HomeMy WebLinkAboutNISSEN, CARL V. THIS LEASE made i~ duplioa~e~ ~he 30~h day ef J9~e~ 1958~ between TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, in %he Oo~ of Suffolk ~ S~a~e of New Yo~k~ by a m~ori~y of l~$ ~y elected Trances an4 ~ vi~ of C~p~er ~1~ ~f ~h~ ~ws ~f ~ S~ uf New York. ~sse~ reselu~n a~e~t~ ~ a ~o~y of ~he T~s~ees ef ~ld New Ierk~ pa~y ~f ~he second ~t~ WIT~SB~, '~at the par~y of the ~irs~ par~ has agree ~o le~ am~ hereby a~es let ~o ~he said ~r~y of the sece~ par~, a~ the said ~r~y ef ~he second par~ ~s a~ee~ to hire a~ ~ these presents ~oes hire ~ ~ake of a~ f~ ~he T~ the follo~ i~ land ~er ~er-a% To~ Creek~ a~ Sou~hotd~ in the To~ ef Seuthold, Suffetk Co~ty, New York, said 'praises ~i~ an area 30 fee~ sq~re and consisting ef all that ~ao~ or parcel of land ~ wa~er ~u~ed nor~herly by existi~ b~em~ ad~aeen~ ~ premises of Ca~I V. Ntssen~ a die.nee of 30 f~; easterly by other~la~s ~der water of the To~ of $eu~el~ a dis%anee ef 30 fee~$ southerly by .~her lands ~er water of ~he T~n of Seuthold, a dis~anoe of 30 fee~$ mhd ~sterly bY ~th~r la~s ~der ~er of th~ To~ of Seu~held, said ~s~erly iine ~i~ ~7 fee~ easterly ~em ~he e~eni b~ead of $ou~held Park ~sSrie~, i~ ~ing ~ders~e~d s~ ag~ed that the ~r~y of ~e second par~ ~y i~ll and ~in~ a d~k on ~id premises not exeeeding ~ feel TO ~ AND TO HO~ to the ~r~y of ~he seco~ ~r~ his heirs a~ assiEms, for a~ duri~ ~he ~erm of fi~ years~ eo~e~ing J~ Ist~ 1958 and e~i~ ~y Is~ 1~3. a~ ~he year~ rental of Five ~llars per y~r~ ~yable J~ lst~ ~9~, and a~tly th~reaf~er, d~g the fu~ ~e~ of ~his lease. At the expiration of ~,%is lease ~he Town agrees to renew the same (if they feel i~ is for ~e ~st ~m~res~s T~) fo~ an a~itie~l pe~i~ of ~ive y~s ~ suoh te~s co~di~i~ as i~ ~y de~ ~cessa~ a~ prepe~ ~ the ~id party of ~e se~e~ ~r~ ~ve~n~ ~ ~e Town ~ l~ wl~ ~y s~u~l~ ~e cogent in ~iting of ~he T~ T~st~s ~o such ~der~ letti~ or assigns. ~is lease is subject, howeve~ to the pu~ic riEht ~vigmtion. On ~dition, ho~ver~ t~t ~e ~rty of the part will hold the said Tr~tees a~ 2he T~n of Seutheld ~ess a~ ~ee ~ a~ and all ~a~ges a~ c~i~ a~isi~ ~d~ virt~ of ~is lease. The ~2y of the seco~ ~ c~e~n~s t~t at the exp~ati~ of said te~ he ~ sur~deP up said pPemises to the party of the firs~ pa~t in as ~d ~o~ion as n~4 ~a~ a~ da~ge by the el~n~s excepted, IN WIT~SS ~OF, the said T~n of Seu~hold~ party of ~he first par% ~s by a vo~e of a ~Jority ef the B~rd of T~stees of said Town~ ~used its corporate seal to ~ here~to affixed, a~ these presents to he su~erl~d by a ~Jori~ of ~srd of TrusSes ~ the dsy and yesr a~ve ~ E A L (L.S.) ) ~ay of July, 19~8, ~efore me persoaally PHILIP k~EtLER~ of Orient, JOHN MoN~LTE, of Laurel, N.Y.$ ALVAH B. G~~ 2o me~ ~ ~g by ~ d~y ~r~ seve~tty ~id fha2 they each resided in ~he T~n ~f Sou~hol~ Co~y of S~fetk e~ S~te of New Yo~k, $~ were m~be~s of ~he ~ard of TruStees ef said Town ef Southe~ ~ co~itmted a ~Jori~y of ~he ~$ tha~ ~hey ~e~ the cer~rate seal of said To~ of Seuthel~ ~t ~he seal affixe~ ~o ~he foregoim~ i~r~ent ~s such co~rm~e seal; ~ha~ it ~s aff~ed ~ere~$e by order of ~he ~a~ of Trusiees ef sai4 T~wn of Seu~e~ and ~t ~eh eme sIgaed ~s ~me ~here~ as a T~s~ee a~ by like order. STATE OF ~ YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLE~ the ~ Oommiss,~ Ex,~ res March day of ~Oct,~ 1958, ~efome me p~rsenally came CARL V. NISSEN~ ~o me known and known ~e me ~o be ~he same person described in a~d who executed the wi~him instrument amd ~uly acknowledged to me that he. executed the same. Swprn to before me this __ ef Oct°, 1958. ~-~lary Public