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9 OFFICE LOCATION: �O�*Of SU(/lyOlO MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) ® Q Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 ,c� Q Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To- Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: April 17, 2017 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for EUGENE C. BURGER, JR SCTM# 1000-104-3-2 Eugene J. Burger, Sr. on behalf of EUGENE C. BURGER, JR. requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 10'6"'x20'2° porch, a 9'6"x6 porch, a 10'6"x6' addition, and a second floor addition onto the existing single-family dwelling. Located: 2385 Pine Neck Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-104-3- 2 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP policy standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. 'o.wn TEN W, -SSME APR A, 2017' 6X81ST C ASSE NS .1 T TFRUJUMON& SoutWold Toen '.Planning Board -i Ap or qri_ ind u inp'licppg -comp.qte, §`CCAF 'for, � tbpbsed,actiosareJe nist6ficRd"Py e Ao,,.wbpldm&hVbth ou o A•agency in -1d" Ce _I, ng.,.- :of ency-..,�,t, w,:mclu''ing But, mg,.��erm ai,,,determ :corisigt ter and-.othermmq err per'hr#s_ J 6f f6 0 366ti(in: C"thi re arer of thi§:forrri P ,plibuld ex 64, qwn,6f."96.utfi6ldLo Mir _10 ariatib h i TT V talizdtibnF',PiOgqam,' �',A�,*,:.t)tobb8ed",.�t'a'�c"ii'6ii.�'w'ill*�',i bei�.-`tVal 6.dte&v.f9s,..tb,:itsl"_ c , Soli I'd,,'T. 8 'tehefieiad,-an.d;,advers'e-;e- gets.pridn. &-ed6tM tk... d sed ,::action on, e�pq 4,t� 66c; en, ipose ..-action affect iie46iil�fif.of I and� "diti- `W s,an ar, s con i onsico n All. is ency,- 6 j,_-il na, 4 �,fevi --4qW,`- limJ646 �'Aifs!Vermus polio y', and �an d 0 jagific 19tt w,,i ht `*ih"tSLW.RP f , tio' rig "OtJ afd§"' it, aces:.p inq.8 6"Ttdb 6_4 46116w py_--6f Ahe..LWWRP,is-,a Ail-bi ji "Ib6i )�� edn de hDe art d"thi -,,T.�' ak ;fTj oc . s�- v,i raries_m Pe A ce,, �DESCfPMO 'T U- ,d:;,,��" B ACTION X 3F 8 24TROP. � P!�cR o n, w6i' a ejresp6hsw, p :Board Town Boar-d> an nift De PPF NO ogi Category of Town 4 -k Vp th-Id R' .`66 d-r(A on,un e tfu -V. ,acti Fl d tkab sactibn).,, cons ction an, n iqqqqi., :�4ssp ancev,e. `Penni n, ppy ,certification:`':gpp .alk v. Al; %Ov A kr-,`r4AWA X iiboo n HaOid AP 6� Board of Trustees Application GENERALDATA Land Area(in square feet): 3 3 5, F. iOE L�itJE) Area Zoning: - �f Previous use of property: SI N G. C r4 W/.L.Y &,E z_G 1,&2 G Intended use of property:Sw4l -Zc /`a Q,L y1Qi.'z<., ,,vi WIA0011 io1v Covenants and Restrictions on property? Yes No If"Yes", please provide a copy. / Will this project require a Building Permit as per Town Code? V Yes No If"Yes",be advised this application will be reviewed by the Building Dept. prior to a Board of Trustee review and Elevation Plans will be required. Does this project require a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals? Yes _J_No If"Yes",please provide copy of decision. Willthis project requiryany demolition as per Town Code or as determined by the Building Dept.? Yes �( . .No Does the structure(s)on property have a valid Certificate of Occupancy? /Yes No Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: _Agency 4„F Date NYS_ QLC MAt- Tue,sD(e-77 41 No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency?_No Yes If yes,provide explanation: Project Description(use attachments if necessary): oftPGtSE o �OR� hir 4o � i �U,�ia� AdJA4L,M6= l4v,o,r.4ds .4*6IN t/M!r a7W XIS r.,v,,<- DIVS T Ruc rye�� A112 e G D S e ew Td AGI/[:T i-A A/0,& .- - t. a .. -, _• ,a .., aocation�of action: .3 BS,. 1-iN 1,, EEwow ;Site;acreage: •. „`a?resent land-use -Presenf.zoning classif cation: 2, If an'application,for,alie:pToposed•°action.has°been^"filed.witli tlieTown:of S:outtioldagency; the.foIlowirig. ' `,information shall be;proided::` (a)``Name'.of'applicah't _ !�l= Fx'iE. 'Ivlailing::addiess_a :38SS: rY c)-Telephone:nurribei:AreaCode:. fid) Applicaiion:number;.:if.any:, Will ttie:`action;ti'e:dir""ectly;uncler'takeri-req A funding;or appro al.,by.a-state or federal agency,? Yes:0-allo* :- If ye or federala enc. ;• :y. Ct Evalaate the`pr-oject fo the'followibg'p'olicies:=,by:analypog;tiow-,the,project will further s:upport:or riot support thee policies:``Provide all`pr-oposed.`BestrlVlanagement=Practices-that,will:fuxther'each='policy; Incomplete.answ.ers;"will requ re,Atl at the form.be,retarned'for c'omplefion.., t-VtLOPED`COAST POLICY ; • "'Pohcyl:�F.ostera:patfern of�development• n.;the�Town:of.�Southol`d;that-'enli`i'ances�coinmunity.cliaracter pre§erves:open space makes effcientruseofinfrastructure;>riiakesa%erieficial;a§e.of a coastal:'location;'arid minimizes adverse effecfs of development:,:See LWRP•`'Sectiop Hl' Policies;.Page;;2 for;evalaation criteria:. ; �-PRop An4JAW [_(/EC' a' r`i s! -'0'A' F" `/qQD/TlG:f%t._; A' :'NL 6fi�ltiil j... ' /ITsF.: :Lf/ TnPe jF lfy lL/i:c.G.Nom :C�/fQ. '►: fl,�}'•y.'.Q`i¢G 'wRIVn`-..Sit?' Attaoh:adchhonal sheets if iecessary • y, , ' - ` Polic :2:'Protect and% 'r,.eserve'_historic"and:archaeoloJical: resources';of , w. of Souttrold.,.See.. . LWRP;Secaion III`.=Policies Pages 3 tfi`r.'oagfi'6`;for evaldatiori:,cn eria{ . ^ ;Yes:Us.NoTa41 rNo.t>Applicatile _ `•Attac}i'1t%dditionalssfieets"ifnecessary' '. :P-.olicy:3.,, :Enhance:wisuaf,quality"and:;protecf scenic .resources::thrOld. t'the`Town;.;of'SoutfioId*e, LWRP'SectionM-:Poli'cies'<'P 96s" Ilirougli<Tfor,evaluation-:criteria Yes 0Aplicible, . ' .;�.� _ ,�o'� TinN,< -��'� •� riA'' ��o . 1- ';oat%� r , _ .: • . : : (�i�•�o �.,7_ �P- y TH T AttacH:additiorial�sheets-ifinecessaiy '; ; - •', --. - . - , - . NATURAI ::C OAST;POI,ICIES: ; Policy:4:,<:Minimize::Goss::of;life;3'sti�uctures.,;and natural:=resources;from-Ilooding� d, reros on: See,:LWRP.: '. SectionIIT-Policies Page`s 8:jthroughrl"6:-forie�atu aton:criteria : Yes.° °`N.o2NoY.APPlcable :. ,• . .. TIS C %�iP'�;l.Fn`..T .��.L ...,NAT' "CyyN-AII/�... •�iH,E:'TD'io d"•G%J:i4.F i�y !2F THE • nl,'L �wida4!_ /'RDi�E"RTy /s' 440x, ZONE ;X 10ach'a4itio'nalsheefs i£necessary Policy;5:, Protect,;and improve;water-qual tyG arid'supply.:in;the Town of Southold; She Y:WRP,Section III :'Policies:Pages i6 throxi li 2i.for evaluat o"riteria;,. '. ;Yes:° =N'o: ; ;Not Applicable. D'GG�:F^ >_� .'CD NII%E cT'E�'�• ;/D" �u'i4., >• A7- R- - -,Attach,additional,Aeets ifriecessary"' ; Pokey 6 Protect:and:restore;=the:.qualiftWow -Su" tlioldcosmic`lu'd2 2g•'ty yesin a4C'Sig'n` fc—" oastal,Fish nd'WildlifeHa6tatsandKetlans:; ocesPages> r 'tfi'rough32'for:eal`uatoncri`teria:. :a ::EJ os (Yes N;o Not Applicable S'T K 'tn ri�AVI. 9 c.E AN,0` Si c:r- /U ' 44.,1: Attach a. . ... . :....... .. .. ... _. - ,. dditional sheets if.necessa .. .Folic y T: ;Protect and°.,improve.:a�r quality.,.iri tNe T.own.,;of.Southold:-See'>I�W 'r`Section lIh=Policies.• Pages 32';through 34 fo'r.evaluation criferia. > ' Attach dditional sheefs;if necessary` ! Policy=8: .1Glinimize<.environmental degradaton;'in.'Towns of_`Southold.from-solid wastie and;hazardous. su6stances;andwastes:,:See.`LWRP'SectionIII Policies; Pages34.through38'for•.evaluafioip.criteriTh a:; .Yes:.O No;Y ,Not Applicable,. . ' - 7(:(ja.f�nii SRN/'T�4i2 SYS7E�'!!"'^w>LYk `it9� c R<cri1'EAlt <'rD" oar= D siw;.=/1F�iVa l�o�uT i rc So,c l�nAi�T,RiIG�TI �(/ bE[3R'�i " ,,,,DQE PUBLIC:�COAS'T`POIICIES Policy:0--Tk6vide l6r public,access::,t'o;.:aud::recreationalrase"of,.coastal:;waters; public'lands.;..and.public resoairces`.oftheTown:of Southold. See LW...RP Section III Policies;,,Pages;38 through 46 rforte�alaa'tion. , . - -, - - ,o sYkPPlicalile ; _' '�Y::'/S-Ti`ri!•=Y.r=�</"iGN't�<<%�':?G..-'-�"/1(�PfR?`j%� G!/',.,.TlsNARiP�Y�. S%aF f}' • 6'T 3S.Q ''-: •i`N 14L' �QFFif (�Y11S S 'll Attach'additioiialrs},,._. °if necessary: WORKING C.OAS,TsP,QLICIES' , Policy:10:'Protect'Sout)fold`&water=depentient,;dses:and,promote,>sitingr of_new water=dependent':uses in . suitable;locations::.See'LWRP:Section''ITIS :-YAdj s; Pagese47 through"56 for evaluatit n;criter`ia:., Q;Yes>,Q' No NotAPPlicable. Attach.�dditional`slieefs._ifnecessary` Policy:,}'.11:. ;Promote'.sustainable.,use--of•living:< mA 'ne. .res,ources`in,Long':Island �S,oun'd : th'e: P<econ c ;tittiary and Town'waters: See;I;WRP Section'III-_Policies;:Pages 5.71:througti°62.for evaluat on:cr ter a.F iYes:' ";No,L Not::A:. di'm 4 _ pp -Attach addiiional1slieetssif;'iiecess�'.a P,olicy`'.12 : ".Pr.'otecf:agricultural:xlands=in, t>ie:Town~:of Sout}io1d .See:LWRP:Section'III==Policies•T` _..., 62t1%rough`65:for evaluatiori,c'riteria.: s. �- ge -.:'�"yam. :,, '` '. ;• - • " T . ire A�vIRR�`ftnl2/ii6= :�RD�cRr 'F=t'. :.Aa' :q _ieo 0 Attacmh:additional>sheets'if :Policy-,13. Promote.':appropriate:uie,and.;development`�of`energy-.-,arid mmeral'.resourcesa.See;.I;WRP;- ;5ectionaIII=Policies;";Pages'65^througtii;68':for"evalaat ori=rcr teria ryes, Q1 No,:O 'NotApplicable N_ :. Me ,Co .i. iV; Bim_< :,;ilE°iUT2 tjL „ . PREPAREDxBY. -R .[1`.: = E3r�2 `TITLE, d47 . DATE: �'' - ,r j ...- 1.' ' J� ., wq v k@ � � .f � �.. '^""�., f �.� � � � �' t. _ .,.._" .� ... „ � �,,. � .. ... � �.,.t.. :.; — C ` — N � � __ _..... u., .. ,' -,>. Y »s+y �� [.�2�.1e� - l.a-���nK� W�'T . 1 A:1 W �4 '• � •4 -J�� i._F ..y _.. ., � f ' � r . -� c.. OQ -- �.�,. h�,� � � � ,~ _. 1 ti_ °"' .. wa..r...,,... .. .... � r. ,� ..— �1 1 [[ "i w 1 �--. r �*- � - _.. 'i � -- i- - Z .__ } �._ -- t-. ,_ .::.� � .. ;,.rte .._ �,. _. T::. .- w ._. a3 ., ... �.a a'� ..r ...��... ,,...�n�••nom. y t x �_.,. �_.... X'!s" �" a E F. `F' t _ � � .� .. �.. ref:. ran „...�. _ M.......,...... �y«1rs'. � �. .� .�.:.w. ...«..�., }a-.�.. `�v .. i� Arm wa��. ��, � �� �d�{ x rC ylA. F ,�..,��4� y�" .. ,. �: .� ,t .,� i "��ar`^r..r' ,s,,,ga�..�+u^r "tea^ �ri�rt.' sm � w� �'J !'�i`3 `Fi i4 .. »,, � ._-. :. .:. .q ,.m .f .. ,. 1J E C��43Y"2r, - L.,90 lutis� UJ r £ a:� �!� �.•. ir(µFT, sv: 1 13 _ MEN I w � y K " f _ i 77x, 6 1 1 JI'a•�Ia aw � ♦ A � ��P 1 • ♦q/ u e• 1 I_ A LrrTLE 1 I I e • ♦ 's\,♦ I ♦ CREEK � 'lee p9. ♦o � � ♦ I-' O w--'" 10 �'p+-� nun ' ♦ ti a1' w µ+`c``� 3 Oa � ,�,Ly\' �- � �,-. • A 11 le'' D_ � s Ilii arc Ilea° � .� ♦�il� 7a- . I `19µF. `w A w � � ° '�' ♦ T a• � � I A '♦ 10 II 1i°n �' V .!-p ♦ 17 ,e IU I � `• � 111 .` S.Wc)'•* t •p tp P n Ate. I / P^ ,G ♦ ,O II '7D �] 1J.eNU nwl 1, e• 4 e I r� ` � � yt}Na �..�� \ +cwrslwc •S ��A 49�LA • p� q3 I ,o♦ ♦ t �' a II II♦ ,a I ♦�.. Z I � s It. ♦ ♦ .s \ BROADWATERS COVE \. \ "xa � ` p •� S� a ' d ��. ♦ TOWN OF SOUTHOID 1.4 'AAM q ♦ I° ♦ 12 ' o j" �s � w w• I1M, ./ '+. '1.: t v 1 w w '�pw '1� a' t p 12 21NU 1 j ��' •.! o a . e 0 r 1 Is `\ y � �_J.y1/cLi ., r,4vc/ / s, y ♦ ,•'�.fi,,� ;.N` I 'Yy 6 n`I la 1 �♦\ HAYWATER COVE I _ c• //c / .,� J .. "" ..i p, le ♦ •� 1013 '♦`- -.U '' 107 r t� ♦ - ' O 1 .-3 p., s kill .�.` --. 4� s'7.- - -_—__ .`-�•r �'.�1�=�i�� .. £..�� ..�...",.:-a: y��„�!?ti..'o^a; �W.9tF..s,y COUNTY OF_,�SUFFOLK © .e, � soun+oLo >vc; -T` ._ _ •FY• "' - — - - __ 2 '"1 _ �'`w�^Y FREDEROCK ROBERT !"WEBER LOT COVERAGE: DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: (To To of Bank= 15,220 SF) Addition and Contributory Roof Area = 2200 sf n n�aMo�2�� EXISTING ADDITION TOTAL x .16' (2" Rain) AR U1l E HOUSE/Garage: 2313 sP 133 sf 2506 sf Drainage Capacity Required: 352 cf PORCHES: - 252 sf 252 sf Structure Capacity SUB-TOTAL 2313 sf 385 sf 2-(58 sf Gal./cf A 8'0 x 6' Deep Drainage Ring 2535 sf n n n DECKS: 161 sf -161 sf - . w/ Traffic Bearing Slab SHED: 80 sf -80 sf - B wl x Deep Drainage Ring 52.5 sf w/ Traffic Bearing Slab TOTAL- 261-4 sf 14.4 sf 2-158 sf 4'0 x 6' Deep Drainage Ring C w/ Traffic Bearing Slab 52.5 sf I�f.2% G�) � Total Provided: 358.5 cf 2� no LOT 16 W WOOD RET. I WALL OYN I ° 01t 20" E SPLIT RAIL FENCE (OELAP) 0.55 i \ ____� v, Porch / 1 I N 81 'emove, ZONE X/ �z 4 0- us— — Additrarr. I w capN K i_i bed ' - - _ #� '°` ,�O I� Im I � BRIC - --- - ---- -'--- - EN _ w � 59_6'---_- -- move I� I Z DRAWING TITLE: , ;E s �° ` ✓ / � 94, �------------------- -------- -------------- EX15 Cs O ••••9.6` I�Dec in I I � I I� I � � SITE PLAN r-- ,4S,d l`T F--+ C T>:R ` N w GAR. FLR. EL. 11.2 FR I � 1 U)A 11 9.9 Addition 1 r ' O , W M�? LLI Pr= EL 12. ; gg rCN lz1 N 29.8' y I �XiGrndePati i t 135.0001 w 35 Opo (Proposed 2nd ots �� o 4emain) 75, :.:. y rort �(ard� `1 LOT 1 Additions I ,(Rear) I of Existin Hou 9�, Addition r I ,qsA, B 04 8� Footprint) - I r w o .y� .� 1 j0K ^' u.,' Hay Bale t 1, I + 0 ., 2n r . .: .E: Porch Silt Fencing i (Over P c ) N _:-- -- Addition -------- - 1 1 N i j JOB: --� ----------- ----- -- �� 2„' -�,�, 8 RENOVATION/ADDITION — _ ------- N - - ► STOCKA FE. — ----- RN 'L.i ”' - 03'N IUALL 1 i BURGER RESIDENCE MON ,. � � �� O E 0.9'E FE 253.�(5� 0.6'N O UT LITY SPLIT RAIL FENCE 0.3'S �- O 2385 PINE TREE ROAD S 8-1° 01' 20" POLE `- a CUTCHOGUE, NY FE m TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mu 1000-104-03-02 LOT -I 4- S- LOT I4A ARCHITECT: SITE P L A N NORTH PROPERTY OWNER: FREDERICK R. WEBER EUGENE C. BURGER 41 EAST MAPLE ROAD -� GREENLAWN. NY 11140 s 1" = 20'-0" SITUATE: CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 52 NOYAC PATH SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK WATER MILL, NY 11911- SURVEY 1916SURVEY INFORMATION: TEL 631 154-5555 PECONIC SURVEYORS, P.C. FAX 631 261-1084 (UNIMPROVED) SOUTHOLD, NY MEADOW LANE SURVEYED: JUNE 10, 2010 LAST UPDATED: JUNE 18, 2010 ELEVATIONS REFERENCED TO N.A.V.D. of 1988 MAR 6,WO LOT NUMBERS REFER TO "MAP OF NASSAU FARMS" Reduce Porch A 1. FLOOD PLAIN: ZONE X FILED IN THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE REV.: FLOOD ZONE FROM FIRM MAP 36103C0164H, SEPTEMBER 25, 2009 ON MARCH 28, 1935 AS FILE NO. 1119 DATE: APRIL 20, 2011 8 '"'`---_ EXISTING CONTOUR SCALE I" 20' SCTM# 1000-104-03-02 8 REVISED CONTOUR LOT AREA: 11,633 S.F. (TO TIE LINE) JOB NO: w201103 8 �� NEW CONTOUR LOT AREA. 11,513 S.F. (TO MEAN HIGH WATER) =MONUMENT ZONING: NDN-CONFORMING LOT (LESS THAN 20,000 SF) DRAWING NO. YARDS: (PRINCIPAL) FRONT 35' SIDE (ONE): 10' SIDE (BOTH): 25' _ 0 REAR: 35' IL PF :;a HEIGHT (MAX.): 35' L( APR - 4 2017 OF Al v��Q P-oolo,- k25�usn kf&) r � o " -I- 1 CL J-1 U s5 I i - ties ' Jq 6"Wr fit /� 1 rPST ,J- I- - - - i 2-111 21►_2u __ :/� C1OXt �O, 0. ,SOK R. - _-�,.. Zoo4 6 F. _ _ _12,0 - ..... ` Z '" t __--- -- _ __ f( 444��,••• 4 o ( - Ail Ll �bTl rz� . ..ltr.+E .......... . I 40 t" A ol I ` i } t = ' VX Vv T--J�� , \CK rj. s DV L-n� z.., tit i ► r i. i - - IA, �j - - 14 HT - . t 41 All r • i of -717 1-7 F1 T EW + t 1 Ii i --��--GST--I��LZ�✓G�I� ._.< _ -_,..1�.��7 -^---- ..._."._ .5. -.12,y� .L _---- ----___�-__.. -_-+ -��SNLM�`��U• -44