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Monthly Report: April 2018
SPRING 2018 RECREATION BROCHURE: was an insert in the Thursday, March 5 edition of The
Suffolk Times. Registration for all programs and activities has been steady throughout the month of
SUMMER 2018 RECREATION PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES: The brochure will be an insert in the
Thursday, May 10th edition of The Suffolk Times. Programs currently being planned for the summer
season include the following:
• Summer Concert Series • Ballroom/Latin Dancing
• NY Mets vs Washington Nationals Bus Trip • Tennis Lessons: Adult & Youth
• NY Yankees vs Kansas City Bus Trip • Dog Obedience
• Ancient History Club for Youth • Children's Theatre: Cirque Project
• Farmhouse Cooking • Equestrian & Pony Camp
• Art Journaling • Swimming Lessons
• Classic Body Sculpting/Aerobics • Little Scholars Club
• Pilates, Yoga & Power Stretching • Arts & Crafts for Youth
• Tai Chi & Qi Gong • Homemade Jam Making
• Weight Training • Canning Roasted Tomatoes
• Walk 15 Aerobics • Plein Air Painting
• Hatha Yoga • Mah Jongg
• Chair Yoga • Intro to Drawing
• Use It or Lose It: Fall Prevention • Smart Driver AARP
• Pickleball: Intro & Intermediate • Defensive Driving
• Golf Lessons
2018 Bathing Beach Operating Permits for the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. They
will be posted at each of the six bathing beaches in the Town prior to the beaches opening on June
2018 SUMMER SEASONAL STAFF: Returning applications were mailed to 2017 summer staff.
We have received new applications for beach attendants, lifeguards and the NEW Assistant Beach
Manager position. Interviews will be conducted during the week of May 15tH
LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS: The second of two lifeguard certification courses took
place on Saturday April 21S and Sunday April 22nd at Peconic Landing. Participants are completing
the online portion of the course and will take their finals tests with the March class in June.
RECREATION DEPARTMENT DEPOSITS & EXPENDITURES: Following are copies of our monthly
bank statement. Please note that any withdrawals on the bank statement are program refunds for
those participants who paid with a credit card.
Janet Douglass
Recreation Supervisor
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