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Carroll, John & Amelia
N �y i osu�Focr James F King,President Off' CQ PO Box 1 179 Bob Ghosio,Jr.,Vice-President Gy Southold,NY 11971 Dave Bergenti ? Telephone(631 765-1892 John Bredemeyer ,y Fax(63 1)765-6641 Michael J Domino y '� Southold Town Board of Trustees Field InspectionMorksession Report Date/Time: JOHN CARROLL AND AMELIA MURPHY-CARROLL request a Letter of No- Jurisdiction to repair and change the existing roof, add an additional room over the existing float roof, and construct an extension of the existing porch by 144 sf. Located: 230 Inlet Lane, Greenport. SCTM#43-5-4 Tyge'lof area to be impacted: _Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Distance of proposed work to edge of wetland PC-'Of Town Code proposed work falls under: hat.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland _Coastal Erosion _Amendment Administrative_Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Info needed: Modifications: Conditions: -/1z' ,4a c�� I / /�a�►I X ��A-4 G e dC s W. L % 49� Present Were: J. King B. Ghosio D. Bergen; _Bredemeyer Michael Domino D. Dzenkowski other Form filled out i the field by Mailed/Faxed to: Date: i 43 Chichester Road New Canaan,CT 06840 John M. Carroll - M. Amelia Murphy Phone:203 972-1722 Mobile:203 253.424] E-Mail:murphycarroll@optonGne.net FEB 3 2012 February 2,2012 Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25 P O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 RE.Request for Letter of No Jurisdiction. 230 Inlet Lane,Greenport,New York Dear Southold Trustees: For our property at 230 Inlet Lane in Greenport we have applied to the Building Department for a permit to allow us to repair and expand our home,which was originally constructed in the 1950's We are seeking to repair and change the roof, and add an additional room over the existing flat roof. We will stay within the existing footprint,with the exception of the request for a modest extension of the existing porch by 144 sf. The existing structure is beyond 100'of the landward edge of the tidal wetlands, as would the proposed modest porch extension. Per my inquiry to the Trustees' office we were advised to request this"Letter of No Jurisdiction",given the site of the structure, beyond 100'of the wetlands. Enclosed is a copy of the survey as of January 2012. Also,enclosed is a check for$5.0 to cover the expense that would be incurred in the event that a site inspection is required by the Trustees. Also we have enclosed a photo of the existing structure,which shows the surveyor's flag delineating the wetlands relative to the house. Please do not hesitate to contact me us if you need any additional information. Thank you for your attention. Since ely Jo ar ll and Ame6My-Carroll E ra....a._ —.�__ r.u�..,_ =.. r. \:l rru --•--_ N...o..0— '_. :en - e,..."...- �4'wnCx;.wP�R T"�P^"T1n^�*N^"�n - —_ _ E ."i.....:.-.-, rr_r ., n_...v..:f-•==.—._ mus....__ x: �. .::..' �:�.m.�}� ` :r �__—� .-�ar-rtD'.:i!^sz+T�:a.Sa'�.'.t2•.�Y':.3e.1. - 'J _ .vx��A, - �.�ee+,t�„y+.i+a.4. 3's. r �k� .D, r:'::al'.�qe'[+xL•n-�:%�.2�.i __ - — T't' a�.`a�d�,'�=. � .'-'+�-.`.:1Y . .... �, a"-7."8s":"^"F`_ _ .-,orrm-T,�, _ _ _ _ .•y�l�"' K'k." �'.,.;a�'-c+.._.--`-^R*�?.:-'*"%' _b;��4', _. _ - `-t,>_,e„z'x,...,CGr,�.r.�.: _" Wiz. _ - .—+th,;•._ - ,-...'._'�,��''�.','_` `-.?'"..'.,�`^`.�-.�'t'."�rr'.-� ��"". ____ �•—' — __ •=+�- - 6V1P3Ti __ - - SEE IINE --�-- SEE ']O TDWN N O, DF ,T TOWN OF j N u. sso� `\ eiNG � 5 O ,xycl I z.WU �I s z j � 31 m IO' TW.N OP I 0 w e ,.®ok- a a a z sDUTNatn i fl 7 21 v ``-,r�,rTiewvMR y SOYO,OIO x e r, m /� e ° I GARDINERS BAY j U Qb) ] mos n 1 ,.] i'I 2,NU e�s s j f 1. 24 \ >r SEGTg NO S COUNTY OF SUFFOLK u d __ -NoncE_ - © v �..aasou � 43 vN Rea1Property Tax Service Agenq P 'm'�+ m,q�t N° ,em P0.0PE0.tt MNP