HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1601 GF ALL DCCiKS Ai'TD =u~.~c.:~.~ uS ~'IUST DZSPL~:,¥ ViSiBLE P~"~'-~ ~UJ:-LB~RS f,r~?.~_~. ..~oo~.~ ~'~,'~ -~.~.. ~cf '.~- '-~-X-~-' -~~- ' '<.-~ - ~ '~'~ ~..~__~.'....~z'~ ~;% , ~-'~¥.~' ~ ~e~. -- .!~; ~:.~, ', .I, . ,. · ~.-, .'~ . -.~-j ~."' >r- _~>-~-:-'" 4,; ~-z.-'-.~ %, ~.~.~ ~t~ ~?~ ;'. ~.~-~ ~ ~-~),a~ ;;' b'l~~ ::: .~ P~RMJ NO ....... l~.O.l ............. DA ................................. ~L'~ - · ~" cc~,~m ~ Dorothy Northrldge ~'~:~: ,~w-~ ~ ................................................................................................................................. ~ne Sfafe or New ~or~, I893; an~ Chaplet 404 ot fne Laws of ~a{e o~ New Yod~ l%z; and the ~outno~d Town Or~}nance flZ[~a "REGULATING AND THE , LACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN '*' .... c ~, ~ R~MOVA. OF SAND, ~A~zL OR Olmz,. MATERIALS. F~OM LANDS ~'~'~ ~ '= ResoJu'f~on ofThe' Board ' ' ' a{ mee+~ng ~e~ on Ma~ 3~ Jg....~.~., and [n cons~aerar~=n ..... or fhe ~um of $..5...Q.Q .... pa~c by ......................... ....................................................... :::~ of .......... ~.~i.g~Ck .............................................. N. Y. ,nd ~;~ * fo fhe , Terms and Conanons Jkfed on ~he rever~e s~ae hereof, ot Soumod Town Trus ees aufaor zes and =erm~zs Me fo~ · ~t Approval under the Grandfather Clause to secure a permit number for a 40' X 5~ Retaining wall in Mattituck Creek. .g,,: all in accordance w~rn fha o_ral~, specmcat~ans as presenfed [n aim' fha or[ginaf[ng app/~cef[oa, t'~:"~ IN WITNESS W, ,.;x.~OF, The said .~oara ot Trusfees here' by cause~ ~fs Corporafe Seal fo be atnxec, and these ~.r~s;nts fo besu=scrmea' " ' by a ma~orlty of fhe said Board as of fhls daf.e. ~ ..c~5-Z.,~ ' i.2~3~L~L'., 'LS~· .'- q2~s~.i~-;2.'.---'[ - TERMS and CONDITIONS Thc Permi~,ee Mrs. Dorothy Northridge__ r~iding a: South Drive, Mattituck M. ¥., ~ ioMn;; I. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently disu!aved on the ~remises effected thereby during the period of 21 ~a: ~e ~d B~ of T~m~s ~d ~e Town of ~u~o/d ~ ~ed f~om ~y ~d work ~ damages, or da~ for d~as~~ of ~ a:~h~ ~ or ~r~27 ~ ~ r~: of ~Y o~- ur~der sufficient th-ne required to complete r-he work involved, but should circumstances adon r~erform~ed purs-~ant to tbSs p2nrffr, ~d ~e ~d Pe~ wilg a: ~ ~ her own ~% the !~ defend any ~d ~dl su~ s~u ~t~ by ~d pa~, and ~e ~d Pe~ ~ ~ ~inh~ ~ wiC~ respec~ ~herero, to ~e ~mp~e ~clusio~ of ~e ~ of Tr~e~ o. 'me Town o.. ~mdP ..... ~ 3. That ~ Pe~r h v~d for a p~ of ~xlN ~AR wM~ E ~d~ to ~ ~ for wa ex~emlon ma)' he made to ~e Board at a later 4 That. this Permh should be retaLned ' - r: -~ ,, . mae..,m~eo, or as long as the smd Permitree to maintain the structure or proiecr involved, ro prov:de evidence to an)'oae concern~ that orlzat/on sv~s ori~in~ily obtained. 5. That the work Lavolved wi/l be subject to r~he insp~sdon ~d approvM of ~e ~d or i~ agents, and noa-com~Hauce w~th the prov~or~ of ~e or~ga~g appHmdo~ ~7 ~ ~efor revocation of thh Pe:~ir by r~oluffon of the smd Bmr& 6. That there wi/[ be no unreasonable interference with navigation as x result of doe work hereto aud~orized. 7 ~ That there shall ~e no interference w:: the r/ght of the public :o pass and repass along the beach between h{gh and Iow water marks. 8.. That ff furore o?erz~ions of ~he Town of Sou~old require ~e' removal ~d/or ~temrior~ in the location of ~e work her~n autho_~.zed, or if, La t~e o?irfion of the Boo. rd of Tz-as~ee% the work sh~d/ cause unre~on~bie oBsrrucuon ro free navigation, r/ne said Pe~rtee win be req,,.dr~d~ u?n due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated ~drhour experm~s to the Town of Sou~oI& 9. That ~es~d Board w5i ~ nofifi~ bythe Pem,5=ee0= ~ecomple~oao~ ~e work o~ed. {See tear =~ O=~ sheet°) 10. That the Permit:ee will obt~n ail other pe:qxks and cor~enu that may be required p!emenra/ to nhis penznir which rrmy be ~ub~zr ~o revoke upon f~uee to ob~a-ln same. BOARD OF TOWP~ TIt{USTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 May I0, 1983 TELEPHONE (51S) 765-1592 Mrs. Dorothy Northridge 224 Madison Avenue Oceansidet New York 11572 Re: Retaining wall Dear Mrs. Northridge: Please find enclosedt the permit issued under the "Grandfather Clause" for the structure in Mattituck Creek. Thank you for helping to keep all of the structures in the town registered. Please post your permit number on the structure. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Paul Stoutenburgh President PS/ip Enclosure BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold 3bin Ro~d Sm;thold,~ I'~ew York ]19'2'1 ~©TZCE OF ACTION - NOT A PER~,IZT To: ...... Do~o ~h~-.,.N c~ t hr id~,e J. Your opp![cet;on~ da~ed Ap. ril 1i ~ 1983 has been reviewed by Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on ........ k[~X,..}.*...,};~.}. ......................................................... and ~esuldng in the action, os i~d~ceted be~ow: ( ..... .~$,,~ Application approved. ( ............ ) App![cation denied. ( ............ ) App[ication ~'abled. 2. Comments and remarks; Approved under the Grandfather Clause,. there is retaining wall in Mattituck Creek. a 40~X 5' A PEP~-ZT FEE 3. If~~4_~.~:~v~.~..~ ~.-'?Z'aw~ m~ ,'~-;~ is, ,~. d~.'4_e_,, and should be mede poyub~e to tk~ order of the Board of Southo/d Town Trustees. This fee is computed below accordJn~ the 5~hedu~e of Rmes~s :et forth in the ~structior~ ~heek~Eqrrn L/l), This f~e ~ust be .,, r ~f the Permit Fee is oa~d ~o person ~o the 5ecrersry or the ~card, ~he Permit wdl De at the some time. If the fee Js paid by mail, the permit w/l! be m~/led in Computation of Permit Fee: Toiei Fee for this application ............................. ~. .............................. $ ........................................ Signed . .. Pres. Board of C, outhoJd Tcwn Trustees.