HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-11/07/2002GENERAL MEETING
November 7, 2002
7:00 P.M.
A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held on November 7, 2002, at the
Southold Town Hall, Southold, New York. Supervisor Horton opened the meeting with the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton
Justice Louisa P. Evans
Councilman William D. Moore
Councilman John M. Romanelli
Councilman Thomas H. Wickham
Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville
Town Attorney Gregory A. Yakaboski
Councilman Craig A. Richter
SUPERVISOR HORTON: First of all, I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of
you for showing up. This is exactly what I like to see, people interested and participating in your
future and our future in the operation of local government. So, I thank-you all very much for
attending. Just to get started, in regard to how we run our Town Board meetings in Town Hall, it is the
policy of the Board to allow the public the opportunity to address the Town Board on the printed
agenda. That is resolutions that are on the agenda that we will be voting on this evening, prior to the
reading of those resolutions. At which point when we move from the resolutions and voting on them, I
then offer the opportunity for the public to speak in regard to general town business. We have a couple
of public hearings on the docket this evening, one of which is the public hearing on the 2003 budget.
For our public hearings as a matter of course, we will move into our public hearings and allow the
public the opportunity to speak at that point and I will make the opportunity at which you have
available to you to speak, very clear so there is no misunderstanding as to when you have the
opportunity to speak. As well, I ask that when you do address the Town Board, you make use of one
of the podiums located about three quarters of the way up the aisle, both sides. In addressing the Town
Board I ask that you state your name and place of residence. With that being said, we will move
forward with our regularly scheduled Town Board meeting.
Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was
RESOLVED that the following bills be and hereby are ordered paid: General Fund Whole Town bills
in the amount of $197,642.41; General Fund Part Town bills in the amount of $27,893.84; Community
Development Funds in the amount of $15,500.00; Highway Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of
$13,660.92; Highway Fund Part Town bills in the amount of $40,366.16; Capital Projects Account
bills in the amount of $12,937.77; Landfill Cap & Closure bills in the amount of $20,031.18;
Community Preservation Fund (2% Tax) bills in the amount of $17,955.68; New London Terminal
Project bills in the amount of $553.35; Compost Land Acquisition bills in the amount of $5,211.10;
Employee Health Benefit Plan bills in the amount of $7,476.96; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in
the amount of $19,701.02; Refuse & Garbage District bills in the amount of $30,029; Southold
Southold Town Board Meeting
Wastewater District bills in the amount of $1,073.23; Southold Agency & Trust bills in the amount of
$12,360.84 and Fishers Island Ferry District Agency & Trust bills in the amount of $188.71.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the September 10, 2002 Southold Town Board meeting be and hereby
are ordered approved.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the October 28, 2002 Southold Town Board Special Meeting be and
hereby are ordered approved.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board be held November 19, 2002 at
7:30 P.M.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
I. REPORTS 1. Town of Southold Budget Report - September 30,
2. Leave Time Summary Report - September 2002
3. Town Clerk's Monthly Report - September 2002
1. Department of the Army, New York District, Corps of Engineers, request of Kurt Freudenburg
and Janet Latham to construct a pier assembly at Darby's Branch, Mattituck Creek, Town of
Southold. Written comments by November 22, 2002.
2. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application
of Budd's Pond Marine to expand their existing marina at Budd's Pond on Peconic Bay, 61500
Main Road, Town of Southold. Written comments by November 29, 2002.
1. Letter to Southold Town Transportation Commission from Chief Engineer William Shannon,
Suffolk County Department of Public Works, re possible solutions for traffic concerns at CR
48, Middle Road, Cox Lane and Southold Landfill.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: We have a number of reports as well as public notices that you will see on
the printed agenda, as well as communications. These pieces of information are available at the Town
Clerk's Office, the Town Clerk's Office is open 5 days a week, Monday through Friday between the
hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. and all of that information will be made available to you. What I
would like to do at this point, prior to moving into our public hearings-I think I am going to have to
change the order of our public hearings and move forward with the printed agenda in regard to the
resolutions. The first public hearing that I will open or re-open will be the public hearing on the 2003
budget. So with that being said, I would like to offer the opportunity to anybody concerned in regard to
resolutions on the printed agenda. Would anybody care to address the Town Board on the resolutions
on the printed agenda?
JOAN EGAN: Good evening, everybody. Mr. Horton, Mr. Moore, Mr. Romanelli, Justice Evans, Mr.
Wickham and Mrs. Neville. How good to be here. My name is Joan Egan and I reside in East Marion.
Southold Town Board Meeting
The two that come up with me right away are numbers 711 and 712. Oh, here comes Mr. Yakaboski-
how wonderful that he made the meeting.
COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: Mrs. Egan, those two resolutions have actually been pulled off and
we are holding those resolutions.
JOAN EGAN: Pardon?
COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: We are holding those resolutions, # 711 and 712, there was some
discussion late this afternoon at our work session about the benefits for those, so we pulled them off to
have further discussion.
JOAN EGAN: Well, when you do that, incorporate my thoughts, would you please? I don't
understand why we play musical chairs with so many attorneys. This ! don't understand, ! have never
understood it, ! don't see how they get any continuity in regarding law and issues here when you pop
them here and you pop them there and we don't know who to address our problems to. ! have tried to
address my particular problem to Mr. Yakaboski and Mr. Moore to no avail. Those are the two right
now. ! may be back for more. Bye.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: In regards to the resolutions on the printed agenda, would anybody else
from the public care to address the Town Board?
CARLA ROSEN: My name is Carla Rosen, ! live in Peconic. A relatively new member of this
community, very happy to be able to address the Board. The resolutions that you are holding
obviously are regarding the Town Attorneys'. Are there dollar figures that we can assign to these two
positions for the benefits that are being put up for resolution even if it is being put off2. Are there are
dollar amounts?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Actually, to clarify that for you Ms. Rosen, the discussion was centered
around the amount of vacation days and sick days and how those should be set forward in regard to
other appointed officials in Town. So those were the underlying items that we wanted to address with
our civil service.
CARLA ROSEN: How many attorneys are currently employed by the Town?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: We have three full-time attorneys and one attorney that serves for a
minimal retainer that serves solely for the Trustees.
CARLA ROSEN: And these two people who are being mentioned here are part-time employees at the
Town, is that it?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: They are full-time employees in the Town.
CARLA ROSEN: Okay. ! understand that there has been some suggestion to moderate the number of
attorney's that are by this Town. Is that correct?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is correct.
CARLA ROSEN: Is that item to be discussed in regard to the budget? Is that how the determination is
going to be made as to whether there will be those positions made available to this Town?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Those items have been discussed among the Board ad infinitum in regard
to the legal staff that we employ here in Town Hall.
CARLA ROSEN: Alright, so when we discuss the budget in an open hearing, it will be appropriate to
discuss the possibility as to whether to include these individuals in that budget figure?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Yes, that will be an appropriate time.
CARLA ROSEN: Thank-you. ! would also like to ask if ! may, about another resolution that we are to
discuss later. Is there, on #717, is there a dollar figure that has been assigned to this meeting that we
are going to be sending these individuals to?
Southold Town Board Meeting
SUPERVISOR HORTON: There is and I don't know what it is of the top of my head. It is a seminar
that is held during the day on the Island, so it would be a minimal registration fee.
CARLA ROSEN: Okay. Having attended several Board meetings in the past, I see that it has been a
regular practice of this Board to send a number of the members of this government on to represent us
at similar types of meetings. I don't know what the benefits of these meetings are. What do you hope
to be benefited by the community by sending these individuals to these meetings?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: I would say that the opportunity to train and educate any of our town
employees or appointed Board members in regard to new practices, latest practices and particularly in
regard to Planning and Zoning changes that may be made in the Federal and State level that we can
either utilize or that will affect the Town. It is important for us to keep abreast of everything that is
new that is being put out.
CARLA ROSEN: Is this the only method by which they can be informed?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: No, but it certainly is an effective method.
CARLA ROSEN: It is an effective method?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: I believe that it is.
CARLA ROSEN: Okay. Also, on #718, when one advertises for bids for the purchase of two mowers,
are these bids made public? The amounts of the bids that are accepted, are they made public?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: The amount of the bid that we accept, yes. Absolutely is made public.
CARLA ROSEN: It is the policy of this Board to accept the lowest bid?
TOWN BOARD: Always, by law.
CARLA ROSEN: Always, by law. The bids proposal on #715, is there an amount of money that we
might know has been accepted for this particular proposal?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: The amount, the dollar figure actually comes out of the Park and
Playground fund, which is a fund that is dedicated, basically any new subdivision that is built has to
pay a certain amount of money into the Parks and Playground fund which helps us maintain our Parks
and Playgrounds, I don't have the exact dollar number for the fencing at Klipp Park but I could get that
for you very easily.
CARLA ROSEN: It would be interesting to know what we are purchasing and what we are paying for,
I think that would be interesting.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Certainly. I do know that it is a minimal but necessary expense in regard
to safety at the Park.
CARLA ROSEN: I don't know if it is common practice but I would like to request that when one puts
together a resolution such as this, as has happened in the past, where you are asking for approval or for
commentary from those who are sitting out here observing, it might be appropriate for us to know
exactly the dollar amount that we are granting or that you are granting for whatever specific items that
you are requesting. So it doesn't come along like a blank check.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Point well taken. Thank-you.
CARLA ROSEN: Thank-you.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: On the printed agenda in regard to the resolutions, would anybody care to
address the Board?
WILLIAM SWISKEY: William Swiskey, 184 5th Street, Greenport. Just a comment on the lady
(inaudible). Just to comment on what she said, yeah, that is usual policy at any municipal government
Southold Town Board Meeting
to, when you put a resolution on the agenda to accept a bid, to attach the dollar amount to it.
the State Auditors will tell you that you have to do it usually.
I mean,
SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is our general practice, it slipped through the cracks. Thank-you.
WILLIAM SWISKEY: Alright. There are a couple of other items here, this third party sub-lease
agreement with the Suffolk County Water Authority. Is that the building over there on Boisseau
SUPERVISOR HORTON: What this resolution is referring to is an agreement, a licensing agreement
for a group, a consulting group that is working for the Town on land use issues to actually have access
to Suffolk County and Suffolk County Water Authority graphic, geographic information system, it is
merely a licensing agreement that affirms this consultant is working for the Town and should be
availed access to that information.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: There is no cost associated with that.
WILLIAM SWISKEY: I realize that but LoGrande should give you that without any agreement, I
SUPERVISOR HORTON: There are formalities in everything.
WILLIAM SWISKEY: Alright. Just a couple more items, I see that you have on here, schedule
public hearings for waiver of the temporary moratorium, subdivision moratorium. #740, 741 and 742.
In other words, ! assume from that that the developer is asking permission to proceed with his project?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is correct and we are required to offer that to public hearing. We are
following through with a mandated process, so it will be set to public hearing should this resolution
WILLIAM SWISKEY: Are these subdivisions approved or not approved yet?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: They are not approved and are actually subject to the moratorium criteria
which states that the subdivision process for that application cannot move forward and this entity is
looking for a waiver and that waiver is that, there are legal steps that have to be followed in regard to
that, so we are required to set that to public hearing.
WILLIAM SWISKEY: Alright. Would these be five acre subdivisions?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: ! don't know the specifics of those.
WILLIAM SWISKEY: Because I know that the majority of the Town Board seems to be leaning
towards five acres to build a house, which is very hard on young people in this town. Yet to grant
these people an exemption and this would be my feeling at any public hearing, when you are going to
make every kid have five acres, than these people should have five acres. It is something that you
might want to consider. Thank-you.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: On the printed agenda, the resolutions. Would anybody care to address the
Town Board?
TOM SAMUELS: Tom Samuels, ! live in Cutchogue. ! was not asked to attend tonight, ! decided to
attend because ! was energized by the election results on Tuesday. Because on Tuesday, the
Republican party was able to energize its electorate, to stand for Republican values. What happened in
our last election was a complete repudiation of the Republican party and Mr. Horton was elected, in a
landslide. Yet the Republican members of the Board have failed to accommodate or apparently and
perceptions are everything in government and since ! am no longer involved in government in any
way, perceptions matter. That is what counts. The people that ! am talking to are the people who were
talking to Ray Jacobs before the last election that the Republican governing body would not listen to.
John, for example, ! am sure is having the same problem that ! am having, is finding places for people
to live in this town to work for us. One time ! had 13, ! now have three. They are still working for me
but they can't live here. Mr. Horton came out with his campaign and said what he wanted to do. His
Southold Town Board Meeting
budget is a reflection on that. Now, I am not saying that his budget is perfect but why can't the Town
Board work to find a mid-ground somewhere.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: I certainly do not mean to interrupt you and I hope that you will continue
but we haven't moved into the budget hearing and we will be moving into the budget hearing in about
three minutes but by law, I am required to wait until that prescribed time and right now we are
addressing resolutions on the agenda. So if you don't mind, as a matter of protocol.
TOM SAMUELS: A matter of law. I respect the law and I will wait my turn. Thank-you.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank-you. On the printed agenda, the resolutions-would anybody care to
address the Town Board?
BARRY T. CHARLES: My name is Barry T. Charles, 265 Peck Place, Southold. On item 739, the
three police officers. Can you tell me if that, does that include people who are retiring or is that three
additional officers to what we have now?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is to replace three officers who are retiring. One actually has retired.
One is scheduled to retire January 1 and the other one has put his papers in for July.
BARRY T. CHARLES: So there is actually no increase on the force?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is correct. On the printed agenda, would anyone else care to address
the Town Board?
JOAN EGAN: Good evening again, I don't have to address you all. Am I coming across? Good. On
#714 very quickly, I will say that I have been against this project. It is lots of money, I think any
money of bids should not go out until other things are done. We certainly don't really need another
park and I don't think any bids should go out for that. On item 727 you have the initials GIS, does
anyone know what they stand for? I thought we were going to clarify those things so that we could all
address the resolutions properly?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Yes, I apologize for the initials, the acronym. The initials stand for
Geographic Information System.
JOAN EGAN: And such.., they will do a job?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
JOAN EGAN: Well, I don't understand any of this-what are we going to let them use our equipment
or are we going to use their equipment?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Actually, Mrs. Egan, that is a good question. What that will allow us to do
is utilize their Geographic Information System as well as provide access to ours.
JOAN EGAN: Oh, okay. Now on item 739, we have appoint Sean Gillan, Marianne Allen and Joseph
Santacroce are they new police officers? As far as I know it takes a year before we would get
somebody, a candidate, it takes a year to get them out of you know, in the street if you will.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Ms. Egan, two of these people who are proposed on this resolution are
active duty police officers and one will be attending the police academy should this resolution pass.
JOAN EGAN: And then it would take a year before they are really in uniform and serving. But they
will be paid in the interim, is that correct?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Actually, it will take six months to get that one candidate through the
academy. The academy starts this coming Tuesday, six months from that point, that person will be on
the street.
JOAN EGAN: But they will be paid while that is happening.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is correct.
Southold Town Board Meeting
JOAN EGAN: Now, again, ! very much object to, ! don't know which number it is but Police Officer
Dzenkowski, going up to Binghamton to take the course. ! don't think that this is necessary. These
courses can be done by mail and ! am sure that it will cost the Town at least $750 to $1,000 to send her
up there and ! don't think that we have those kinds of money with what is going on here. So please
take that into consideration before you vote yes. Thank-you very much.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: It is 7:31 P.M. At this point, we will re-open the budget hearing on the
2003 budget.
Meeting re-convened at
Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes Town Clerk
Elizabeth Neville to advertise for bids for the supply of playground equipment for the
Oysterponds Playground Proiect.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid proposal of
Robert Bohn Contracting~ Inc, P.O. Box 55~ Peconic~ NY 11958~ in the amount of $18~062.00 for
the supply and installation of 103 sections of CCA mortise type wooden guardrail at Norman
Klipp Park, Greenport, NY in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by James
Richter, dated July 8, 2002.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to sign the 2003 Program Application for funding the Southold
Juvenile Aid Bureau Program, in the amount of $32,034.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes Planning Board
members Richard Caggiano~ Bennett Orlowski~ Martin Sidor and Senior Environmental Planner
Mark Terry to attend a Planning and Zoning basic training seminar hosted by the Suffolk County
Planning Board Federation on October 30, 2002 at the H. Lee Dennison Building in Hauppauge.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was
Southold Town Board Meeting
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town
Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase of two {2) new 1-section interstated Flail Mowers -
74" wing {or equal), for use by the Southold Town Highway Department.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby promotes Valerie Maione to the
position of Cook at the Nutrition Center working 40 hours per week, at the rate of $34,492.63 per
annum, effective November 7, 2002.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2002 Community
Preservation Fund as follows:
Vote of the Town Board:
Full Time Regular Earnings
Full Time Overtime Earnings
Land Use Consultants
Social Security Benefits
Land Acquisitions $78,400
Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Justice Evans,
Supervisor Horton. No: Councilman Moore.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund
Whole Town 2002 budget as follows:
A. 1330.4.400.100 Tax Collections, C.E.
Tax Bill Processing $7,400.00
A. 1330.4.600.400
Tax Collection, C.E.
Tax Bill Postage 6,300.00
A. 1990.4.100.100 Contingent, C.E.
Unallocated Contingencies $13,700.00
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission for the
Mattitrack to use the following roads on Thursday, November 28, 2002 at approximately 9:30
A.M. for a Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot Race: Pike Street, Love Lane, County Road 48,
Wickham Avenue, Mill Lane, and Main Road in Mattituck provided they file with the Town Clerk a
One Million Dollar Certificate of Insurance naming the Town Southold as an additional insured and
notify Lt. Flatley ten (10) days prior to the event to coordinate traffic.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Southold Town Board Meeting
Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Horton to sign a no cost extension agreement with the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation for the Duck Pond Point and Horton Point
Erosion Project.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to execute a third-party sub-license agreement with the Suffolk
County Water Authority granting access to certain digital data sets and thus enabling growth and
water use projections for the Town of Southold.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Colony Truck
Center in the amount of $24~200.00 for the purchase of a single Axle Dump Truck for use by the
Southold Town Highway Department.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes Detective Beth
Dzenkowski to attend the Executive Board meeting of the State of New York Police Juvenile
Officers Association as 2nd Vice President, commencing on Thursday, December 5 through Friday,
December 6, 2002, in Binghamton, New York.
Expenses would be approximately $40 for transportation costs (gas and tolls). These costs will be a
legal charge to the Juvenile Aid Bureau budget line.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to execute a Third Party Sub-License Agreement~ together with
Nelsom Pope & Voorhis~ LLC~ with the County of Suffolk allowing Nelson, Pope & Voorhis to
utilize GIS data to assist in their preparation of the Southold Comprehensive Implementation Strategy
report relating to the moratorium.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to execute an agreement between the Town of Southold and the
Civil Service Employee Association (C.S.E.A.), Incorporated, Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO,
Southold Unit 8785 to help alleviate the Public Safety Dispatcher shortage the Town is experiencing.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
Southold Town Board Meeting
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Joshua Y. Norton to accept the donation of Barry and Miggie Bryan of a 1987
Chevrolet Blazer to the Town of Southold for the purpose of facilitating the non-toxic mosquito
control program on Fishers Island.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Joshua Y. Norton to accept the donation of Edward and Roberta Trippe of a 1985
Toyota Pick-Up Truck to the Town of Southold for the purpose of facilitating the non-toxic mosquito
control program on Fishers Island.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Joshua Y. Norton to hire the firm of Nelsom Pope & Voorhis to conduct an
evaluation pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) to address the
environmental issues pertinent to the proposed code changes relating to Public and Private
warehousing in the General Business (B), Light Industrial Office District (LIO) and Light Industrial
(LI) zoning districts at a cost of Seven Hundred ($700.00) Dollars as per their proposal dated
November 4, 2002(revised).
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Ashley Campbell as a
part-time Student Intern in the Town Clerk's office effective immediately, at a salary of $ 9.54 per
hour per employee.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to the
Southold Village Merchants to use the Main Road beginning at Tuckers Lane and heading east
to Boisseau Avenue~ Southold~ New York for their "Nolida¥ Parade" on Saturday, November 30~
2002~ beginning at 2:00 p.m. and ending by 3:00 p.m., provided they file with the Southold Town
Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the Town of Southold as the
additional insured. Lt. Flatley to be contacted at least ten (t0) days prior to the event to coordinate
traffic along route.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was
Southold Town Board Meeting
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby adopts the following 2003
Community Development Block Grant Budget and authorizes and directs Supervisor Joshua Y.
Horton to sign the Proiect Description forms for the same:
Administration $ 15,000.
Child Day Care Center Improvements
North Fork Early Learning Center/Family
Service League of Suffolk County - Child Day Facility
$ 52,500.
Robert Perry Child Day Care Center
Support to a Child Day Care Facility
Oysterponds Playground Project
Town/School Park Project
North Fork Housing Alliance
Support for a not-for-profit
housing agency
Dominican Sisters Family Health Service, Inc.
Support for family health service program serving low/middle
income families
$ 7,500.
Cutchogue Drainage Project $ 5,000.
Install drainage system on property
adjoining Southold Town Landfill to
prevent residential flooding
Total $148,000.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: ! would like to say that is one portion of money that has not wavered
through the years that is administered through the Federal government, comes down through the State
to the Town and myself, including the entire Town Board is grateful for this grant that comes every
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the resignation of
Ronald Smith, effective October 28, 2002.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund
Whole Town 2002 budget as follows:
A. 1330.2.500.100
A. 1990.4.100.100
Trustees, Equipment
Transcribing Equipment
Contingent, C.E.
Unallocated Contingencies
COUNCILMAN MOORE: These were things that we were putting in the budget discussion for next
SUPERVISOR HORTON: That is correct but John recommended that we do it now based on the
(inaudible) of that equipment.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
11/7/02 12
Southold Town Board Meeting
Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund Part
Town 2002 budget as follows:
B.8010.2.500.100 Zoning Board, Equipment
Transcribing Equipment $900.00
NYS Retirement
Employee Benefits
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the certified check No.
67466750 from North Fork Bank in the amount of $60,425.00 as a performance guarantee
applied to the revised bond estimate for the completion of roads and other improvements in the
proposed minor subdivision "Baxter Sound Estates" located at Cutchogue, New York, subject to the
approval of the Town Attorney.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Sean M. Gillan,
Marianne Allen, and Joseph A. Santacroce as full-time Police Officers in the Southold Town
Police Department at a base salary of $30,471.00 each per year, effective November 12, 2002.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets 8:10 p.m., November 19,
2002 at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York for a public hearing on
the application requesting a waiver from the provisions of the Local Law entitled "Temporary
Moratorium on the Processing, Review of, and making Decisions on the applications for Major and
Minor Subdivisions, and Special Use Permits and Site Plans containing dwelling unit(s) in the Town of
Southold" for the major subdivision of Perino/Nastasi for the parcel identified by SCTM # 1000-122-
7-9. (Access from Main Road, Mattituck)
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets a 8:15 p.m., November 19,
2002 at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York for a public hearing on the
application requesting a waiver from the provisions of the Local Law entitled "Temporary
Moratorium on the Processing, Review of, and making Decisions on the applications for Major and
Minor Subdivisions, and Special Use Permits and Site Plans containing dwelling unit(s) in the Town of
Southold" for the minor subdivision of Old Orchard at Cutchogue for the parcel identified by SCTM
# 1000-109-6-9.2 (The parcel having frontage on both Cedar Road and New Suffolk Road in
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Southold Town Board Meeting
Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets 8:20 p.m., November 19,
2002, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York for a public hearing on the
application requesting a waiver from the provisions of the Local Law entitled "Temporary Moratorium
on the Processing, Review of, and making Decisions on the applications for Major and Minor
Subdivisions, and Special Use Permits and Site Plans containing dwelling unit(s) in the Town of
Southold" for the minor subdivision at Alvah's Lane, Cutchogue for the parcels identified by SCTM #
1000-102-4-6.2 & 7.1
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Wickham, it was
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to purchase the development rights of a
certain parcel of property of agricultural lands owned by John Elak, pursuant to the provisions of
Chapter 25 and Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of Southold. Said property is identified as SCTM
#1000-115-8-3.3, and is located on the south side of Main Road, approximately 665 feet east of the
intersection of Main Road and Locust Avenue, and on the north side of New Suffolk Avenue,
approximately 558 feet east of the intersection of New Suffolk Avenue and Locust Avenue, in
Mattituck. The development rights easement comprises approximately 25 acres of the 29 acre farm.
The exact area of the development rights easement is to be determined by a town provided survey,
acceptable to the Land Preservation Committee, prior to the contract closing. The purchase price is
$25,000 (twenty-five thousand dollars) per acre; be it
RESOLVED that this action is classified as an Unlisted Action pursuant to the SEQRA Rules and
Regulations, 6NYCRR 617.1 et. Seq.; be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold is the only involved agency pursuant to
SEQRA Rules and Regulations; be it further
RESOLVED that the Short Environmental Form prepared for this project is accepted and attached
hereto; be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds no significant impact on
the environment and declares a negative declaration pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations
for this action.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
WHEREAS, John Elak, owner of the property know as SCTM # 1000-115-8-3.3, located on the south
side of Main Road, approximately 665 feet east of the intersection of Main Road and Locust Avenue,
and on the north side of New Suffolk Avenue, approximately 558 feet east of the intersection of New
Suffolk Avenue and Locust Avenue, in Mattituck, has offered to sell the development rights on
approximately 25 acres of the 29 acre farm; and
WHEREAS, the property is listed on the Town's Community Preservation Project Plan as
property that should be preserved due to its agricultural value, and
WHEREAS, the purchase of the development rights on this property is in conformance with the
Community Preservation Project Plan and Chapter 25 (Agricultural Lands Preservation) of the Town
Code, and
WHEREAS, the property is in the vicinity of other farmland on which the development rights have
been acquired; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the question of the
purchase of development rights on the property owned by John Elak on the 7th day of November 2002,
pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 25 (Agricultural Lands Preservation) and Chapter 6 (Community
Preservation Fund) of the Town Code, at which time all interested parties were given the opportunity
to be heard; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the best public interest that the Town of Southold purchase
the Development Rights of these agricultural lands, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby elects to purchase the
development rights of a certain parcel of property of a~ricultural lands owned by John Elak,
Southold Town Board Meeting
pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 25 and Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of Southold. Said
property is identified as SCTM # 1000-115-8-3.3, and is located on the south side of Main Road,
approximately 665 feet east of the intersection of Main Road and Locust Avenue, and on the north side
of New Suffolk Avenue, approximately 558 feet east of the intersection of New Suffolk Avenue and
Locust Avenue, in Mattituck. The development rights easement comprises approximately 25 acres of
the 29 acre farm. The exact area of the development rights easement is to be determined by a town
provided survey, acceptable to the Land Preservation Committee, prior to the contract closing. The
purchase price is $25,000 (twenty-five thousand dollars) per acre. The Town is eligible for grants from
the 2002 Federal Farmland Protection Program and the New York State Department of Agriculture for
partial purchase of this property and part of the purchase price may be reimbursed from these agencies.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to purchase the development rights of a
certain parcel of property of agricultural lands owned by Parker Dickerson and Chester Dickerson,
pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 25 and Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of Southold. Said
property is identified as SCTM# 1000-88-1-10, and is located on the east side of Jacob's Lane,
approximately 372.21' north of the intersection of Main B ayview Road and Jacob's Lane, in S outhold.
The development rights easement comprises approximately 10 acres of the 13.45 acre farm. The exact
area of the development rights easement is to be determined by a town provided survey, acceptable to
the Land Preservation Committee, prior to the contract closing. The purchase price is $21,000
(twenty-one thousand dollars) per acre; be it
RESOLVED that this action is classified as an Unlisted Action pursuant to the SEQRA Rules and
Regulations, 6NYCRR 617.1 et. Seq.; be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold is the only involved agency pursuant to
SEQRA Rules and Regulations; be it further
RESOLVED that the Short Environmental Form prepared for this project is accepted and attached
hereto; be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds no significant impact on
the environment and declares a negative declaration pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations
for this action.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
WHEREAS, Parker Dickerson and Chester Dickerson, owners of the property know as SCTM# 1000-
88-1-10, located on the east side of Jacob's Lane, approximately 372.21' north of the intersection of
Main Bayview Road and Jacob's Lane, in Southold, have offered to sell the development rights on
approximately 10 acres of the 13.45 acre farm; and
WHEREAS, the property is listed on the Town's Community Preservation Project Plan as
property that should be preserved due to its agricultural value, and
WHEREAS, the purchase of the development rights on this property is in conformance with the
Community Preservation Project Plan and Chapter 25 (Agricultural Lands Preservation) of the Town
Code, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the question of the
purchase of development rights on the property owned by Parker Dickerson and Chester Dickerson on
the 7th day of November 2002, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 25 (Agricultural Lands
Preservation) and Chapter 6 (Community Preservation Fund) of the Town Code, at which time all
interested parties were given the opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the best public interest that the Town of Southold purchase
the Development Rights of these agricultural lands, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby elects to purchase the
development rights of a certain parcel of property of agricultural lands owned by Parker
Dickerson and Chester Dickerson, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 25 and Chapter 6 of the
Code of the Town of Southold. Said property is identified as SCTM #1000-88-1-10 and is located on
the east side of Jacob's Lane, approximately 372.21' north of the intersection of Main B ayview Road
and Jacob's Lane, in Southold. The development rights easement comprises approximately 10 acres of
Southold Town Board Meeting
the 13.45 acre farm. The exact area of the development rights easement is to be determined by a town
provided survey, acceptable to the Land Preservation Committee, prior to the contract closing. The
purchase price is $21,000 (twenty-one thousand dollars) per acre.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to purchase the development rights of a
certain parcel of property of agricultural lands owned by Helen and Henry Rutkoski, pursuant to the
provisions of Chapter 25 and Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of Southold. Said property is
identified as SCTM #1000-108-2-3 and SCTM# 1000-115-2-10. SCTM# 1000-108-2-3 is
approximately 3.9 acres, and is located on the south side of CR 48 in Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-115-2-
10 is approximately 23 acres, and is located on the north side of Main Road, approximately 1428 feet
west of the intersection of Main Road and Elijah's Lane in Mattituck. The development rights
easement comprises approximately 24.9 acres of the 26.9 acre farm. The exact area of the development
rights easement is to be determined by a town provided survey, acceptable to the Land Preservation
Committee, prior to the contract closing. The purchase price is $21,000 (twenty-one thousand dollars)
per acre; be it
RESOLVED that this action is classified as an Unlisted Action pursuant to the SEQRA Rules and
Regulations, 6NYCRR 617.1 et. Seq.; be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold is the only involved agency pursuant to
SEQRA Rules and Regulations; be it further
RESOLVED that the Short Environmental Form prepared for this project is accepted and attached
hereto; be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds no significant impact on
the environment and declares a negative declaration pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations
for this action.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Wickham, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
WHEREAS, Helen and Henry Rutkoski, owners of the properties know as SCTM# 1000-108-2-3 and
SCTM# 1000-115-2-10, located on the south side of CR 48 in Mattituck, approximately 1094 feet west
of the intersection of CR48 and Elijah's Lane in Mattituck and on the north side of Main Road,
approximately 1428 feet west of the intersection of Main Road and Elij ah' s Lane in Mattituck, have
offered to sell the development rights on approximately 24.9 acres of the 26.9 acre farm; and
WHEREAS, the properties are listed on the Town's Community Preservation Project Plan as
properties that should be preserved due to the agricultural value, and
WHEREAS, the purchase of the development rights on this property is in conformance with the
Community Preservation Project Plan and Chapter 25 (Agricultural Lands Preservation) of the Town
Code, and
WHEREAS, the properties are adjacent to other farmland on which the Town has acquired the
development rights; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the question of the
purchase of development rights on the property owned by Helen and Henry Rutkoski on the 7th day of
November 2002, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 25 (Agricultural Lands Preservation) and
Chapter 6 (Community Preservation Fund) of the Town Code, at which time all interested parties were
given the opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the best public interest that the Town of Southold purchase
the Development Rights of these agricultural lands, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby elects to purchase the
development rights of a certain parcel of property of a~ricultural lands owned by Helen and
Henry Rutkoski, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 25 and Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of
Southold. Said property is identified as SCTM #1000-108-2-3 and SCTM# 1000-115-2-10. SCTM#
1000-108-2-3 is approximately 3.9 acres, and is located on the south side of CR 48 in Mattituck.
SCTM# 1000-115-2-10 is approximately 23 acres, and is located on the north side of Main Road,
approximately 1428 feet west of the intersection of Main Road and Elij ah' s Lane in Mattituck. The
Southold Town Board Meeting
development rights easement comprises approximately 24.9 acres of the 26.9 acre farm. The exact area
of the development rights easement is to be determined by a town provided survey, acceptable to the
Land Preservation Committee, prior to the contract closing. The purchase price is $21,000 (twenty-
one thousand dollars) per acre. The Town is eligible for a grant from the 2002 Federal Farmland
Protection Program for partial purchase of this property and part of the purchase price may be
reimbursed from that agency.
Vote of the Town Board: Aye: Councilman Wickham, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Justice Evans, Supervisor Horton.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: I would prefer to put off the next resolution until the Board has had a
chance to canvass a little bit on the budget.
COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: What is the deadline date for adoption?
COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: So, the next Town Board, the 19th?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: And the Capital Budget?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: That concludes our resolutions and the voting thereof. Those of you who
have stayed around for so long, we offer the public the opportunity to address the Town Board on town
business at this point.
(Mr. Marschean spoke at the end of the 4:00 budget hearing in reference to Town business)
DICK MARSCHEAN: This affects the budget, by the way. The schedule that is put out by this
consultant here, is nine months which means that it will run through June of next year. In other words,
the thing is that this three months that we are going to lose is something that I don't think that we can
afford to lose because I think that all of you people know the pressure that is coming to this end of the
Island. We have been talking about it for the last six months. I attended Blue Ribbon Commission
meetings, I was not a member of the Commission but I was there, I think that I missed one meeting.
The thing is that out of that particular meeting, we really learned an awful lot from some of the data
bases already existing here in Town Hall. I give credit to the people in the Planning Department and
things of this nature. I am giving them a little bit of a plug here. The thing is that this particular
consultant, I felt, could have been hired much earlier on. Parallel with the meeting that was going on
with the Blue Ribbon Commission so that everything would have ended in February. So you would
have time. The reason that I mention about time here is part of the Blue Ribbon Commission charter
was to be able to when they finished going through all of the meetings that we had, it was supposed to
go into the hamlets and talk to all the people about what was learned from all of the studying that was
done on the data base both with regard to density and some of the things that Vince talked about, some
of the planning, some of the upzoning. We had people that were in from other states, California,
Maryland and so forth, this whole thing was not necessarily dropped but through the passage of time,
and there is no fault of Mr. Wickhams', who was Chairman of the Committee but the thing is we never
did get a chance to communicate with the public. So the point that I am making here tonight is that
this new consultant that we have hired on here, I am hoping that the point were we get to the fifth
month of this schedule which would be around February, I would recommend to the Board very
respectfully, that they at least, they at least have these people have a Town meeting for what they have
come up with when they get to the fifth month mark. At least as a mere minimum, I think that what we
should have is a monthly report from these people because what we are talking about is nine months, if
we can't have the consultant that we are hiring for close to $200,000 give us a monthly report, when
Southold Town Board Meeting
people show up here like we are tonight, so we know what they are doing, the problems that they are
running into and so forth and so on. This is the thing that I am very concerned about because the end
result of all of this is going to be a recommendation, that this is a generic environmental impact
statement, people use acronyms around here, GELS. People are not used to the acronyms, generic
environmental impact statements are used in business now for people to be considering the
environment and so forth. It has become part of our vernacular. So the town really here is the
business, and the business that we are talking about that we are going to preserve is town. Keep it the
way that we want it. And not be disingenuous and say that we are saving for people who are rich. The
people that are sitting in this audience, I don't think are any richer than I am. So the point I am making
here with this consultant here is that I think that we should have meetings and I would recommend one
a month at a minimum. And I think when we get to the fifth month mark, which is February-the end of
the moratorium, unless the moratorium is extended, there should be a full-blown report to this
community and I mean by hamlet. So we should pick up where Tom didn't get the opportunity to
finish his job which is no fault of his because there were a lot of things on his plate because I don't
think that you can explain all of the things that are going on that we have talked about in the Blue
Ribbon Commission, these people I know are tying the whole thing up and everything else and putting
a ribbon on it as Tom didn't have time to do. The thing is I think that this should be explained to the
people in the hamlets and we should have meetings in the hamlets. This is the only way that this town
is going to be saved as Mr. LaRocca said it is time, the clock is running. Time is unforgiving, it is a
variable which you can't control and the thing is that the clock is running and I think that it is very
important that adhere to something like this. So I again say very respectfully, that you should have
these meetings and let's get the people educated to the truth and the facts. Just what Tom and what
Vince was talking about here, I think some of the people here who haven't had kids in the school, the
school budget, 85% of the school budget is mandated by the State. You only vote on 15% of it. He
talked about the Town budget that we have, what is it, 2/3 is the school budget. You guys are not
responsible for the school budget so that is in your, that is what we are talking about here tonight. 2/3
is not the responsibility, it has nothing to do with this. So we are only talking about 1/3. And as Vince
was saying some of the things that we quibble about, about 2 cents or 10 cents, you have to look at the
big picture items. Look at the big picture items, in business you always look at the big picture items
and you work from the top down. You don't take a mallet to a pin. And that is what I think that we are
doing, we are taking a mallet to a pin. Look at the big picture items and if you are really serious about
the planning function in this Town and to go forward, the Planning Department has to increase.
Melissa and Valerie and the whole bunch of them, you are going to have to eat the costs for this
because you will get it back very effectively. Those departments have to be increased if you are going
to monitor whatever you are going to decide with this consultant, when you get finished with it. These
departments have to be increased. So that is my point.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank-you, Mr. Marschean. As we say in the military, at ease.
STEVE KAEL1N: Steve Kaelin, Cutchogue. I would like to ask the Town Board, I understand on
Griffing Street in Cutchogue, the Board authorized a bond authorizing the reconstruction of Griffing
Street as well the parking lot by the Post Office. I was wondering what the practical aspect of the
construction on Griffing Street is? You are taking out approximately eight parking spaces of parallel
parking and installing seven parking spaces with diagonal parking. The issue with parking spaces is
you are creating one less space, you are creating in my opinion more hazardous conditions, backing out
into a busy Post Office road. I would like to know what the Town's thoughts were on that?
COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: I have been working closely with it and it is a long story, I will give
you a short version now. Maybe afterwards we can spend a little more time. Going back many, many
years there was a dispute between the land-owner and the Town about that property and who actually
owns it and who has the rights to use it. There has been a legal tussle between the Town and the land
owner for quite some time. The proposal that we currently have would resolve that difficulty. It
would also provide for public parking behind the stores on the north side of the Main Road and it
would provide that diagonal parking on the side there but the provisions that we are making, that the
Town Engineer has determined and has sketched and it will be part of that plan provides for a wide
buffer for any cars that turn in from the Main Road on to Griffing Street. So wide that any cars
backing out of their diagonal parking would not back into the stream of traffic going north on Griffing
Street. At the moment, what we have is parallel parking but cars who back out from the parallel
parking spots actually do back out right into the stream of traffic. So the provision for diagonal
parking will actually be a safer condition then what we have now. That is the way that the plans look
and I am satisfied about it and I would be glad to show you the plans. I can get a copy from the Town
Engineer and we'll take a look at it and I'll go over it with you.
Southold Town Board Meeting
STEVE KAEL1N: Just to clarify, you cannot do the Town parking lot without the (inaudible).
COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: I guess I would call this a package deal.
STEVE KAEL1N: Okay, thank-you.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank-you, Mr. Kaelin. I would also like to apologize for taking so long
to get to you. Thank-you for staying around for so long to address the Board. Would anyone else care
to address the Board?
PETER HARRIS, HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It is 9:50
P.M. and I will try not to take too much time. First and foremost item that I would like to discuss and I
really wasn't going to discuss it tonight until this young lady who has been sitting here who has been
in my office before, pertaining to Greenfields subdivision. Debbie has given me the folder pertaining
to Greenfields and I am under the impression from the gist as I go through that folder is that the Town
is in ownership, that the County has turned the property over to the Town. This young lady here is just
asking for me to go in and have the right to go in there and fix her potholes. I want some guidance
from this Board whether or not I can go in there and do that.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Probably, we can give you some guidance on that now but probably clearer
guidance and firmer clarification tomorrow after we address it with the Town Attorney and wade
through that. It won't take too much time but I will let Bill shoot from the hip here.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: The Board accepted a handful of properties about a year ago, a year and a
half ago, from the County. They turned over the deeds to us. The Greenfields road is one of them,
there are a handful of roads and parks and things that the County acquired for non-payment of taxes
and they asked us if we wanted them and we said yes. After having had those parcels reviewed by, at
the time it was Ray Jacobs, we didn't take everything on the Counties list, we hand-picked those that
were close enough to be okay. Greenfields was one of them. I have asked Greg to look into that but I
know that you have been waiting for an answer on this one for quite a while. And I am glad that you
got right to Pete about this. He is the one that has got to do the work. So the short answer, as far as I
am concerned is yes, he should be in there doing the potholes but you can double check with Greg to
confirm that, in fact we own that ....
PETE HARRIS: The fact that, and I explained to this young lady, it wasn't the fact that I didn't want
to go in there but I did not want to put myself in a position because there are other places in this Town
that want their roads taken over and I did not want to be put in the position.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: We understand exactly what you are referring to and this is one where we
took this over 1 lA years ago, so this is our road.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Pete, my office will give you a call before noon tomorrow after I confer
with the Town Attorney just to make sure that everything is in place and we are completely squared
away. And that you have the legal standing to operate in there.
PETE HARRIS: Thank-you. Just one more item, seeing that you have the camera here and people do
watch these meetings. November 12, next Tuesday, it is the annual fall clean-up starts in the Town of
Southold and we will be starting in Orient. We are not setting days, we are setting out with a date. As
of November 12 and we will be working from east to west. Have all of your leaves and brush material
out in front of your properties. Have them separated, so it will make Mr. Bunchuk's job easier, being
able to compost the leaves and grind the brush so that we can try to make life a whole lot simpler in the
Town of Southold. And with that, I bid you adieu. Thank-you.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank-you, Pete. Would anyone else care to address the Town Board on
town related business?
JIM HICKEY: Jim Hickey, Old Main Road, Mattituck. This is in regards to the rezoning in 1989 at
the landfill. It has been 13 plus years, no buyers, buildings, etc. Maybe it is because no one in their
right mind would re-locate a small manufacturing business or warehouse, etc east of the Long Island
Expressway period. Since 1989, Tanger was developed along with almost total development of Route
58. The influx of wineries, high-tech farmstands etc., like I said you would be out of your mind to
Southold Town Board Meeting
locate an industrial area east of Calverton with today's traffic compared to 1989. Two weeks ago I
went to Delaware on a Saturday morning. I left Mattituck at about 4:50 A.M., at 6:15 A.M. I went
through the toll plaza on Staten Island. The next day, Sunday, I went to dinner in Riverhead, I met the
Carlins at the restaurant and I commented to Frank that it took 1 hour to come from Mattituck to the
Riverhead circle. Eight miles. Traffic is not quite that bad weekdays but it is getting there. Mr.
Romanelli, about a month ago, you gave your reason why you voted the way that you did at the
landfill. You stated you had no problem with the 1989 rezoning because the entire block was rezoned
not just the Church Lane section. The east side Cox Lane appeared to be business commercial with the
exception of a cluster of small homes, Oregon Road section is a salvage business or junkyard. Plus a
couple of farmhouses, the west side-beautiful farmland. Southwest side, commercial composting and
recycling operation. Was there a permit issued for that?
BOB HICKEY: Yes? Okay. I don't think that is what the Governor had in mind for the scenic by-
way on Route 48. It is an eyesore. That section was rezoned in 1989 with just a notice in the local
paper instead of the usual certified letter. Why was that done in that way? Because not everyone buys
that paper, a little collusion there? Mr. Romanelli, you have to come up with a better reply. I wanted
COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: Was that a question?
BOB HICKEY: I wanted to ask Mr. Richter something but like you say, I guess it is more important
that he is somewhere else. That is what you get $24,000 a year for, correct? I have questions for
everyone. Mr. Moore, does your firm on occasion represent applicants before the Planning Board,
Zoning Board of Appeals regarding development of property, homes, etc? If so, would that influence
your vote?
BOB HICKEY: I said your firm.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: My firm does not.
BOB HICKEY: Okay. Mr. Wickham, does the 1989 rezoning have any influence on your current
BOB HICKEY: No? Okay. Ms. Evans, I bet you can tell me just what is happening in New London,
Connecticut but between Cutchogue and Laurel (inaudible), correct?
JUSTICE EVANS: I disagree.
BOB HICKEY: What did they just put in front of my house?
JUSTICE EVANS: I don't know, do you know what they just put in front of my house, either?
BOB HICKEY: I am not interested in what is in front of your house.
JUSTICE EVANS: I don't know which house is yours.
BOB HICKEY: Frank Murphy's old house.
JUSTICE EVANS: I don't know where Frank Murphy lives, either.
BOB HICKEY: Okay, that answers my question. I think the solution would be why not just zone it
back to the agricultural residential. Buy the development rights from the land owners, purchase the
southwest corner and turn it into a park for all local residents to use, complete with play area, picnic
area and restrooms. Because it will never be an industrial park with todays traffic. Thank-you.
Southold Town Board Meeting
SUPERVISOR HORTON: l:bank-you, Mr. Hickey. Would anyone else care to address the Town
Board on Town related business? (No response) I thank-you for attending, I always appreciate your
input and your attendance. We will close this meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
* *
C'J?.w,jJd O. YfM{;"
Southold Town Clerk