HomeMy WebLinkAboutCanon Financial Services, Inc RESOLUTION 2017-909 '* ADOPTED DOC ID. 13491 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2017-909 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON OCTOBER 24,2017: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the Acquisition Agreement Lease or Purchase, Cost Per Copy Non-Cancelable Rental Agreement, and Addendums between the Town of Southold and Canon Financial Services, Inc., in connection with the lease of five(5) Canon replacement copy machines, two of which are located at Town Hall and three are located at Town Hall Annex, at a total monthly cost of $1,436.00 for a period of forty-eight (48)months, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman SECONDER:William P. Ruland, Councilman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell canonACQUISITION AGREEMENT LEASE OR PURCHASE National IPA' cwoHsounaNSAhuteu #S0699962-04 Canon Solutions America.Inc.('CSA') One Carom Park,Melville,NY 11747 3 (800)613-2228 I Salesperson Linda C Lehman Order Date: 10 / 5 / 2017 CuBwffwr ryouy: .Customer Account:1047792 SIHp To: Customer Account: 1047792 I Company SOUTHOLD.TOWN OF _ Company SOUTHOLD,TOWN OF Address:53095 MAIN RD PO Box 479 Address: Please See Addendum. CRY' SOUTHOLD County:SUFFOLK City- I ucourtty .... .._ �_ I Slate:NY #Zip: 11971 4642 Phoma 631.765.1881 State; Zip; Phone#:' Cortlact:ticyd Reisenberg Fox'* Y Contact: Please See Addendum Pax#}� Email:lloyd.reisenberg@lown.southold,ny,us Email: 'l�arH m Purchaoo:'.__ _ You agree to lease the items listed below or in any addendum(s)to this Agreement from the Leasing Company identified below,at the fixed periodic lease payments Indicated below or in any eddendkun(s)to this Agreement and for the fixed term specified in the lease agreement between you and the Leasing Company. Delivery to you of the items specified is contingent on you signing a lease agreement with the Leasing Company: 0 Canon Financial Services,Inc. ❑ Other (Name o1 Leasing Company); ❑ You agree to purchase the items listed below or In any addendum(s)to this Agreement,for the purchase price specified. The"bill to"for the items listed is the Leasing Company or you,depending on which box is checked above. PLEASE PRINT Mill lbae' . coda Product Description CAY Untt'PrICG Payltillm or Purcham Prim Pfease See Addendum TAls"banssetlon shall De popovercdd in all respect by the Terms and conditions of contract VC 40=•13 iteted'10-1.2013'botwoen-Canon Solutions America,Ma and DuPege County and any terms and conditions which corifllat with,very from or supplement the contrvct terms shaft be deemed null erfd void. . . .. .. .SiAt01a1tlCT ...� �. Paynwnt Terms Oilier RequMsmonb riitil Adeeridurn 1,436.00 _ ❑ Check with Order Check# subtotal 1,436,00 - ... ❑ P.O.Required -- w ❑Net 30 P.O..If ...... __ _-_.. DeNeryllnstal' .__.._0.00 0 Lease 0 Tax Exempt Solas Tax' ❑ Other _ (Attach Certificate) Total J _._.... ❑ Credit Card: ❑ Customer DeclinesO$1t.. Repuires submission of secure credit card aulhorizalion form. Equipment Maintenance Balance Due. " ""`»"J` shipping Instructicna, Customer DtalhsrY hAonnatlon Custams►IT Coirtect Udornsatlair Ship Vie: « - ...-_-# Email toYO:resbntxir down., . This individual may be contacted for -----• --• Name l.lo d Reisentter .___Y. .----,._.t1_...,.,�...�.__� _ _4io1._..._._..,.. . network connectivity. Hours of Operation 9-4 - - Phone 631 785.1691 _ Eeriest Dario for OWivtxy: 11 129 12017. Nemo l,J-odd R�Issnbary-„, , Numberof Steps Phone;631.765..1891_._,_. Spatial Deliveryllnstalletion htsttucton _.. Elevate Yes [3No0 .,.,._.. .__...._-................._......__,.«.... Emaa llpyd.reisenbar wnsout Loadng Dock Yea ❑ No❑ •-�` .. .. .. -.,.,,.«,..«•_..,.....w_..„_-- .«..«..�... BY YOUR SIGNATURE BELOW,YOU AGREE TO LEASE Crit �C}i�$�,-AS SPECIFIED ABOVE,THE ITEMS LISTED ABOVE OR IN ANY AODENOUM(S)TO THIS AGREEMENT YOU AUKN0WLEUGE.RECEIPT OFA GOP �i HIS.AGREEMENT;CONWSTING:OF,TWO PAGES INCLUDING THIS FACE PAGE, THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS r-+ri 2 HEREOF AND IN tVS f.1DENDUM ' Eft& r>AT co 0p 7HArED AND MADE PART OF THIS AGREEMENT CustomersAkn;•sa,:o, Pd „nledrto ['IC;... 'D�t SLS-0D4N d'dly�:ry S SA A.... .. 1.. _„„.i,..._Ii.:. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS # S0699962.04 These are the additional forms and conditions referred to an the face page to which CSA,if any,is purely Incidental to the services performed by CSA.Nalther CSA nor they are attached.Such face page and oddandum(a),collectively with those terms and any.0 their affiliates hes an obtiguon W areae or overwrite Date upon your.ratum of conditions,the'Agreement.' Oto EGu(1x!fsnl to CSA or,any WaalmO conhpany..You,are'sOlO1y responsible(or lit your 1. LEASE OR PURCHASE PRICE AND PAYMENT You agree to lease or complbnoo.with epptleablo hivi and 160.toquiroments pwictr V to data;prlvacy,. purchase the units of equipment and supplies(fhe'Equwbment')and Ikenaes Of slCrattei socuiFy:ra(enC,rml ant!praloclbn;ah0(G'�ail dodsbrla retotod In efaiing or application software with Separate support contracts(the'Usted Software'and, pn srN%t?jtiftg Oaia>WICfOut R!mOimO thO,fQfeGolnO.fbu titin iiiW;,(0);onabte'pio Haid Disk together with Ore Equipment,the'Ualed Items'),M each case as Indicated on the face Dine(HDD)Oatn.eitf+se Nneiltinaifly that is a at0 chid katvni m certain Equipment page hereof or In any adder!aum(s)hereto,(a)If purchasing the Listed Items,the total atd(dr(b)p*tq:rCwm,a;Other disposition of the Equipmard,utilize the HDD(or purchase price specilled In the Agreement,Including salsa taxes and comparable)formatting function(which may be referred to as"Initialized An daivery/mstellatlon charges,is due and payable In accordance Math the payment Dafa/SoWngs'function)If found on the Equipment to perform a one pass overwrite of , terms of this Agreement.(b)It leasing the Listed Items,CSA shag sell the listed nems Data or,If you have higher security requirarrerda,you maypurdissa from CSA at Ib the Leasing Company subject in all respects to the warranty Ifrrtmtlehe and current rates an appropriate aptiin,for the Equipment,which may include(x)an HDD disclaimers and limitations W liability in This Apraennont.You Mall tinier Into a lease Dela Encryption bl option wftitxi deigulses InformaWn bfifd[o q le written to the hard agreement with the Ledging Company providing,in addition to such terms and dive using encryption algorithms.(y)a HDD Doti Eiase Kit that Cain perform up to a conditions as the leasing Company shall require,for fized periodic lease payments 3-pass overwrite of Data(for EquipmenUno1 otxilaiNng dem eraas`hmciioneOly as a indicated herein over a fixed tease farm as specified In the leas*agreement. atandaro(assure), er,(z)a replacement hatd dldve'Qri J+hloh case you should property OellveryAnstall4on charges,If separately itamlzed in this Agreement,are due and destroy the'raptecod hard drive);.Thrl Wrens of this Section 3 shag soialy govern as to payable In accordance with the payment Wme or this Agreement,You are responsible Dam,notwdhstanding that any provisions of this Agreement or any separate for payment of sales go use nixes on monthly rantais If applicable,even U not spadfied confIdenttadly or dam security or other agneemem now or hereafter entered into In this Agreement.(c)In addition W the amounts shown in this Agreement,you shall between you and CSA could be construed to apply to Data, pay CSA's rates for any special rigging for delivery and Installation when CSA notifies t SECURITY;LATE PAYMENT As security for tin payment of all amounts due to you of in advance,subject to your approval. (d)CSA will,at no additional charge, CSA,you hereby grant to CSA a security interest in the Listed gems.To the extent install all Equipmeru In accordance with Its normal prac:kas and requiremenla. permitted by oppticaWio law,you herotiy authririze CSA to fie with the appropriate Maintenance and any other post-tnslalafion support of Equipmsnl is not covered by govsmmeMal riidtiw(ctos any and an Mho�Acirig ctuatemSMa necessary to evidence or this Agreement.and will only be provided by CSA 0 a separate maintenance p!(fQC(,CSAti3.1,QCrJ,rity,in(Or0¢I to tha.Listdd4!ws:Without 11 ai(iig ony.d CSA's_dein. agreement Is entered into and to the extent provided therein,(e) :and nom dies uMtk spplica, taw;if payments art tato,T?u�i ply aie.actvaf and InstaliegoNlmplemantation Of Uslad Software may be at on addWr%w charge except reasonable costs and expenses of collection bhnrrred by GSA,Including the maximum lo the extent Included as a Luted Item,and may be conditioned an your agreement to attorney s foes permitted by law and CSA may charge you and you agree to pay,a 0 separate-istotomord d went or odigr_Ccturneinico�oting Me accpe,and o f eduto'of, (ale charge equal to this higher Of five percent(5:5)of are amount due or$10 as 4iiWllBddnlCmpternOnlOOott,coNigvrraltOti'aptfens.iesppnsg)usis.1 oadt pens,snit reasonable cohection fees,not to exceed the maximum amount permitted by law- la matters.wdniOhMsiiag solely govern as to the matters cevsred therein.Additional S. WARRANTY OF BUSINESS PURPOSE.You represent and warrant that that the charges may apply for wars beyond the Wllal scope described in such separate Listed Items will not be used for personal,lamely or household purposes, document.(f)Support for Listed Software Is provided directly by the respective & LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.CSA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INJURY OR developers thereof and as set forth in each developer's applicable separate support DAMAGE EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY CSA'S NEGLIGENCE OR contract.and Is not provided by CSA under this Agreement except as expressly WILLFUL MISCONDUCT CSA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR EXPENDITURES FOR provided horan, Support for Listed Software may require separate purchase by you of SUBSTITUTE EQUIPMENT,LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFIT,LOSS. ' e support confracL unless included under this Agreement as a Listed Ilam.The terns CORRUPTION OR RELEASE OF DATA,FAILURE TO REALIZE SAVINGS OR of supper contracte for Listed Software are available from the developers,or wlil be OTHER BENEFITS.STORAGE CHARGES OR INCIDENTAL,SPECIAL.PUNITIVE provided to you by CSA upon request.Notwithstanding any provision in the support OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH contract to the contrary,!t stall automatically renew on an annual basis,subject W a THIS AGREEMENT,REGARDLESS OF THE LEGAL THEORY ON WHICH THE price increase after the initial tem.(g)CSA shag,make available to you from time to CLAIM IS BASED AND EVEN IF CSA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY time upgrades and bug Oxus to fine Uslad Software,but:(1)only It such upgrades and OF SUCH DAMAGES. log fixes are provided to CSA by the developers of such Listed Software,(a) 7 CHOICE OF LAW AND FORUM.THIS AGREEMENT AND ALL CLAIMS, availability of upgrades and bug fixes may be at additional charge,and(41)installation DISPUTES AND CAUSES OF ACTION RELATING THERETO,WHETHER of such upgrades and bug fixes by CSA If requested by you shall be at additional SOUNDING IN CONTRACT,TORT OR STATUTE,SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND charge.You aro not(agWred to use CSA for installation of either Listed Software or CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. for any upgrades and bug Rums,but It Installation M done by anyone other than GSA, YOU CONSENT TO THE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION AND VENUE OF ANY STATE CSA shall have no responsibility for any performance,or other issues that may rosult OR FEDERAL COURT LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF NEW YORK UPON from such installation.CSA shah also use reosonable efforts to provide Level 1 SERVICE OF PROCESS MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE support for(he Listed Software for Go long as a CSA maintenance atifeament(or the STATUTES AND RULES OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK OR THE UNITED related Equipment remains in effect,except that for certain Listed Software.Levet 1 STATES.ANY AND ALL SUITS YOU COMMENCE AGAINST CSA,WHETHER OR support shah ba pfovidad orgy If and so long as a separate software support contract NOT ARISING UNDER THIS AGREEMENT,SHALL BE BROUGHT ONLY IN THE for such Listed Software from the developer thereof is In effect.Level 1 support STATE OR FEDERAL COURTS LOCATED WITHIN THE CRY OF NEW YORK,YOU consists of(t)providing hoWne hSephone assistance in operating the Listed HEREBY WAIVE OBJECTIONS AS TO VENUE AND CONVENIENCE OF FORUM, Software and identifying service problems and attempting to troubleshoot any such ANY SUIT,OTHER THAN ONE SEEKING PAYMENT OF AMOUNTS DUE problems in rhe Listed Software;(h)escalating operating problems to the available HEREUNDER SHALL BE COMMENCED,IF AT ALL.WITHIN ONE(1)YEAR OF developer of the Listed Software as needed to rectify such problems.including THE DATE THAT THE CLAIM ACCRUES,THE PARTIES IRREVOCABLY WAIVE facilitating Contact between you and the developer or the Listed Software as ANY RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL IN ANY SUIT BETWEEN THEM. necessary,and(hp maintaining a log of such problems to assist in tracking the same. e. GENERAL.This Agreement shag be binding on you upon your signature and on (h)If you acquired LYdfiow,an authorized CSA representative they receive a print CSA upon the delivery M any at the USWd Mens.All provisions of this Agreement t usage report for business reviews;0)CSA reserves that right W withhold shipment of including Section 3,which by their nature can be eonsbued to survive the expiration or the Listed Items 0)until you make full payment of the total price specified in this; temhination of Oa Agreement shall so survive:This Agreement,together with any Agreement w It CSA revokes any cmdn exp to you because of your failure to related CSA credit application,constilutes the entire agreement between the parties pay any amounts when due or for any other reason affecting your creditworthiness,or with respect lo the fumfshing of the Listed items,superseding all previous proposals (g)until you enter into a lease agreement with Ire Leasing Company and the Less" and agreements,oral or written.No lease agraarwM entered into between you and Cumpany commits to full payment of the purchase price agreed W beWeen CSA and the Leasing Company with respect to any Uslad items shag be binding an CSA in any to Leasing Company.If at any lime prier to shipment.CSA discovers any mistake in respect Or allow your rights or GSA's obligations hereunder,x Any purchase order pricing or Equipment configuration for any Usled hem(s),CSA reserves the right to utilized by you shat!be for yew atirnmistrative cortverdence only,and any terms ratify you of the mistake In writing,and such notification will constitute the non- therein which conflict with,vary from or supplement the provisions of this Agrea rani acceptance of this Agreement by a with respect W such Listed Item wilhoul liabilitye shall be deemed null and void.No represerhmtion or statement not contained on the Z UNITED WARRANTY,An Canon and Oce brand Equipment is provided with a original of this Agreenwnf stag be binding upon CSA as a warranty or otherwise,nor manufaclu ens and user limiled warranty from Caron USA,Inc,CSA is an authortzed shah INS Agreement be modified or amended except by a writing signed by you and a Canon service dealer and provides warranty service under rhe Canon USA tinted designated representative of CSA,it a court finds any provision of this Agreement(nr warranties. All other Listed Ileus are pfovided subject to such arid user warranties pan thereof)to be unedonceabte,the remaining provisions at this Agreement shall and scene temp u are provided by the manufaduref or developer as packaged OF remain In lull force and effect.This Agreement shall not be assignab:e by you without otherwise provided with the Ustod home, CSA shall upon your request provide to you CSA's prior written consent and any onampled assignment without such consent, tropias of all such end user warranties and license. SUCH WARRANTIES ARE IN which shall not be unreasonably withheld,shag be void;except that you may,as LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING ANY described above,assign to your leasing company your right to acquire the Listed IMPLIED WARRANTES REGARDING MERCHANTASIUTY OR FITNESS FOR A hemi and your warramN rights hereunder,but your other rights hereunder are not PARTICULAR PURPOSE.RELATING TO THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE assignable W the leasing company and such assignment shag not relieve you of any of LISTED ITEMS,AND ALL SUCH OTHER WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY your Obligations hereunder.You exptKsly disclaim having raged upon any DISCLAIMED.YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SUCH WARRANTIES DO representation or statement concerning the capability,condition,oporation, NOT ASSURE UNINTERRUPTED OPERATION AND USE OF THE LISTED ITEMS, performance or specifications of the Listed Items,except to the extent set forth on the 3. DATA rut.a.xn;r,.in'tAo iliAt the hod-Uve(s)or,Utii:Egyrno"hf,,rx-jhxling original Of this Agreement,You agree that CSA may accept an electronic image of this r.hzt hr d duvk.es,m„y socio;mages;CVdtvnt a atter data that vow f:ay stare hx Agreement as an original,and that electronic copies of your signature will be treated r:urp,)&ws.rt+xxm ink!yrrs;icr.of Ihr.Equxpnnnl('i)Jt:P),You,ecAr),f *dQo that CSA is as an original lor all purposes, not saving Data on yourbehplt enrl.theterposum:draccess to the Data tly. lvsta>sac5aittutl x reit asooctcbribc ACs"c{Opniarfi"C{+�{{Z t3 ... SLS1104N July 2017 CSA rued 141.2013 befhrearr CSA and Ospdge:I;cxny and any TsBCs wNdt dentin with,nary Paga 2 Customer w' � Oalr!I 'A:ar,m 6unor3hjitfeiu(OducrdAsl3iuLaetectrlied'tk7 � '""On ADDENDUM TO ADD ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT TO V414ori soumoNs AMERICAACQUISITION AGREEMENT 0 50699962.04(the"Agreement") Canon Solutions America,Inc ('CSA) One Canon Park,Melville,NY 11747 (800)613.2228 Unda C Lehman 10 18 20+7 Salesperson ,• Order Date Company SOUTHOio TOWN OF Contact Lloyd Raisenberg Address;53095 MAIN RD PO Box 479 Phone: 631 765 1691 Fax, City SOUTHOLD State:NY TIP:11971 4642 E-Mail: Iloyd.roisenberg@town,southold.ny.us .PLEASE PRINT _.Mon i0ldliklm tbam T t Dail l P111111111110111111, ship TolucYUOn ; Elev. 0 o Load ' CorltrotName 1 C� i ProAuetDasottpgon Oty,£ Prim Purdwe. (it dMbtarlt"on aowa) (Ida) Stop ( i aPhene Nw10or E4"J 4 —.._� IMAGERUNNERADVANC ' P!l°! __..__..,...4.._.., 0295CO02 E 1 {y�;00 63045 MAtN RDftD Msiriptfica N 0 N' Reisenper Iloyd,retsenDefg@toym.souuvjo,ny.us �t`� _65551 SOUTItOCD' ;NY Sg7t,�$ 631'765:1891 y ._ 1GANNOT.BE'USEtIW/.• _. - ._... _..... _.M_ ..__ oi24Co03 AFLE;fI_ HER V2 - 5309SxIAIAI:RD.1JainofiCL!, �).oydReasenberq . 1 vliludad •SOUTMOLD V 1971-4817 ffi 0 NN 631.165.1891 Iloyd.retsenberg@lown,souinold,ny.us ESP P NNEXTGENGEN PCS 53095 MAIN RD Main 0f1k8; �Uoytl Rmsenoer9 1972VO73 POWER FILTER f120Vn0A1 1 Included N 0 N 1 631 765 1891 Iloyd.reisenbergLHjtown,soutnoltl.ny.u5 SOOOI�TFiO�.- .rlY 2966V465 IR ADV 6555765/75� 1 _ . .included 53095 MAIN RD Main office N _ D4• N Uoyd Remenberr9 Ilo ,relsonber _ INSTAL P ,SOUTHOLD _IyY,?19714842 631,765.1891, Yd, g(4ltownsoutholo.ny,us 53095 MAIN RD Main oMte w Li Reiserroiirg. .. ..-._..._ 2368V120 - , Included N 0 N lloyd reisenberg®town soulhold ny us CONNECTIVITY 30 PPM JTryQLQ,. ray-,it+97te642 631.)65_.1891 Prernstall supplies inslaNed Included 53095 MAIN RD M6m office N 6 N Uoytl Reisenoer0 S lntS;ttppies +n machine i OIJ7H0}Q ,kY,?W.19?;i_�+34 6�t 765.1891 uoyd reisenbrrg(pttown.southold,ny,us e14 I IMAG it-6NNER ADVANbE 375 Man Road 2nd floor Ll*yo Reiaertoefq Nrl 1. '0295G06J 85551 1, Included . T1 NOLO j1gTlld .. N N 631765,1891 Iloytl reisen0erg�tdwn,southdld.ny.us .. .. '.STAPI'F;F1Nl5MER=V2 .. i '— t S'Mai11,RC8o 2nd 11QCrLSft152tg' 01240003 1 Included ) + E N- 0 N rbyd.ri3iserit?er town,soutl»+d: us> ( NOT BE USED Wr iR _ .SOUT'AgLP '.13Y_:,.1971.415Q2 _ .. �_631 765.1881 8.� r?Y ESF?'NEX7:GENPGS 54375 ManRdao2ndBoor � l(oyaRetsentterg 1972VD73 .. '1' Included ti •N . POWER FILTER(120V/20A) 631.7851891 ibYd;rrrsanbe+3�toivri.sovtrlufd.ny;ust 1RADV'6555l65/75 56376;MaihTtoaa2nd.fbdr C+ He'tse%ipe; 296GV466 .1> Indudrd = N o N t w,--------« INSTALL PAK .,.w.. � ::SOVTHOLD :1�,V 11971,:484?�, 6631.765.1891 4 ttGyd:rarsenbETg�tovm. .. .riy.v�. MID'vOLUMe, St •Road grid N N N L10" Aeisdnear 2368V120. 1 Included :37SI I goon 0 9' NNECTiyrTY VPM __ (SOUTHOtL1- :M+lgjt a8a2'. 631;765 t89i ltgyd _ noerg�tdwn:scsithcjd.i y.iis �l �2'_..�_.,�_,... . _ tniSuppt as Pro-Miall siiy iar'a+WaOadt 1 MN IritluQed' r'S4375.Pa Riled 2htj 11ooi. N N ueyc Fteacntierg _t^ ^_ SOLINOLO-: NY"1.1971:4642. 1�765:189t " _Yd.telsei+bG!g{ tc4on.soutiipW.riy:us: i IMAGE UIgN£3iADV.ANCE' S4375'MBn;RoatlAnnexlst,tYooi' LWyORe)¢enoer 02950002 65651 1 Included SGl1THOl0 NY 1.1r33f1.46A2 . 'N U N G31'.765<1.¢91 9110ytl.relsenfiers8tori/,soidholo,ny "Sl'NPLE FINISHE 2 '- 7S Main RoadJVtneit'tat rood: , I LwW Relsenoe O1�ei;00y; CANtt4T BE.USED.iV7.R' �.. Included a7, tV. L I N y.ta, 543 , _. _...... 631`765:1891 ' ooydreLsenbeig�jWwi,souttwltln j Carry brward to Face aide d Agreement BY YOUR SIGGN,A"_ik-.aELOW;:vOU AGREE TO E.ve',OR'PuRCUASE,AS SPE.CtFIE0,015'THE FACE PAGE OF THE AiCOUi$R)ON AGREEMENT,THE ITEMS LISTED ABOVE,IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL OF THE tE Rill§ArrD,G?SNOi'ri(')50F Tr1E.AC:GUfS)ftON'+5% �+!AZN7`Tula AD OeKK(M SHIAU:,BES'.OME'EFF,ECTti/E AND 91ND04G AS:PROVIOED!N PARAGRAPH BOF 1HE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE ACLUIS+T'IONAwii�!_+,$lx+:io?.i'£ !Lgwq,�. 2> 7:.::u. THEC`'..a"".vmG -fiy+,?r,.S5FiALi E1Aiiii4 .rt .�- -c " '''� �j�y/� R UyC+11^n.CiG rd'•�<.'., r:.� ,.nn.•.Efpf ' Cuiio.pera Aiiii!eriteb`�"""1`''��_. .. .._ t"'�•Z.r:'-.eC:!�.!^"��,,,� :Paraad NsirNi ✓':...."i"1 �`; _ =:1``_"y SJ�'��.vt„S.C�� ...,. � ,' SLS•004A Ju+y 2017 CSA - � ADDENDUM roADD ACQuna|rmumAmmss�e ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT '- c"�Nu�mo"^=W*u m'��� ��oe"Agreement") Canon owmm",^=neri=.Inc ('CSA') One Canon p"*.w"ww� ~ ' w,`` , (800)613-2228 u"^"oL"^.�" ,o m m/, o"�"��" m",,o*° ^___/ c°"p�roour�o�o.�o�.op `-- ' - ---- --------~- ---- - `---- -- ~ ^v*"��v�w^�nopuo�wv p^""" 631,765 1891 r", - -�_- Cio"uou`*nuo State NY zil)�,,on-4o-42 cw". lloyd=se,*°rg@m°""""moio"^"" PLEASE PRINT Unit Load lr r,EN y9ya ki_4e TAU_,PAX MIDVOLUME 63 11 55 1891 .Lq NY v� 1,19714642 X bad f5 63 ACD.,VOLUME Road tn���� ' ,~~�^ _~ ��0� ADDENDUM roADD xDu�mmALsQu�MswrTw ��=���~°~~ ACQUISITION AGREEMENT �.�_-,_ (the"Agreement") ����d�� __ Canon omuio",xm"mca./nx �'coA') One Canon Park,Melville,~',/,w (800)613-2228 �moc�+== m ,o uv,, Salespersonom"u"m. ^ o, n~='uv� *,�u� og _ -� . -=-' ^*��o�5��nopoo=^m w°`,. v'� v�..� w,. ~�St*°/NY �'*`�m`+o^c �'e../` /w/^,"..e"m"q@y°="""thw""'.", PLEASF PRINT koft hem Product D" Unit A= .—Ship To iwauon Elov. 0 of Load CoMat NW, PrIca Y Purchase vfqft�W*6m above) (Yin) stop Phom Nut bw 49WTHOLD X3 CONNECTIVITY 30-PPM I- Included IN 0 Ti�ydwi�,ii�noerg 2368VI20 MID VOLUME Pre�nslall supplies ins( 42 1197 ' Carry torward to - '--~— - -- ~`- -- -�-------------'- -~T-------- -+i - - - � - ^ . 'Face-side of Agreement - - _ - .11y,YOUR SIGt4AT�URE,ZELOW,YOU AGREE TO LE,�kSE OR PURCHASE,AS,SPECJFIEO ON THE FACE PAIJE CIF,THE ACdUISff1dN AdAtEPA&d.THE 4EM�Lj3!jjO�ABbyj,IWACCOR&ANZE WfTWPLLDF T%�E --- ........~...' ' ���Q ACQUISITION AGREEMENT ADDENDUM CANON 5011JnONS AMEPJCA Canon Solutions America.Inc ("CSA") One Canon Park,Melville,NY 11747 (800)613-2228 Reialed Acquisition Agreement Number- S0699962 Csidiner $outho.ld Town of. Strand address" Ctly " State; p: zi 53095 Main Rd Southold NY ;,11971 Egdipme!!t l�sciiptlow fern,: 314RAQV6.555i' .1 4RADV4545i• 1:4RADV6575i 48 months... WHEREAS,Canon Solutions Amenca, Inc. ("CSA"),and the above-described Customer("You")have determined that it is in their mutual benefit to enter into this Acquisition Agreement Addendum ("Addendum")to the above-described Acquisition Agreement ("Agreement"). All capitalized terms used below that are not defined in this Addendum shall have the meanings set forth in the Agreement,, NOW THEREFORE,for good and valuable consideration,intending to be legally bound,the parties hereby agree as follows. 1) Anything in the Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding,and subject to all of the terms and conditions set forth in this Addendum, the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall be modified as follows, a. Rider Regarding Payment Under Municipal Contracts is attached hereto as Exhibit A and shall oe incorporated to the extent applicable. 2) It is expressly agreed by the partes that this Addendum is supplementat to the Agreement,and that the provisions thereof,unless specifically modified herein,shall remain in full force and effect and shall apply to this Addendum as though they were expressly set forth herein. 3) In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this Addendum and any provisions of the Agreement,the provisions of this Addendum shall in all respects govern and control. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have caused this Addendum to be executed on the dale set forth below, Canontuticns:America,Inc. Souttiotd,town,a' , . Name �� KolUu L. lU Nar: Title Evp OL( GI►'� Tale.` cJUA vsioyit _.,._.. .. _M. ,. l Date Date ' r i 's Acquisition Agreement Addendum September 2016 CSA WDER REGARDING PAYMENT C'NDUR MUNICIPAL CONNTRAC."J"S The Tovvn of Southold (hereijlarer the "Vown") shall pay Canon Solutions America,inc. (hereinafter -Coll[ractor") upoll the suhnnission of a voucher at tile, appT.op'lli!lt rit-ne of hfllfflg SL[Cll voucher shall be due told payable within 45 days after receipt of.-.-uch voucher, but ,Lich sura ;hall not Lie, due and payable by the Tovin untit the love-n Board of the Town has ncetr ed S'.ICII a vOLIChef Zlllild 11-is audited and approved ;!.br payinent the voucher to bt, submitted by Contractor in connection therewith. The 'lown Board zdiall procc." any voucher received from Contnactor ac expCidillously, as 2kVSSibl1L. In the c%,en, tnat the Tov\,n disputes or objects to arty portion of any voucher submitted by C ontractor pursuant:to this. paragraph, the Town shall, within 30 days ofth;: reccipt of"such voucricr, notif) (_'ontractor t11 Wl'ting Of 9UC.11 diSPLILe or ob.icetion Contractor ackiio',vledges, that Contractor is farnihar with the requirements of section 118 of- the Fo%A.-n Lay., which, in effect; prohibit payment of an)- Of Contractor's claims against the. Town unicss an itetnized. VOLICher therefore shall have been presented to the To%vn Board it FoA.-ri Comptruller and shall have been audited and allowed by the Town Board or Town Cornpi.toll.er The acceptance h,,. the Contr;ictor of the payinent shall he and shall operate: as a release to the !'own from all claims and all liabilities to the Contractor.for all the things done Or fill-nishud in 'Onric-Ition vath this work and for overy act and neglect of the Tt),;Pn and officts relatin'u Lo u r arlmaL, Cut of, tills Contract_ except Contractor's clamis for interest upon the 'tial payment, if this payment be improperly deiayed. No payment. however final or otherwise, shall operate to reLasc the Catit.ractor or its surettus from any obligatiorm under this(Coniract. REQUIRED PROVISIONS OF LAW F`,ach and every provision of law and clause required b.,, law to he inserted in this Contract shall b.-;, deemed to have been inserted herein It any m.ich provision is not inserti-d. through Mistake sir otherwise then upon the application of either party, this Contract shall be physically amended f1irthwi.-th to ma-.k,- such insertion. In particular, the Contractor shall, among other things, fully comply with t a) Labor Law section 220-c and Executive Law sections 291-299 and the Civil Rights Law relattrig to prohibition against discrimination and providing equal opportunity. (b) Affirni.arive action as TCqUITCd by the Labor Law i1c) Prevennov of Just hazard required by Labor Law section 222-a. il d) Preference in crnplovrm­nt of persons required by Labor 1.aw section 222 Eight-hour workday as required by Labor I.avv section 220(2) PREVAILING WAGF RATES REQUIRED BY LAW ia) Tile partits its hereto, in accordance Willi the rrOViSIOTIS nfsection_220(3)of the Labor Law, hereby ai*ffee that there shall he paid each employee engaged, in Work under this Contract not 1,:ss than the. wage rate.and supplements set opposite the trade,or occupation in v;Iiich he.fshe is engaged, .vhicll are the wagic rates and ;upp lein en rs established as the prevailing raze of wages for the Nvnrk covered by this Contract. c ^ jY �ete� Kowa�c.zv..'.�.`�Pa►�d G-m 's S i' "� i x ORIGINAL s�o Gyl N _ RECEIVED y�o a15S APR 2 6 2018 Southold Town Clerk Office of the Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone : 631-765-1939 Facsimile: 631-765-6639 MEMORANDUM To: Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk From: Mary Silleck Secretary to the Town Attorney Date: April 24, 2018 Subject: Agreement between Town of Southold and Canon Financial Services, Inc. With respect to the above-referenced matter, I am enclosing the original Agreement together with the Resolution. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. /ms Enclosures cc: Accounting