HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/2018 � uTOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT Monthly Report: March 2018 SPRING 2018 BROCHURE: The brochure was delivered to the Recreation Department on Monda March 5 1h and distributed to local businesses and libraries. Registration began Thursday, March 8t . Registration ran smoothly and several returning and new program sold out on registration day or soon after. Several new programs like the Fall Prevention and Farmhouse Cooking were well received by the community. REGISTRATION SYSTEM: A conference call meeting took place between the Recreation Department, Technologies Department and BAS, the company that created and maintains the online registration system. Currently a mobile compatible site is being tested as the current site is not mobile compatible. It was determined that the Town of Southold will hold off on the introduction of the mobile friendly site until the Fall 2018 or Winter 2019 season to allow time for the kinks in the new system to be worked out. The mobile capabilities of the system will make it easier for participants to register as more and more people are relying on mobile devices instead of computers to access the internet. SUMMER 2018 BROCHURE: Preparations are being made for the Summer 2018 brochure. Instructors have been contacted and have been asked to confirm their program information by Aril 6th. Several new programs will also be introduced. The brochure will be an insert in the May 10t edition of the Suffolk Times. 2018 BATHING BEACH PERMIT RENEWAL APPLICATIONS: The Suffolk County Department of Health Services' applications to renew our bathing beach permits have been received and are in the process of being completed. Applications are due back to the department by May 15tH LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS: The first of two lifeguard certification courses took place on Friday, March 30th. The first class sold out with 15 registrants. The second class will be taking place on April 21 st and April 22nd. All participants will take their test in June. 2018 BEACH SEASON: At the March 27th Work Session, the Board supported the introduction of a part-time Assistant Beach Manager position to replace the previous part-time Beach Manager position. This will widen the pool of applicants who are able to apply, afford current staff the opportunity for advancement, and reduce costs for the town. The Board decided to increase the number of days that Beach Attendants work from the previous three days to five days per week. Attendants will be scheduled Thursday through Monday. Applications were mailed out to last year's staff that showed exemplary service. The deadline for returning applications was Monday, March 12th. To date, six Beach Attendants, nineteen Lifeguards, two Water Safety Instructors, and our full time Beach Manager have confirmed their return. Open positions will be posted in the April 19th edition of the Suffolk Times in order to ensure coverage for the season. RECREATION DEPARTMENT DEPOSITS & EXPENDITURES: Following are copies of our monthly bank statement. Please note that any withdrawals on the bank statement are program refunds for those participants who paid with a credit card. Sincerely, Janet Douglass Recreation Supervisor IP, BN.13 Datilk, TOWN uu9'YT )10 BRAIIY7'11 7E EPFI.,u@r ' 6 d, rVu G ",010 You KN8.1 IT row pult:n�l. Y lic N, c'ulr �, 0 (Dr1"C".f" 14. A%' ''G lU1'AI LB1.2 BiZU11,11Cn:"IL 4i 2 7 61. .416 1.1c' 7' ,1 TA 01ITIE Bw IT 916 9 5 3 A1I:;RA E .BALARur'E 43 " q);;;, )2 44 2'7� 18 k',, o"ICi uEU r z,r: 98. i"9 d'V Ef 2 1"A"FEM214"? .0 3 B 0/:19 a5 5,�c 50 a r.u; E,T .. ..... .... .... .. ..... .... 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