HomeMy WebLinkAboutORIENT GUN CLUB INC.Oysterpon~s Alfred.. ~orklyn, Secretary Orient, We have your letter of June 6, 1967, anna =opy of ~e~letter from Leste~M. Albert- son, Supervisor..dated June 13. 1967. The ~rd of Trustccs has temporarily table~ ~he appli~ation of your organization ~en~ing 1.) ~e r~ul~ of a prelimi~y su~ey by ~e ~oun~y ~gi~$ to ~e~ ~e ~- diti~s ~t ~ld ~ ene~ter~ ~d ~e ~- =ha~ migh=~ avail~le to ~e ~e fiI1, an~ ~ ~e varies ~ni~sities in ~e ~e ~eek ~ as to ~e re~l~ of ~e~g~g ~ ~e e~l~ Of ~e ar~. As soon as this informationis sub- mitted and studied, the Board will advise you of ~he results. ~ery %~ly yours, $~athold Town ~arion A. Regent, ~retary June 13~ 1967 New YoT~, 11957 ~en ~!emen: i have your letter of Ju~e 6th, ad. dressed to ~e r~a~bers of the To~ Bo~cd~ the Board of hearing to ~%ieh you refer was con- By copy of this latter, your letter is for- warded to the T~.stees for reply. Yours very truly Lester M. Aibemtson cc: ~outnozd Towa Trustees, w/eric1. / rlIYSTEI~PDNDS ROD & ~UN CLUB, INr,. mRIENT, NEW YORK llgS~ J~ 6~ 1967 Lester ~bertso~ - Seuthold Tow~ Supervisor ~embers of %he Southold Tow~ Board e~d Board of Trustees Dear Sirs~ ~ the board ~£ directors of the Oyster Ponds ~od a~d Gum Olub, /~c. respect£~lly reeuest the status of cue· petitio~ to re-opa~ the Hallocks Bay ~Vaterway. This reouest stems from various amd ~creasi~ ~uestio~s pas~ed to the supporters ef this project. At present r~m~mmrs are beLug discussed r~.ther th~u facts~ S~ce tbs hearing o~ this pro. ec~ held at the ~rme~z Fire House im &ugust of ~oo~e th~ petitioners have heard abso~ ly ~othi~g from you. We recuest as much i~formation as to the TM ~' ~ ~Spo~-~lO~ past ~d ~¥ '~ %hie project as yourgovsrni~ body may ~ow have~ e~abiing us to correct above situation. A reply ~ the m~t meeti~ of the board of directors of this club~ 6/15/67~ would b~ appreciated~ ~ery truly yours~ Board of Directors~ ,~ster Ponds Rod & G~ Club~ &!fred R. Norklua~ Sec. 0 G ST. LAND 0 ® OF THE ORIENT FIRE D~STRICT SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.~ FIRE WELL MARCH 30, Ig56 OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS GRI:ENPORT, N,Y.