusive appurtenant riparian right to keep and maintain a floating dock in the waters of the yacht basin abutting said ..real property on the south and lying between the southerly extension into said yacht basin waters of the easterly and westerly boundary lines of said real property. b) That defendant be permanently enjoined from placing or keeping any dock in the yacht basin waters abutting plaintiff's real property described in paragraph 4 to the south thereof lying between the southerly extensions into said yacht basin waters of the easterly and westerly boundary lines of plaintiff's real property described in paragraph 4 hereof. c) That defendant and all persons claiming under defendant be further permanently enjoined from mooring or docking any boats in, or otherwise trespassing upon any dock which plaintiff may place in the water of the yacht basin abutting plaintiff's real property on the south and lying between the southerly extensions into said yacht basin waters of the easterly and westerly boundaries of plaintiff's real property described in paragraph 4 hereof, or trespassing on any part of the easterly half of the private boat landing in front of Lot 9 on the Map of Salt Lake Village. d) That a mandatory injunction issue herein directing defendant to remove her encroaching floating dock from the yacht basin waters abutting plaintiff's real property to the south and lying between the southerly extensions into said yacht basin waters lines of plaintiff's real hereof, and abate the encroaching floating dock. e) That different relief in proper and ~ust, and f) That disbursements of of the easterly and westerly boundal~y property as described in paragraph 4 nuisance created by defendant's plaintiff be granted such other and the premises as to the court shall seem paintiff be awarded the costs and this action. Dated: Mattituck, New York July 1, 1992- WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff Office & p. O. Address Main Road Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 (516) 298-8353 techetco:90 ~ [] ^~om~s state that I am alhrmabon the attorney(s) of record for in the within acnon: [ have read the foregoing and know the contents thereof: the same is true to my own knowledge, except as to the matters therein alleged to be on information and belief, and as to those matters [ believe it to be true. The reason this verification is made by me and not by The grounds of my belief as to all matters not stated upon my own knowledge are as follows: I affirm that the foregoing statements are true, under the penalties of perjury. STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF SU FOL ' ~oanKBichards Te~:e t 1, Joan R. Tether, also known as_/ oe~nguuly sworn, depose and say: I am the Plaintiff ~ [] Wri~m~o~ndiv~aual in the within action: 1 have read the foregoing Summons and Complaint ~ and know the contents thereof: the same is true to my own knowledge, except § as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters I believe it to be true. ~ a corporation and a party in the within action: I have read the foregoing except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and belief, and as to those matters I believe it to be true. This The grounds of my belief as to all matters not stated upon my own knowledge are as follows: Sworn to before ~ne ,on July STATE OF NEW~ORK, COUNTS; OF 1. of age and reside at On 19 ? 19 92 .ROB ERTA F. JAKLEV1C Notary Public, State of NewYot*k Joan R. 4ff&e~e~[, ~JJ~o ~nown as Joan Richards Techet {~t0~l'~i~sion Exp res 7/27/19~ "~eing sworn, say: I am not a party to the action, am over 18 years I served the within [] servlc~ by depositing a true copy thereof enclosed in a post-paid wrapper, in an official depository under the exclusive care and uvua, custody of the U.S. Postal Service within New Yoxk State, addressed to each of the following persons at the last known address set forth after each name: Persona by delivering a true copy thereof personally to each person named below at the address indicated, I knew each person served [] s~ceon, m~,ua to be the person mentioned and described in said papers as a~arty therein: by transmitting the papers by electronic means to the telephone number listed below, which number was designated bjv the [] [[0¢tt0m¢ attorney for such purpose. I received a signal from the equipment of the attorney served indicating that the transmission wa~ M~,~ received. I also deposited a true copy of the papers, enclosed in a post-paid wrapper, in an official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the U.S. Postal Service. addressed to the attorney at the address set forth after the name: eve/mgm by depositing a true cooy thereof, enclosed in a wrapper addressed as shown below, into the custody of se~ce for overnight delivery, prior to the latest time designated by that service for overnight delivery. Sworn to before me on 19 /I II~.O L.,.O"T