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Albert L Kmpsld, President John Holzapfel, Vice President ._ 3im .King Martin H. Gan-ell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 765-1892 DEiP~E S. V~ABLES 430 SAILOR ~--r~DLR ROAD D~ATTITUC~. NY 11952 SCTM~ 144-5-29.t DEAR Deirdre S. Venables Attorney at Law ¢5 Hampton Road · P.O. Box 2433 Southampton. NY 11969 (516) 287-3053 ]'OWN OF SOUT O D February I1, 1997 Board of Trustees Town of Southold P.©. Box 1179 Southold~ NY 1197I Re: 430 Sailor Needle Road SCTM ~ 1000-144-05-30.1 Dear Board of Trustees: Please 5ransfer the permits (Wetlands Permit No. 262, Wetlands Permit No, t95 and Permit No. 1925) on the above-referenced proper5y from the-previous owners, John J. Newman and Lieselotte Newman. into the names of the current owners, Kevin McGilloway and Jane McGilloway, his wife. Enclosed ms a copy of the first page of the deed. If anything further is required, please advise. Very truly you~r~ Deirdre S. Venables Enclosures