HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1020Board Of Southold Town SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Trustees PERMIT NO.' 1020 DATE: Jgne 3, Mooring No. 214 ~SSUED TO ........................ A. le~ancter[ Peek i974 Pursuanf fo fhe provls;ons of Chaplet 615 of ~'he Laws of fhe Sfafe of New York, J893; and Chapfer 404 of fhe Laws of fhe Sfafe of New York i952; and fhe Soufhoic~ Town Ordinance filled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and REMOVAL OF SAND. GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance wifh fhe Resobfion of The Board adopfed afa meeting held on June 3 ~97~ and in considerafio~ of fhe sum of $ 5.00 paid by Alexander Peck of .g.~..p~?~.,..~outhoZa N.Y..nd subjecf ~o ~he Terms and Condffions [isled on fhe reverse side hereof. of SoufhoJd Tow~ Trusfees aufhor[zes and permffs fhe fo]Jowing: Place an onshore-offshore mooring in To'~ Creek the foot of Pine Neck Road, Soutbotd, N.Y. RENE~L DATE: NO~ER 1, 1974 cji in accordance wlfh fhe derailed specificaf[ons as prese~fed fhe originafbg appl~c~fion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trusfees h,ere- by causes ifs Corporafe Seal to be affixed, and fhese presenfs fo be subscribed by a majorify of fhe said Board as of fh[s daf,e. Office Use Permit Nol 1020 A/6 - 10/73 Mooring No. 2] ~ BOARD OF TO~ZN TRUSTEES Town of Southold ~ Road Southold, New York 11971 MOORIN$ RENEWAL APPLICATIONS NAME Alexander Peck ADDRESS Cedar Drive, Southold, New York 11971 (Please cMck) ( ) Mooring sire ~ seine as original appllcaflon ( ) Mefhod o{ mooring ~ same as original applical'ion ( ) Boar and Recj)s{'raflon number ~ same as original appllca{'ion The {ollowlng change has been made: ............................................................................................................................................. My records show this to be an onshore-o££shore mooring at Town Creek at the foot o£ Pine Neck Road for a 15' Grampian sail and outboard Reg. No. NY8444BV 7// ,~~~~ ) Signafure Dale Received by ...,..:..!;;.Z .................................................................... Dale ............................................................ BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Sout~'~old, New York 11971 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT *Permlf No ........ .1.g.~.q ........................... "~Mootlng No ....... 2.14. ............................... Renewal D~'e ...~T~z. etahazt....1.,.....1976 Explra'~'ion Da're ....Og.~.qk~..~....~.l.,......]-977 Fee Paid ....... $5....0Q ....................... To: ADDRESS ........ ..C..~.~..a.._r.......D..~.~:.Y...e.......(.~..a..Y_.v..!_e...W..) ..,.......S...9...u....t....h...o...~...d..,....~.,...Y....-..........~.~.~.Z.~ ............................................. Locaflon .....To~n....Cr.~.ek...a.[....~ke.... f. oQ~...Q f....Rina...iqeck...l~a.d.i.....SQ ~th o. ld ,.....~, ~ ............ Type o,~ Mooring ........ .on~o<.e~.oZZ.~Eoz~...moo<~ng. ................................................................................................ Boar ...[.~..~.... G~.~.~.g....s~ i.~.~g.~.~oard Reg~s%rafJon No ...... ~8A4.4B....~ ................................. .............. ~uxz~x~'~y ............... * This Permif is invalid unless +he mooring number es shown above is clearly ind[cafed on ~he mooring and fhe boa+ being moored. ......... A LTqAI{ ....B.....G OLDS M/_q21-I ............................................. Chairman, Board o~ Sou~'hoJd Town TrusJ'ees BOARD OF TO. TN TRUSTEES . Town of Sozzthold lV[ain Road Sou~old, New York 11971 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT *Permff No.....J.O20 ............................. *Mooring No..,..g.!/~ ................................ Renewal Da{'e _..No:¢ember....l~.....q 975 Explra~Jon D~e Fee Paid ................ ¢5..,..qg. .............. To: NAME ......A%exaz~.d.~r....2¢ck ................................................................................................................................................................... ADDRESS . ....C.¢c~8~...~.u~.>=~.....(.~837E...&¢;~r.)....., ....S.o~z~holct¢._.N,,.Y.........;i..Jg.Z~ ................................................. Loca'l'bn ..~.o~vxt...C.r.e.ek...a~....¢_he...£oo~....o£.. ~ima...Nec_Z...Roa&~.....So~+2~oZ&~....N...Y. .............. Type o~ Mooring ....... 9~.~.¢r.~:O.%%b~O%.~...~.Q~$~g ............................................................................................... Boa~ ....~3..!.....~-~.a~Xaza...sa~%....&...o~oa~ Regls}ra+~on No. ~...8..A,.~A..~B~ .................................... auxiliary * Th[~ Perm,,* ~s ~nval~d un[ess ~'he mooring number ss shown eboYe ~s clearly ~ndlca~ed on mooring ~nd fhe boa{' being moored. Board of SoufhO[d Town Trus,%es Office Use ~ 1020 A/6- 10/73 BOARD OF TO~/FN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Soud~olcl, New York 11971 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATIONS (Please checl~) (j/~ Mooring site ~ same as original application {~/¢Method o* m°.°rln.g. -- same as original appIic, a~ion (~'~oaf and Reg~stratmon number ~ same as original application The ~ollowing change has been made: ............ ? ................................................................................................................................ S.[gnafure Date Rev. 6/72 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION FOR A MOORING IN TOWN CONTROLLED WATERS: 1. Applicant's name and address: ..................................................................... ........ .................. 2~ Contractor's name a,nd address: ...... :2ZZ ........................................................................................ 3, What is being moored? ...... .>.(b;.[~..?Z-~.~.~ ........................................................................................ 4. If a boot is being moored, state: Name of ma.nufacturer k_~-~,~9~/d ,~ Reg. ............................................................ No~ ;../. ........ Y..~ .......... Nome of boat ........................................................................ Color ...~?.i~¢. ........................ Length ....... -".:.~...~ ........................... Powered by ...,.~.~.!J,......~.~..,....~..K~.b,.?~.4....~.~.~ .).L~.~ .......... 5. What is your method of mooring? (mark by an X in the proper space) ( ~) OFFSHORE MOORING (type & weight) ...................................................................... ( ) OFFSHORE STAKE OFFSHORE STAKE with pulley line to ONSHORE STAKE ( ) TiE-UP BETWEEN PILINGS (number of piles~) .................... ( ) SOME OTHER METHOD (describe) .................................................................... After issuance of a Permit, I expect to: (mark by an X) (a) Commence work--AT ONCE ................ ; ASAP '!~ ; UNKNOWN (b) Complete work in--I DAY ............ ; 1 MO...~ ....... ; 1 YR ............. ; FUTURE ............ Secure the correct Area Map from the Secretary of fhis Board, and by means of on X WITHIN A CIRCLE indicate as closely as possible the location of this mooring, On the reverse side of this map, provide a SCALE DRAWING which shows Ordinary High Water Mark, sro,keg, pilings or other anchoring devices to be used, and all distances in, feet between stakes and stakes. 8. Is access to the proposed mooring from PUBLIC or PRIVATE shoreline property? (state which) ?~:P ~ c_ If from private property not belonging to the applicant, provide o letter of consent from the property owner. 9. At the mooring's location: What is the approximate distance to the channel? ~t2 ft. Number of other boats moored within 100 ft .............. ~ ............ ]0. In making this application, J declare that the placement of this moori.ng will not be an im- pediment to the normal boating needs of others. ., . ... % SO U ?NO£ \/